mocked_classes = array(); $this->mocked_functions = array(); $this->mocked_statics = array(); } /** * Register the function mocks to use. * * @param array $mocks An associative array where keys are function names and values are function replacement callbacks. * * @throws \Exception Invalid parameter. */ public function register_function_mocks( array $mocks ) { foreach ( $mocks as $function_name => $mock ) { if ( ! is_string( $function_name ) || ! is_callable( $mock ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'MockableLegacyProxy::register_function_mocks: The supplied mocks array must have function names as keys and function replacement callbacks as values.' ); } } $this->mocked_functions = array_merge( $this->mocked_functions, $mocks ); } /** * Register the static method mocks to use. * * @param array $mocks An associative array where keys are class names and values are associative arrays, in which keys are method names and values are method replacement callbacks. * * @throws \Exception Invalid parameter. */ public function register_static_mocks( array $mocks ) { $exception_text = 'MockableLegacyProxy::register_static_mocks: $mocks must be an associative array of class name => associative array of method name => callable.'; foreach ( $mocks as $class_name => $class_mocks ) { if ( ! is_string( $class_name ) || ! is_array( $class_mocks ) ) { throw new \Exception( $exception_text ); } foreach ( $class_mocks as $method_name => $method_mock ) { if ( ! is_string( $method_name ) || ! is_callable( $method_mock ) ) { throw new \Exception( $exception_text ); } } } // TODO: replace the following with just "$this->mocked_statics = array_merge_recursive( $this->mocked_statics, $mocks )" once the minimum PHP version is bumped to 7.1 or newer (see $class_names = array_keys( $mocks ); foreach ( $class_names as $class_name ) { if ( array_key_exists( $class_name, $this->mocked_statics ) ) { $this->mocked_statics[ $class_name ] = array_merge( $this->mocked_statics[ $class_name ], $mocks[ $class_name ] ); } else { $this->mocked_statics[ $class_name ] = $mocks[ $class_name ]; } } } /** * Register the class mocks to use. * * @param array $mocks An associative array where keys are class names and values are either factory callbacks (with any extra arguments that get_instance_of would accept) or objects. * * @throws \Exception Invalid parameter. */ public function register_class_mocks( array $mocks ) { foreach ( $mocks as $class_name => $mock ) { if ( ! is_string( $class_name ) || ( ! is_object( $mock ) && ! is_callable( $mock ) ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'MockableLegacyProxy::register_class_mocks: $mocks must be an associative array of class_name => object or factory callback.' ); } } $this->mocked_classes = array_merge( $this->mocked_classes, $mocks ); } /** * Call a user function. This should be used to execute any non-idempotent function, especially * those in the `includes` directory or provided by WordPress. * * If a mock has been defined for the requested function using `register_function_mocks`, then the registered * callback will be executed instead of the function. * * @param string $function_name The function to execute. * @param mixed ...$parameters The parameters to pass to the function. * * @return mixed The result from the function or mock callback. */ public function call_function( $function_name, ...$parameters ) { if ( array_key_exists( $function_name, $this->mocked_functions ) ) { return call_user_func_array( $this->mocked_functions[ $function_name ], $parameters ); } return parent::call_function( $function_name, ...$parameters ); } /** * Call a static method in a class. This should be used to execute any non-idempotent method in classes * from the `includes` directory. * * If a mock has been defined for the requested class and method using `register_function_mocks`, * then the registered callback will be executed instead of the method. * * @param string $class_name The name of the class containing the method. * @param string $method_name The name of the method. * @param mixed ...$parameters The parameters to pass to the method. * * @return mixed The result from the method or mock callback. */ public function call_static( $class_name, $method_name, ...$parameters ) { if ( array_key_exists( $class_name, $this->mocked_statics ) ) { $class_mocks = $this->mocked_statics[ $class_name ]; if ( array_key_exists( $method_name, $class_mocks ) ) { $method_mock = $class_mocks[ $method_name ]; return call_user_func_array( $method_mock, $parameters ); } } return parent::call_static( $class_name, $method_name, ...$parameters ); } /** * Gets an instance of a given legacy class. * This must not be used to get instances of classes in the `src` directory. * * If a mock has been defined for the requested class using `register_class_mocks`, then the registered * object will be returned or the registered callback will be used to generate the instance to return. * * @param string $class_name The name of the class to get an instance for. * @param mixed ...$args Parameters to be passed to the callback function or to the parent class method. * * @return object The (possibly mocked) instance of the class. * @throws \Exception The requested class belongs to the `src` directory, or there was an error creating an instance of the class. */ public function get_instance_of( string $class_name, ...$args ) { if ( array_key_exists( $class_name, $this->mocked_classes ) ) { $mock = $this->mocked_classes[ $class_name ]; return is_callable( $mock ) ? call_user_func_array( $mock, $args ) : $mock; } return parent::get_instance_of( $class_name, ...$args ); } }