`TextControlWithAffixes` (component) ==================================== This component is essentially a wrapper (really a reimplementation) around the TextControl component that adds support for affixes, i.e. the ability to display a fixed part either at the beginning or at the end of the text input. Props ----- ### `label` - Type: String - Default: null If this property is added, a label will be generated using label property as the content. ### `help` - Type: String - Default: null If this property is added, a help text will be generated using help property as the content. ### `type` - Type: String - Default: `'text'` Type of the input element to render. Defaults to "text". ### `value` - **Required** - Type: String - Default: null The current value of the input. ### `className` - Type: String - Default: null The class that will be added with "components-base-control" to the classes of the wrapper div. If no className is passed only components-base-control is used. ### `onChange` - **Required** - Type: Function - Default: null A function that receives the value of the input. ### `prefix` - Type: ReactNode - Default: null Markup to be inserted at the beginning of the input. ### `suffix` - Type: ReactNode - Default: null Markup to be appended at the end of the input.