# Checkout - Slot Fill Slot and Fill are a pair of components which enable developers to render elsewhere in a React element tree, a pattern often referred to as "portal" rendering. It is a pattern for component extensibility, where a single Slot may be occupied by an indeterminate number of Fills elsewhere in the application. This module is an abstraction on top of the Slot/Fill implementation in WordPress and is meant to be used internally, therefore the documentation only touches the abstraction part. You can read more about Slot Fill in [@wordpress/components documentation](https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/c53d26ea79bdcb1a3007a994078e1fc9e0195466/packages/components/src/slot-fill). ## Table of Contents - [`createSlotFill( slotName )`](#createslotfill-slotname-) - [Usage](#usage) - [Options](#options) - [`slotName (string, required)`](#slotname-string-required) - [`onError (Function)`](#onerror-function) - [`Slot` Component](#slot-component) - [Usage](#usage-1) - [Options](#options-1) - [`as (string|element)`](#as-stringelement) - [`className (string)`](#classname-string) - [`fillProps (object)`](#fillprops-object) - [`Fill` Component](#fill-component) - [Extending Checkout via Slot Fills](#extending-checkout-via-slot-fills) - [Available Slot Fills](#available-slot-fills) ## `createSlotFill( slotName )` Calling `createSlotFill` with a `slotName` returns two components: `Slot` and `Fill`. Slots are implemented in WooCommerce Blocks, while Fills can be used by extensions to add content within the Slot. A Slot must be called in a tree that has `SlotFillProvider` in it. ### Usage ```jsx // Aliased import import { createSlotFill } from '@woocommerce/blocks-checkout'; // Global import // const { createSlotFill } = wc.blocksCheckout; const slotName = '__experimentalSlotName'; const { Fill, Slot } = createSlotFill( slotName ); ``` ### Options `createSlotFill` accepts the following options: #### `slotName (string, required)` The name of slot to be created. #### `onError (Function)` If a `Fill` causes an error, and the current user is an admin user, this function will be called. You can customize the error shown to admins by passing `onError` to `createSlotFill`. ```jsx // Aliased import import { createSlotFill } from '@woocommerce/blocks-checkout'; // Global import // const { createSlotFill } = wc.blocksCheckout; const slotName = '__experimentalSlotName'; const onError = ( errorMessage ) => { return (
You got an error!
{ errorMessage } Contact support at{ ' ' } help@example.com
); }; const { Fill, Slot } = createSlotFill( slotName, onError ); ``` ### `Slot` Component `createSlotFill` returns a `Slot` component. This is rendered in the app and will render any Fills within it. #### Usage ```jsx // Aliased import import { createSlotFill } from '@woocommerce/blocks-checkout'; // Global import // const { createSlotFill } = wc.blocksCheckout; const slotName = '__experimentalSlotName'; const { Fill: FillComponent, Slot: SlotComponent } = createSlotFill( slotName ); const Slot = ( { className } ) => { return ; }; // Assign your Slot to your Fill. FillComponent.Slot = Slot; export default FillComponent; ``` #### Options `Slot` accepts the following options: ##### `as (string|element)` Element used to render the slot. By default, `Slot` would render a `div`, but you can customize what gets rendered instead. ##### `className (string)` A class name applied to the rendered element. ##### `fillProps (object)` Props passed to each fill implementation. ```jsx // Aliased import import { createSlotFill } from '@woocommerce/blocks-checkout'; // Global import // const { createSlotFill } = wc.blocksCheckout; const slotName = '__experimentalSlotName'; const { Fill: FillComponent, Slot: SlotComponent } = createSlotFill( slotName ); const Slot = ( { className } ) => { return ( ); }; // Assign your Slot to your Fill. FillComponent.Slot = Slot; export default FillComponent; ``` #### `Fill` Component Each `Fill` receives any `fillProps` from the `Slot`, and also renders an [errorBoundary](https://reactjs.org/docs/error-boundaries.html) inside of it. This catches broken fills and prevents them from breaking other fills. ## Extending Checkout via Slot Fills Slot/Fills are exported and available for use by extensions. One such Slot Fill is `ExperimentalOrderMeta` [exported from here](../components/order-meta/index.js). This provides the Slot, and within it, you can define your fill: ```jsx import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins'; // Aliased import import { ExperimentalOrderMeta } from '@woocommerce/blocks-checkout'; // Global import // const { ExperimentalOrderMeta } = wc.blocksCheckout; // extensions and cartData are both fillProps. const MyComponent = ( { extensions, cartData } ) => { const { myPlugin } = extensions; return ; }; const render = () => { return ( ); }; registerPlugin( 'my-plugin', { render } ); ``` ## Available Slot Fills Slot Fills are implemented throughout the Cart and Checkout Blocks, as well as some components. For a list of available Slot Fills, [see this document](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/blob/trunk/docs/extensibility/available-slot-fills.md).

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