/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { Component } from '@wordpress/element'; import { Card, CardBody } from '@wordpress/components'; import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { difference, filter } from 'lodash'; import interpolateComponents from '@automattic/interpolate-components'; import { withDispatch, withSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { Link, Stepper, Plugins } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { getAdminLink } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { getHistory, getNewPath } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; import { SETTINGS_STORE_NAME, ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME, PLUGINS_STORE_NAME, COUNTRIES_STORE_NAME, } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins'; import { WooOnboardingTask } from '@woocommerce/onboarding'; import { Text } from '@woocommerce/experimental'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import Connect from '../../../dashboard/components/connect'; import { getCountryCode } from '../../../dashboard/utils'; import StoreLocation from '../steps/location'; import ShippingRates from './rates'; import { WCSBanner } from '../experimental-shipping-recommendation/components/wcs-banner'; import { ShipStationBanner } from '../experimental-shipping-recommendation/components/shipstation-banner'; import { createNoticesFromResponse } from '../../../lib/notices'; import './shipping.scss'; export class Shipping extends Component { constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.initialState = { isPending: false, step: 'store_location', shippingZones: [], }; // Cache active plugins to prevent removal mid-step. this.activePlugins = props.activePlugins; this.state = this.initialState; this.completeStep = this.completeStep.bind( this ); this.shippingSmartDefaultsEnabled = window.wcAdminFeatures && window.wcAdminFeatures[ 'shipping-smart-defaults' ]; this.storeLocationCompleted = false; } componentDidMount() { this.reset(); } reset() { this.setState( this.initialState ); } async fetchShippingZones() { const { countryCode, countryName } = this.props; // @todo The following fetches for shipping information should be moved into // @woocommerce/data to make these methods and states more readily available. const shippingZones = []; const zones = await apiFetch( { path: '/wc/v3/shipping/zones' } ); let hasCountryZone = false; await Promise.all( zones.map( async ( zone ) => { // "Rest of the world zone" if ( zone.id === 0 ) { zone.methods = await apiFetch( { path: `/wc/v3/shipping/zones/${ zone.id }/methods`, } ); zone.name = __( 'Rest of the world', 'woocommerce' ); zone.toggleable = true; shippingZones.push( zone ); return; } // Return any zone with a single location matching the country zone. zone.locations = await apiFetch( { path: `/wc/v3/shipping/zones/${ zone.id }/locations`, } ); const countryLocation = zone.locations.find( ( location ) => countryCode === location.code ); if ( countryLocation ) { zone.methods = await apiFetch( { path: `/wc/v3/shipping/zones/${ zone.id }/methods`, } ); shippingZones.push( zone ); hasCountryZone = true; } } ) ); // Create the default store country zone if it doesn't exist. if ( ! hasCountryZone ) { const zone = await apiFetch( { method: 'POST', path: '/wc/v3/shipping/zones', data: { name: countryName }, } ); zone.locations = await apiFetch( { method: 'POST', path: `/wc/v3/shipping/zones/${ zone.id }/locations`, data: [ { code: countryCode, type: 'country' } ], } ); shippingZones.push( zone ); } shippingZones.reverse(); this.setState( { isPending: false, shippingZones } ); } componentDidUpdate( prevProps, prevState ) { const { countryCode, countryName, settings } = this.props; const { woocommerce_store_address: storeAddress, woocommerce_default_country: defaultCountry, woocommerce_store_postcode: storePostCode, } = settings; const { step } = this.state; if ( step === 'rates' && ( prevProps.countryCode !== countryCode || prevProps.countryName !== countryName || prevState.step !== 'rates' ) ) { this.setState( { isPending: true } ); if ( countryName ) { this.fetchShippingZones(); } } const isCompleteAddress = Boolean( storeAddress && defaultCountry && storePostCode ); if ( step === 'store_location' && isCompleteAddress ) { if ( this.shippingSmartDefaultsEnabled && ! this.storeLocationCompleted ) { this.completeStep(); this.storeLocationCompleted = true; } else if ( ! this.shippingSmartDefaultsEnabled ) { this.completeStep(); } } } completeStep() { const { createNotice, onComplete } = this.props; const { step } = this.state; const steps = this.getSteps(); const currentStepIndex = steps.findIndex( ( s ) => s.key === step ); const nextStep = steps[ currentStepIndex + 1 ]; if ( nextStep ) { this.setState( { step: nextStep.key } ); } else { createNotice( 'success', __( "📦 Shipping is done! Don't worry, you can always change it later", 'woocommerce' ) ); onComplete(); } } getPluginsToActivate() { const { countryCode } = this.props; const plugins = []; if ( [ 'GB', 'CA', 'AU' ].includes( countryCode ) ) { plugins.push( 'woocommerce-shipstation-integration' ); } else if ( countryCode === 'US' ) { plugins.push( 'woocommerce-services' ); plugins.push( 'jetpack' ); } return difference( plugins, this.activePlugins ); } getSteps() { const { countryCode, createNotice, invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector, isJetpackConnected, onComplete, optimisticallyCompleteTask, settings, task, updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup, } = this.props; const pluginsToActivate = this.getPluginsToActivate(); const requiresJetpackConnection = ! isJetpackConnected && countryCode === 'US'; let steps = [ { key: 'store_location', label: __( 'Set store location', 'woocommerce' ), description: __( 'The address from which your business operates', 'woocommerce' ), content: ( { const country = getCountryCode( values.countryState ); recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_set_location', { country, } ); // Don't need to trigger completeStep here as it's triggered by the address updates in the componentDidUpdate function. if ( this.shippingSmartDefaultsEnabled ) { this.completeStep(); } } } /> ), visible: true, }, { key: 'rates', label: __( 'Set shipping costs', 'woocommerce' ), description: __( 'Define how much customers pay to ship to different destinations', 'woocommerce' ), content: ( { const { id } = task; optimisticallyCompleteTask( id ); invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector(); this.completeStep(); } } createNotice={ createNotice } /> ), visible: settings.woocommerce_ship_to_countries === 'disabled' ? false : true, }, { key: 'label_printing', label: __( 'Enable shipping label printing', 'woocommerce' ), description: pluginsToActivate.includes( 'woocommerce-shipstation-integration' ) ? interpolateComponents( { mixedString: __( 'We recommend using ShipStation to save time at the post office by printing your shipping ' + 'labels at home. Try ShipStation free for 30 days. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.', 'woocommerce' ), components: { link: ( ), }, } ) : __( 'With WooCommerce Shipping you can save time ' + 'by printing your USPS and DHL Express shipping labels at home', 'woocommerce' ), content: ( { createNoticesFromResponse( response ); recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_label_printing', { install: true, plugins_to_activate: pluginsToActivate, } ); this.completeStep(); } } onError={ ( errors, response ) => createNoticesFromResponse( response ) } onSkip={ () => { recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_label_printing', { install: false, plugins_to_activate: pluginsToActivate, } ); getHistory().push( getNewPath( {}, '/', {} ) ); onComplete(); } } pluginSlugs={ pluginsToActivate } /> ), visible: pluginsToActivate.length, }, { key: 'connect', label: __( 'Connect your store', 'woocommerce' ), description: __( 'Connect your store to WordPress.com to enable label printing', 'woocommerce' ), content: ( { recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_connect_store' ); } } /> ), visible: requiresJetpackConnection, }, ]; // Override the step fields for the smart shipping defaults. if ( this.shippingSmartDefaultsEnabled ) { const agreementText = pluginsToActivate.includes( 'woocommerce-services' ) ? __( 'By installing Jetpack and WooCommerce Shipping you agree to the {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.', 'woocommerce' ) : __( 'By installing Jetpack you agree to the {{link}}Terms of Service{{/link}}.', 'woocommerce' ); const shippingSmartDefaultsSteps = { rates: { label: __( 'Review your shipping options', 'woocommerce' ), description: __( 'We recommend the following shipping options based on your location. You can manage your shipping options again at any time in WooCommerce Shipping settings.', 'woocommerce' ), onClick: this.state.step !== 'rates' ? () => { this.setState( { step: 'rates' } ); } : undefined, content: ( { const { id } = task; optimisticallyCompleteTask( id ); invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector(); this.completeStep(); } } createNotice={ createNotice } /> ), }, label_printing: { label: __( 'Enable shipping label printing and discounted rates', 'woocommerce' ), description: pluginsToActivate.includes( 'woocommerce-shipstation-integration' ) ? interpolateComponents( { mixedString: __( 'We recommend using ShipStation to save time at the post office by printing your shipping ' + 'labels at home. Try ShipStation free for 30 days. {{link}}Learn more{{/link}}.', 'woocommerce' ), components: { link: ( ), }, } ) : __( 'Save time and fulfill your orders with WooCommerce Shipping. You can manage it at any time in WooCommerce Shipping Settings.', 'woocommerce' ), content: ( <> { pluginsToActivate.includes( 'woocommerce-services' ) ? ( ) : ( ) } { createNoticesFromResponse( response ); recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_label_printing', { install: true, plugins_to_activate: pluginsToActivate, } ); this.completeStep(); } } onError={ ( errors, response ) => createNoticesFromResponse( response ) } onSkip={ () => { recordEvent( 'tasklist_shipping_label_printing', { install: false, plugins_to_activate: pluginsToActivate, } ); getHistory().push( getNewPath( {}, '/', {} ) ); onComplete(); } } pluginSlugs={ pluginsToActivate } /> { ! isJetpackConnected && pluginsToActivate.includes( 'woocommerce-services' ) && ( { interpolateComponents( { mixedString: agreementText, components: { link: ( <> ), }, } ) } ) } ), }, store_location: { label: __( 'Set your store location', 'woocommerce' ), description: __( 'Add your store location to help us calculate shipping rates and the best shipping options for you. You can manage your store location again at any time in WooCommerce Settings General.', 'woocommerce' ), onClick: this.state.step !== 'store_location' ? () => { this.setState( { step: 'store_location' } ); } : undefined, buttonText: __( 'Save store location', 'woocommerce' ), }, }; steps = steps.map( ( step ) => { if ( shippingSmartDefaultsSteps.hasOwnProperty( step.key ) ) { step = { ...step, ...shippingSmartDefaultsSteps[ step.key ], }; } // Empty description field if it's not the current step. if ( step.key !== this.state.step ) { step.description = ''; } return step; } ); } return filter( steps, ( step ) => step.visible ); } render() { const { isPending, step } = this.state; const { isUpdateSettingsRequesting } = this.props; const steps = this.getSteps(); return (
); } } const ShippingWrapper = compose( withSelect( ( select ) => { const { getSettings, isUpdateSettingsRequesting } = select( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ); const { getActivePlugins, isJetpackConnected } = select( PLUGINS_STORE_NAME ); const { getCountry } = select( COUNTRIES_STORE_NAME ); const { general: settings = {} } = getSettings( 'general' ); const countryCode = getCountryCode( settings.woocommerce_default_country ); const country = countryCode ? getCountry( countryCode ) : null; const countryName = country ? country.name : null; const activePlugins = getActivePlugins(); return { countryCode, countryName, isUpdateSettingsRequesting: isUpdateSettingsRequesting( 'general' ), settings, activePlugins, isJetpackConnected: isJetpackConnected(), }; } ), withDispatch( ( dispatch ) => { const { createNotice } = dispatch( 'core/notices' ); const { updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup } = dispatch( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ); const { invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector, optimisticallyCompleteTask, } = dispatch( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME ); return { createNotice, invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector, optimisticallyCompleteTask, updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup, }; } ) )( Shipping ); registerPlugin( 'wc-admin-onboarding-task-shipping', { scope: 'woocommerce-tasks', render: () => ( { ( { onComplete, task } ) => { return ( ); } } ), } );