projects as $name => $project ) { $results[ $name ] = $makepot->generate_pot( $name ); } } // Load WooCommerce POT-files info $pot_files = array(); foreach( $makepot->projects as $name => $project ) { $pot_files[ $name ] = array( 'file' => $project['file'], 'file_exists' => file_exists( $project['file'] ), 'is_readable' => is_readable( $project['file'] ), 'is_writable' => is_writable( $project['file'] ), 'filemtime' => ( is_readable( $project['file'] ) ) ? filemtime( $project['file'] ) : false, 'filesize' => ( is_readable( $project['file'] ) ) ? filesize( $project['file'] ) : false, ); } if($is_shell) { printf("WooCommerce %s POT Generator\n\n", $makepot->woocommerce_version()); if ( ! empty( $results ) ) { foreach ( $results as $pot_file => $succeeded ) { printf(" * %s %s\n", basename( $pot_files[ $pot_file ]['file'] ), $succeeded ? 'successfully generated' : 'could not be generated'); } echo "\n"; } echo "This tool will (re)generate and overwrite the following WooCommerce POT-files:\n\n"; foreach ( $pot_files as $pot_file ) { printf(" - %-30s\t[%swritable]\n", basename( $pot_file['file'] ), $pot_file['is_writable'] ? "" : "not "); printf(" * Path: %s\n", dirname( $pot_file['file'] ) . '/'); printf(" * Size: %s\n", $pot_file['file_exists'] ? number_format( $pot_file['filesize'], 0 ) : '--'); printf(" * Last updated: %s\n", $pot_file['filemtime'] ? @date( 'F jS Y H:i:s', $pot_file['filemtime'] ) : '--'); } printf("\nTo Generate POT-files now you must run:\n\n"); printf("\tphp %s generate\n\n", $argv[0]); } else { ?> WooCommerce POT Generator

WooCommerce woocommerce_version() ?> POT Generator

This tool will (re)generate and overwrite the following WooCommerce POT-files:

Generate POT-files now