/** * External dependencies */ import { createBlock, createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate, type BlockInstance, } from '@wordpress/blocks'; import { isWpVersion } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { isExperimentalBuild } from '@woocommerce/block-settings'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { INNER_BLOCKS_TEMPLATE as productsInnerBlocksTemplate, QUERY_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES as productsQueryDefaultAttributes, } from '../product-query/constants'; import { VARIATION_NAME as productsVariationName } from '../product-query/variations/product-query'; import { createArchiveTitleBlock, createRowBlock } from './utils'; import { type InheritedAttributes } from './types'; const createProductsBlock = ( inheritedAttributes: InheritedAttributes, templateInnerBlocks: BlockInstance[] ) => { const innerBlocks = [ ...templateInnerBlocks, ...createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate( productsInnerBlocksTemplate ), ]; return createBlock( 'core/query', { ...productsQueryDefaultAttributes, ...inheritedAttributes, namespace: productsVariationName, query: { ...productsQueryDefaultAttributes.query, inherit: true, }, }, innerBlocks ); }; const getBlockifiedTemplate = ( inheritedAttributes: InheritedAttributes, withTermDescription = false ) => { const templateInnerBlocks = [ createBlock( 'woocommerce/breadcrumbs', inheritedAttributes ), createArchiveTitleBlock( 'archive-title', inheritedAttributes ), withTermDescription ? createBlock( 'core/term-description', inheritedAttributes ) : null, createBlock( 'woocommerce/store-notices', inheritedAttributes ), createRowBlock( [ createBlock( 'woocommerce/product-results-count' ), createBlock( 'woocommerce/catalog-sorting' ), ], inheritedAttributes ), ].filter( Boolean ) as BlockInstance[]; return createProductsBlock( inheritedAttributes, templateInnerBlocks ); }; const getBlockifiedTemplateWithTermDescription = ( inheritedAttributes: InheritedAttributes ) => getBlockifiedTemplate( inheritedAttributes, true ); const isConversionPossible = () => { // Blockification is possible for the WP version 6.1 and above, // which are the versions the Products block supports. return isExperimentalBuild() && isWpVersion( '6.1', '>=' ); }; const getDescriptionAllowingConversion = ( templateTitle: string ) => sprintf( /* translators: %s is the template title */ __( "This block serves as a placeholder for your %s. We recommend upgrading to the Products block for more features to edit your products visually. Don't worry, you can always revert back.", 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), templateTitle ); const getDescriptionDisallowingConversion = ( templateTitle: string ) => sprintf( /* translators: %s is the template title */ __( 'This block serves as a placeholder for your %s. It will display the actual product image, title, price in your store. You can move this placeholder around and add more blocks around to customize the template.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), templateTitle ); const getDescription = ( templateTitle: string, canConvert: boolean ) => { if ( canConvert ) { return getDescriptionAllowingConversion( templateTitle ); } return getDescriptionDisallowingConversion( templateTitle ); }; const getButtonLabel = () => __( 'Upgrade to Products block', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ); export const blockifiedProductCatalogConfig = { getBlockifiedTemplate, isConversionPossible, getDescription, getButtonLabel, }; export const blockifiedProductTaxonomyConfig = { getBlockifiedTemplate: getBlockifiedTemplateWithTermDescription, isConversionPossible, getDescription, getButtonLabel, };