#!/usr/bin/env bash # Max amount of time to wait for the Docker container to be built # Allowing 30 polling attempts, 10 seconds delay between each attempt MAX_ATTEMPTS=30 # Delay (in seconds) between each polling attempt DELAY_SEC=10 # Counter for the loop that checks if the Docker container had been built count=0 while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:8084/?pagename=ready)" != "200" ]] do echo "$(date) - Docker container is still being built" sleep ${DELAY_SEC} ((count++)) if [[ $count -gt ${MAX_ATTEMPTS} ]]; then echo "$(date) - Docker container couldn't be built" exit fi done if [[ $count -gt 0 ]]; then echo "$(date) - Docker container had been built successfully" fi