/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import { useEffect, useRef } from '@wordpress/element'; import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { Form, Spinner, FormRef } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { PartialProduct, Product, PRODUCTS_STORE_NAME, WCDataSelector, } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { ProductFormLayout } from './layout/product-form-layout'; import { ProductFormActions } from './product-form-actions'; import { ProductDetailsSection } from './sections/product-details-section'; import './product-page.scss'; const EditProductPage: React.FC = () => { const { productId } = useParams(); const previousProductRef = useRef< PartialProduct >(); const formRef = useRef< FormRef< Partial< Product > > >( null ); const { product, isLoading, isPendingAction } = useSelect( ( select: WCDataSelector ) => { const { getProduct, hasFinishedResolution, isPending, getPermalinkParts, } = select( PRODUCTS_STORE_NAME ); if ( productId ) { const retrievedProduct = getProduct( parseInt( productId, 10 ), undefined ); const permalinkParts = getPermalinkParts( parseInt( productId, 10 ) ); return { product: permalinkParts && retrievedProduct ? retrievedProduct : undefined, isLoading: ! hasFinishedResolution( 'getProduct', [ parseInt( productId, 10 ), ] ) || ! hasFinishedResolution( 'getPermalinkParts', [ parseInt( productId, 10 ), ] ), isPendingAction: isPending( 'createProduct' ) || isPending( 'deleteProduct', parseInt( productId, 10 ) ) || isPending( 'updateProduct', parseInt( productId, 10 ) ), }; } return { isLoading: false, isPendingAction: false, }; } ); useEffect( () => { // used for determening the wasDeletedUsingAction condition. if ( previousProductRef.current && product && previousProductRef.current.id !== product.id && formRef.current ) { formRef.current.resetForm( product ); } previousProductRef.current = product; }, [ product ] ); useEffect( () => { recordEvent( 'view_new_product_management_experience' ); }, [] ); const wasDeletedUsingAction = previousProductRef.current?.id === product?.id && previousProductRef.current?.status !== 'trash' && product?.status === 'trash'; return (
{ isLoading && ! product ? (
) : null } { product && product.status === 'trash' && ! isPendingAction && ! wasDeletedUsingAction && (
{ __( 'You cannot edit this item because it is in the Trash. Please restore it and try again.', 'woocommerce' ) }
) } { product && ( product.status !== 'trash' || wasDeletedUsingAction ) && ( > ref={ formRef } initialValues={ product || {} } errors={ {} } > ) }
); }; export default EditProductPage;