# Folder Structure The following snippet explains how the WooCommerce Blocks repository is structured omitting irrelevant or obvious items with further explanations: ```text │ ├── LICENSE ├── README.md ├── .github/CODEOWNERS ├── .github/CODE*OF_CONDUCT.md ├── .github/CONTRIBUTING.md ├── .github/SECURITY.md │ ├── .distignore ├── .editorconfig ├── .eslintignore ├── .eslintrc ├── .gitattributes ├── .gitignore ├── .prettierrc.js ├── .stylelintrc.json ├── phpcs.xml.dist │ Dot files and config files used to configure the various linting tools │ used in the repository (PHP, JS, styles...). │ ├── .nvmrc │ Required Node version of the project. │ ├── babel.config.js ├── global.d.ts ├── tsconfig.base.json ├── tsconfig.json ├── webpack.config.js │ Transpilation and bundling config files. │ ├── phpcs.xml │ Config file for the PHP Coding Standards. │ ├── phpunit.xml.dist │ Config file for PHPUnit. │ ├── postcss.config.js │ Config file for PostCSS. │ ├── renovate.json │ Config file for Renovate. │ ├── docker-compose.yml │ Docker config files for the development and testing environment. │ ├── .env ├── .wp-env.json │ Config files for the development and testing environment. │ Includes WordPress, the WooCommerce plugin and the Storefront theme. │ ├── composer.lock ├── composer.json │ Handling of PHP dependencies. Used for development tools and autoloading. │ ├── package-lock.json ├── package.json │ Handling of JavaScript dependencies. Both for development tools and │ production dependencies. The package.json also serves to define common | tasks and scripts used for day to day development. │ ├── readme.txt │ Readme of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin hosted on the WordPress │ plugin repository. │ ├── woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block.php │ Entry point of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── .github/* │ Config of the different Github features (issues and PR templates, CI, │ owners). │ ├── .sources/_ │ Sketch files of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── .wordpress-org/_ │ Assets of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin hosted on the WordPress plugin │ repository. │ ├── assets/css/_ │ The SCSS files of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── assets/js/_ │ The React components of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── assets/js/atomic │ The atomic components such as product title, product rating, product │ image, etc. These atomic components are used by the product blocks. │ ├── assets/js/base │ Base contains components specific to the frontend of the store. │ Components placed here avoid loading larger Gutenberg dependencies to │ keep client script sizes to a minimum. │ ├── assets/js/blocks-registry │ Files that allows developers to connect their extensions to this plugin. │ ├── assets/js/blocks │ The main blocks of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin such as the Active │ Filters Block. │ ├── assets/js/data │ Functionality to store data using Redux and wp.data. │ ├── assets/js/editor-components │ Editor components such as the block-title component. │ ├── assets/js/extensions │ TypeScript files to allow Google Analytics tracking of specific events │ such as active payment method and removing cart items. │ ├── assets/js/filters │ Filter such as excluding the checkout draft from Google Analytics. │ ├── assets/js/hocs │ The Higher Order Components of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── assets/js/icons │ The WooCommerce Blocks Icon library. │ ├── assets/js/middleware │ The middleware code to handle Store API calls. │ ├── assets/js/payment-method-extensions │ Functionality for the payment options such as PayPal. │ ├── assets/js/previews │ The previews of various components such the All Products Block. │ ├── assets/js/settings │ Functionality to view the settings in the frontend. │ ├── assets/js/shared │ Shared components of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── assets/js/types │ TypeScript definitions of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── assets/js/utils │ Shared utilities of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── bin/\_ │ Set of scripts used to build the WordPress packages. │ ├── docs/\* │ Set of documentation pages of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── images │ Images for the payment options and the previews. │ ├── packages │ Things that are likely to be published as npm packages in the future. Packages can be: │ - Production JavaScript scripts and styles loaded on WordPress │ and the WooCommerce Blocks plugin or distributed as npm packages. │ - Development tools available on npm. │ ├── patches │ Patches for 3rd party scripts applied when installing dependencies. │ ├── src │ The core PHP files of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── storybook │ Config of the [WooCommerce Blocks Storybook](https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/). │ ├── templates/emails │ Email templates of the WooCommerce Blocks plugin. │ ├── tests/e2e │ Set of end-to-end tests. │ ├── tests/js │ Configuration for Jest. │ ├── tests/php │ Configuration for the PHP unit tests │ ├── tests/utils │ Utilities for the test cases. │ ``` ## Credits This file is inspired by the great work of @JustinyAhin and @gziolo in . --- [We're hiring!](https://woocommerce.com/careers/) Come work with us! 🐞 Found a mistake, or have a suggestion? [Leave feedback about this document here.](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks/issues/new?assignees=&labels=type%3A+documentation&template=--doc-feedback.md&title=Feedback%20on%20./docs/contributors/contributing/folder-structure.md)