/** * External dependencies. */ const fs = require( 'fs' ); const path = require( 'path' ); const readlineSync = require( 'readline-sync' ); /** * Internal dependencies. */ const { resolveLocalE2ePath, resolvePackagePath } = require( './test-config' ); /** * Create a path relative to the local `tests/e2e` folder. * @param relativePath * @return {string} */ const createLocalE2ePath = ( relativePath ) => { let specFolderPath = ''; const folders = [ `..${path.sep}..${path.sep}tests`, `..${path.sep}e2e`, relativePath ]; folders.forEach( ( folder ) => { specFolderPath = resolveLocalE2ePath( folder ); if ( ! fs.existsSync( specFolderPath ) ) { console.log( `Creating folder ${specFolderPath}` ); fs.mkdirSync( specFolderPath ); } } ); return specFolderPath; }; /** * Prompt the console for confirmation. * * @param {string} prompt Prompt for the user. * @param {string} choices valid responses. * @return {string} */ const confirm = ( prompt, choices ) => { const answer = readlineSync.keyIn( prompt, choices ); return answer; }; /** * * @param {string} localE2ePath Destination path * @param {string} packageE2ePath Source path * @param {string} packageName Source package. Default @woocommerce/e2e-environment package. * @return {boolean} */ const confirmLocalCopy = ( localE2ePath, packageE2ePath, packageName = '' ) => { const localPath = resolveLocalE2ePath( localE2ePath ); const packagePath = resolvePackagePath( packageE2ePath, packageName ); const confirmPrompt = `${localE2ePath} already exists. Overwrite? [Y]es/[n]o: `; let overwriteFiles; if ( fs.existsSync( localPath ) ) { overwriteFiles = confirm( confirmPrompt, 'ny' ); overwriteFiles = overwriteFiles.toLowerCase(); } else { overwriteFiles = 'y'; } if ( overwriteFiles == 'y' ) { fs.copyFileSync( packagePath, localPath ); return true; } return false; }; /** * Prompt for confirmation before deleting a local E2E file. * * @param {string} localE2ePath Relative path to local E2E file. */ const confirmLocalDelete = ( localE2ePath ) => { const localPath = resolveLocalE2ePath( localE2ePath ); if ( ! fs.existsSync( localPath ) ) { return; } const confirmPrompt = `${localE2ePath} exists. Delete? [y]es/[n]o: `; const deleteFile = confirm( confirmPrompt, 'ny' ); if ( deleteFile == 'y' ) { fs.unlinkSync( localPath ); } }; /** * Get the install data for a tests package. * * @param {string} packageName npm package name * @return {string} */ const getPackageData = ( packageName ) => { const packageSlug = packageName.replace( '@', '' ).replace( /\//g, '.' ); const installFiles = require( `${packageName}${path.sep}installFiles` ); return { packageSlug, ...installFiles }; }; /** * Install test runner and test container defaults */ const installDefaults = () => { createLocalE2ePath( 'docker' ); console.log( 'Writing tests/e2e/docker/initialize.sh' ); confirmLocalCopy( `docker${path.sep}initialize.sh`, `installFiles${path.sep}initialize.sh` ); createLocalE2ePath( 'config' ); console.log( 'Writing tests/e2e/config/jest.config.js' ); confirmLocalCopy( `config${path.sep}jest.config.js`, `installFiles${path.sep}jest.config.js.default` ); console.log( 'Writing tests/e2e/config/jest.setup.js' ); confirmLocalCopy( `config${path.sep}jest.setup.js`, `installFiles${path.sep}jest.setup.js.default` ); }; module.exports = { createLocalE2ePath, confirm, confirmLocalCopy, confirmLocalDelete, getPackageData, installDefaults, };