Feature: Manage WooCommerce Payment Gateways Background: Given a WP install Scenario: Help for all available commands When I run `wp wc payment_gateway --help` Then STDOUT should contain: """ wp wc payment_gateway """ And STDOUT should contain: """ get """ And STDOUT should contain: """ list """ And STDOUT should contain: """ update """ Scenario: List Payment Gateways When I run `wp wc payment_gateway list --user=admin` Then STDOUT should contain: """ cod """ And STDOUT should contain: """ BACS """ And STDOUT should contain: """ id """ And STDOUT should contain: """ method_title """ Scenario: Read & Update Payment Gateways When I run `wp wc payment_gateway update bacs --user=admin --title="Updated Direct Bank Transfer" --settings='{"instructions":"These are test instructions"}' --porcelain` Then STDOUT should contain: """ bacs """ When I run `wp wc payment_gateway get bacs --user=admin` Then STDOUT should contain: """ BACS """ And STDOUT should contain: """ Updated Direct Bank Transfer """ And STDOUT should contain: """ Updated Direct Bank Transfer """ And STDOUT should contain: """ These are test instructions """