/** * Given the number of pages to display, the current page and the total pages, * returns the min and max index of the pages to display in the pagination component. * * @param {number} pagesToDisplay Maximum number of pages to display in the pagination component. * @param {number} currentPage Page currently visible. * @param {number} totalPages Total pages available. * @return {Object} Object containing the min and max index to display in the pagination component. */ export const getIndexes = ( pagesToDisplay, currentPage, totalPages ) => { if ( totalPages <= 2 ) { return { minIndex: null, maxIndex: null }; } const extraPagesToDisplay = pagesToDisplay - 1; const tentativeMinIndex = Math.max( Math.floor( currentPage - extraPagesToDisplay / 2 ), 2 ); const maxIndex = Math.min( Math.ceil( currentPage + ( extraPagesToDisplay - ( currentPage - tentativeMinIndex ) ) ), totalPages - 1 ); const minIndex = Math.max( Math.floor( currentPage - ( extraPagesToDisplay - ( maxIndex - currentPage ) ) ), 2 ); return { minIndex, maxIndex }; };