/** * External dependencies */ import { useBlockProps, useInnerBlocksProps } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import { BlockEditProps, InnerBlockTemplate } from '@wordpress/blocks'; import { useInstanceId } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { useEffect } from '@wordpress/element'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { ImageSizing } from '../../atomic/blocks/product-elements/image/types'; import type { ProductCollectionAttributes, ProductCollectionQuery, } from './types'; import { VARIATION_NAME as PRODUCT_TITLE_ID } from './variations/elements/product-title'; import InspectorControls from './inspector-controls'; import { DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES } from './constants'; import './editor.scss'; import { getDefaultValueOfInheritQueryFromTemplate } from './utils'; import ToolbarControls from './toolbar-controls'; export const INNER_BLOCKS_TEMPLATE: InnerBlockTemplate[] = [ [ 'woocommerce/product-template', {}, [ [ 'woocommerce/product-image', { imageSizing: ImageSizing.THUMBNAIL, }, ], [ 'core/post-title', { textAlign: 'center', level: 3, fontSize: 'medium', style: { spacing: { margin: { bottom: '0.75rem', top: '0', }, }, }, isLink: true, __woocommerceNamespace: PRODUCT_TITLE_ID, }, ], [ 'woocommerce/product-price', { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 'small', }, ], [ 'woocommerce/product-button', { textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 'small', }, ], ], ], [ 'core/query-pagination', { layout: { type: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', }, }, ], [ 'core/query-no-results' ], ]; const Edit = ( props: BlockEditProps< ProductCollectionAttributes > ) => { const { attributes, setAttributes } = props; const { queryId } = attributes; const blockProps = useBlockProps(); const innerBlocksProps = useInnerBlocksProps( blockProps, { template: INNER_BLOCKS_TEMPLATE, } ); const instanceId = useInstanceId( Edit ); // We need this for multi-query block pagination. // Query parameters for each block are scoped to their ID. useEffect( () => { if ( ! Number.isFinite( queryId ) ) { setAttributes( { queryId: Number( instanceId ) } ); } }, [ queryId, instanceId, setAttributes ] ); /** * Because of issue https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/7342, * We are using this workaround to set default attributes. */ useEffect( () => { setAttributes( { ...DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES, query: { ...( DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES.query as ProductCollectionQuery ), inherit: getDefaultValueOfInheritQueryFromTemplate(), }, ...( attributes as Partial< ProductCollectionAttributes > ), } ); // We don't wanna add attributes as a dependency here. // Because we want this to run only once. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [ setAttributes ] ); /** * If inherit is not a boolean, then we haven't set default attributes yet. * We don't wanna render anything until default attributes are set. * Default attributes are set in the useEffect above. */ if ( typeof attributes?.query?.inherit !== 'boolean' ) return null; return (
); }; export default Edit;