/** * External dependencies */ import { useEffect, useState } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { TourKit, TourKitTypes } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import qs from 'qs'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { useTmceIframeFocusStyle } from './use-tmce-iframe-focus-style'; import { useActiveEditorType } from './use-active-editor-type'; import { bindEnableGuideModeClickEvent, waitUntilElementTopNotChange, } from './utils'; import { ProductTourStepName, useProductStepChange, } from './use-product-step-change'; import { useTrackPublishButton } from './use-track-publish-button'; const getTourConfig = ( { isExcerptEditorTmceActive, isContentEditorTmceActive, closeHandler, onNextStepHandler, }: { isExcerptEditorTmceActive: boolean; isContentEditorTmceActive: boolean; closeHandler: TourKitTypes.CloseHandler; onNextStepHandler: ( currentStepIndex: number ) => void; } ): TourKitTypes.WooConfig => { return { placement: 'bottom-start', options: { effects: { spotlight: { interactivity: { enabled: true, rootElementSelector: '#wpwrap', }, }, arrowIndicator: true, autoScroll: { behavior: 'auto', block: 'center', }, liveResize: { mutation: true, resize: true, rootElementSelector: '#wpwrap', }, }, popperModifiers: [ { name: 'arrow', options: { padding: ( { popper, }: { popper: { width: number }; } ) => { return { // Align the arrow to the left of the popper. right: popper.width - 34, }; }, }, }, ], callbacks: { onNextStep: onNextStepHandler, }, }, steps: [ { referenceElements: { desktop: '#title', }, focusElement: { desktop: '#title', }, meta: { name: 'product-name', heading: __( 'Product name', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'Start typing your new product name here. This will be what your customers will see in your store.', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, { referenceElements: { desktop: '#postdivrich', }, focusElement: { iframe: isContentEditorTmceActive ? '#content_ifr' : undefined, desktop: isContentEditorTmceActive ? '#tinymce' : '#wp-content-editor-container > .wp-editor-area', }, meta: { name: 'product-description', heading: __( 'Add your product description', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'Start typing your new product name here. Add your full product description here. Describe your product in detail.', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, { referenceElements: { desktop: '#woocommerce-product-data', }, focusElement: { desktop: '#_regular_price', }, meta: { name: 'product-data', heading: __( 'Add your product data', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'Use the tabs to switch between sections and insert product details. Start by adding your product price.', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, { referenceElements: { desktop: '#postexcerpt', }, focusElement: { iframe: isExcerptEditorTmceActive ? '#excerpt_ifr' : undefined, desktop: isExcerptEditorTmceActive ? '#tinymce' : '#wp-excerpt-editor-container > .wp-editor-area', }, meta: { name: 'product-short-description', heading: __( 'Add your short product description', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'Type a quick summary for your product here. This will appear on the product page right under the product name.', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, { referenceElements: { desktop: '#postimagediv', }, focusElement: { desktop: '#set-post-thumbnail', }, meta: { name: 'product-image', heading: __( 'Add your product image', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'Upload an image to your product here. Ideally a JPEG or PNG about 600 px wide or bigger. This image will be shown in your store’s catalog.', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, { referenceElements: { desktop: '#tagsdiv-product_tag', }, focusElement: { desktop: '#new-tag-product_tag', }, meta: { name: 'product-tags', heading: __( 'Add your product tags', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'Add your product tags here. Tags are a method of labeling your products to make them easier for customers to find. For example, if you sell clothing, and you have a lot of cat prints, you could make a tag for “cat.”', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, { referenceElements: { desktop: '#product_catdiv', }, meta: { name: 'product-categories', heading: __( 'Add your product categories', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'Add your product categories here. Assign categories to your products to make them easier to browse through and find in your store.', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, { referenceElements: { desktop: '#submitdiv', }, focusElement: { desktop: '#submitdiv', }, meta: { name: 'publish', heading: __( 'Publish your product 🎉', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'Good work! Now you can publish your product to your store by hitting the “Publish” button or keep editing it.', 'woocommerce' ), }, primaryButton: { text: __( 'Keep editing', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, ], closeHandler, }; }; export const ProductTour = () => { const [ showTour, setShowTour ] = useState< boolean >( false ); const { setIsLoaded, hasUpdatedInfo } = useProductStepChange(); const { isTmce: isContentEditorTmceActive } = useActiveEditorType( { editorWrapSelector: '#wp-content-wrap', } ); const { isTmce: isExcerptEditorTmceActive } = useActiveEditorType( { editorWrapSelector: '#wp-excerpt-wrap', } ); const { style: contentTmceIframeFocusStyle } = useTmceIframeFocusStyle( { isActive: showTour && isContentEditorTmceActive, iframeSelector: '#content_ifr', } ); const { style: excerptTmceIframeFocusStyle } = useTmceIframeFocusStyle( { isActive: showTour && isExcerptEditorTmceActive, iframeSelector: '#excerpt_ifr', } ); const tourConfig = getTourConfig( { isContentEditorTmceActive, isExcerptEditorTmceActive, closeHandler: ( steps, stepIndex ) => { setShowTour( false ); if ( steps.length - 1 === stepIndex ) { recordEvent( 'walkthrough_product_completed' ); } else { recordEvent( 'walkthrough_product_dismissed', { step_name: steps[ stepIndex ].meta.name, } ); } }, onNextStepHandler: ( stepIndex ) => { const stepName = tourConfig.steps[ stepIndex ].meta.name; // This records all "next" steps and ignores the final "publish" step. recordEvent( 'walkthrough_product_step_completed', { step_name: stepName, added_info: hasUpdatedInfo( stepName as ProductTourStepName ) ? 'yes' : 'no', } ); }, } ); useEffect( () => { bindEnableGuideModeClickEvent( ( e ) => { e.preventDefault(); setShowTour( true ); recordEvent( 'walkthrough_product_enable_button_click' ); } ); const query = qs.parse( window.location.search.slice( 1 ) ); if ( query && query.tutorial === 'true' ) { const intervalId = waitUntilElementTopNotChange( tourConfig.steps[ 0 ].referenceElements?.desktop || '', () => { setShowTour( true ); recordEvent( 'walkthrough_product_view', { spotlight: 'yes', product_template: 'physical', } ); setIsLoaded( true ); }, 500 ); return () => clearInterval( intervalId ); } // only run once // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [] ); useTrackPublishButton( showTour ); if ( ! showTour ) { return null; } return ( <> ); };