import { ElementHandle, Page } from 'puppeteer'; import { DropdownField } from '../elements/DropdownField'; import { DropdownTypeaheadField } from '../elements/DropdownTypeaheadField'; import { FormToggle } from '../elements/FormToggle'; import { getElementByText } from '../utils/actions'; const config = require( 'config' ); const baseUrl = config.get( 'url' ); // Represents a page that can be navigated to export abstract class BasePage { protected page: Page; protected url: string = ''; protected baseUrl: string = baseUrl; // cache of elements that have been setup, note that they are unique "per page/per selector" private dropDownElements: Record< string, DropdownField > = {}; private dropDownTypeAheadElements: Record< string, DropdownTypeaheadField > = {}; private formToggleElements: Record< string, FormToggle > = {}; constructor( page: Page ) { = page; } getDropdownField( selector: string ) { if ( ! this.dropDownElements[ selector ] ) { this.dropDownElements[ selector ] = new DropdownField( page, selector ); } return this.dropDownElements[ selector ]; } getDropdownTypeahead( selector: string ) { if ( ! this.dropDownTypeAheadElements[ selector ] ) { this.dropDownTypeAheadElements[ selector ] = new DropdownTypeaheadField( page, selector ); } return this.dropDownTypeAheadElements[ selector ]; } getFormToggle( selector: string ) { if ( ! this.formToggleElements[ selector ] ) { this.formToggleElements[ selector ] = new FormToggle( page, selector ); } return this.formToggleElements[ selector ]; } async click( selector: string ) { await selector ); await selector ); } async clickButtonWithText( text: string ) { const el = await getElementByText( 'button', text ); await el?.click(); } async setCheckboxWithLabel( labelText: string ) { const checkbox = await getElementByText( 'label', labelText ); if ( checkbox ) { const checkboxStatus = await ( await checkbox.getProperty( 'checked' ) ).jsonValue(); if ( checkboxStatus !== true ) { await; } } else { throw new Error( `Could not find checkbox with label "${ labelText }"` ); } } async unsetAllCheckboxes( selector: string ) { const checkboxes = await page.$$( selector ); // Uncheck all checkboxes, to avoid installing plugins for ( const checkbox of checkboxes ) { await this.toggleCheckbox( checkbox, false ); } } async setAllCheckboxes( selector: string ) { const checkboxes = await page.$$( selector ); // Uncheck all checkboxes, to avoid installing plugins for ( const checkbox of checkboxes ) { await this.toggleCheckbox( checkbox, true ); } } // Set or unset a checkbox based on `checked` value passed. async toggleCheckbox( checkbox: ElementHandle< Element >, checked: boolean ) { const checkboxStatus = await ( await checkbox.getProperty( 'checked' ) ).jsonValue(); if ( checkboxStatus !== checked ) { await; } } async navigate() { if ( ! this.url ) { throw new Error( 'You must define a url for the page object' ); } await this.goto( this.url ); } protected async goto( url: string ) { const fullUrl = baseUrl + url; try { await fullUrl, { waitUntil: 'networkidle0', timeout: 10000, } ); } catch ( e ) { throw new Error( `Could not navigate to url: ${ fullUrl } with error: ${ e.message }` ); } } }