/** * External dependencies */ import { Cart, CartItem } from '@woocommerce/types'; import { dispatch, select } from '@wordpress/data'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { STORE_KEY as CART_STORE_KEY } from './constants'; interface NotifyQuantityChangesArgs { oldCart: Cart; newCart: Cart; cartItemsPendingQuantity?: string[] | undefined; cartItemsPendingDelete?: string[] | undefined; } const isWithinQuantityLimits = ( cartItem: CartItem ) => { return ( cartItem.quantity >= cartItem.quantity_limits.minimum && cartItem.quantity <= cartItem.quantity_limits.maximum && cartItem.quantity % cartItem.quantity_limits.multiple_of === 0 ); }; const notifyIfQuantityLimitsChanged = ( oldCart: Cart, newCart: Cart ) => { newCart.items.forEach( ( cartItem ) => { const oldCartItem = oldCart.items.find( ( item ) => { return item && item.key === cartItem.key; } ); // If getCartData has not finished resolving, then this is the first load. const isFirstLoad = oldCart.items.length === 0; // Item has been removed, we don't need to do any more checks. if ( ! oldCartItem && ! isFirstLoad ) { return; } if ( isWithinQuantityLimits( cartItem ) ) { return; } const quantityAboveMax = cartItem.quantity > cartItem.quantity_limits.maximum; const quantityBelowMin = cartItem.quantity < cartItem.quantity_limits.minimum; const quantityOutOfStep = cartItem.quantity % cartItem.quantity_limits.multiple_of !== 0; // If the quantity is still within the constraints, then we don't need to show any notice, this is because // QuantitySelector will not automatically update the value. if ( ! quantityAboveMax && ! quantityBelowMin && ! quantityOutOfStep ) { return; } if ( quantityOutOfStep ) { dispatch( 'core/notices' ).createInfoNotice( sprintf( /* translators: %1$s is the name of the item, %2$d is the quantity of the item. %3$d is a number that the quantity must be a multiple of. */ __( 'The quantity of "%1$s" was changed to %2$d. You must purchase this product in groups of %3$d.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), cartItem.name, // We round down to the nearest step value here. We need to do it this way because at this point we // don't know the next quantity. That only gets set once the HTML Input field applies its min/max // constraints. Math.floor( cartItem.quantity / cartItem.quantity_limits.multiple_of ) * cartItem.quantity_limits.multiple_of, cartItem.quantity_limits.multiple_of ), { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: `${ cartItem.key }-quantity-update`, } ); return; } if ( quantityBelowMin ) { dispatch( 'core/notices' ).createInfoNotice( sprintf( /* translators: %1$s is the name of the item, %2$d is the quantity of the item. */ __( 'The quantity of "%1$s" was increased to %2$d. This is the minimum required quantity.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), cartItem.name, cartItem.quantity_limits.minimum ), { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: `${ cartItem.key }-quantity-update`, } ); return; } // Quantity is above max, so has been reduced. dispatch( 'core/notices' ).createInfoNotice( sprintf( /* translators: %1$s is the name of the item, %2$d is the quantity of the item. */ __( 'The quantity of "%1$s" was decreased to %2$d. This is the maximum allowed quantity.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), cartItem.name, cartItem.quantity_limits.maximum ), { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: `${ cartItem.key }-quantity-update`, } ); } ); }; const notifyIfQuantityChanged = ( oldCart: Cart, newCart: Cart, cartItemsPendingQuantity: string[] ) => { newCart.items.forEach( ( cartItem ) => { if ( cartItemsPendingQuantity.includes( cartItem.key ) ) { return; } const oldCartItem = oldCart.items.find( ( item ) => { return item && item.key === cartItem.key; } ); if ( ! oldCartItem ) { return; } if ( cartItem.key === oldCartItem.key ) { if ( cartItem.quantity !== oldCartItem.quantity && isWithinQuantityLimits( cartItem ) ) { dispatch( 'core/notices' ).createInfoNotice( sprintf( /* translators: %1$s is the name of the item, %2$d is the quantity of the item. */ __( 'The quantity of "%1$s" was changed to %2$d.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), cartItem.name, cartItem.quantity ), { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: `${ cartItem.key }-quantity-update`, } ); } return cartItem; } } ); }; /** * Checks whether the old cart contains an item that the new cart doesn't, and that the item was not slated for removal. * * @param oldCart The old cart. * @param newCart The new cart. * @param cartItemsPendingDelete The cart items that are pending deletion. */ const notifyIfRemoved = ( oldCart: Cart, newCart: Cart, cartItemsPendingDelete: string[] ) => { oldCart.items.forEach( ( oldCartItem ) => { if ( cartItemsPendingDelete.includes( oldCartItem.key ) ) { return; } const newCartItem = newCart.items.find( ( item: CartItem ) => { return item && item.key === oldCartItem.key; } ); if ( ! newCartItem ) { dispatch( 'core/notices' ).createInfoNotice( sprintf( /* translators: %s is the name of the item. */ __( '"%s" was removed from your cart.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), oldCartItem.name ), { context: 'wc/cart', speak: true, type: 'snackbar', id: `${ oldCartItem.key }-removed`, } ); } } ); }; /** * This function is used to notify the user when the quantity of an item in the cart has changed. It checks both the * item's quantity and quantity limits. */ export const notifyQuantityChanges = ( { oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingQuantity = [], cartItemsPendingDelete = [], }: NotifyQuantityChangesArgs ) => { const isResolutionFinished = select( CART_STORE_KEY ).hasFinishedResolution( 'getCartData' ); if ( ! isResolutionFinished ) { return; } notifyIfRemoved( oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingDelete ); notifyIfQuantityLimitsChanged( oldCart, newCart ); notifyIfQuantityChanged( oldCart, newCart, cartItemsPendingQuantity ); };