const { shippingMethodsApi } = require( '../../endpoints' ); const { getShippingMethodExample } = require( '../../data' ); /** * Shipping zone id for "Locations not covered by your other zones". */ const shippingZoneId = 0; /** * Data table for shipping methods. */ const shippingMethods = [ [ 'Flat rate', 'flat_rate', '10' ], [ 'Free shipping', 'free_shipping', undefined ], [ 'Local pickup', 'local_pickup', '30' ], ]; /** * Tests for the WooCommerce Shipping methods API. * * @group api * @group shipping-methods * */ describe( 'Shipping methods API tests', () => { it.each( shippingMethods )( "can add a '%s' shipping method", async ( methodTitle, methodId, cost ) => { const shippingMethod = getShippingMethodExample( methodId, cost ); const { status, body, } = await shippingMethodsApi.create.shippingMethod( shippingZoneId, shippingMethod ); expect( status ).toEqual( shippingMethodsApi.create.responseCode ); expect( typeof ).toEqual( 'number' ); expect( body.method_id ).toEqual( methodId ); expect( body.method_title ).toEqual( methodTitle ); expect( body.enabled ).toEqual( true ); if ( [ 'flat_rate', 'local_pickup' ].includes( methodId ) ) { expect( body.settings.cost.value ).toEqual( cost ); } // Cleanup: Delete the shipping method await shippingMethodsApi.delete.shippingMethod( shippingZoneId,, true ); } ); } );