/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { addQueryArgs } from '@wordpress/url'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { Component } from '@wordpress/element'; import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose'; import moment from 'moment'; import { NOTES_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { withDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { withSpokenMessages } from '@wordpress/components'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { formatParams } from './utils'; import HistoricalDataLayout from './layout'; import { QUERY_DEFAULTS } from '../../../wc-api/constants'; import withSelect from '../../../wc-api/with-select'; class HistoricalData extends Component { constructor() { super( ...arguments ); this.dateFormat = __( 'MM/DD/YYYY', 'woocommerce-admin' ); this.state = { // Whether there is an active import (which might have been stopped) // that matches the period and skipChecked settings activeImport: null, lastImportStartTimestamp: 0, lastImportStopTimestamp: 0, period: { date: moment().format( this.dateFormat ), label: 'all', }, skipChecked: true, }; this.makeQuery = this.makeQuery.bind( this ); this.onImportFinished = this.onImportFinished.bind( this ); this.onImportStarted = this.onImportStarted.bind( this ); this.onDeletePreviousData = this.onDeletePreviousData.bind( this ); this.onReimportData = this.onReimportData.bind( this ); this.onStartImport = this.onStartImport.bind( this ); this.onStopImport = this.onStopImport.bind( this ); this.onDateChange = this.onDateChange.bind( this ); this.onPeriodChange = this.onPeriodChange.bind( this ); this.onSkipChange = this.onSkipChange.bind( this ); } makeQuery( path, errorMessage ) { const { createNotice } = this.props; apiFetch( { path, method: 'POST' } ) .then( ( response ) => { if ( response.status === 'success' ) { createNotice( 'success', response.message ); } else { createNotice( 'error', errorMessage ); this.setState( { activeImport: false, lastImportStopTimestamp: Date.now(), } ); } } ) .catch( ( error ) => { if ( error && error.message ) { createNotice( 'error', error.message ); this.setState( { activeImport: false, lastImportStopTimestamp: Date.now(), } ); } } ); } onImportFinished() { const { debouncedSpeak } = this.props; debouncedSpeak( 'Import complete' ); this.setState( { lastImportStopTimestamp: Date.now(), } ); } onImportStarted() { const { notes, updateNote } = this.props; const historicalDataNote = notes.find( ( note ) => note.name === 'wc-admin-historical-data' ); if ( historicalDataNote ) { updateNote( historicalDataNote.id, { status: 'actioned' } ); } this.setState( { activeImport: true, lastImportStartTimestamp: Date.now(), } ); } onDeletePreviousData() { const path = '/wc-analytics/reports/import/delete'; const errorMessage = __( 'There was a problem deleting your previous data.', 'woocommerce-admin' ); this.makeQuery( path, errorMessage ); this.setState( { activeImport: false, } ); recordEvent( 'analytics_import_delete_previous' ); } onReimportData() { this.setState( { activeImport: false, } ); } onStartImport() { const { period, skipChecked } = this.state; const path = addQueryArgs( '/wc-analytics/reports/import', formatParams( this.dateFormat, period, skipChecked ) ); const errorMessage = __( 'There was a problem rebuilding your report data.', 'woocommerce-admin' ); this.makeQuery( path, errorMessage ); this.onImportStarted(); } onStopImport() { this.setState( { lastImportStopTimestamp: Date.now(), } ); const path = '/wc-analytics/reports/import/cancel'; const errorMessage = __( 'There was a problem stopping your current import.', 'woocommerce-admin' ); this.makeQuery( path, errorMessage ); } onPeriodChange( val ) { this.setState( { activeImport: false, period: { ...this.state.period, label: val, }, } ); } onDateChange( val ) { this.setState( { activeImport: false, period: { date: val, label: 'custom', }, } ); } onSkipChange( val ) { this.setState( { activeImport: false, skipChecked: val, } ); } render() { const { activeImport, lastImportStartTimestamp, lastImportStopTimestamp, period, skipChecked, } = this.state; return ( ); } } export default compose( [ withSelect( ( select ) => { const { getNotes } = select( NOTES_STORE_NAME ); const notesQuery = { page: 1, per_page: QUERY_DEFAULTS.pageSize, type: 'update', status: 'unactioned', }; const notes = getNotes( notesQuery ); return { notes }; } ), withDispatch( ( dispatch ) => { const { updateNote } = dispatch( NOTES_STORE_NAME ); return { updateNote }; } ), withSpokenMessages, ] )( HistoricalData );