sudo: required language: php dist: trusty matrix: include: - name: "PHP 7.2 unit tests, PHP Coding standards check and JS tests" php: 7.2 env: WP_VERSION=latest WP_MULTISITE=0 WP_CORE_DIR=/tmp/wordpress RUN_PHPCS=1 RUN_JS=1 - name: "PHP 7.1 unit tests" php: 7.1 env: WP_VERSION=latest WP_MULTISITE=0 WP_CORE_DIR=/tmp/wordpress - name: "PHP 7.0 unit tests" php: 7.0 env: WP_VERSION=latest WP_MULTISITE=0 WP_CORE_DIR=/tmp/wordpress - name: "PHP 5.6 unit tests" php: 5.6 env: WP_VERSION=latest WP_MULTISITE=0 WP_CORE_DIR=/tmp/wordpress before_install: - nvm install 'lts/*' before_script: - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini - export PATH="$WP_CORE_DIR/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-admin/vendor/bin:$PATH" - bash bin/ wc_admin_test root '' localhost $WP_VERSION - bash bin/ before - node --version - npm --version - timedatectl script: - bash bin/ - bash bin/ - bash bin/ branches: only: - master before_deploy: # Remove our unneeded symlink. - rm docs/components/packages # Copy each component README to the docs folder. - find packages/components/src -type f -name '' | sed 's/\(packages\/components\/src\/\)\(.*\)README\.md/docs\/components\/packages\/\2/g' | xargs mkdir -p - find packages/components/src -type f -name '' | sed 's/\(packages\/components\/src\/\)\(.*\)\(README\.md\)/\1\2\3 docs\/components\/packages\/\2/g' | xargs -n2 cp deploy: local_dir: docs provider: pages skip_cleanup: true github_token: $GH_PAGES_TOKEN keep_history: true on: condition: $RUN_JS == 1 # only deploy on the PHP 7.2/JS build branch: master target_branch: gh-pages verbose: true