/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Component, Fragment } from '@wordpress/element'; import { map } from 'lodash'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import Card from 'components/card'; import DatePicker from 'components/date-picker'; import { getAdminLink } from 'lib/nav-utils'; import { getCurrencyFormatString } from 'lib/currency'; import Header from 'components/header'; import { SummaryList, SummaryNumber } from 'components/summary'; import Table from 'components/table'; // Mock data until we fetch from an API import rawData from './mock-data'; class RevenueReport extends Component { getRowsContent( data ) { return map( data, ( row, label ) => { // @TODO How to create this per-report? Can use `w`, `year`, `m` to build time-specific order links // we need to know which kind of report this is, and parse the `label` to get this row's date const orderLink = ( { row.order_count } ); return [ label, orderLink, getCurrencyFormatString( row.gross_revenue ), getCurrencyFormatString( row.refunds ), getCurrencyFormatString( row.coupons ), getCurrencyFormatString( row.taxes ), getCurrencyFormatString( row.shipping ), getCurrencyFormatString( row.net_revenue ), ]; } ); } render() { const { path, query } = this.props; const rows = this.getRowsContent( rawData.intervals[ 0 ].week[ 0 ] ); const headers = [ __( 'Date', 'woo-dash' ), __( 'Orders', 'woo-dash' ), __( 'Gross Revenue', 'woo-dash' ), __( 'Refunds', 'woo-dash' ), __( 'Coupons', 'woo-dash' ), __( 'Taxes', 'woo-dash' ), __( 'Shipping', 'woo-dash' ), __( 'Net Revenue', 'woo-dash' ), ]; return (

Graph here

); } } RevenueReport.propTypes = { params: PropTypes.object.isRequired, path: PropTypes.string.isRequired, query: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; export default RevenueReport;