/** * External dependencies */ import { createContext, useContext, useCallback, useState, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { cleanForSlug } from '@wordpress/url'; import type { UniqueIdentifier } from '@dnd-kit/core'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { dispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import type { SortablePickupLocation, SettingsContextType, ShippingMethodSettings, } from './types'; import { defaultSettings, getInitialSettings, defaultReadyOnlySettings, readOnlySettings, getInitialPickupLocations, } from './utils'; const SettingsContext = createContext< SettingsContextType >( { settings: defaultSettings, readOnlySettings: defaultReadyOnlySettings, setSettingField: () => () => void null, pickupLocations: [], setPickupLocations: () => void null, toggleLocation: () => void null, updateLocation: () => void null, isSaving: false, save: () => void null, } ); export const useSettingsContext = (): SettingsContextType => { return useContext( SettingsContext ); }; export const SettingsProvider = ( { children, }: { children: JSX.Element[] | JSX.Element; } ): JSX.Element => { const [ isSaving, setIsSaving ] = useState( false ); const [ pickupLocations, setPickupLocations ] = useState< SortablePickupLocation[] >( getInitialPickupLocations ); const [ settings, setSettings ] = useState< ShippingMethodSettings >( getInitialSettings ); const setSettingField = useCallback( ( field: keyof ShippingMethodSettings ) => ( newValue: unknown ) => { setSettings( ( prevValue ) => ( { ...prevValue, [ field ]: newValue, } ) ); }, [] ); const toggleLocation = useCallback( ( rowId: UniqueIdentifier ) => { setPickupLocations( ( previousLocations: SortablePickupLocation[] ) => { const locationIndex = previousLocations.findIndex( ( { id } ) => id === rowId ); const updated = [ ...previousLocations ]; updated[ locationIndex ].enabled = ! previousLocations[ locationIndex ].enabled; return updated; } ); }, [] ); const updateLocation = ( rowId: UniqueIdentifier | 'new', locationData: SortablePickupLocation ) => { setPickupLocations( ( prevData ) => { if ( rowId === 'new' ) { return [ ...prevData, { ...locationData, id: cleanForSlug( locationData.name ) + '-' + prevData.length, }, ]; } return prevData .map( ( location ): SortablePickupLocation => { if ( location.id === rowId ) { return locationData; } return location; } ) .filter( Boolean ); } ); }; const save = useCallback( () => { const data = { pickup_location_settings: { enabled: settings.enabled ? 'yes' : 'no', title: settings.title, tax_status: [ 'taxable', 'none' ].includes( settings.tax_status ) ? settings.tax_status : 'taxable', cost: settings.cost, }, pickup_locations: pickupLocations.map( ( location ) => ( { name: location.name, address: location.address, details: location.details, enabled: location.enabled, } ) ), }; setIsSaving( true ); // @todo This should be improved to include error handling in case of API failure, or invalid data being sent that // does not match the schema. This would fail silently on the API side. apiFetch( { path: '/wp/v2/settings', method: 'POST', data, } ).then( ( response ) => { setIsSaving( false ); if ( isEqual( response.pickup_location_settings, data.pickup_location_settings ) && isEqual( response.pickup_locations, data.pickup_locations ) ) { dispatch( 'core/notices' ).createSuccessNotice( __( 'Local Pickup settings have been saved.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) ); } } ); }, [ settings, pickupLocations ] ); const settingsData = { settings, setSettingField, readOnlySettings, pickupLocations, setPickupLocations, toggleLocation, updateLocation, isSaving, save, }; return ( { children } ); };