Feature: Manage WooCommerce Products Background: Given a WP install Scenario: Help for all available commands When I run `wp wc product --help` Then STDOUT should contain: """ wp wc product """ And STDOUT should contain: """ create """ And STDOUT should contain: """ delete """ And STDOUT should contain: """ get """ And STDOUT should contain: """ list """ And STDOUT should contain: """ update """ Scenario: CRUD a product When I run `wp wc product create --user=admin --name='Test Simple Product' --type='simple' --regular_price='10.00' --sale_price='7.99' --porcelain` Then save STDOUT as {PRODUCT_ID} When I run `wp wc product update {PRODUCT_ID} --user=admin --description="Test product description" --sku='TEST SKU' --attributes='[{ "id": 0, "name": "Color", "position": 0, "visible": true, "variation": false, "options": ["Red", "Blue", "Green", "Yellow"]}]' --porcelain` Then STDOUT should be a number When I run `wp wc product get {PRODUCT_ID} --user=admin` Then STDOUT should contain: """ 10.00 """ And STDOUT should contain: """ 7.99 """ And STDOUT should contain: """ TEST SKU """ And STDOUT should contain: """ Test product description """ And STDOUT should contain: """ Color """ And STDOUT should contain: """ Yellow """ When I run `wp wc product get {PRODUCT_ID} --user=admin --field=price` Then STDOUT should contain: """ 7.99 """ When I run `wp wc product list --user=admin` Then STDOUT should contain: """ date_created """ And STDOUT should contain: """ Test Simple Product """ When I run `wp wc product delete {PRODUCT_ID} --force=true --user=admin` Then STDOUT should contain: """ Success """