/** * External dependencies */ import { Page } from '@playwright/test'; import { Editor } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils-playwright'; import { BlockRepresentation } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils-playwright/build-types/editor/insert-block'; export class EditorUtils { editor: Editor; page: Page; constructor( editor: Editor, page: Page ) { this.editor = editor; this.page = page; } /** * Check to see if there are any errors in the editor. */ async ensureNoErrorsOnBlockPage() { const errorMessages = [ /This block contains unexpected or invalid content/gi, /Your site doesn’t include support for/gi, /There was an error whilst rendering/gi, /This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed/gi, ]; for ( const error of errorMessages ) { if ( ( await this.editor.canvas.getByText( error ).count() ) > 0 ) { return false; } } return true; } async getBlockByName( name: string ) { return this.editor.canvas.locator( `[data-type="${ name }"]` ); } async getBlockByTypeWithParent( name: string, parentName: string ) { const parentBlock = await this.getBlockByName( parentName ); if ( ! parentBlock ) { throw new Error( `Parent block "${ parentName }" not found.` ); } const block = parentBlock.locator( `[data-type="${ name }"]` ); return block; } // todo: Make a PR to @wordpress/e2e-test-utils-playwright to add this method. /** * Inserts a block after a given client ID. * */ async insertBlock( blockRepresentation: BlockRepresentation, index?: string, rootClientId?: string ) { await this.page.evaluate( ( { blockRepresentation: _blockRepresentation, index: _index, rootClientId: _rootClientId, } ) => { function recursiveCreateBlock( { name, attributes = {}, innerBlocks = [], }: BlockRepresentation ): BlockRepresentation { return window.wp.blocks.createBlock( name, attributes, innerBlocks.map( ( innerBlock ) => recursiveCreateBlock( innerBlock ) ) ); } const block = recursiveCreateBlock( _blockRepresentation ); window.wp.data .dispatch( 'core/block-editor' ) .insertBlock( block, _index, _rootClientId ); }, { blockRepresentation, index, rootClientId } ); } async closeModalByName( name: string ) { const isModalOpen = await this.page.getByLabel( name ).isVisible(); // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-conditional-in-test if ( isModalOpen ) { await this.page .getByLabel( name ) .getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Close' } ) .click(); } } async replaceBlockByBlockName( name: string, nameToInsert: string ) { await this.page.evaluate( ( { name: _name, nameToInsert: _nameToInsert } ) => { const blocks = window.wp.data .select( 'core/block-editor' ) .getBlocks(); const firstMatchingBlock = blocks .flatMap( ( { innerBlocks, }: { innerBlocks: BlockRepresentation[]; } ) => innerBlocks ) .find( ( block: BlockRepresentation ) => block.name === _name ); const { clientId } = firstMatchingBlock; const block = window.wp.blocks.createBlock( _nameToInsert ); window.wp.data .dispatch( 'core/block-editor' ) .replaceBlock( clientId, block ); }, { name, nameToInsert } ); } async getBlockRootClientId( clientId: string ) { return this.page.evaluate< string | null, string >( ( id ) => { return window.wp.data .select( 'core/block-editor' ) .getBlockRootClientId( id ); }, clientId ); } /** * Toggles the global inserter. */ async toggleGlobalBlockInserter() { // "Add block" selector is required to make sure performance comparison // doesn't fail on older branches where we still had "Add block" as label. await this.page.click( '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Add block"],' + '.edit-site-header [aria-label="Add block"],' + '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Toggle block inserter"],' + '.edit-site-header [aria-label="Toggle block inserter"],' + '.edit-widgets-header [aria-label="Add block"],' + '.edit-widgets-header [aria-label="Toggle block inserter"],' + '.edit-site-header-edit-mode__inserter-toggle' ); } /** * Checks if the global inserter is open. * * @return {Promise} Whether the inserter is open or not. */ async isGlobalInserterOpen() { return await this.page.evaluate( () => { // "Add block" selector is required to make sure performance comparison // doesn't fail on older branches where we still had "Add block" as // label. return !! document.querySelector( '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Add block"].is-pressed,' + '.edit-site-header-edit-mode [aria-label="Add block"].is-pressed,' + '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Toggle block inserter"].is-pressed,' + '.edit-site-header [aria-label="Toggle block inserter"].is-pressed,' + '.edit-widgets-header [aria-label="Toggle block inserter"].is-pressed,' + '.edit-widgets-header [aria-label="Add block"].is-pressed,' + '.edit-site-header-edit-mode__inserter-toggle.is-pressed' ); } ); } /** * Opens the global inserter. */ async openGlobalBlockInserter() { if ( ! ( await this.isGlobalInserterOpen() ) ) { await this.toggleGlobalBlockInserter(); await this.page.waitForSelector( '.block-editor-inserter__menu' ); } } async enterEditMode() { await this.editor.page .getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Edit', exact: true, } ) .click(); } async isBlockEarlierThan< T >( containerBlock: T, firstBlock: string, secondBlock: string ) { const container = containerBlock instanceof Function ? await containerBlock() : containerBlock; if ( ! container ) { throw new Error( 'Container block not found.' ); } const childBlocks = container.locator( ':scope > .wp-block' ); let firstBlockIndex = -1; let secondBlockIndex = -1; for ( let i = 0; i < ( await childBlocks.count() ); i++ ) { const blockName = await childBlocks .nth( i ) .getAttribute( 'data-type' ); if ( blockName === firstBlock ) { firstBlockIndex = i; } if ( blockName === secondBlock ) { secondBlockIndex = i; } if ( firstBlockIndex !== -1 && secondBlockIndex !== -1 ) { break; } } if ( firstBlockIndex === -1 || secondBlockIndex === -1 ) { throw new Error( 'Both blocks must exist within the editor' ); } return firstBlockIndex < secondBlockIndex; } async setLayoutOption( option: | 'Align Top' | 'Align Bottom' | 'Align Middle' | 'Stretch to Fill' ) { const button = this.page.locator( "button[aria-label='Change vertical alignment']" ); await button.click(); await this.page.getByText( option ).click(); } async setAlignOption( option: 'Align Left' | 'Align Center' | 'Align Right' | 'None' ) { const button = this.page.locator( "button[aria-label='Align']" ); await button.click(); await this.page.getByText( option ).click(); } async saveTemplate() { await Promise.all( [ this.editor.saveSiteEditorEntities(), this.editor.page.waitForResponse( ( response ) => response.url().includes( 'wp-json/wp/v2/templates/' ) || response.url().includes( 'wp-json/wp/v2/template-parts/' ) ), ] ); } async closeWelcomeGuideModal() { const isModalOpen = await this.page .getByRole( 'dialog', { name: 'Welcome to the site editor' } ) .locator( 'div' ) .filter( { hasText: 'Edit your siteDesign everything on your site — from the header right down to the', } ) .nth( 2 ) .isVisible(); // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-conditional-in-test if ( isModalOpen ) { await this.page .getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Get started' } ) .click(); } } async transformIntoBlocks() { // Select the block, so the button is visible. const block = this.page .frameLocator( 'iframe[name="editor-canvas"]' ) .locator( `[data-type="woocommerce/legacy-template"]` ) .first(); if ( ! ( await block.isVisible() ) ) { return; } await this.editor.selectBlocks( block ); const transformButton = block.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Transform into blocks', } ); if ( transformButton ) { await transformButton.click(); // save changes await this.saveSiteEditorEntities(); } } // This method is the same as the one in @wordpress/e2e-test-utils-playwright. But for some reason // it doesn't work as expected when imported from there. For its first run we get the following error: // Error: locator.waitFor: Target closed async saveSiteEditorEntities() { const editorTopBar = this.page.getByRole( 'region', { name: 'Editor top bar', } ); const savePanel = this.page.getByRole( 'region', { name: 'Save panel', } ); // First Save button in the top bar. await editorTopBar .getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Save', exact: true } ) .click(); // Second Save button in the entities panel. await savePanel .getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Save', exact: true } ) .click(); await this.page .getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Dismiss this notice' } ) .getByText( 'Site updated.' ) .waitFor(); } }