/** * External dependencies */ import { noop } from 'lodash'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { speak } from '@wordpress/a11y'; import { RawHTML, useEffect, forwardRef, renderToString, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import warning from '@wordpress/warning'; import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; const NOTICE_TIMEOUT = 10000; /** @typedef {import('@wordpress/element').WPElement} WPElement */ /** * Custom hook which announces the message with the given politeness, if a * valid message is provided. * * @param {string|WPElement} [message] Message to announce. * @param {'polite'|'assertive'} politeness Politeness to announce. */ function useSpokenMessage( message, politeness ) { const spokenMessage = typeof message === 'string' ? message : renderToString( message ); useEffect( () => { if ( spokenMessage ) { speak( spokenMessage, politeness ); } }, [ spokenMessage, politeness ] ); } function Snackbar( { className, children, spokenMessage = children, politeness = 'polite', actions = [], onRemove = noop, icon = null, explicitDismiss = false, // onDismiss is a callback executed when the snackbar is dismissed. // It is distinct from onRemove, which _looks_ like a callback but is // actually the function to call to remove the snackbar from the UI. onDismiss = null, __unstableHTML = false, }, ref ) { onDismiss = onDismiss || noop; function dismissMe( event ) { if ( event && event.preventDefault ) { event.preventDefault(); } onDismiss(); onRemove(); } function onActionClick( event, onClick ) { event.stopPropagation(); onRemove(); if ( onClick ) { onClick( event ); } } useSpokenMessage( spokenMessage, politeness ); // Only set up the timeout dismiss if we're not explicitly dismissing. useEffect( () => { const timeoutHandle = setTimeout( () => { if ( ! explicitDismiss ) { onDismiss(); onRemove(); } }, NOTICE_TIMEOUT ); return () => clearTimeout( timeoutHandle ); }, [ explicitDismiss, onDismiss, onRemove ] ); const classes = classnames( className, 'components-snackbar', { 'components-snackbar-explicit-dismiss': !! explicitDismiss, } ); if ( actions && actions.length > 1 ) { // we need to inform developers that snackbar only accepts 1 action warning( 'Snackbar can only have 1 action, use Notice if your message require many messages' ); // return first element only while keeping it inside an array actions = [ actions[ 0 ] ]; } const snackbarContentClassnames = classnames( 'components-snackbar__content', { 'components-snackbar__content-with-icon': !! icon, } ); if ( __unstableHTML === true ) { children = { children }; } return (
{ icon && (
{ icon }
) } { children } { actions.map( ( { label, onClick, url }, index ) => { return ( ); } ) } { explicitDismiss && ( ) }
); } export default forwardRef( Snackbar );