/** * script to build packages into `build/` directory. * * Example: * node ./bin/packages/build.js */ /** * External dependencies */ const fs = require( 'fs' ); const path = require( 'path' ); const glob = require( 'glob' ); const babel = require( '@babel/core' ); const chalk = require( 'chalk' ); const mkdirp = require( 'mkdirp' ); const sass = require( 'node-sass' ); const postcss = require( 'postcss' ); const deasync = require( 'deasync' ); /** * Internal dependencies */ const getPackages = require( './get-packages' ); const getBabelConfig = require( './get-babel-config' ); /** * Module Constants */ const PACKAGES_DIR = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../packages' ); const SRC_DIR = 'src'; const BUILD_DIR = { main: 'build', module: 'build-module', style: 'build-style', }; const DONE = chalk.reset.inverse.bold.green( ' DONE ' ); /** * Get the package name for a specified file * * @param {string} file File name * @return {string} Package name */ function getPackageName( file ) { return path.relative( PACKAGES_DIR, file ).split( path.sep )[ 0 ]; } const isJsFile = ( filepath ) => { return /.\.js$/.test( filepath ); }; const isScssFile = ( filepath ) => { return /.\.scss$/.test( filepath ); }; /** * Get Build Path for a specified file * * @param {string} file File to build * @param {string} buildFolder Output folder * @return {string} Build path */ function getBuildPath( file, buildFolder ) { const pkgName = getPackageName( file ); const pkgSrcPath = path.resolve( PACKAGES_DIR, pkgName, SRC_DIR ); const pkgBuildPath = path.resolve( PACKAGES_DIR, pkgName, buildFolder ); const relativeToSrcPath = path.relative( pkgSrcPath, file ); return path.resolve( pkgBuildPath, relativeToSrcPath ); } /** * Given a list of scss and js filepaths, divide them into sets them and rebuild. * * @param {Array} files list of files to rebuild */ function buildFiles( files ) { // Reduce files into a unique sets of javaScript files and scss packages. const buildPaths = files.reduce( ( accumulator, filePath ) => { if ( isJsFile( filePath ) ) { accumulator.jsFiles.add( filePath ); } else if ( isScssFile( filePath ) ) { const pkgName = getPackageName( filePath ); const pkgPath = path.resolve( PACKAGES_DIR, pkgName ); accumulator.scssPackagePaths.add( pkgPath ); } return accumulator; }, { jsFiles: new Set(), scssPackagePaths: new Set() } ); buildPaths.jsFiles.forEach( buildJsFile ); buildPaths.scssPackagePaths.forEach( buildPackageScss ); } /** * Build a javaScript file for the required environments (node and ES5) * * @param {string} file File path to build * @param {boolean} silent Show logs */ function buildJsFile( file, silent ) { buildJsFileFor( file, silent, 'main' ); buildJsFileFor( file, silent, 'module' ); } /** * Build a package's scss styles * * @param {string} packagePath The path to the package. */ function buildPackageScss( packagePath ) { const srcDir = path.resolve( packagePath, SRC_DIR ); const scssFiles = glob.sync( `${ srcDir }/*.scss` ); // Build scss files individually. scssFiles.forEach( buildScssFile ); } function buildScssFile( styleFile ) { const outputFile = getBuildPath( styleFile.replace( '.scss', '.css' ), BUILD_DIR.style ); const outputFileRTL = getBuildPath( styleFile.replace( '.scss', '-rtl.css' ), BUILD_DIR.style ); mkdirp.sync( path.dirname( outputFile ) ); const builtSass = sass.renderSync( { file: styleFile, includePaths: [ path.resolve( __dirname, '../../assets/stylesheets' ) ], data: ( [ 'colors', 'breakpoints', 'variables', 'mixins', 'animations', 'z-index', ].map( ( imported ) => `@import "${ imported }";` ).join( ' ' ) + fs.readFileSync( styleFile, 'utf8' ) ), } ); const postCSSSync = ( callback ) => { postcss( require( './post-css-config' ) ) .process( builtSass.css, { from: 'src/app.css', to: 'dest/app.css' } ) .then( ( result ) => callback( null, result ) ); }; const postCSSRTLSync = ( ltrCSS, callback ) => { postcss( [ require( 'rtlcss' )() ] ) .process( ltrCSS, { from: 'src/app.css', to: 'dest/app.css' } ) .then( ( result ) => callback( null, result ) ); }; const result = deasync( postCSSSync )(); fs.writeFileSync( outputFile, result.css ); const resultRTL = deasync( postCSSRTLSync )( result ); fs.writeFileSync( outputFileRTL, resultRTL ); } /** * Build a file for a specific environment * * @param {string} file File path to build * @param {boolean} silent Show logs * @param {string} environment Dist environment (node or es5) */ function buildJsFileFor( file, silent, environment ) { const buildDir = BUILD_DIR[ environment ]; const destPath = getBuildPath( file, buildDir ); const babelOptions = getBabelConfig( environment ); babelOptions.sourceMaps = true; babelOptions.sourceFileName = file; mkdirp.sync( path.dirname( destPath ) ); const transformed = babel.transformFileSync( file, babelOptions ); fs.writeFileSync( destPath + '.map', JSON.stringify( transformed.map ) ); fs.writeFileSync( destPath, transformed.code + '\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + path.basename( destPath ) + '.map' ); if ( ! silent ) { process.stdout.write( chalk.green( ' \u2022 ' ) + path.relative( PACKAGES_DIR, file ) + chalk.green( ' \u21D2 ' ) + path.relative( PACKAGES_DIR, destPath ) + '\n' ); } } /** * Build the provided package path * * @param {string} packagePath absolute package path */ function buildPackage( packagePath ) { const srcDir = path.resolve( packagePath, SRC_DIR ); const jsFiles = glob.sync( `${ srcDir }/**/*.js`, { ignore: [ `${ srcDir }/**/test/**/*.js`, `${ srcDir }/**/__mocks__/**/*.js`, ], nodir: true, } ); process.stdout.write( `${ path.basename( packagePath ) }\n` ); // Build js files individually. jsFiles.forEach( ( file ) => buildJsFile( file, true ) ); // Build package CSS files buildPackageScss( packagePath ); process.stdout.write( `${ DONE }\n` ); } const files = process.argv.slice( 2 ); if ( files.length ) { buildFiles( files ); } else { process.stdout.write( chalk.inverse( '>> Building packages \n' ) ); getPackages() .forEach( buildPackage ); process.stdout.write( '\n' ); }