# Formatters ## Table of Contents - [How to use them](#how-to-use-them) - [MoneyFormatter](#moneyformatter) - [Arguments](#arguments) - [Example use and returned value](#example-use-and-returned-value) - [CurrencyFormatter](#currencyformatter) - [Arguments](#arguments-1) - [Example use and returned value](#example-use-and-returned-value-1) - [HtmlFormatter](#htmlformatter) - [Arguments](#arguments-2) - [Example use and returned value](#example-use-and-returned-value-2) `Formatters` are utility classes that allow you to format values to so that they are compatible with the StoreAPI, values such as money, currency, or HTML. ## How to use them To get a formatter, you can use the `get_formatter` method of the `ExtendSchema` class. This method accepts a string, which is the name of the formatter you want to use, e.g. (money, html, currency). ```php get_formatter('money'); // For the MoneyFormatter get_formatter('html'); // For the HtmlFormatter get_formatter('currency'); // CurrencyFormatter ``` This returns a `FormatterInterface` which has the `format` method. The `format` method signature is: ```php format( $value, array $options = [] ); ``` Only `MoneyFormatter`'s behaviour can be controlled by the `$options` parameter. ## MoneyFormatter The [`MoneyFormatter`](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/blob/trunk/src/StoreApi/Formatters/MoneyFormatter.php) class can be used to format a monetary value using the store settings. The store settings may be overriden by passing options to this formatter's `format` method. ### Arguments | Argument | Type | Description | | --------------------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `$value` | `number` | The number you want to format into a monetary value | | `$options` | `array` | Should contain two keys, `decimals` which should be an `integer`, | | `$options['decimals']` | `number` | Used to control how many decimal places should be displayed in the monetary value. Defaults to the store setting. | | `$options['rounding_mode']` | `number` | Used to determine how to round the monetary value. This should be one of the PHP rounding modes described in the [PHP round() documentation](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.round.php). Defaults to `PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP`. | ### Example use and returned value ```php get_formatter( 'money' )->format( 10.443, [ 'rounding_mode' => PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN, 'decimals' => 2 ] ); ``` returns `1044` ## CurrencyFormatter This formatter takes an array of prices, and returns the same array but with currency data added. The currency data added is: | Key | Type | Description | | ----------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `currency_code` | `string` | The string representation of the currency, e.g. GPB or USD | | `currency_symbol` | `string` | The symbol of the currency, e.g. £ or \$ | | `currency_minor_unit` | `number` | How many decimal places will be shown in the currency | | `currency_decimal_separator` | `string` | The string used to separate the whole value and the decimal value in the currency. | | `currency_thousand_separator` | `string` | The string used to separate thousands in the currency, for example: £10,000 or €10.000 | | `currency_prefix` | `string` | A string that should appear before the currency value. | | `currency_suffix` | `string` | A string that should appear after the currency value. | ### Arguments | Argument | Type | Description | | -------- | ---------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `$value` | `number[]` | An array of prices that you want to merge with the store's currency settings | ### Example use and returned value ```php get_formatter( 'currency' )->format( [ 'price' => 1800, 'regular_price' => 1800, 'sale_price' => 1800, ] ); ``` returns ```text 'price' => '1800' 'regular_price' => '1800' 'sale_price' => '1800' 'price_range' => null 'currency_code' => 'GBP' 'currency_symbol' => '£' 'currency_minor_unit' => 2 'currency_decimal_separator' => '.' 'currency_thousand_separator' => ',' 'currency_prefix' => '£' 'currency_suffix' => '' ``` ## HtmlFormatter This formatter will take an HTML value, run it through: [`wptexturize`](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wptexturize/), [`convert_chars`](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/convert_chars/), [`trim`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.trim.php), and [`wp_kses_post`](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_kses_post/) before returning it. The purpose of this formatter is to make HTML "safe" (in terms of correctly formatted characters). `wp_kses_post` will ensure only HTML tags allowed in the context of a `post` are present in the string. ### Arguments | Argument | Type | Description | | -------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------- | | `$value` | `string` | The string you want to format into "safe" HTML. | ### Example use and returned value ```php get_formatter( 'html' )->format( " This \"coffee\" is very strong." ); ``` returns ```text alert('bad script!') This “coffee” is very strong. ``` --- [We're hiring!](https://woocommerce.com/careers/) Come work with us! 🐞 Found a mistake, or have a suggestion? [Leave feedback about this document here.](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks/issues/new?assignees=&labels=type%3A+documentation&template=--doc-feedback.md&title=Feedback%20on%20./docs/third-party-developers/extensibility/rest-api/extend-rest-api-formatters.md)