msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WooCommerce v1.6.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-12-23 10:01+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-27 15:34:23+0000\n" "Last-Translator: RENAD \n" "Language-Team: Martin Necas \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n" "X-Poedit-Country: CZECH REPUBLIC\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;__ngettext:1,2;_n:1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2;_n_noop:1,2;_c,_nc:4c,1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;_nx_noop:4c,1,2;\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n" "X-Poedit-Bookmarks: \n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Textdomain-Support: yes" #: languages/strings.php:13 #@ woocommerce msgid "pending" msgstr "čakajúce na vybavenie" #: languages/strings.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid "failed" msgstr "zlyhalo" #: languages/strings.php:15 #@ woocommerce msgid "on-hold" msgstr "čakajúce na vybavenie" #: languages/strings.php:16 #@ woocommerce msgid "processing" msgstr "spracovává sa" #: languages/strings.php:17 #@ woocommerce msgid "completed" msgstr "dokončené" #: languages/strings.php:18 #@ woocommerce msgid "refunded" msgstr "vrátenie peňazí" #: languages/strings.php:19 #@ woocommerce msgid "cancelled" msgstr "zrušené" #: woocommerce.php:481 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer" msgstr "zákazník" #: woocommerce.php:488 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shop Manager" msgstr "správca obchodu" #: templates/cart/shipping-calculator.php:44 #: woocommerce-template.php:750 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select a state…" msgstr "vyberte štát…" #: woocommerce-functions.php:1047 #@ woocommerce msgid "You have taken too long. Please go back and refresh the page." msgstr "Trvalo vám to príliš dlho. Prosím, vráťte sa späť a obnovte stránku." #: woocommerce-functions.php:1050 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please rate the product." msgstr "Ohodnoťte produkt, prosím." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:260 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:760 #: templates/single-product/review.php:18 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:29 #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:74 #@ woocommerce msgid "out of 5" msgstr "z 5" #: templates/single-product/review.php:22 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your comment is awaiting approval" msgstr "Váš komentár čaká na schválenie." #: woocommerce-functions.php:141 #: woocommerce-functions.php:182 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart updated." msgstr "Košík bol aktualizovaný." #: woocommerce-functions.php:211 #: woocommerce-functions.php:251 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please choose product options…" msgstr "Prosím zvoľte možnosti produktu…" #: woocommerce-functions.php:282 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please choose a quantity…" msgstr "Zadajte množstvo, prosím…" #: woocommerce-functions.php:290 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please choose a product…" msgstr "Zvoľte produkt, prosím…" #: woocommerce-functions.php:492 #@ woocommerce msgid "Username is required." msgstr "Uživateľské meno je povinné." #: woocommerce-functions.php:493 #: woocommerce-functions.php:567 #@ woocommerce msgid "Password is required." msgstr "Heslo je povinné." #: woocommerce-functions.php:568 #@ woocommerce msgid "Re-enter your password." msgstr "Zadajte svoje heslo znovu, prosím." #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:251 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:224 #: woocommerce-functions.php:569 #@ woocommerce msgid "Passwords do not match." msgstr "Hesla se nezhodujú." #: woocommerce-functions.php:572 #@ woocommerce msgid "Anti-spam field was filled in." msgstr "Anti-spamové pole bolo vyplnené. Pre pokračovanie ho nechajte voľné." #: woocommerce-functions.php:685 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order cancelled by customer." msgstr "Zrušenie objednávky zákazníkom." #: woocommerce-functions.php:688 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your order was cancelled." msgstr "Vaša objednávka bola zrušená." #: woocommerce-functions.php:692 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your order is no longer pending and could not be cancelled. Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "Vaša objednávka už bola potvrdená a nedá sa zrušiť. Neváhajte nás v prípade potreby kontaktovať." #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:261 #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:53 #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:108 #: woocommerce-functions.php:696 #: woocommerce-functions.php:758 #@ woocommerce msgid "Invalid order." msgstr "Neplatná objednávka." #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:77 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:75 #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:86 #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:135 #@ woocommerce msgid "Guest" msgstr "Neregistrovať sa." #: woocommerce-functions.php:1009 #@ woocommerce msgid "New products" msgstr "nové produkty" #: woocommerce-functions.php:1017 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "New products added to %s" msgstr "nové produkty pridané do %s" #: woocommerce-functions.php:1025 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "New products tagged %s" msgstr "nové produkty so štítkom %s" #: woocommerce-ajax.php:136 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, your session has expired." msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale vaša relácia vypršala." #: woocommerce-ajax.php:136 #@ woocommerce msgid "Return to homepage →" msgstr "späť na domovskú stránku →" #: woocommerce-ajax.php:218 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:248 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:267 #@ woocommerce msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." msgstr "Nemáte dostatečné oprávnenia pre prístup na túto stránku." #: woocommerce-ajax.php:220 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:249 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:268 #@ woocommerce msgid "You have taken too long. Please go back and retry." msgstr "Trvalo Vám to príliš dlho. Prosím, vráťte sa späť a skúste to znovu." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:309 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:707 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product ID:" msgstr "Produkt ID:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:310 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:708 #@ woocommerce msgid "Variation ID:" msgstr "Číslo ID variantu:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:311 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:709 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product SKU:" msgstr "katalogové číslo produktu:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:334 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:730 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add meta" msgstr "pridať meta" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:392 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:393 #@ woocommerce msgid "0.00" msgstr "0" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:37 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "added %s ago" msgstr "pridané pred %s" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:37 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:853 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delete note" msgstr "vymazať poznámku" #: woocommerce-ajax.php:1009 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cross-sell" msgstr "doplnkový predaj" #: woocommerce-ajax.php:1009 #@ woocommerce msgid "Up-sell" msgstr "navyšovací predaj" #: woocommerce-ajax.php:1014 #@ woocommerce msgid "No products found" msgstr "nenašli sa žiadne produkty" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:120 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Customer Order" msgstr "nová objednávka" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:188 #: classes/class-wc-email.php:155 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Received" msgstr "prijaté objednávky" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:159 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "[%s] Order Received" msgstr "[%s] objednávka prijatá" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:191 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "[%s] Order Complete/Download Links" msgstr "[%s] objednávka dokončená / odkazy na stiahnutie" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:192 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Complete/Download Links" msgstr "objednávka dokončená / odkazy na stiahnutie" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:194 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "[%s] Order Complete" msgstr "[%s] Objednávka dokončená" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:195 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Complete" msgstr "Objednávka dokončená" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:240 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "[%s] Pay for Order" msgstr "[%s] zaplatiť za objednávku" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:283 #@ woocommerce msgid "A note has been added to your order" msgstr "K vašej objednávke bola pridaná poznámka." #: classes/class-wc-email.php:287 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "[%s] A note has been added to your order" msgstr "[%s] K vašej objednávke bola pridaná poznámka." #: classes/class-wc-email.php:319 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product low in stock" msgstr "produkt má nízke skladové zásoby" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:328 #@ woocommerce msgid "is low in stock." msgstr "už dochádza na sklade." #: classes/class-wc-email.php:347 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product out of stock" msgstr "produkt už nie je na sklade" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:356 #@ woocommerce msgid "is out of stock." msgstr "nie je na sklade." #: classes/class-wc-email.php:388 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Backorder" msgstr "produkt Backorder" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:108 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email preview" msgstr "náhľad e-mailu" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:429 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order information" msgstr "údaje o objednávke" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:451 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Your account on %s" msgstr "váš účet na %s" #: woocommerce.php:550 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "slug" msgid "product-category" msgstr "kategoria-produktu" #: woocommerce.php:552 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "slug" msgid "product-tag" msgstr "stitok-produktu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:103 #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:40 #: woocommerce.php:583 #: woocommerce.php:585 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Categories" msgstr "kategórie produktov" #: woocommerce.php:588 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search Product Categories" msgstr "hľadať v kategóriách produktov" #: woocommerce.php:589 #@ woocommerce msgid "All Product Categories" msgstr "všetky kategórie produktov" #: woocommerce.php:590 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Product Category" msgstr "parent kategória produktu" #: woocommerce.php:591 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Product Category:" msgstr "parent kategória produktu:" #: woocommerce.php:592 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Product Category" msgstr "upraviť kategóriu produktov" #: woocommerce.php:593 #@ woocommerce msgid "Update Product Category" msgstr "aktualizovať kategóriu produktov" #: woocommerce.php:594 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New Product Category" msgstr "pridať novú kategóriu produktov" #: woocommerce.php:595 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Product Category Name" msgstr "názov novej kategórie produktov" #: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:42 #: woocommerce.php:614 #: woocommerce.php:616 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Tags" msgstr "štítky produktu" #: woocommerce.php:619 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search Product Tags" msgstr "hľadať v štítkoch produktov" #: woocommerce.php:620 #@ woocommerce msgid "All Product Tags" msgstr "všetky štítky produktov" #: woocommerce.php:621 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Product Tag" msgstr "parent štítok produktu" #: woocommerce.php:622 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Product Tag:" msgstr "parent štítok produktu:" #: woocommerce.php:623 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Product Tag" msgstr "upraviť štítok produktu" #: woocommerce.php:624 #@ woocommerce msgid "Update Product Tag" msgstr "aktualizovať štítok produktu" #: woocommerce.php:625 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New Product Tag" msgstr "pridať nový štítok produktu" #: woocommerce.php:626 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Product Tag Name" msgstr "názov nového štítku produktu" #: woocommerce.php:645 #: woocommerce.php:647 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping Classes" msgstr "doručovacie triedy" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:359 #: woocommerce.php:648 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping Class" msgstr "doručovacia trieda" #: woocommerce.php:650 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search Shipping Classes" msgstr "hledať v doručovacích triedach" #: woocommerce.php:651 #@ woocommerce msgid "All Shipping Classes" msgstr "všetky doručovacie triedy" #: woocommerce.php:652 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Shipping Class" msgstr "parent doručovacia trieda" #: woocommerce.php:653 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Shipping Class:" msgstr "parent doručovacia trieda:" #: woocommerce.php:654 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Shipping Class" msgstr "upraviť doručovaciu triedu" #: woocommerce.php:655 #@ woocommerce msgid "Update Shipping Class" msgstr "aktualizovať doručovaciu triedu" #: woocommerce.php:656 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New Shipping Class" msgstr "pridať novú doručovaciu triedu" #: woocommerce.php:657 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Shipping Class Name" msgstr "názov doručovacej triedy" #: woocommerce.php:678 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order statuses" msgstr "stavy objednávok" #: woocommerce.php:679 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order status" msgstr "stav objednávky" #: woocommerce.php:680 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search Order statuses" msgstr "vyhľadať stavy objednávok" #: woocommerce.php:682 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Order status" msgstr "stav parent objednávky" #: woocommerce.php:683 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Order status:" msgstr "stav parent objednávky:" #: woocommerce.php:684 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Order status" msgstr "upraviť stav objednávky" #: woocommerce.php:685 #@ woocommerce msgid "Update Order status" msgstr "aktualizácia stavu objednávky" #: woocommerce.php:686 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New Order status" msgstr "vložiť nový stav objednávky" #: woocommerce.php:687 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Order status Name" msgstr "meno nového stavu objednávky" #: admin/post-types/product.php:546 #: admin/post-types/product.php:788 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:948 #: woocommerce-template.php:843 #: woocommerce.php:716 #@ woocommerce #@ default msgid "Search" msgstr "vyhľadávanie" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:56 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:216 #: woocommerce.php:717 #@ woocommerce msgid "All" msgstr "všetko" #: woocommerce.php:718 #: woocommerce.php:719 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent" msgstr "parent" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:93 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:176 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:81 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:968 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:51 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:163 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:170 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:211 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:267 #: templates/myaccount/my-address.php:21 #: templates/myaccount/my-address.php:52 #: woocommerce.php:720 #: woocommerce.php:747 #: woocommerce.php:790 #: woocommerce.php:836 #: woocommerce.php:882 #@ woocommerce #@ default msgid "Edit" msgstr "upraviť" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:226 #: woocommerce.php:721 #@ woocommerce msgid "Update" msgstr "aktualizovať" #: woocommerce.php:722 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New" msgstr "pridať nový" #: woocommerce.php:723 #@ woocommerce msgid "New" msgstr "nový" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:55 #: woocommerce.php:742 #@ woocommerce msgid "Products" msgstr "produkty" #: woocommerce.php:745 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add Product" msgstr "pridať produkt" #: woocommerce.php:746 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New Product" msgstr "pridať nový produkt" #: woocommerce.php:748 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Product" msgstr "upraviť produkt" #: woocommerce.php:749 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Product" msgstr "nový produkt" #: woocommerce.php:750 #: woocommerce.php:751 #@ woocommerce msgid "View Product" msgstr "zobraziť produkt" #: woocommerce.php:752 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search Products" msgstr "hľadať produkty" #: woocommerce.php:753 #@ woocommerce msgid "No Products found" msgstr "neboli nájdené žiadne produkty" #: woocommerce.php:754 #@ woocommerce msgid "No Products found in trash" msgstr "žiadne produkty v koši" #: woocommerce.php:755 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Product" msgstr "parent produkt" #: woocommerce.php:757 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is where you can add new products to your store." msgstr "tu môžete pridávať nové produkty do vášho obchodu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:19 #: woocommerce.php:786 #@ woocommerce msgid "Variations" msgstr "varianty" #: woocommerce.php:787 #@ woocommerce msgid "Variation" msgstr "variant" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:255 #: woocommerce.php:788 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add Variation" msgstr "pridať variant" #: woocommerce.php:789 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New Variation" msgstr "pridať nový variant" #: woocommerce.php:791 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Variation" msgstr "upraviť variant" #: woocommerce.php:792 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Variation" msgstr "nový variant" #: woocommerce.php:793 #: woocommerce.php:794 #@ woocommerce msgid "View Variation" msgstr "zobraziť variant" #: woocommerce.php:795 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search Variations" msgstr "hľadať varianty" #: woocommerce.php:796 #@ woocommerce msgid "No Variations found" msgstr "neboli nájdené žiadne varianty" #: woocommerce.php:797 #@ woocommerce msgid "No Variations found in trash" msgstr "žiadne varianty v koši" #: woocommerce.php:798 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Variation" msgstr "parent variant" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:61 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:98 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:21 #: woocommerce.php:832 #@ woocommerce msgid "Orders" msgstr "objednávky" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:35 #: templates/myaccount/my-orders.php:27 #: woocommerce.php:833 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order" msgstr "objednávka" #: woocommerce.php:834 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add Order" msgstr "pridať objednávku" #: woocommerce.php:835 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New Order" msgstr "pridať novú objednávku" #: woocommerce.php:837 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Order" msgstr "upraviť objednávku" #: woocommerce.php:838 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Order" msgstr "nová objednávka" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:179 #: woocommerce.php:839 #: woocommerce.php:840 #@ woocommerce msgid "View Order" msgstr "zobraziť objednávku" #: woocommerce.php:841 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search Orders" msgstr "hľadať objednávky" #: woocommerce.php:842 #@ woocommerce msgid "No Orders found" msgstr "nenašli sa žiadne objednávky" #: woocommerce.php:843 #@ woocommerce msgid "No Orders found in trash" msgstr "v koši sa nenašli žiadne objednávky" #: woocommerce.php:844 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Orders" msgstr "parent objednávky" #: woocommerce.php:847 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is where store orders are stored." msgstr "To je místo, kde jsou uloženy obchod objednávky." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:142 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:69 #: woocommerce.php:877 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupons" msgstr "kupóny" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:65 #: templates/cart/cart.php:112 #: woocommerce.php:878 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon" msgstr "kupón" #: woocommerce.php:880 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add Coupon" msgstr "pridať kupón" #: woocommerce.php:881 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New Coupon" msgstr "pridať nový kupón" #: woocommerce.php:883 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Coupon" msgstr "upraviť kupón" #: woocommerce.php:884 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Coupon" msgstr "nový kupón" #: woocommerce.php:885 #@ woocommerce msgid "View Coupons" msgstr "zobraziť kupóny" #: woocommerce.php:886 #@ woocommerce msgid "View Coupon" msgstr "zobraziť kupón" #: woocommerce.php:887 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search Coupons" msgstr "hľadať kupón" #: woocommerce.php:888 #@ woocommerce msgid "No Coupons found" msgstr "nenašli sa žiadne kupóny" #: woocommerce.php:889 #@ woocommerce msgid "No Coupons found in trash" msgstr "v koši sa nenašli žiadne kupóny" #: woocommerce.php:890 #@ woocommerce msgid "Parent Coupon" msgstr "parent kupón" #: woocommerce.php:892 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is where you can add new coupons that customers can use in your store." msgstr "Tu môžete pridávať nové kupóny, ktoré môžu zákazníci využiť vo vašom obchode." #: widgets/widget-login.php:58 #: woocommerce-functions.php:117 #@ woocommerce msgid "Logout" msgstr "odhlásiť sa" #: templates/loop/sale-flash.php:10 #: templates/single-product/sale-flash.php:10 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sale!" msgstr "zľava!" #: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:13 #: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:30 #@ woocommerce msgid "Read More" msgstr "viac" #: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:22 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select options" msgstr "výber možností" #: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:26 #@ woocommerce msgid "View options" msgstr "zobraziť možnosti" #: shortcodes/shortcode-init.php:381 #: templates/loop/add-to-cart.php:34 #: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.php:43 #: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/grouped.php:73 #: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php:33 #: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php:61 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add to cart" msgstr "pridať do košíka" #: classes/class-wc-product.php:1091 #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:165 #: templates/single-product/meta.php:11 #@ woocommerce msgid "SKU:" msgstr "Katalogové číslo SKU:" #: templates/single-product/meta.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid "Category:" msgstr "Kategória:" #: templates/single-product/meta.php:16 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tags:" msgstr "štítky:" #: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php:21 #@ woocommerce msgid "Choose an option" msgstr "vyberte možnosť" #: woocommerce-template.php:340 #@ woocommerce msgid "Buy product" msgstr "kúpiť produkt" #: templates/loop/pagination.php:12 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:54 #@ woocommerce msgid "Next " msgstr "ďalšie " #: templates/loop/pagination.php:13 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:53 #@ woocommerce msgid " Previous" msgstr " predchádzajúce" #: admin/post-types/product.php:75 #: admin/post-types/product.php:494 #: admin/post-types/product.php:687 #: templates/cart/cart.php:19 #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:16 #: templates/emails/customer-completed-order.php:16 #: templates/emails/customer-invoice.php:20 #: templates/emails/customer-note.php:20 #: templates/emails/customer-processing-order.php:16 #@ woocommerce msgid "Price" msgstr "cena celkom" #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:59 #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:172 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:112 #: templates/single-product/tabs/tab-description.php:4 #@ woocommerce msgid "Description" msgstr "popis" #: templates/checkout/form-shipping.php:52 #: templates/single-product/tabs/attributes.php:14 #: templates/single-product/tabs/tab-attributes.php:7 #@ woocommerce msgid "Additional Information" msgstr "varianty" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:45 #: templates/single-product/tabs/tab-reviews.php:2 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:37 #@ woocommerce msgid "Reviews" msgstr "recenzie" #: templates/single-product/tabs/description.php:11 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Description" msgstr "popis produktu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:76 #: templates/single-product/related.php:29 #@ woocommerce msgid "Related Products" msgstr "súvisiace produkty" #: templates/cart/shipping-calculator.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid "Calculate Shipping" msgstr "vypočítať platbu za doručenie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:128 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:211 #: templates/cart/shipping-calculator.php:18 #: woocommerce-template.php:708 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select a country…" msgstr "vyberte krajinu…" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:889 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:890 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:960 #: templates/cart/shipping-calculator.php:63 #@ woocommerce msgid "Postcode/Zip" msgstr "PSČ" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:121 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:204 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:129 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:178 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:858 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:859 #: templates/cart/shipping-calculator.php:63 #@ woocommerce msgid "Postcode" msgstr "PSČ" #: templates/cart/shipping-calculator.php:66 #@ woocommerce msgid "Update Totals" msgstr "aktualizovať celkové čiastky" #: templates/cart/totals.php:16 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart Totals" msgstr "celkom k platbe" #: templates/cart/totals.php:21 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart Subtotal" msgstr "medzisúčet" #: templates/cart/totals.php:28 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:30 #: woocommerce.php:1269 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart Discount" msgstr "zľava na nákup" #: templates/cart/totals.php:28 #: templates/cart/totals.php:191 #@ woocommerce msgid "[Remove]" msgstr "[odstrániť]" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:37 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:477 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:74 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:33 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:102 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:43 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:188 #: templates/cart/totals.php:37 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:41 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping" msgstr "doručenie" #: templates/cart/totals.php:191 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:192 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Discount" msgstr "objednávka - zľava" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:38 #: templates/cart/totals.php:198 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:201 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Total" msgstr "cena celkom" #: templates/cart/totals.php:228 #@ woocommerce msgid "No shipping methods were found; please recalculate your shipping and enter your state/county and zip/postcode to ensure their are no other available methods for your location." msgstr "Neboli nájdené žiadne možnosti doručenia. Prosím, prepočítajte náklady na doručenie pri zadaní vašej krajiny a PSČ, aby ste se uistili, že neexistujú žiadne dostupné spôsoby doručenia do vašej lokality." #: templates/cart/totals.php:235 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your location (%s)." msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale zdá sa, že nie sú k dispozícií žiadne spôsoby doručenia do vašej lokality (%s)." #: templates/cart/totals.php:237 #@ woocommerce msgid "If you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements please contact us." msgstr "Ak potrebujete našu pomoc, alebo si želáte dohodnúť sa na inom postupe, neváhajte nás kontaktovať." #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:18 #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:44 #: templates/shop/form-login.php:14 #: widgets/widget-login.php:93 #@ woocommerce msgid "Username" msgstr "užívateľské meno" #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:22 #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:54 #: templates/shop/form-login.php:18 #: widgets/widget-login.php:95 #@ woocommerce msgid "Password" msgstr "heslo" #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:15 #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:29 #: templates/shop/form-login.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "Login" msgstr "prihlásenie" #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:30 #: templates/shop/form-login.php:27 #@ woocommerce msgid "Lost Password?" msgstr "zabudli ste heslo?" #: templates/checkout/form-login.php:8 #@ woocommerce msgid "Already registered?" msgstr "už ste sa zaregistroval(a)?" #: templates/checkout/form-login.php:11 #@ woocommerce msgid "Click here to login" msgstr "kliknite tu pre prihlásenie" #: templates/checkout/form-login.php:13 #@ woocommerce msgid "If you have shopped with us before, please enter your username and password in the boxes below. If you are a new customer please proceed to the Billing & Shipping section." msgstr "Ak ste u nás nakupovali skôr, prosím, zadajte svoje užívateľské meno a heslo do polí nižšie. Ak ste nový zákazník, prosím pokračujte k fakturácií a voľbe spôsobu doručenia." #: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:8 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "breadcrumb" msgid "Home" msgstr "úvodná stránka" #: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:61 #@ woocommerce msgid "Products tagged “" msgstr "produkty so štítkami “" #: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:84 #: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:168 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search results for “" msgstr "výsledky hľadanie pre výraz “" #: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:132 #@ woocommerce msgid "Error 404" msgstr "chyba 404 - nenájdené" #: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:172 #@ woocommerce msgid "Posts tagged “" msgstr "príspevky so štítkom “" #: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:177 #@ woocommerce msgid "Author:" msgstr "autor:" #: templates/shop/breadcrumb.php:183 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page" msgstr "stránka" #: templates/single-product/up-sells.php:27 #@ woocommerce msgid "You may also like…" msgstr "mohlo by sa vám páčiť…" #: templates/cart/cross-sells.php:29 #@ woocommerce msgid "You may be interested in…" msgstr "mohlo by vás zaujímať…" #: woocommerce-template.php:170 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is a demo store for testing purposes — no orders shall be fulfilled." msgstr "Toto je ukážkový obchod pre testovacie účely. Objednávky nebudú vybavené." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:55 #: templates/order/order-details.php:10 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Details" msgstr "podrobnosti o objednávke" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:280 #: templates/checkout/form-pay.php:13 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:16 #: templates/order/order-details.php:15 #@ woocommerce msgid "Qty" msgstr "množstvo" #: templates/checkout/form-pay.php:14 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:17 #: templates/order/order-details.php:16 #@ woocommerce msgid "Totals" msgstr "celkom" #: classes/class-wc-order.php:528 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart Subtotal:" msgstr "medzisúčet:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:460 #: classes/class-wc-order.php:534 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart Discount:" msgstr "zľava na nákup:" #: classes/class-wc-order.php:540 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping:" msgstr "doručenie:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:467 #: classes/class-wc-order.php:602 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Discount:" msgstr "zľava na objednávku:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:561 #: classes/class-wc-order.php:607 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Total:" msgstr "cena celkom:" #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:40 #: templates/emails/customer-completed-order.php:40 #: templates/emails/customer-note.php:44 #: templates/emails/customer-processing-order.php:40 #: templates/order/order-details.php:84 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer details" msgstr "informácie o zákazníkovi" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:83 #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:43 #: templates/emails/customer-completed-order.php:43 #: templates/emails/customer-note.php:47 #: templates/emails/customer-processing-order.php:43 #: templates/order/order-details.php:88 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email:" msgstr "e-mail:" #: templates/order/order-details.php:89 #@ woocommerce msgid "Telephone:" msgstr "telefón:" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:19 #: templates/checkout/form-shipping.php:28 #: templates/myaccount/form-edit-address.php:21 #: templates/myaccount/my-address.php:51 #: templates/order/order-details.php:117 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping Address" msgstr "adresa doručenia" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:61 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:80 #: templates/order/order-details.php:106 #: templates/order/order-details.php:121 #@ woocommerce msgid "N/A" msgstr "N/A" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:18 #: templates/checkout/form-billing.php:14 #: templates/myaccount/form-edit-address.php:21 #: templates/myaccount/my-address.php:20 #: templates/order/order-details.php:102 #@ woocommerce msgid "Billing Address" msgstr "fakturačná adresa" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:78 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:244 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:30 #@ woocommerce msgid "Attributes" msgstr "vlastnosti" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:190 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Attribute" msgstr "upraviť vlastnosť" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:218 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:319 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select" msgstr "vybrať" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:219 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:320 #@ woocommerce msgid "Text" msgstr "text" #: admin/post-types/product.php:67 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:275 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:334 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:414 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:196 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:252 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:305 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:280 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:79 #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:155 #@ woocommerce msgid "Name" msgstr "meno" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:30 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:72 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:99 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:139 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:230 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:273 #@ woocommerce msgid "Label" msgstr "štítok" #: admin/post-types/product.php:80 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:214 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:254 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:317 #@ woocommerce msgid "Type" msgstr "typ" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:255 #@ woocommerce msgid "Terms" msgstr "podmienky" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:267 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delete" msgstr "vymazať" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:287 #@ woocommerce msgid "Configure terms" msgstr "nastavenie podmienok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:291 #@ woocommerce msgid "No attributes currently exist." msgstr "Žiadne vlastnosti v súčasnej dobe neexistujú." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:301 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add New Attribute" msgstr "pridať novú vlastnosť" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:302 #@ woocommerce msgid "Attributes let you define extra product data, such as size or colour. You can use these attributes in the shop sidebar using the \"layered nav\" widgets. Please note: you cannot rename an attribute later on." msgstr "Vlastnosti umožňujú definovať ďalšie údaje o produkte, ako je například veľkosť či farba. Tieto vlastnosti môžete použiť v bočnom paneli pomocou widgetu \"layered nav\". Upozornenie: neskôr nie je možné premenovať vlastnosť." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:221 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:322 #@ woocommerce msgid "Determines how you select attributes for products. Text allows manual entry via the product page, whereas select attribute terms can be defined from this section. If you plan on using an attribute for variations use select." msgstr "Tu určíte spôsob výberu vlastností pri produktoch. text umožňuje ručné zadanie na produktovej stránke, zatiaľ čo voľba vybrať vlastnosť ponúkne iba voľby určené v tejto sekcii. Ak plánujete používať vlastnosti pre varianty, použite voľbu vybrať." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:325 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add Attribute" msgstr "pridať vlastnosť" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:336 #@ woocommerce msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this attribute?" msgstr "Ste si istí, že chcete odstrániť túto vlastnosť?" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:34 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shop Content" msgstr "obsah obchodu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:104 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pending" msgstr "čakajúce na vybavenie" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:118 #@ woocommerce msgid "On-Hold" msgstr "čaká na vybavenie" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:140 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:132 #@ woocommerce msgid "Processing" msgstr "spracovává sa" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:146 #@ woocommerce msgid "Completed" msgstr "dokončené" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:189 #@ woocommerce msgid "Monthly Sales" msgstr "mesačné tržby" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:224 #@ woocommerce msgid "item" msgid_plural "items" msgstr[0] "kus" msgstr[1] "kusů" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:224 #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:81 #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:44 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total:" msgstr "cena celkom:" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:268 #@ woocommerce msgid "There are no product reviews yet." msgstr "Zatiaľ žiadna recenzia na tento produkt." #. translators: plugin header field 'Name' #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:26 #: woocommerce.php:0 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce" msgstr "e-shop" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:42 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Settings" msgstr "nastavenie e-shopu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:35 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:42 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:115 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:123 #: classes/class-wc-settings-api.php:27 #: classes/integrations/class-wc-integration.php:24 #@ woocommerce msgid "Settings" msgstr "nastavenie" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:51 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:28 #@ woocommerce msgid "Reports" msgstr "správy" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:278 #@ woocommerce msgid "Remove this item? If you have previously reduced this item's stock, or this order was submitted by a customer, will need to manually restore the item's stock." msgstr "Odstrániť túto položku? Pokiaľ ste už predtým znížili túto položku zásob, alebo to, aby byl předložený zákazníkom, budete musieť ručne obnoviť danú položku zásob." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:290 #@ woocommerce msgid "Copy billing information to shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information." msgstr "Skopírovať fakturačné údaje do doručovacích údajov? Tým sa prepíšu všetky v súčasnej dobe zadané doručovacie údaje." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:291 #@ woocommerce msgid "Load the customer's billing information? This will remove any currently entered billing information." msgstr "Vložiť fakturačné údaje zákazníka? Tým sa prepíšu všetky aktuálne zadané fakturačné údaje." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:292 #@ woocommerce msgid "Load the customer's shipping information? This will remove any currently entered shipping information." msgstr "Vložiť doručovacie údaje zákazníka? Tým sa prepíšu všetky aktuálne zadané doručovacie údaje." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:297 #@ woocommerce msgid "Meta Name" msgstr "názov meta" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:298 #@ woocommerce msgid "Meta Value" msgstr "hodnota meta" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:344 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select terms" msgstr "vyberte výrazy" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:299 #@ woocommerce msgid "No customer selected" msgstr "nie je vybratý žiadny zákazník" #: admin/includes/duplicate_product.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid "No product to duplicate has been supplied!" msgstr "Nebol dodaný žiadny produkt na duplikovanie!" #: admin/includes/duplicate_product.php:34 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product creation failed, could not find original product:" msgstr "Vytvorenie produktu zlyhalo, pôvodný produkt sa nenašiel: " #: admin/post-types/product.php:24 #@ woocommerce msgid "Make a duplicate from this product" msgstr "vytvoriť kópiu tohto produktu" #: admin/post-types/product.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "Duplicate" msgstr "kópia" #: admin/post-types/product.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "Copy to a new draft" msgstr "kopírovať do nového konceptu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:161 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "shop" msgstr "obchod" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:161 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shop" msgstr "Obchod" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:164 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "cart" msgstr "košík" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:164 #: widgets/widget-cart.php:43 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart" msgstr "Košík" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:167 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "checkout" msgstr "pokladňa" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:105 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:167 #@ woocommerce msgid "Checkout" msgstr "pokladňa" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:170 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "order-tracking" msgstr "sledovanie-objednavky" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:170 #@ woocommerce msgid "Track your order" msgstr "Sledovanie objednávky" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:173 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "my-account" msgstr "moj-ucet" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:173 #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:26 #@ woocommerce msgid "My Account" msgstr "môj účet" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:176 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "edit-address" msgstr "upravit-adresu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:176 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit My Address" msgstr "upraviť moju adresu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:179 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "view-order" msgstr "zobrazit-objednavku" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:182 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "change-password" msgstr "zmena-hesla" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:182 #@ woocommerce msgid "Change Password" msgstr "zmena hesla" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:185 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "pay" msgstr "zaplatiť" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:185 #@ woocommerce msgid "Checkout → Pay" msgstr "do pokladne → zaplatiť" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-install.php:188 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "page_slug" msgid "order-received" msgstr "prijate-objednavky" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:20 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:20 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:61 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:72 #@ woocommerce msgid "Overview" msgstr "prehľad" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:26 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sales by day" msgstr "denné tržby" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:31 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sales by month" msgstr "mesačné tržby" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:41 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Sales" msgstr "predaj produktov" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:46 #@ woocommerce msgid "Top sellers" msgstr "najpredávanejšie" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:51 #@ woocommerce msgid "Top earners" msgstr "najviac zarábajúce" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:345 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total sales" msgstr "tržby celkom" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:347 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:353 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:359 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:365 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:371 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:377 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:614 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:620 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:626 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:632 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:794 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:800 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:806 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:812 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1282 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1288 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1294 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1300 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1306 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1312 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1739 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1750 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1761 #@ woocommerce msgid "n/a" msgstr "n/a" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:351 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total orders" msgstr "celkový počet objednávok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:357 #@ woocommerce msgid "Average order total" msgstr "priemerná cena celkom" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:363 #@ woocommerce msgid "Average order items" msgstr "priemerný počet položiek objednávky" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:383 #@ woocommerce msgid "This months sales" msgstr "tržby tento mesiac" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:606 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:941 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1038 #@ woocommerce msgid "From:" msgstr "od:" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:606 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:941 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1038 #@ woocommerce msgid "To:" msgstr "do:" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:606 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:787 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:941 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1038 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1180 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1728 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show" msgstr "zobraziť" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:612 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total sales in range" msgstr "celkové tržby v rozsahu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:618 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total orders in range" msgstr "celkový počet objednávok v rozsahu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:624 #@ woocommerce msgid "Average order total in range" msgstr "priemerná celková cena objednávky v rozsahu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:630 #@ woocommerce msgid "Average order items in range" msgstr "priemerná cena položiek v rozsahu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:638 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sales in range" msgstr "tržby v rozsahu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:782 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1722 #@ woocommerce msgid "Year:" msgstr "rok:" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:792 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total sales for year" msgstr "celkové tržby za rok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:798 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total orders for year" msgstr "celkový počet objednávok za rok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:804 #@ woocommerce msgid "Average order total for year" msgstr "priemerná celková cena objednávky za rok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:810 #@ woocommerce msgid "Average order items for year" msgstr "priemerná cena položky za rok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:818 #@ woocommerce msgid "Monthly sales for year" msgstr "mesačné tržby za rok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:54 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:17 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:947 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1044 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1154 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sales" msgstr "tržby" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:961 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product does not exist" msgstr "produkt neexistuje" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1058 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product no longer exists" msgstr "produkt už neexistuje" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1153 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1770 #@ woocommerce msgid "Month" msgstr "mesiac" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1171 #@ woocommerce msgid "No sales :(" msgstr "žiadne tržby :(" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1280 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total customers" msgstr "celkový počet zákazníkov" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1286 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total customer sales" msgstr "celkové tržby registrovaných zákazníkov" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1292 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total guest sales" msgstr "celkové tržby neregistrovaných" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1298 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total customer orders" msgstr "celkový počet objednávok registrovaných zákazníkov" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1304 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total guest orders" msgstr "celkový počet objednávok neregistrovaných" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1310 #@ woocommerce msgid "Average orders per customer" msgstr "priemerný počet objednávok na zákazníka" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1318 #@ woocommerce msgid "Signups per day" msgstr "počet prihlásení za deň" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1512 #@ woocommerce msgid "Low stock" msgstr "nízký stav skladu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1539 #@ woocommerce msgid "No products are low in stock." msgstr "Žiadny produkt nemá nízký stav na sklade." #: admin/post-types/product.php:232 #: admin/post-types/product.php:568 #: admin/post-types/product.php:824 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:242 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1547 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:444 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:483 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:493 #@ woocommerce msgid "Out of stock" msgstr "nie je na sklade" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1574 #@ woocommerce msgid "No products are out in stock." msgstr "Žiadne produkty nie sú na sklade." #: admin/post-types/product.php:528 #: admin/post-types/product.php:773 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:76 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:154 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:492 #@ woocommerce msgid "Width" msgstr "šírka" #: admin/post-types/product.php:529 #: admin/post-types/product.php:774 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:77 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:155 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:494 #@ woocommerce msgid "Height" msgstr "výška" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:496 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hard Crop" msgstr "pevný orez" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:613 #@ woocommerce msgid "Choose a country…" msgstr "vyberte krajinu…" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:628 #@ woocommerce msgid "Choose countries…" msgstr "vyberte krajiny…" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:28 #@ woocommerce msgid "Countries/states" msgstr "krajiny/štáty" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:278 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:211 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:29 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:98 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax Class" msgstr "daňová sadzba" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:31 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:75 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:100 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:142 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:233 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:276 #@ woocommerce msgid "Rate" msgstr "sadzba" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:31 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:100 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a tax rate (percentage) to 4 decimal places." msgstr "zadajte sadzbu dane (v percentách) na 4 desetinné miesta" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:33 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:102 #@ woocommerce msgid "Choose whether or not this tax rate also gets applied to shipping." msgstr "vyberte, či má byť táto daňová sadzba použitá aj na poštovné" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:38 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:107 #@ woocommerce msgid "+ Add Tax Rate" msgstr "+ pridať daňové sadzby" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:41 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:110 #@ woocommerce msgid "Duplicate selected rows" msgstr "duplikovať vybraté riadky" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:41 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:110 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delete selected rows" msgstr "odstrániť vybraté riadky" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:53 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:213 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select countries/states…" msgstr "vybrať krajiny/štáty…" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:201 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:56 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:216 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:115 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:86 #@ woocommerce msgid "None" msgstr "žiadny" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:56 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:216 #@ woocommerce msgid "US States" msgstr "štáty USA" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:56 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:216 #@ woocommerce msgid "EU States" msgstr "štáty EU" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:61 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:128 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:221 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:264 #@ woocommerce msgid "Standard Rate" msgstr "základná sadzba" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:167 #@ woocommerce msgid "Done" msgstr "hotovo" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:211 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:375 #@ woocommerce msgid "No countries selected" msgstr "žiadne krajiny neboli vybraté" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:293 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:434 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delete the selected rates?" msgstr "odstrániť vybraté sadzby?" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:307 #@ woocommerce msgid "Duplicate the selected rates?" msgstr "duplikovať vybraté sadzby?" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:379 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "(1 state)" msgid_plural "(%s states)" msgstr[0] "(1 stát)" msgstr[1] "(%s státy)" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:385 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "and 1 state" msgid_plural "and %s states" msgstr[0] "a 1 stát" msgstr[1] "a %s států" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:387 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "1 country" msgid_plural "%1$s countries" msgstr[0] "1 země" msgstr[1] "%1$s zemí" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:22 #@ woocommerce msgid "General Options" msgstr "všeobecné možnosti" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "Base Country/Region" msgstr "základná krajina/región" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:26 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is the base country for your business. Tax rates will be based on this country." msgstr "Toto je základná krajina pro vaše podnikanie. Daňové sadzby budú založené na tejto krajine." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:35 #@ woocommerce msgid "Currency" msgstr "mena" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "This controls what currency prices are listed at in the catalog and which currency gateways will take payments in." msgstr "Tu určíte, v akej mene budú ceny v katalógu a akú meny budú používať platobné brány." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:44 #@ woocommerce msgid "US Dollars ($)" msgstr "Americký dolar ($)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:45 #@ woocommerce msgid "Euros (€)" msgstr "Euro (€)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:46 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pounds Sterling (£)" msgstr "Libra (GBP)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:47 #@ woocommerce msgid "Australian Dollars ($)" msgstr "Australský dolar ($)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:48 #@ woocommerce msgid "Brazilian Real ($)" msgstr "Brazilian Real ($)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "Canadian Dollars ($)" msgstr "Kanadský dolar ($)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:50 #@ woocommerce msgid "Czech Koruna (Kč)" msgstr "Česká koruna (Kč)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:51 #@ woocommerce msgid "Danish Krone" msgstr "Dánská koruna" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:52 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hong Kong Dollar ($)" msgstr "Hong Kong dolar ($)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:53 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hungarian Forint" msgstr "Hungarian Forint" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:54 #@ woocommerce msgid "Israeli Shekel" msgstr "Izrael šekel" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:56 #@ woocommerce msgid "Japanese Yen (¥)" msgstr "Japonský jen (¥)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mexican Peso ($)" msgstr "Mexické pesor ($)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:59 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Zealand Dollar ($)" msgstr "New Zealand Dollar ($)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:60 #@ woocommerce msgid "Norwegian Krone" msgstr "Norská koruna" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:61 #@ woocommerce msgid "Philippine Pesos" msgstr "Filipínské peso" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:62 #@ woocommerce msgid "Polish Zloty" msgstr "Polský zlotý" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:63 #@ woocommerce msgid "Singapore Dollar ($)" msgstr "Singapurský dolarr ($)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:64 #@ woocommerce msgid "Swedish Krona" msgstr "Švédská koruna" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:65 #@ woocommerce msgid "Swiss Franc" msgstr "Švýcarský frank" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:66 #@ woocommerce msgid "Taiwan New Dollars" msgstr "Tchaj-wanské nové dolary" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:67 #@ woocommerce msgid "Thai Baht" msgstr "Thajský Baht" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:68 #@ woocommerce msgid "Turkish Lira (TL)" msgstr "Turecká lira (TL)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:69 #@ woocommerce msgid "South African rand (R)" msgstr "South African rand (R)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:75 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allowed Countries" msgstr "povolené krajiny" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:76 #@ woocommerce msgid "These are countries that you are willing to ship to." msgstr "Jedná se o krajiny, do ktorých budete doručovať." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:84 #@ woocommerce msgid "All Countries" msgstr "všetky krajiny" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:85 #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:90 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:86 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:90 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:78 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:82 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:114 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:118 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:67 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:71 #@ woocommerce msgid "Specific Countries" msgstr "konkrétne krajiny" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:114 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show order comments section" msgstr "zobraziť sekciu s poznámkami k objednávke" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:187 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer Accounts" msgstr "účty zákazníkov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:196 #@ woocommerce msgid "Clear cart when logging out" msgstr "vyprázdniť košík po odhlásení" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:188 #@ woocommerce msgid "Prevent customers from accessing WordPress admin" msgstr "zabrániť zákazníkom v prístupe do administrácie WordPressu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:216 #@ woocommerce msgid "Styling" msgstr "štýl obchodu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:225 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable WooCommerce CSS styles" msgstr "povoliť CSS štýly" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:217 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable the \"Demo Store\" notice on your site" msgstr "ukázať upozornenie na \"demo obchod\" na vašom webe." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:237 #@ woocommerce msgid "Scripts" msgstr "Skripty" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:238 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on product archives" msgstr "Povoliť AJAX tlačítko pridať do košíka na stránke s výpisom produktov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:246 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable WooCommerce lightbox on the product page" msgstr "povoliť lightbox na stránke produktov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:282 #@ woocommerce msgid "File download method" msgstr "metóda sťahovania súborov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:283 #@ woocommerce msgid "Forcing downloads will keep URLs hidden, but some servers may serve large files unreliably. If supported, X-Accel-Redirect/ X-Sendfile can be used to serve downloads instead (server requires mod_xsendfile)." msgstr "Vynútenie sťahovania skryje URL sťahovaného súboru, ale sťahovanie väčších souborov môže byť na niektorých serveroch problematické. Namiesto toho použite X-Accel-Redirect/ X-Sendfile, pokiaľ je podporované (server vyžaduje PHP funkciu mod_xsendfile)." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:291 #@ woocommerce msgid "Force Downloads" msgstr "vynútiť stiahnutie" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:292 #@ woocommerce msgid "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile" msgstr "X-Accel-Redirect/X-Sendfile" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:293 #@ woocommerce msgid "Redirect only" msgstr "iba presmerovanie" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:13 #@ woocommerce msgid "Localisation" msgstr "lokalizácia" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid "Use informal localisation file if it exists" msgstr "Použiť neformálnu jazykovú verziu (tykanie namiesto vykania), pokiaľ existuje." #: classes/integrations/sharethis/class-wc-sharethis.php:18 #@ woocommerce msgid "ShareThis" msgstr "ShareThis" #: classes/integrations/sharethis/class-wc-sharethis.php:52 #@ woocommerce msgid "ShareThis Publisher ID" msgstr "ShareThis Publisher ID" #: classes/integrations/sharethis/class-wc-sharethis.php:53 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter your %1$sShareThis publisher ID%2$s to show social sharing buttons on product pages." msgstr "Zadajte svoje %1$sShareThis publisher ID%2$s a objaví sa voľba ShareThis na stránke produktu." #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:16 #@ woocommerce msgid "Google Analytics" msgstr "Google Analytics" #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:45 #@ woocommerce msgid "Google Analytics ID" msgstr "Google Analytics ID" #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:46 #@ woocommerce msgid "Log into your google analytics account to find your ID. e.g. UA-XXXXX-X" msgstr "Prihláste sa ku svojemu účtu Google Analytics, kde zistíte svoje ID (napr. UA-XXXXX-X)." #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:51 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tracking code" msgstr "sledovací kód" #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:52 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add tracking code to your site's footer. You don't need to enable this if using a 3rd party analytics plugin." msgstr "Pridajte štandardný sledovací kód do zápätia webu. Túto voľbu vypnite, pokiaľ používate plugin pre Google Analytics tretích strán." #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add eCommerce tracking code to the thankyou page" msgstr "Pridajte eCommerce sledovací kód na \\\"thankyou\\\" stránky." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:340 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page Setup" msgstr "nastavenie stránky" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:343 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shop Base Page" msgstr "základná stránka obchodu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:354 #@ woocommerce msgid "Base Page Title" msgstr "titulka základnej stránky" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:355 #@ woocommerce msgid "This title to show on the shop base page. Leave blank to use the page title." msgstr "Tento titulok sa objaví na základnej stránke obchodu. Ponechajte prázdne pre použitie page title." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:364 #@ woocommerce msgid "Terms page ID" msgstr "ID číslo stránky s obchodnými podmienkami" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:365 #@ woocommerce msgid "If you define a \"Terms\" page the customer will be asked if they accept them when checking out." msgstr "Pokiaľ máte nastavenú stránku s Obchodnými podmienkami, zákazník bude pri prechode do pokladne vyzvaný, aby s nimi súhlasil." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:376 #@ woocommerce msgid "Logout link" msgstr "odkaz pre odhlásenie" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:377 #@ woocommerce msgid "Append a logout link to menus containing \"My Account\"" msgstr "pripojiť odkaz na odhlásenie sa do menu s položkou Môj účet" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:385 #@ woocommerce msgid "Permalinks" msgstr "trvalé odkazy (permalinks)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:388 #@ woocommerce msgid "Taxonomy base page" msgstr "taxonómia základnej stránky" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:389 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Prepend shop categories/tags with shop base page (%s)" msgstr "predradiť základní stránku obchodu ( %s ) pred kategórie/štítky." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:396 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product category slug" msgstr "slug kategórie produktov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:397 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shows in the product category URLs. Leave blank to use the default slug." msgstr "Ukázať v URL kategórii výrobkov. Ponechajte prázdne pre predvolený slug." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:406 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product tag slug" msgstr "slug štítku produktu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:407 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shows in the product tag URLs. Leave blank to use the default slug." msgstr "Ukázať v URL štítku produktu. Ponechajte prázdné pre predvolený slug." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:416 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product base page" msgstr "základná stránka produktu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:417 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Prepend product permalinks with shop base page (%s)" msgstr "predradiť základnú stránku obchodu ( %s ) pred trvalý odkaz produktu " #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:425 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product base category" msgstr "základná kategórie produktu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:426 #@ woocommerce msgid "Prepend product permalinks with product category" msgstr "predradiť kategóriu produktu pred trvalý odkaz produktu " #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:435 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:144 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shop Pages" msgstr "stránky obchodu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:438 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:155 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart Page" msgstr "Cart Page" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:439 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_cart]" msgstr "obsah stránky: [woocommerce_cart]" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:449 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:159 #@ woocommerce msgid "Checkout Page" msgstr "Checkout Page" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:450 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_checkout]" msgstr "obsah stránky: [woocommerce_checkout]" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:460 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:163 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pay Page" msgstr "Pay Page" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:461 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_pay] Parent: \"Checkout\"" msgstr "obsah stránky: [woocommerce_pay]" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:471 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:167 #@ woocommerce msgid "Thanks Page" msgstr "Thanks Page" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:472 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_thankyou] Parent: \"Checkout\"" msgstr "obsah stránky: [woocommerce_thankyou]" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:482 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:171 #@ woocommerce msgid "My Account Page" msgstr "My Account Page" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:483 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_my_account]" msgstr "obsah stránky: [woocommerce_my_account]" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:493 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:175 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit Address Page" msgstr "Edit Address Page" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:494 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_edit_address] Parent: \"My Account\"" msgstr "obsah stránky: [woocommerce_edit_address]" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:504 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:179 #@ woocommerce msgid "View Order Page" msgstr "View Order Page" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:505 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_view_order] Parent: \"My Account\"" msgstr "obsah stránky: [woocommerce_view_order]" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:515 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:183 #@ woocommerce msgid "Change Password Page" msgstr "Change Password Page" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:516 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page contents: [woocommerce_change_password] Parent: \"My Account\"" msgstr "obsah stránky: [woocommerce_change_password]" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:532 #@ woocommerce msgid "Catalog Options" msgstr "možnosti katalógu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:552 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show subcategories on category pages" msgstr "zobraziť podkategórie na stránkach kategórií" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:560 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show subcategories on the shop page" msgstr "zobraziť podkategórie na základnej stránke obchodu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:568 #@ woocommerce msgid "When showing subcategories, hide products" msgstr "pokiaľ sú zobrazené podkategórie, skryjú sa produkty" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:597 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product fields" msgstr "produktové polia" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:598 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable the SKU field for products" msgstr "povoliť SKU pole pre produkty" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:606 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable the weight field for products" msgstr "povoliť pole hmotnosť" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:614 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable the dimension fields for products" msgstr "povoliť pole rozmery" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:622 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show weight and dimension fields in product attributes tab" msgstr "zobraziť hmotnosť a rozmery v záložke vlastností na stránke produktu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:630 #@ woocommerce msgid "Weight Unit" msgstr "jednotka hmotnosti" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:631 #@ woocommerce msgid "This controls what unit you will define weights in." msgstr "tu zadáte jednotku hmotnosti" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:637 #@ woocommerce msgid "kg" msgstr "kg" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:639 #@ woocommerce msgid "lbs" msgstr "lbs" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:646 #@ woocommerce msgid "Dimensions Unit" msgstr "jednotka rozmerov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:647 #@ woocommerce msgid "This controls what unit you will define lengths in." msgstr "tu zadáte jednotku dĺžkových rozmerov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:654 #@ woocommerce msgid "cm" msgstr "cm" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:656 #@ woocommerce msgid "in" msgstr "v palcoch" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:577 #@ woocommerce msgid "Redirect to cart after adding a product to the cart (on single product pages)" msgstr "presmerovať na košík po pridaní produktu do košíka (na jednotlivých stránkach produktov)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:692 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pricing Options" msgstr "cenové možnosti" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:695 #@ woocommerce msgid "Currency Position" msgstr "pozícia meny" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:696 #@ woocommerce msgid "This controls the position of the currency symbol." msgstr "táto voľba určuje pozíciu symbolu meny" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:703 #@ woocommerce msgid "Left" msgstr "vľavo" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:704 #@ woocommerce msgid "Right" msgstr "vpravo" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:705 #@ woocommerce msgid "Left (with space)" msgstr "vľavo (s medzerou)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:706 #@ woocommerce msgid "Right (with space)" msgstr "vpravo (s medzerou)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:712 #@ woocommerce msgid "Thousand separator" msgstr "oddelovač tisícok" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:713 #@ woocommerce msgid "This sets the thousand separator of displayed prices." msgstr "nastavenie oddelovača tisícok zobrazených cien" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:723 #@ woocommerce msgid "Decimal separator" msgstr "desatinná čiarka" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:724 #@ woocommerce msgid "This sets the decimal separator of displayed prices." msgstr "nastavenie oddelovača desatinných miest zobrazených cien" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:734 #@ woocommerce msgid "Number of decimals" msgstr "počet desatinných miest" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:735 #@ woocommerce msgid "This sets the number of decimal points shown in displayed prices." msgstr "tým sa nastaví počet desatinných miest zobrazených v cene" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:754 #@ woocommerce msgid "Image Options" msgstr "voľby obrázku" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:754 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "These settings affect the actual dimensions of images in your catalog - the display on the front-end will still be affected by CSS styles. After changing these settings you may need to regenerate your thumbnails." msgstr "Tieto nastavenia ovplyvňujú skutočné rozmery obrázkov v katalógu - na displeji na front-end budú naďalej ovplyvňované predovšetkým štýlami CSS. Po zmene týchto nastavení môže byť potrebné regenerate your thumbnails." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:757 #@ woocommerce msgid "Catalog Images" msgstr "katalógové obrázky" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:758 #@ woocommerce msgid "This size is usually used in product listings" msgstr "táto veľkost je obvykle používaná v zozname produktov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:767 #@ woocommerce msgid "Single Product Image" msgstr "hlavný obrázok produktu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:768 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is the size used by the main image on the product page." msgstr "táto veľkosť je používaná na stránkach produktov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:777 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Thumbnails" msgstr "náhľady produktov" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:778 #@ woocommerce msgid "This size is usually used for the gallery of images on the product page." msgstr "táto veľkosť je obvykle používaná pre galérie obrázkov na stránke produktu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:793 #@ woocommerce msgid "Inventory Options" msgstr "možnosti skladu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:796 #@ woocommerce msgid "Manage stock" msgstr "správa skladu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:797 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable stock management" msgstr "povoliť riadenie sladových zásob" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:804 #@ woocommerce msgid "Notifications" msgstr "upozornenie" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:805 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable low stock notifications" msgstr "povoliť upozornenie pri nízkom stave skladových zásob" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:813 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable out of stock notifications" msgstr "povoliť upozornenie pri vyčerpaní skladových zásob" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:821 #@ woocommerce msgid "Low stock threshold" msgstr "prah pre upozornenie na nízky stav zásob (počet ks)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:831 #@ woocommerce msgid "Out of stock threshold" msgstr "prah pre upozornenie na vyčerpanie zásob (počet ks)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:841 #@ woocommerce msgid "Out of stock visibility" msgstr "viditeľnosť \"nie je na sklade\"" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:842 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" msgstr "skryť položky z katalógu, ktoré nie sú na sklade" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:870 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:233 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:137 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping Options" msgstr "možnosti doručenia" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:873 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping calculations" msgstr "kalkulátor ceny doručenia" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:874 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable shipping" msgstr "povoliť doručenie" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:882 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page" msgstr "povoliť kalkulátor ceny doručenia na stránke košíka" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:913 #@ woocommerce msgid "Only ship to the users billing address" msgstr "doručovať len na fakturačnú adresu zákazníka" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:960 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax Options" msgstr "nastavenie DPH" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:963 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax calculations" msgstr "daňové výpočty" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:964 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable taxes and tax calculations" msgstr "povoliť DPH a výpočet DPH" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:988 #@ woocommerce msgid "Round tax at subtotal level, instead of per line" msgstr "zaokrúhliť daň pre medzisúčet namiesto pre jednotlivé položky zvlášť" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1024 #@ woocommerce msgid "Additional Tax classes" msgstr "doplnkové daňové sadzby" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1025 #@ woocommerce msgid "List 1 per line. This is in addition to the default Standard Rate." msgstr "vypísať 1 na riadok, bude pripočítané k základnej sadzbe" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1026 #@ woocommerce msgid "List product and shipping tax classes here, e.g. Zero Tax, Reduced Rate." msgstr "vypísať produkty a sadzby dopravného (napr. nulová daň, znížená saszba, ...)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1034 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax rates" msgstr "daňové sadzby" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1035 #@ woocommerce msgid "All fields are required." msgstr "všetky položky sú povinné" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1036 #@ woocommerce msgid "To avoid rounding errors, insert tax rates with 4 decimal places." msgstr "aby sa zabránilo chybám zaokrúhlenia, vložte hodnoty daňových sadzieb na 4 desatinné miesta" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1049 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email Recipient Options" msgstr "nastavenie e-mailu príjemcu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1052 #@ woocommerce msgid "New order notifications" msgstr "upozornenie na nové objednávky" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1053 #@ woocommerce msgid "The recipient of new order emails. Defaults to the admin email." msgstr "e-mail príjemcu nových objednávok, predvolený je e-mail administrátora" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1061 #@ woocommerce msgid "Inventory notifications" msgstr "upozornenia na zmeny skladu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1062 #@ woocommerce msgid "The recipient of stock emails. Defaults to the admin email." msgstr "príjemca e-mailů ze skladu, predvolený je e-mail administrátora" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1071 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email Sender Options" msgstr "nastavenie e-mailu odosielateľa" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1074 #@ woocommerce msgid "\"From\" name" msgstr "\"od\" meno" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1083 #@ woocommerce msgid "\"From\" email address" msgstr "\"od\" e-mailová adresa" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1093 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email template" msgstr "šablona e-mailu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1096 #@ woocommerce msgid "Header image" msgstr "obrázok v záhlaví" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1097 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a URL to an image you want to show in the email's header. Upload your image using the media uploader." msgstr "zadajte URL adresu obrázku, ktorý chcete zobraziť v záhlaví e-mailu alebo nahrajte svoj obázok pomocou media uploader." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1105 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email footer text" msgstr "text v zápätí e-mailu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1106 #@ woocommerce msgid "The text to appear in the footer of WooCommerce emails." msgstr "text sa objaví v zápätí e-mailu (napr. podpis, kontaktné údaje a pod.)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1110 #@ woocommerce msgid "Powered by WooCommerce" msgstr "používa riešenie WooCommerce" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1114 #@ woocommerce msgid "Base colour" msgstr "základná farba" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1115 #@ woocommerce msgid "The base colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default #557da1." msgstr "základná farba pre e-mailovú šablonu, predvolená je #557da1 ." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1123 #@ woocommerce msgid "Background colour" msgstr "farba pozadia (background)" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1124 #@ woocommerce msgid "The background colour for WooCommerce email templates. Default #eeeeee." msgstr "farba pozadia (background) pre e-mailovú šablonu, predvolená je #eeeeee ." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1132 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email body background colour" msgstr "farba pozadia (body) e-mailu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1133 #@ woocommerce msgid "The main body background colour. Default #fdfdfd." msgstr "farba pozadia (body) pre e-mailovú šablonu, predvolená je #fdfdfd ." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1141 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email body text colour" msgstr "farba textu (body) e-mailu" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1142 #@ woocommerce msgid "The main body text colour. Default #505050." msgstr "farba textu (body) pre e-mailovú šablonu, predvolená je #505050 ." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:34 #: woocommerce.php:1314 #@ woocommerce msgid "Action failed. Please refresh the page and retry." msgstr "Akcia sa nepodarila. Prosím obnovte stránku a skúste to znova." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:127 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your settings have been saved." msgstr "vaše nastavenia boli uložené" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:104 #@ woocommerce msgid "Skip setup" msgstr "preskočiť nastavenie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:68 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:38 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:183 #@ woocommerce msgid "General" msgstr "všeobecné" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:39 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:185 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pages" msgstr "stránky" #: admin/post-types/product.php:545 #: admin/post-types/product.php:787 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:947 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:40 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:184 #@ woocommerce msgid "Catalog" msgstr "katalóg" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:72 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:41 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:186 #@ woocommerce msgid "Inventory" msgstr "sklad" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:383 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:389 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:42 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:187 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:475 #: templates/cart/totals.php:170 #: templates/cart/totals.php:180 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:760 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:766 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax" msgstr "DPH" #: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:15 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping Methods" msgstr "spôsoby doručenia" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:947 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:189 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:268 #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment Gateways" msgstr "platobné metódy" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:45 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:190 #@ woocommerce msgid "Emails" msgstr "e-maily" #: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:19 #: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:21 #@ woocommerce msgid "Default" msgstr "predvolený" #: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:20 #@ woocommerce msgid "Gateway" msgstr "metóda" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:34 #: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:21 #: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:23 #: templates/myaccount/my-orders.php:30 #@ woocommerce msgid "Status" msgstr "stav" #: admin/settings/settings-payment-gateways.php:37 #@ woocommerce msgid "Gateway ID" msgstr "ID platobnej metódy" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:320 #@ woocommerce msgid "Save changes" msgstr "uložiť zmeny" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:386 #@ woocommerce msgid "The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page." msgstr "Zmeny, ktoré ste vykonali sa stratia, ak opustíte túto stránku." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:22 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:85 #@ woocommerce msgid "Thumbnail" msgstr "náhľad" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:26 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:90 #@ woocommerce msgid "Upload/Add image" msgstr "nahrať/pridať obrázok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:27 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:91 #@ woocommerce msgid "Remove image" msgstr "odstrániť obrázok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:150 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product categories for your store can be managed here. To change the order of categories on the front-end you can drag and drop to sort them. To see more categories listed click the \"screen options\" link at the top of the page." msgstr "Kategórie produktov pre váš obchod môžu byť riadené tu. Ak chcete zmeniť poradie kategórií na front-end môžete ich zoradiť preťahovaním riadkov. Ak chcete zobraziť viac kategórií uvedených kliknite na odkaz \"možnosti zobrazenia\" v hornej časti stránky." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:161 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping classes can be used to group products of similar type. These groups can then be used by certain shipping methods to provide different rates to different products." msgstr "Doručovacie triedy môžu byť použité pre skupiny produktov podobného typu. Tieto skupiny potom možno použiť pre niektoré spôsoby doručenia s rôznymi sadzbami pre rôzne výrobky." #: admin/post-types/product.php:65 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:208 #@ woocommerce msgid "Image" msgstr "obrázok" #: admin/post-types/product.php:77 #@ woocommerce msgid "Categories" msgstr "kategórie" #: admin/post-types/product.php:78 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tags" msgstr "štítky" #: admin/post-types/product.php:79 #: admin/post-types/product.php:558 #: admin/post-types/product.php:799 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:964 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:293 #@ woocommerce msgid "Featured" msgstr "špeciálna ponuka" #: admin/post-types/product.php:81 #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:41 #@ woocommerce msgid "Date" msgstr "dátum" #: admin/post-types/product.php:222 #@ woocommerce msgid "Change" msgstr "zmeniť" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:121 #@ woocommerce msgid "Unpublished" msgstr "nepublikované" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:123 #@ woocommerce msgid "Y/m/d g:i:s A" msgstr "Y/m/d g:i:s A" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:129 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%s ago" msgstr "pred %s" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:131 #@ woocommerce msgid "Y/m/d" msgstr "Y/m/d" #: admin/post-types/product.php:324 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show all product types" msgstr "zobraziť všetky typy produktov" #: admin/post-types/product.php:350 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show all sub-types" msgstr "zobraziť všechny podtypy" #: admin/post-types/product.php:193 #: admin/post-types/product.php:354 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:82 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:241 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:440 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:51 #@ woocommerce msgid "Downloadable" msgstr "na stiahnutie" #: admin/post-types/product.php:191 #: admin/post-types/product.php:358 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:82 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:243 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:442 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:45 #@ woocommerce msgid "Virtual" msgstr "virtuálny" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:466 #@ woocommerce msgid "Exclude image" msgstr "vylúčiť obrázok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:475 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enabling this option will hide it from the product page image gallery." msgstr "Zapnutím tejto voľby skryjete obrázok v galérii na stránke produktu." #: admin/post-types/product.php:453 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "[%s with SKU of %s]" msgstr "[%s s katalogovým číslom %s]" #: admin/post-types/product.php:459 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "[%s with ID of %d]" msgstr "[%s s číslom ID %d]" #: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:20 #@ woocommerce msgid "Code" msgstr "kód" #: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:21 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon type" msgstr "typ kupónu" #: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:22 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:35 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon amount" msgstr "hodnota kupónu" #: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product IDs" msgstr "ID produktu" #: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:24 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:143 #@ woocommerce msgid "Usage limit" msgstr "limit využitia" #: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "Usage count" msgstr "počet použití" #: admin/post-types/shop_coupon.php:26 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:146 #@ woocommerce msgid "Expiry date" msgstr "dátum platnosti" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "Billing" msgstr "fakturácia" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:42 #@ woocommerce msgid "Actions" msgstr "akcia objednávky" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:73 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer:" msgstr "zákazník:" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:86 #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:46 #: templates/emails/customer-completed-order.php:46 #: templates/emails/customer-note.php:50 #: templates/emails/customer-processing-order.php:46 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tel:" msgstr "telefón:" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:141 #@ woocommerce msgid "Complete" msgstr "dokončené" #: admin/post-types/product.php:139 #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:142 #: templates/myaccount/my-orders.php:60 #@ woocommerce msgid "View" msgstr "zobraziť" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:220 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show all statuses" msgstr "zobraziť všetky stavy" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:249 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show all customers" msgstr "zobraziť všetkých zákazníkov" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:32 #@ woocommerce msgid "Discount type" msgstr "typ zľavy" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:35 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter an amount e.g. 2.99" msgstr "zadajte peňažnú hodnotu kupónu, napr. 2.99" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:38 #@ woocommerce msgid "Individual use" msgstr "individuálne použitie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:38 #@ woocommerce msgid "Check this box if the coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons" msgstr "Označte toto pole, pokiaľ kupón nemôže byť kombinovaný s inými kupónmi." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:41 #@ woocommerce msgid "Apply before tax" msgstr "aplikujte pred zdanením" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:41 #@ woocommerce msgid "Check this box if the coupon should be applied before calculating cart tax" msgstr "Označte túto možnosť, pokiaľ má být kupón použitý pred výpočtom dane na nákupný košík." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:44 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable free shipping" msgstr "povoliť doručenie zdarma" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:44 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Check this box if the coupon enables free shipping (see Free Shipping)" msgstr "Označte túto možnosť, pokiaľ má kupón umožniť dopravu zdarma. (viď Doprava zdarma)" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:57 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order status:" msgstr "stav objednávky:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:85 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer Note:" msgstr "poznámka zákazníka:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:86 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer's notes about the order" msgstr "poznámka zákazníka ku objednávke" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:145 #@ woocommerce msgid "No billing address set." msgstr "nebola nastavená žiadna fakturačná adresa" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:155 #@ woocommerce msgid "Load customer billing address" msgstr "načítať fakturačnú adresu zákazníka" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:97 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:180 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:923 #@ woocommerce msgid "First Name" msgstr "meno" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:101 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:184 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:929 #@ woocommerce msgid "Last Name" msgstr "priezvisko" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:105 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:188 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:113 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:162 #@ woocommerce msgid "Company" msgstr "spoločnosť" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:109 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:192 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:117 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:166 #@ woocommerce msgid "Address 1" msgstr "adresa 1" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:113 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:196 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:121 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:170 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:947 #@ woocommerce msgid "Address 2" msgstr "adresa 2" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:117 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:200 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:125 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:174 #@ woocommerce msgid "City" msgstr "mesto" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:125 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:208 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:137 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:186 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:968 #@ woocommerce msgid "Country" msgstr "krajina" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:131 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:214 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:133 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:182 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:899 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:900 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:975 #@ woocommerce msgid "State/County" msgstr "kraj" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:1020 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email Address" msgstr "e-mail" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:222 #@ woocommerce msgid "No shipping address set." msgstr "nebola nastavená žiadna adresa doručenia" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:232 #@ woocommerce msgid "Load customer shipping address" msgstr "načítať adresu doručenia zákazníka" #: admin/post-types/product.php:70 #: admin/post-types/product.php:483 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:274 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:157 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:367 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:91 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1527 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1562 #@ woocommerce msgid "SKU" msgstr "katalógové číslo" #: templates/cart/cart.php:20 #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:15 #: templates/emails/customer-completed-order.php:15 #: templates/emails/customer-invoice.php:19 #: templates/emails/customer-note.php:19 #: templates/emails/customer-processing-order.php:15 #@ woocommerce msgid "Quantity" msgstr "množstvo" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:381 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:387 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:360 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:758 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:764 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cost" msgstr "náklady" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:117 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:335 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:326 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:406 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:281 #@ woocommerce msgid "Remove" msgstr "odstrániť" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:420 #@ woocommerce msgid "Save Order" msgstr "uložiť objednávku" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:420 #@ woocommerce msgid "Save/update the order" msgstr "uložiť/aktualizovať objednávku" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:422 #@ woocommerce msgid "Reduce stock" msgstr "zníženie skladových zásob" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:422 #@ woocommerce msgid "Reduces stock for each item in the order; useful after manually creating an order or manually marking an order as paid." msgstr "Zníži množstvo skladom u každej položky v objednávke, čo je užitočné po ručnom vytvorení objednávky alebo ručnom označení objednávky ako dokončenej alebo na spracovanie po zaplatení." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:424 #@ woocommerce msgid "Restore stock" msgstr "obnovenie skladu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:424 #@ woocommerce msgid "Restores stock for each item in the order; useful after refunding or canceling the entire order." msgstr "Pre každú položku objednávky sa obnovia skladové zásoby, čo je užitočné pri vrátení alebo zrušení celej objednávky." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:426 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email invoice" msgstr "fakturácia e-mailom" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:426 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email the order to the customer. Unpaid orders will include a payment link." msgstr "Poslať objednávku e-mailem zákazníkovi. Nezaplatené objednávky budú obsahovať odkaz (pokyn) na zaplatenie." #: admin/post-types/product.php:132 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:434 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delete Permanently" msgstr "odstrániť natrvalo" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:436 #@ woocommerce msgid "Move to Trash" msgstr "presunúť do koša" #: classes/class-wc-order.php:568 #@ woocommerce msgid "Subtotal:" msgstr "medzisúčet:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:482 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:487 #@ woocommerce msgid "(ex. tax)" msgstr "(bez DPH)" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:752 #@ woocommerce msgid "Manually reducing stock." msgstr "ručné zníženie stavu skladu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:766 #: classes/class-wc-order.php:922 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Item #%s stock reduced from %s to %s." msgstr "zásoby položky č. %s klesli z %s na %s." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:774 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:806 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Item %s %s not found, skipping." msgstr "položka %s %s nebola nájdená, preskakujem" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:780 #@ woocommerce msgid "Manual stock reduction complete." msgstr "ručné zníženie stavu skladu je dokončené" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:786 #@ woocommerce msgid "Manually restoring stock." msgstr "ručná obnova skladu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:800 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Item #%s stock increased from %s to %s." msgstr "zásoby položky č. %s vzrástly z %s na %s" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:812 #@ woocommerce msgid "Manual stock restore complete." msgstr "ručná obnova skladu je dokončená" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:41 #@ woocommerce msgid "There are no notes for this order yet." msgstr "pre túto objednávku doteraz neexistujú žiadne poznámky" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:47 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add note" msgstr "pridať poznámku" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:47 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add a note for your reference, or add a customer note (the user will be notified)." msgstr "napíšte si vlastnú poznámku, alebo pridajte poznámku zákazníka, ktorú uvidí na svojej objednávke a na stránke pre sledovanie (užívateľ bude informovaný)" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:53 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer note" msgstr "poznámky zákazníka" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:54 #@ woocommerce msgid "Private note" msgstr "súkromné poznámky" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_notes.php:56 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:445 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add" msgstr "pridať" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:173 #@ woocommerce msgid "File path" msgstr "cesta k súboru" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:218 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:424 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:175 #@ woocommerce msgid "File path/URL" msgstr "cesta k súboru/URL" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:176 #@ woocommerce msgid "Upload a file" msgstr "nahrať súbor" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:180 #@ woocommerce msgid "Download Limit" msgstr "limit pre sťahovanie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:223 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:427 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:180 #@ woocommerce msgid "Leave blank for unlimited re-downloads." msgstr "ponechajte prázdne pre neobmezené opätovné sťahovanie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:19 #@ woocommerce msgid "Variations for variable products are defined here." msgstr "Varianty pro produkty s variantami sú definované tu." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:69 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bulk edit:" msgstr "hromadné úpravy:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:71 #@ woocommerce msgid "Prices" msgstr "ceny" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:72 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sale prices" msgstr "ceny po zľave" #: admin/post-types/product.php:73 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:73 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:56 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:69 #@ woocommerce msgid "Stock" msgstr "sklad" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:82 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:239 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:438 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enabled" msgstr "povolené" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:130 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:343 #@ woocommerce msgid "Any" msgstr "ľubovoľný" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:157 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:367 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a SKU for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product SKU." msgstr "zadajte katalógové číslo produktu SKU tohto variantu alebo ponechajte prázdne a použije sa katalógové číslo nadradeného produktu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:167 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:376 #@ woocommerce msgid "Stock Qty:" msgstr "skladom množstvo:" #: admin/post-types/product.php:514 #: admin/post-types/product.php:732 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:74 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:178 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:386 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:143 #: templates/single-product/product-attributes.php:22 #@ woocommerce msgid "Weight" msgstr "hmotnosť" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:178 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:386 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a weight for this variation or leave blank to use the parent product weight." msgstr "zadajte hmotnosť tohto variantu, alebo ponechajte prázdné a použije se hmotnosť nadradeného produktu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:184 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:392 #@ woocommerce msgid "Dimensions (L×W×H)" msgstr "rozmery (dĺžkaךírka×výška)" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:171 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:380 #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:192 #@ woocommerce msgid "Price:" msgstr "cena:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:173 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:381 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sale Price:" msgstr "cena po zľave:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:218 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:424 #@ woocommerce msgid "File path:" msgstr "cesta k súboru:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:218 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:424 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a File Path to make this variation a downloadable product, or leave blank." msgstr "Zadajte cestu k súboru, pokiaľ má být tento variant súbor na stiahnutie, alebo ponechajte prázdné" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:218 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:424 #@ woocommerce msgid "↑" msgstr "↑" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:218 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:424 #@ woocommerce msgid "Upload" msgstr "nahrať" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:223 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:427 #@ woocommerce msgid "Download Limit:" msgstr "limit pre sťahovanie:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:48 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:164 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:223 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:427 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:180 #@ woocommerce msgid "Unlimited" msgstr "neobmedzene" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:271 #@ woocommerce msgid "No default" msgstr "žiadne predovolené" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:257 #@ woocommerce msgid "Link all variations" msgstr "prepojiť všetky varianty" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:308 #@ woocommerce msgid "You must add some attributes via the \"Product Data\" panel and save before adding a new variation." msgstr "musíte pridať niektoré vlastnosti pomocí panelu \"Parametre produktu\" a uložiť ich pred pridaním nového variantu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:505 #@ woocommerce msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this variation?" msgstr "Ste si istí, že chcete odstrániť tento variant?" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:715 #@ woocommerce msgid "Variable product" msgstr "produkt s variantami" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:552 #@ woocommerce msgid "Grouping" msgstr "zoskupovanie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:103 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product URL" msgstr "URL adresa produktu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:103 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter the external URL to the product." msgstr "zadajte externú URL adresu produktu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:113 #@ woocommerce msgid "Regular Price" msgstr "bežná cena" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:116 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sale Price" msgstr "cena po zľave" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:119 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sale Price Dates" msgstr "platnosť ceny po zľave" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:151 #: templates/single-product/product-attributes.php:31 #@ woocommerce msgid "Dimensions" msgstr "rozmery" #: admin/post-types/product.php:527 #: admin/post-types/product.php:772 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:75 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:153 #@ woocommerce msgid "Length" msgstr "dĺžka" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:198 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:109 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:80 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax Status" msgstr "stav zdaniteľnosti" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:199 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:114 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:85 #@ woocommerce msgid "Taxable" msgstr "zdaniteľný" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:200 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping only" msgstr "iba doručenie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:367 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:48 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:206 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:744 #@ woocommerce msgid "Standard" msgstr "štandardný" #: admin/post-types/product.php:583 #: admin/post-types/product.php:835 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:224 #@ woocommerce msgid "Manage stock?" msgstr "Spravovať sklad?" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:240 #@ woocommerce msgid "Stock status" msgstr "stav skladu" #: admin/post-types/product.php:230 #: admin/post-types/product.php:567 #: admin/post-types/product.php:823 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:241 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:455 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:460 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:480 #@ woocommerce msgid "In stock" msgstr "skladom" #: admin/post-types/product.php:587 #: admin/post-types/product.php:854 #: admin/post-types/product.php:870 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:231 #@ woocommerce msgid "Stock Qty" msgstr "množstvo skladom" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:250 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allow Backorders?" msgstr "povoliť Backorder?" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:251 #@ woocommerce msgid "Do not allow" msgstr "nepovoliť" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:252 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allow, but notify customer" msgstr "povoliť, informovať zákazníka" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:253 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allow" msgstr "povoliť" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:342 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:420 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:283 #@ woocommerce msgid "Value(s)" msgstr "hodnota(y)" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:372 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pipe separate terms" msgstr "výrazy oddelené zvislou čiarkou (|)" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:447 #@ woocommerce msgid "Custom product attribute" msgstr "uživateľsky zadaná vlastnosť produktu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:464 #@ woocommerce msgid "Up-Sells" msgstr "navyšovací predaj" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:481 #@ woocommerce msgid "Up-sells are products which you recommend instead of the currently viewed product, for example, products that are more profitable or better quality or more expensive." msgstr "navyšovací predaj označuje snahu predať drahšie riešenie, napr. vyšší model výrobku, lepšiu kvalitu či pokročilejšiu verziu služby" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:483 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cross-Sells" msgstr "doplnkový predaj" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:500 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cross-sells are products which you promote in the cart, based on the current product." msgstr "účelom doplnkového predaja je navýšiť celkovú objednávku zákazníka doporučením súvisiacich produktov či služieb" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:528 #@ woocommerce msgid "Choose a grouped product…" msgstr "vyberte zoskupený produkt…" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:638 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product SKU must be unique." msgstr "katalógové číslo produktu SKU musí byť unikátne (jedinečné)" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Type" msgstr "typ produktu" #: admin/post-types/product.php:336 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:31 #@ woocommerce msgid "Simple product" msgstr "jednoduchý produkt" #: admin/post-types/product.php:332 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:32 #@ woocommerce msgid "Grouped product" msgstr "zoskupený produkt" #: admin/post-types/product.php:334 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:33 #@ woocommerce msgid "External/Affiliate product" msgstr "externý/partnerský produkt" #: admin/post-types/product.php:547 #: admin/post-types/product.php:789 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:949 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hidden" msgstr "skrytý" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:243 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:442 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable this option if a product is not shipped or there is no shipping cost" msgstr "povoľte túto možnosť pokiaľ produkt nemôže byť doručený alebo je jeho doručenie zdarma" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:241 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:440 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable this option if access is given to a downloadable file upon purchase of a product" msgstr "povoľte túto možnosť, ak je možné uvedený súbor stiahnúť až po zakúpení produktu" #: admin/post-types/product.php:478 #: admin/post-types/product.php:683 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:29 #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:594 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Data" msgstr "údaje o produkte" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Data" msgstr "údaje o objednávke" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:50 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Items – Note: if you edit quantities or remove items from the order you will need to manually change the item's stock levels." msgstr "položky objednávky – poznámka: pokiaľ upravíte množstvo alebo odoberiete položky z objednávky, budete musieť ručne zmeniť počty položiek na sklade." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:51 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Totals" msgstr "celková čiastka objednávky" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:39 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:52 #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:57 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Notes" msgstr "poznámky ku objednávke" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:54 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Actions" msgstr "akcie objednávky" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:62 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon Data" msgstr "údaje o kupóne" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:75 #: templates/checkout/form-coupon.php:15 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon code" msgstr "kód kupónu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:76 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product name" msgstr "názov produktu" #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:357 #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:367 #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:374 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, we do not have enough \"%s\" in stock to fulfill your order (%s in stock). Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale nemáme dostatok \"%s\" na sklade na splnenie vašej objednávky (%s na sklade). Upravte prosím váš košík a skúste to znovu. Ospravedlňujeme sa za spôsobené nepríjemnosti." #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:385 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, we do not have enough \"%s\" in stock to fulfill your order. Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused." msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale nemáme dostatok \"%s\" na sklade na vybavenie objednávky. Upravte prosím váš košík a skúste to znovu. Ospravedlňujeme sa za spôsobené nepríjemnosti." #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:665 #@ woocommerce msgid "This product cannot be purchased." msgstr "Tento produkt nie je možné zakúpiť." #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:671 #@ woocommerce msgid "This product cannot be purchased - the price is not yet set." msgstr "Tento produkt nie je možné zakúpiť - cena nie je zatiaľ stanovená." #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:677 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "You cannot add that amount to the cart since there is not enough stock. We have %s in stock." msgstr "Nemôžete pridať toľko kusov do košíka, pretože ich toľko nemáme skladom. Na sklade máme %s kusov." #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:680 #@ woocommerce msgid "You cannot add that product to the cart since the product is out of stock." msgstr "Nemôžete pridať tento produkt do košíka, pretože nie je na sklade." #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:1519 #: classes/class-wc-order.php:491 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:656 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:665 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:696 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:702 #@ woocommerce msgid "Free!" msgstr "zdarma!" #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:1531 #@ woocommerce msgid "via" msgstr "pomocou" #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:1575 #@ woocommerce msgid "Discount code already applied!" msgstr "Zľavový kód už bol použitý!" #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:1569 #@ woocommerce msgid "Invalid coupon." msgstr "neplatný kupón" #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:1595 #@ woocommerce msgid "Discount code applied successfully." msgstr "Zľavový kód bol úspešne použitý." #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:1599 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon does not exist!" msgstr "Kupón neexistuje!" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:145 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:222 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:941 #@ woocommerce msgid "Address" msgstr "adresa" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:138 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:1026 #@ woocommerce msgid "Phone" msgstr "telefón" #: templates/checkout/form-billing.php:33 #@ woocommerce msgid "Create an account?" msgstr "založiť účet?" #: templates/checkout/form-billing.php:42 #@ woocommerce msgid "Create an account by entering the information below. If you are a returning customer please login with your username at the top of the page." msgstr "Vytvorte si účet zadaním nižšie uvedených údajov. Pokiaľ už ste už registrovaným zákazníkom, prihláste sa vašim uživateľským menom v hornej časti stránky." #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "Account username" msgstr "uživateľské meno" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:41 #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:47 #@ woocommerce msgid "Account password" msgstr "heslo k účtu" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:93 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, your session has expired. Return to homepage →" msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale vaša relácia vypršala. vráťte sa na domovskú stránku →" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:247 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter an account username." msgstr "Zadajte prosím užívateľské meno účtu." #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:249 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter an account password." msgstr "Zadajte prosím heslo k účtu." #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:255 #@ woocommerce msgid "Invalid email/username." msgstr "neplatný e-mail a/alebo uživatelské meno" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:257 #@ woocommerce msgid "An account is already registered with that username. Please choose another." msgstr "Účet s týmto užívateľským menom je už registrovaný, zvoľte si prosím iné." #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:261 #@ woocommerce msgid "An account is already registered with your email address. Please login." msgstr "Účet pre túto e-mailovú adresu je už registrovaný. Prosím prihláste sa." #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:267 #@ woocommerce msgid "You must accept our Terms & Conditions." msgstr "Pre pokračovanie je nutné súhlasiť s našimi obchodnými podmienkami." #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:275 #@ woocommerce msgid "Invalid shipping method." msgstr "neplatný spôsob doručenia" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:285 #@ woocommerce msgid "Invalid payment method." msgstr "neplatný spôsob platby" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:30 #@ woocommerce msgid "Andorra" msgstr "Andorra" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:256 #@ woocommerce msgid "United Arab Emirates" msgstr "United Arab Emirates" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "Afghanistan" msgstr "Afghanistan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:34 #@ woocommerce msgid "Antigua and Barbuda" msgstr "Antigua and Barbuda" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:32 #@ woocommerce msgid "Anguilla" msgstr "Anguilla" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:27 #@ woocommerce msgid "Albania" msgstr "Albania" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "Armenia" msgstr "Armenia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:176 #@ woocommerce msgid "Netherlands Antilles" msgstr "Netherlands Antilles" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:31 #@ woocommerce msgid "Angola" msgstr "Angola" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:33 #@ woocommerce msgid "Antarctica" msgstr "Antarctica" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:35 #@ woocommerce msgid "Argentina" msgstr "Argentina" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:29 #@ woocommerce msgid "American Samoa" msgstr "American Samoa" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:39 #@ woocommerce msgid "Austria" msgstr "Austria" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:38 #@ woocommerce msgid "Australia" msgstr "Australia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:37 #@ woocommerce msgid "Aruba" msgstr "Aruba" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:40 #@ woocommerce msgid "Azerbaijan" msgstr "Azerbaijan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:52 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina" msgstr "Bosnia and Herzegovina" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:44 #@ woocommerce msgid "Barbados" msgstr "Barbados" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:43 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bangladesh" msgstr "Bangladesh" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:46 #@ woocommerce msgid "Belgium" msgstr "Belgium" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:59 #@ woocommerce msgid "Burkina Faso" msgstr "Burkina Faso" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgaria" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:42 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bahrain" msgstr "Bahrain" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:60 #@ woocommerce msgid "Burundi" msgstr "Burundi" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:48 #@ woocommerce msgid "Benin" msgstr "Benin" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bermuda" msgstr "Bermuda" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:57 #@ woocommerce msgid "Brunei" msgstr "Brunei" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:51 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bolivia" msgstr "Bolivia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:54 #@ woocommerce msgid "Brazil" msgstr "Brazil" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:41 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bahamas" msgstr "Bahamas" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:50 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bhutan" msgstr "Bhutan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:53 #@ woocommerce msgid "Botswana" msgstr "Botswana" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:45 #@ woocommerce msgid "Belarus" msgstr "Belarus" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:47 #@ woocommerce msgid "Belize" msgstr "Belize" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:63 #@ woocommerce msgid "Canada" msgstr "Canada" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:71 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" msgstr "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:75 #@ woocommerce msgid "Congo (Kinshasa)" msgstr "Congo (Kinshasa)" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:66 #@ woocommerce msgid "Central African Republic" msgstr "Central African Republic" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:74 #@ woocommerce msgid "Congo (Brazzaville)" msgstr "Congo (Brazzaville)" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:235 #@ woocommerce msgid "Switzerland" msgstr "Switzerland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:130 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ivory Coast" msgstr "Ivory Coast" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:76 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cook Islands" msgstr "Cook Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:68 #@ woocommerce msgid "Chile" msgstr "Chile" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:62 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cameroon" msgstr "Cameroon" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:69 #@ woocommerce msgid "China" msgstr "China" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:72 #@ woocommerce msgid "Colombia" msgstr "Colombia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:77 #@ woocommerce msgid "Costa Rica" msgstr "Costa Rica" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:79 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cuba" msgstr "Cuba" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:64 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cape Verde" msgstr "Cape Verde" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:70 #@ woocommerce msgid "Christmas Island" msgstr "Christmas Island" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:80 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cyprus" msgstr "Cyprus" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:81 #@ woocommerce msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "Czech Republic" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:104 #@ woocommerce msgid "Germany" msgstr "Germany" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:83 #@ woocommerce msgid "Djibouti" msgstr "Djibouti" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:82 #@ woocommerce msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Denmark" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:84 #@ woocommerce msgid "Dominica" msgstr "Dominica" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:85 #@ woocommerce msgid "Dominican Republic" msgstr "Dominican Republic" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:28 #@ woocommerce msgid "Algeria" msgstr "Algeria" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:86 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ecuador" msgstr "Ecuador" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:91 #@ woocommerce msgid "Estonia" msgstr "Estonia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:87 #@ woocommerce msgid "Egypt" msgstr "Egypt" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:266 #@ woocommerce msgid "Western Sahara" msgstr "Western Sahara" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:90 #@ woocommerce msgid "Eritrea" msgstr "Eritrea" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:228 #@ woocommerce msgid "Spain" msgstr "Spain" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:92 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ethiopia" msgstr "Ethiopia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:96 #@ woocommerce msgid "Finland" msgstr "Finland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:95 #@ woocommerce msgid "Fiji" msgstr "Fiji" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:93 #@ woocommerce msgid "Falkland Islands" msgstr "Falkland Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:163 #@ woocommerce msgid "Micronesia" msgstr "Micronesia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:94 #@ woocommerce msgid "Faroe Islands" msgstr "Faroe Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:97 #@ woocommerce msgid "France" msgstr "France" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:101 #@ woocommerce msgid "Gabon" msgstr "Gabon" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:257 #@ woocommerce msgid "United Kingdom" msgstr "United Kingdom" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:109 #@ woocommerce msgid "Grenada" msgstr "Grenada" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:103 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:365 #@ woocommerce msgid "Georgia" msgstr "Georgia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:98 #@ woocommerce msgid "French Guiana" msgstr "French Guiana" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:113 #@ woocommerce msgid "Guernsey" msgstr "Guernsey" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:105 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ghana" msgstr "Ghana" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:106 #@ woocommerce msgid "Gibraltar" msgstr "Gibraltar" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:108 #@ woocommerce msgid "Greenland" msgstr "Greenland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:102 #@ woocommerce msgid "Gambia" msgstr "Gambia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:114 #@ woocommerce msgid "Guinea" msgstr "Guinea" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:110 #@ woocommerce msgid "Guadeloupe" msgstr "Guadeloupe" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:89 #@ woocommerce msgid "Equatorial Guinea" msgstr "Equatorial Guinea" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:107 #@ woocommerce msgid "Greece" msgstr "Greece" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:226 #@ woocommerce msgid "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands" msgstr "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:112 #@ woocommerce msgid "Guatemala" msgstr "Guatemala" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:111 #@ woocommerce msgid "Guam" msgstr "Guam" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:115 #@ woocommerce msgid "Guinea-Bissau" msgstr "Guinea-Bissau" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:116 #@ woocommerce msgid "Guyana" msgstr "Guyana" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:118 #@ woocommerce msgid "Honduras" msgstr "Honduras" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:78 #@ woocommerce msgid "Croatia" msgstr "Croatia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:117 #@ woocommerce msgid "Haiti" msgstr "Haiti" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:120 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hungary" msgstr "Hungary" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:123 #@ woocommerce msgid "Indonesia" msgstr "Indonesia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:126 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ireland" msgstr "Ireland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:128 #@ woocommerce msgid "Israel" msgstr "Israel" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:127 #@ woocommerce msgid "Isle of Man" msgstr "Isle of Man" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:122 #@ woocommerce msgid "India" msgstr "India" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:55 #@ woocommerce msgid "British Indian Ocean Territory" msgstr "British Indian Ocean Territory" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:125 #@ woocommerce msgid "Iraq" msgstr "Iraq" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:124 #@ woocommerce msgid "Iran" msgstr "Iran" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:121 #@ woocommerce msgid "Iceland" msgstr "Iceland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:129 #@ woocommerce msgid "Italy" msgstr "Italy" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:133 #@ woocommerce msgid "Jersey" msgstr "Jersey" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:131 #@ woocommerce msgid "Jamaica" msgstr "Jamaica" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:134 #@ woocommerce msgid "Jordan" msgstr "Jordan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:132 #@ woocommerce msgid "Japan" msgstr "Japan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:136 #@ woocommerce msgid "Kenya" msgstr "Kenya" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:139 #@ woocommerce msgid "Kyrgyzstan" msgstr "Kyrgyzstan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:61 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cambodia" msgstr "Cambodia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:137 #@ woocommerce msgid "Kiribati" msgstr "Kiribati" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:73 #@ woocommerce msgid "Comoros" msgstr "Comoros" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:207 #@ woocommerce msgid "Saint Kitts and Nevis" msgstr "Saint Kitts and Nevis" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:184 #@ woocommerce msgid "North Korea" msgstr "North Korea" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:227 #@ woocommerce msgid "South Korea" msgstr "South Korea" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:138 #@ woocommerce msgid "Kuwait" msgstr "Kuwait" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:65 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cayman Islands" msgstr "Cayman Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:135 #@ woocommerce msgid "Kazakhstan" msgstr "Kazakhstan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:140 #@ woocommerce msgid "Laos" msgstr "Laos" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:142 #@ woocommerce msgid "Lebanon" msgstr "Lebanon" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:208 #@ woocommerce msgid "Saint Lucia" msgstr "Saint Lucia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:146 #@ woocommerce msgid "Liechtenstein" msgstr "Liechtenstein" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:229 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sri Lanka" msgstr "Sri Lanka" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:144 #@ woocommerce msgid "Liberia" msgstr "Liberia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:143 #@ woocommerce msgid "Lesotho" msgstr "Lesotho" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:147 #@ woocommerce msgid "Lithuania" msgstr "Lithuania" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:148 #@ woocommerce msgid "Luxembourg" msgstr "Luxembourg" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:141 #@ woocommerce msgid "Latvia" msgstr "Latvia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:145 #@ woocommerce msgid "Libya" msgstr "Libya" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:169 #@ woocommerce msgid "Morocco" msgstr "Morocco" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:165 #@ woocommerce msgid "Monaco" msgstr "Monaco" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:164 #@ woocommerce msgid "Moldova" msgstr "Moldova" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:167 #@ woocommerce msgid "Montenegro" msgstr "Montenegro" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:209 #@ woocommerce msgid "Saint Martin (French part)" msgstr "Saint Martin (French part)" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:151 #@ woocommerce msgid "Madagascar" msgstr "Madagascar" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:157 #@ woocommerce msgid "Marshall Islands" msgstr "Marshall Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:150 #@ woocommerce msgid "Macedonia" msgstr "Macedonia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:155 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mali" msgstr "Mali" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:171 #@ woocommerce msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "Myanmar" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:166 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mongolia" msgstr "Mongolia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:149 #@ woocommerce msgid "Macao S.A.R., China" msgstr "Macao S.A.R., China" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:185 #@ woocommerce msgid "Northern Mariana Islands" msgstr "Northern Mariana Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:158 #@ woocommerce msgid "Martinique" msgstr "Martinique" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:159 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mauritania" msgstr "Mauritania" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:168 #@ woocommerce msgid "Montserrat" msgstr "Montserrat" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:156 #@ woocommerce msgid "Malta" msgstr "Malta" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:160 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mauritius" msgstr "Mauritius" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:154 #@ woocommerce msgid "Maldives" msgstr "Maldives" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:152 #@ woocommerce msgid "Malawi" msgstr "Malawi" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:162 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mexico" msgstr "Mexico" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:153 #@ woocommerce msgid "Malaysia" msgstr "Malaysia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:170 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mozambique" msgstr "Mozambique" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:172 #@ woocommerce msgid "Namibia" msgstr "Namibia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:177 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Caledonia" msgstr "New Caledonia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:180 #@ woocommerce msgid "Niger" msgstr "Niger" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:183 #@ woocommerce msgid "Norfolk Island" msgstr "Norfolk Island" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:181 #@ woocommerce msgid "Nigeria" msgstr "Nigeria" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:179 #@ woocommerce msgid "Nicaragua" msgstr "Nicaragua" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:175 #@ woocommerce msgid "Netherlands" msgstr "Netherlands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:186 #@ woocommerce msgid "Norway" msgstr "Norway" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:174 #@ woocommerce msgid "Nepal" msgstr "Nepal" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:173 #@ woocommerce msgid "Nauru" msgstr "Nauru" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:182 #@ woocommerce msgid "Niue" msgstr "Niue" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:178 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "New Zealand" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:187 #@ woocommerce msgid "Oman" msgstr "Oman" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:191 #@ woocommerce msgid "Panama" msgstr "Panama" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:194 #@ woocommerce msgid "Peru" msgstr "Peru" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:99 #@ woocommerce msgid "French Polynesia" msgstr "French Polynesia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:192 #@ woocommerce msgid "Papua New Guinea" msgstr "Papua New Guinea" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:195 #@ woocommerce msgid "Philippines" msgstr "Philippines" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:188 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pakistan" msgstr "Pakistan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:197 #@ woocommerce msgid "Poland" msgstr "Poland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:210 #@ woocommerce msgid "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" msgstr "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:196 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pitcairn" msgstr "Pitcairn" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:199 #@ woocommerce msgid "Puerto Rico" msgstr "Puerto Rico" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:190 #@ woocommerce msgid "Palestinian Territory" msgstr "Palestinian Territory" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:198 #@ woocommerce msgid "Portugal" msgstr "Portugal" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:189 #@ woocommerce msgid "Palau" msgstr "Palau" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:193 #@ woocommerce msgid "Paraguay" msgstr "Paraguay" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:200 #@ woocommerce msgid "Qatar" msgstr "Qatar" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:201 #@ woocommerce msgid "Reunion" msgstr "Reunion" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:202 #@ woocommerce msgid "Romania" msgstr "Romania" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:217 #@ woocommerce msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Serbia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:203 #@ woocommerce msgid "Russia" msgstr "Russia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:204 #@ woocommerce msgid "Rwanda" msgstr "Rwanda" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:215 #@ woocommerce msgid "Saudi Arabia" msgstr "Saudi Arabia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:223 #@ woocommerce msgid "Solomon Islands" msgstr "Solomon Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:218 #@ woocommerce msgid "Seychelles" msgstr "Seychelles" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:230 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sudan" msgstr "Sudan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:234 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Sweden" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:220 #@ woocommerce msgid "Singapore" msgstr "Singapore" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:206 #@ woocommerce msgid "Saint Helena" msgstr "Saint Helena" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:222 #@ woocommerce msgid "Slovenia" msgstr "Slovenia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:232 #@ woocommerce msgid "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" msgstr "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:221 #@ woocommerce msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "Slovakia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:219 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sierra Leone" msgstr "Sierra Leone" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:213 #@ woocommerce msgid "San Marino" msgstr "San Marino" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:216 #@ woocommerce msgid "Senegal" msgstr "Senegal" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:224 #@ woocommerce msgid "Somalia" msgstr "Somalia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:231 #@ woocommerce msgid "Suriname" msgstr "Suriname" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:88 #@ woocommerce msgid "El Salvador" msgstr "El Salvador" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:236 #@ woocommerce msgid "Syria" msgstr "Syria" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:233 #@ woocommerce msgid "Swaziland" msgstr "Swaziland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:249 #@ woocommerce msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands" msgstr "Turks and Caicos Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:67 #@ woocommerce msgid "Chad" msgstr "Chad" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:100 #@ woocommerce msgid "French Southern Territories" msgstr "French Southern Territories" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:242 #@ woocommerce msgid "Togo" msgstr "Togo" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:240 #@ woocommerce msgid "Thailand" msgstr "Thailand" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:238 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tajikistan" msgstr "Tajikistan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:243 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tokelau" msgstr "Tokelau" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:241 #@ woocommerce msgid "Timor-Leste" msgstr "Timor-Leste" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:248 #@ woocommerce msgid "Turkmenistan" msgstr "Turkmenistan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:246 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tunisia" msgstr "Tunisia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:244 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tonga" msgstr "Tonga" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:247 #@ woocommerce msgid "Turkey" msgstr "Turkey" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:245 #@ woocommerce msgid "Trinidad and Tobago" msgstr "Trinidad and Tobago" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:250 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tuvalu" msgstr "Tuvalu" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:237 #@ woocommerce msgid "Taiwan" msgstr "Taiwan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:239 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tanzania" msgstr "Tanzania" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:255 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Ukraine" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:254 #@ woocommerce msgid "Uganda" msgstr "Uganda" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:253 #@ woocommerce msgid "US Minor Outlying Islands" msgstr "South Georgia/Sandwich Islands" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:188 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:258 #@ woocommerce msgid "United States" msgstr "United States" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:252 #@ woocommerce msgid "US Armed Forces" msgstr "US Armed Forces" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:259 #@ woocommerce msgid "Uruguay" msgstr "Uruguay" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:260 #@ woocommerce msgid "Uzbekistan" msgstr "Uzbekistan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:262 #@ woocommerce msgid "Vatican" msgstr "Vatican" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:211 #@ woocommerce msgid "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" msgstr "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:263 #@ woocommerce msgid "Venezuela" msgstr "Venezuela" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:56 #@ woocommerce msgid "British Virgin Islands" msgstr "British Virgin Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:251 #@ woocommerce msgid "U.S. Virgin Islands" msgstr "U.S. Virgin Islands" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:264 #@ woocommerce msgid "Vietnam" msgstr "Vietnam" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:261 #@ woocommerce msgid "Vanuatu" msgstr "Vanuatu" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:265 #@ woocommerce msgid "Wallis and Futuna" msgstr "Wallis and Futuna" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:212 #@ woocommerce msgid "Samoa" msgstr "Samoa" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:267 #@ woocommerce msgid "Yemen" msgstr "Yemen" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:161 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mayotte" msgstr "Mayotte" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:225 #@ woocommerce msgid "South Africa" msgstr "South Africa" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:268 #@ woocommerce msgid "Zambia" msgstr "Zambia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:269 #@ woocommerce msgid "Zimbabwe" msgstr "Zimbabwe" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:274 #@ woocommerce msgid "Australian Capital Territory" msgstr "Australian Capital Territory" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:275 #@ woocommerce msgid "New South Wales" msgstr "New South Wales" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:276 #@ woocommerce msgid "Northern Territory" msgstr "Northern Territory" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:277 #@ woocommerce msgid "Queensland" msgstr "Queensland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:278 #@ woocommerce msgid "South Australia" msgstr "South Australia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:279 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tasmania" msgstr "Tasmania" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:280 #@ woocommerce msgid "Victoria" msgstr "Victoria" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:281 #@ woocommerce msgid "Western Australia" msgstr "Western Australia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:288 #@ woocommerce msgid "Amazonas" msgstr "Amazonas" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:289 #@ woocommerce msgid "Acre" msgstr "Acre" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:290 #@ woocommerce msgid "Alagoas" msgstr "Alagoas" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:291 #@ woocommerce msgid "Amapá" msgstr "Amapá" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:292 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ceará" msgstr "Ceará" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:293 #@ woocommerce msgid "Distrito federal" msgstr "Distrito federal" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:295 #@ woocommerce msgid "Maranhão" msgstr "Maranhão" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:296 #@ woocommerce msgid "Paraná" msgstr "Paraná" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:297 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pernambuco" msgstr "Pernambuco" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:298 #@ woocommerce msgid "Piauí" msgstr "Piauí" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:299 #@ woocommerce msgid "Rio grande do norte" msgstr "Rio grande do norte" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:300 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:313 #@ woocommerce msgid "Rio grande do sul" msgstr "Rio grande do sul" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:301 #@ woocommerce msgid "Rondônia" msgstr "Rondônia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:302 #@ woocommerce msgid "Roraima" msgstr "Roraima" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:303 #@ woocommerce msgid "Santa catarina" msgstr "Santa catarina" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:304 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sergipe" msgstr "Sergipe" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:305 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tocantins" msgstr "Tocantins" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:306 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pará" msgstr "Pará" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:307 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bahia" msgstr "Bahia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:308 #@ woocommerce msgid "Goiás" msgstr "Goiás" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:309 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mato grosso" msgstr "Mato grosso" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:310 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mato grosso do sul" msgstr "Mato grosso do sul" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:311 #@ woocommerce msgid "Rio de janeiro" msgstr "Rio de janeiro" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:312 #@ woocommerce msgid "São paulo" msgstr "São paulo" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:314 #@ woocommerce msgid "Minas gerais" msgstr "Minas gerais" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:318 #@ woocommerce msgid "Alberta" msgstr "Alberta" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:319 #@ woocommerce msgid "British Columbia" msgstr "British Columbia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:320 #@ woocommerce msgid "Manitoba" msgstr "Manitoba" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:321 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Brunswick" msgstr "New Brunswick" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:322 #@ woocommerce msgid "Newfoundland" msgstr "Newfoundland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:323 #@ woocommerce msgid "Northwest Territories" msgstr "Northwest Territories" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:324 #@ woocommerce msgid "Nova Scotia" msgstr "Nova Scotia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:325 #@ woocommerce msgid "Nunavut" msgstr "Nunavut" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:326 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ontario" msgstr "Ontario" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:327 #@ woocommerce msgid "Prince Edward Island" msgstr "Prince Edward Island" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:328 #@ woocommerce msgid "Quebec" msgstr "Quebec" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:329 #@ woocommerce msgid "Saskatchewan" msgstr "Saskatchewan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:330 #@ woocommerce msgid "Yukon Territory" msgstr "Yukon Territory" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:355 #@ woocommerce msgid "Alabama" msgstr "Alabama" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:356 #@ woocommerce msgid "Alaska" msgstr "Aljaška" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:357 #@ woocommerce msgid "Arizona" msgstr "Arizona" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:358 #@ woocommerce msgid "Arkansas" msgstr "Arkansas" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:359 #@ woocommerce msgid "California" msgstr "California" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:360 #@ woocommerce msgid "Colorado" msgstr "Colorado" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:361 #@ woocommerce msgid "Connecticut" msgstr "Connecticut" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:362 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delaware" msgstr "Delaware" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:363 #@ woocommerce msgid "District Of Columbia" msgstr "District Of Columbia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:364 #@ woocommerce msgid "Florida" msgstr "Florida" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:366 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hawaii" msgstr "Hawaii" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:367 #@ woocommerce msgid "Idaho" msgstr "Idaho" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:368 #@ woocommerce msgid "Illinois" msgstr "Illinois" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:369 #@ woocommerce msgid "Indiana" msgstr "Indiana" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:370 #@ woocommerce msgid "Iowa" msgstr "Iowa" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:371 #@ woocommerce msgid "Kansas" msgstr "Kansas" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:372 #@ woocommerce msgid "Kentucky" msgstr "Kentucky" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:373 #@ woocommerce msgid "Louisiana" msgstr "Louisiana" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:374 #@ woocommerce msgid "Maine" msgstr "Maine" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:375 #@ woocommerce msgid "Maryland" msgstr "Maryland" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:376 #@ woocommerce msgid "Massachusetts" msgstr "Massachusetts" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:377 #@ woocommerce msgid "Michigan" msgstr "Michigan" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:378 #@ woocommerce msgid "Minnesota" msgstr "Minnesota" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:379 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mississippi" msgstr "Mississippi" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:380 #@ woocommerce msgid "Missouri" msgstr "Missouri" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:381 #@ woocommerce msgid "Montana" msgstr "Montana" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:382 #@ woocommerce msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "Nebraska" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:383 #@ woocommerce msgid "Nevada" msgstr "Nevada" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:384 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Hampshire" msgstr "New Hampshire" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:385 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Jersey" msgstr "New Jersey" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:386 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Mexico" msgstr "New Mexico" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:387 #@ woocommerce msgid "New York" msgstr "New York" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:388 #@ woocommerce msgid "North Carolina" msgstr "North Carolina" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:389 #@ woocommerce msgid "North Dakota" msgstr "North Dakota" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:390 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ohio" msgstr "Ohio" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:391 #@ woocommerce msgid "Oklahoma" msgstr "Oklahoma" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:392 #@ woocommerce msgid "Oregon" msgstr "Oregon" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:393 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pennsylvania" msgstr "Pennsylvania" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:394 #@ woocommerce msgid "Rhode Island" msgstr "Rhode Island" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:395 #@ woocommerce msgid "South Carolina" msgstr "South Carolina" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:396 #@ woocommerce msgid "South Dakota" msgstr "South Dakota" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:397 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tennessee" msgstr "Tennessee" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:398 #@ woocommerce msgid "Texas" msgstr "Texas" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:399 #@ woocommerce msgid "Utah" msgstr "Utah" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:400 #@ woocommerce msgid "Vermont" msgstr "Vermont" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:401 #@ woocommerce msgid "Virginia" msgstr "Virginia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:402 #@ woocommerce msgid "Washington" msgstr "Washington" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:403 #@ woocommerce msgid "West Virginia" msgstr "West Virginia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:404 #@ woocommerce msgid "Wisconsin" msgstr "Wisconsin" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:405 #@ woocommerce msgid "Wyoming" msgstr "Wyoming" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:408 #@ woocommerce msgid "Americas" msgstr "Severná a Južná Amerika" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:409 #@ woocommerce msgid "Europe" msgstr "Európa" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:410 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pacific" msgstr "Pacifik" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:461 #@ woocommerce msgid "to the" msgstr "pre" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:462 #@ woocommerce msgid "to" msgstr "pre" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:469 #@ woocommerce msgid "the" msgstr "ten" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:475 #@ woocommerce msgid "VAT" msgstr "DPH" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:487 #@ woocommerce msgid "(ex. VAT)" msgstr "(bez DPH)" #: classes/class-wc-order.php:732 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Order status changed from %s to %s." msgstr "Stav objednávky sa zmenil z %s na %s." #: classes/class-wc-order.php:934 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order item stock reduced successfully." msgstr "Objednaný tovar bol úspešne odpísaný zo skladu." #: classes/class-wc-product.php:477 #: classes/class-wc-product.php:490 #: templates/cart/cart.php:62 #@ woocommerce msgid "Available on backorder" msgstr "dostupné na Backorder" #: classes/class-wc-product.php:760 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:29 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Rated %s out of 5" msgstr "hodnotené %s z 5" #: woocommerce.php:1270 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart % Discount" msgstr "zľava na nákup %" #: woocommerce.php:1271 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Discount" msgstr "zľava na produkt" #: woocommerce.php:1272 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product % Discount" msgstr "zľava na produkt %" #: classes/class-wc-settings-api.php:44 #@ woocommerce msgid "This function needs to be overridden by your payment gateway class." msgstr "Táto funkcia bude prepísaná vašou voľbou platobnej metódy." #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:50 #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:45 #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:154 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:100 #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:299 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:62 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:47 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:39 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable/Disable" msgstr "povoliť/zakázať" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:52 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable Bank Transfer" msgstr "povoliť bankový prevod" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:56 #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:51 #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:53 #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:166 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:106 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:79 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:55 #@ woocommerce msgid "Title" msgstr "titulok" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:58 #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:53 #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:168 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:108 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:70 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:55 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:47 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:81 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:57 #@ woocommerce msgid "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout." msgstr "titulok, ktorý vidí užívateľ počas platby" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:59 #@ woocommerce msgid "Direct Bank Transfer" msgstr "bankovým prevodom" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:62 #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:57 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer Message" msgstr "správa pre zákazníka" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:64 #@ woocommerce msgid "Give the customer instructions for paying via BACS, and let them know that their order won't be shipping until the money is received." msgstr "dajte zákazníkovi inštrukcie pre platbu prevodom a taktiež mu dajte vedieť, že tovar nebude expedovaný skôr, kým nepríde platba na váš účet." #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:65 #@ woocommerce msgid "Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order wont be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account." msgstr "Vykonajte platbu priamo na náš bankový účet. Prosím použite číslo objednávky ako variabilný symbol. Bez uvedenia čísla objednávky nebudeme môcť vašu platbu rozpoznať." #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:74 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:140 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:174 #@ woocommerce msgid "Account Name" msgstr "názov účtu" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:80 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:141 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:175 #@ woocommerce msgid "Account Number" msgstr "číslo účtu" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:86 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:142 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:176 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sort Code" msgstr "Sort Code (iba zahraničie)" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:92 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:143 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:177 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bank Name" msgstr "názov banky" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:98 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:144 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:178 #@ woocommerce msgid "IBAN" msgstr "IBAN" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:100 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:106 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your bank may require this for international payments" msgstr "vaša banka to môže vyžadovať na medzinárodné platby" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:104 #@ woocommerce msgid "BIC (formerly Swift)" msgstr "BIC (predtým Swift)" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:122 #@ woocommerce msgid "BACS Payment" msgstr "platba prevodem na účet" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:123 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allows payments by BACS (Bank Account Clearing System), more commonly known as direct bank/wire transfer." msgstr "umožňuje bezhotovostnú platbu prevodem na bankový účet" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:137 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:171 #@ woocommerce msgid "Our Details" msgstr "naše údaje" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:145 #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:179 #@ woocommerce msgid "BIC" msgstr "BIC" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:200 #@ woocommerce msgid "Awaiting BACS payment" msgstr "čaká sa na prijatie platby bankovým prevodom" #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:47 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable Cheque Payment" msgstr "povoliť platbu šekom" #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:54 #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:75 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cheque Payment" msgstr "platba šekom" #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:59 #@ woocommerce msgid "Let the customer know the payee and where they should be sending the cheque to and that their order won't be shipping until you receive it." msgstr "umožňuje zákazníkovi vidieť údaje o predávajúcom, tovar nebude expedovaný, pokiaľ vám nepríde platba" #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:76 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allows cheque payments. Why would you take cheques in this day and age? Well you probably wouldn't but it does allow you to make test purchases for testing order emails and the 'success' pages etc." msgstr "umožňuje platbu šekom" #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:111 #@ woocommerce msgid "Awaiting cheque payment" msgstr "čaká sa na platbu šekom" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:72 #@ woocommerce msgid "PayPal standard" msgstr "PayPal standard" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:73 #@ woocommerce msgid "PayPal standard works by sending the user to PayPal to enter their payment information." msgstr "PayPal standard presmeruje zákazníka na stránku spoločnosti PayPal, kde vloží svoje platobné údaje" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:84 #@ woocommerce msgid "Gateway Disabled" msgstr "metóda zakázaná" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:84 #@ woocommerce msgid "PayPal does not support your store currency." msgstr "PayPal nepodporuje menu vašeho obchodu" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:102 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable PayPal standard" msgstr "povoliť platbu pomocou PayPal standard" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:22 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:109 #@ woocommerce msgid "PayPal" msgstr "PayPal" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:175 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:114 #@ woocommerce msgid "This controls the description which the user sees during checkout." msgstr "popis, ktorý uvidí užívateľ počas platenia v pokladni" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:115 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pay via PayPal; you can pay with your credit card if you don't have a PayPal account" msgstr "platba cez PayPal, ak nemáte účet PayPal, môžete platiť kreditnou kartou" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:118 #@ woocommerce msgid "PayPal Email" msgstr "PayPal e-mail" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:120 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter your PayPal email address; this is needed in order to take payment." msgstr "Prosím, zadajte svoju e-mailovú adresu spojenú s účtom PayPal, čo je nevyhnutné, aby platba prebehla." #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:142 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping details" msgstr "doručovacie údaje" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:162 #@ woocommerce msgid "PayPal sandbox" msgstr "PayPal sandbox" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:164 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable PayPal sandbox" msgstr "Povoliť PayPal sandbox (= testovací mód, simulácia platby)" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:362 #@ woocommerce msgid "Thank you for your order. We are now redirecting you to PayPal to make payment." msgstr "Ďakujeme Vám za Vašu objednávku. Teraz budete presmerovaný na stránky spoločnosti PayPal, kde vykonáte platbu." #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:383 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pay via PayPal" msgstr "zaplatiť cez PayPal" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:383 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cancel order & restore cart" msgstr "zrušiť objednávku a vyprázdniť košík" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:428 #@ woocommerce msgid "Thank you for your order, please click the button below to pay with PayPal." msgstr "Ďakujeme Vám za Vašu objednávku, prosím kliknite na tlačítko nižšie a zaplaťte cez PayPal." #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:565 #@ woocommerce msgid "IPN payment completed" msgstr "IPN platba dokončená" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:576 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:584 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:602 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment %s via IPN." msgstr "Platba %s pomocou IPN (oznámenie o platbe v reálnom čase)." #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:589 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:607 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order refunded/reversed" msgstr "objednávka stornovná / tovar vrátený" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:15 #@ woocommerce msgid "Flat rate" msgstr "paušálna sadzba" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:68 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:53 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:45 #@ woocommerce msgid "Method Title" msgstr "názov metódy" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:71 #@ woocommerce msgid "Flat Rate" msgstr "paušálna sadzba" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:80 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:72 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:108 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:61 #@ woocommerce msgid "Method availability" msgstr "dostupnosť metódy" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:85 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:77 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:113 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:66 #@ woocommerce msgid "All allowed countries" msgstr "všetky povolené krajiny" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:98 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:69 #@ woocommerce msgid "Calculation Type" msgstr "druh kalkulácie" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:103 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:74 #@ woocommerce msgid "Per Order - charge shipping for the entire order as a whole" msgstr "za objednávku - účtovať doručenie za celú objednávku ako celok" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:104 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:75 #@ woocommerce msgid "Per Item - charge shipping for each item individually" msgstr "za položku - účtovať doručenie pre každú položku zvlášť" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:105 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:76 #@ woocommerce msgid "Per Class - charge shipping for each shipping class in an order" msgstr "za triedu - účtovať doručenie pre každú triedu doručenia v objednávke" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:119 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:90 #@ woocommerce msgid "Default Cost" msgstr "predvolené náklady" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:121 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:92 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cost excluding tax. Enter an amount, e.g. 2.50." msgstr "náklady bez dane, zadajte čiastku, např. 2.50" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:125 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:96 #@ woocommerce msgid "Default Handling Fee" msgstr "východiskový manipulačný poplatok" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:127 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:98 #@ woocommerce msgid "Fee excluding tax. Enter an amount, e.g. 2.50, or a percentage, e.g. 5%. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "Poplatok bez dane, zadajte čiastku, napr. 2.50, alebo v percentách, napr. 5%. Ponechajte prázdné pre vypnutie tejto možnosti." #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:18 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:353 #@ woocommerce msgid "Flat Rates" msgstr "paušálne sadzby" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:19 #@ woocommerce msgid "Flat rates let you define a standard rate per item, or per order." msgstr "Paušálne sadzby umožňujú definovať základnú sadzbu za položku, alebo za objednávku." #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:360 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cost, excluding tax." msgstr "náklady bez DPH" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:361 #@ woocommerce msgid "Handling Fee" msgstr "manipulačný poplatok" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:361 #@ woocommerce msgid "Fee excluding tax. Enter an amount, e.g. 2.50, or a percentage, e.g. 5%." msgstr "Poplatok bez dane. Zadajte čiastku, napr. 2.50, alebo v percentách, napr. 5%." #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:366 #@ woocommerce msgid "+ Add Flat Rate" msgstr "+ pridať paušálnu sadzbu" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:367 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add rates for shipping classes here — they will override the default costs defined above." msgstr "Tu pridajte sadzby pro doručovacie triedy — tieto prepíšu východiskové náklady zadané vyššie." #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:367 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delete selected rates" msgstr "zmazať vybraté sadzby?" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:387 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:420 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select a class…" msgstr "zvoľte triedu…" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable Free Shipping" msgstr "povoliť doručenie zdarma" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:16 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:56 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:103 #@ woocommerce msgid "Free Shipping" msgstr "doručenie zdarma" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:59 #@ woocommerce msgid "Minimum Order Amount" msgstr "minimálne objednané množstvo" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:61 #@ woocommerce msgid "Users will need to spend this amount to get free shipping. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "Užívatelia budú musieť utratiť túto čiastku, aby získali nárok na doručenie zdarma. Ponechajte prázdné, pokiaľ chcete túto možnosť zakázať." #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:67 #@ woocommerce msgid "Free shipping requires a free shipping coupon" msgstr "Doručenie zdarma vyžaduje kupón pre doručenie zdarma." #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:104 #@ woocommerce msgid "Free Shipping - does what it says on the tin." msgstr "Doručenie zdarma - doručenie bez poplatku." #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:50 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:145 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter a valid postcode/ZIP." msgstr "zadajte platné PSČ" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:61 #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:67 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping costs updated." msgstr "náklady na doručenie boli aktualizované" #: templates/cart/empty.php:7 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your cart is currently empty." msgstr "Váš košík je prázdný." #: templates/cart/empty.php:11 #@ woocommerce msgid "← Return To Shop" msgstr "← späť do obchodu" #: templates/cart/cart.php:37 #@ woocommerce msgid "Remove this item" msgstr "odstrániť túto položku" #: templates/cart/cart.php:112 #: templates/checkout/form-coupon.php:19 #@ woocommerce msgid "Apply Coupon" msgstr "použiť kupón" #: templates/cart/cart.php:119 #@ woocommerce msgid "Update Cart" msgstr "aktualizovať košík" #: templates/cart/cart.php:119 #@ woocommerce msgid "Proceed to Checkout →" msgstr "zaplatiť →" #: shortcodes/shortcode-checkout.php:43 #@ woocommerce msgid "The order totals have been updated. Please confirm your order by pressing the Place Order button at the bottom of the page." msgstr "Celková cena objednávky bola aktualizovaná. Prosím potvrďte Vašu objednávku tlačítkom \"Objednať\" dole na stránke." #: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:11 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Hello, %s. From your account dashboard you can view your recent orders, manage your shipping and billing addresses and change your password." msgstr "Dobrý deň, %s. Z vášho účtu si na ploche môžete prezrieť posledné objednávky, upravovať možnosti doručenia a fakturačné adresy a taktiež zmeniť heslo." #: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:16 #@ woocommerce msgid "Available downloads" msgstr "k dispozícii na stiahnutie" #: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:24 #@ woocommerce msgid "Recent Orders" msgstr "nedávne objednávky" #: templates/myaccount/my-orders.php:28 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ship to" msgstr "doručiť na" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:557 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1803 #: templates/cart/cart.php:21 #: templates/myaccount/my-orders.php:29 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total" msgstr "cena celkom" #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:24 #: templates/myaccount/my-orders.php:57 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pay" msgstr "zaplatiť" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:132 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:989 #: templates/myaccount/my-orders.php:51 #@ woocommerce #@ default msgid "Cancel" msgstr "zrušiť" #: templates/myaccount/my-orders.php:72 #@ woocommerce msgid "You have no recent orders." msgstr "Nemáte žiadne nedávne objednávky." #: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:28 #@ woocommerce msgid "The following addresses will be used on the checkout page by default." msgstr "Nasledujúce adresy budú použité na stránke pokladne v predvolenom nastavení." #: templates/myaccount/my-address.php:39 #@ woocommerce msgid "You have not set up a billing address yet." msgstr "Nemáte nastavenú fakturačnú adresu." #: templates/myaccount/my-address.php:70 #@ woocommerce msgid "You have not set up a shipping address yet." msgstr "Nemáte nastavenú adresu doručenia." #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:852 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:853 #: templates/cart/shipping-calculator.php:55 #@ woocommerce msgid "State" msgstr "kraj" #: templates/myaccount/form-edit-address.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "Save Address" msgstr "uloženie adries" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:221 #: widgets/widget-login.php:235 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter your password." msgstr "prosím zadajte svoje heslo" #: templates/myaccount/form-change-password.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid "New password" msgstr "nové heslo" #: templates/myaccount/form-change-password.php:18 #@ woocommerce msgid "Re-enter new password" msgstr "znovu zadajte nové heslo" #: templates/myaccount/form-change-password.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "Save" msgstr "uložiť" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:269 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid ". Order status: %s" msgstr ". stav objednávky: %s" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:275 #: templates/order/tracking.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Updates" msgstr "aktualizácia objednávky" #: templates/order/tracking.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid " ago" msgstr "pred" #: templates/order/tracking.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid "and was completed" msgstr "a bola dokončená" #: templates/order/form-tracking.php:11 #@ woocommerce msgid "To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press return. This was given to you on your receipt and in the confirmation email you should have received." msgstr "Ak chcete sledovať svoje objednávky zadajte svoje ID číslo objednávky do poľa nižšie a stlačte Enter. Číslo objednávky nájdete na potvrdení objednávky, ktoré vám bolo zaslané e-mailom." #: templates/order/form-tracking.php:13 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order ID" msgstr "ID číslo objednávky" #: templates/order/form-tracking.php:13 #@ woocommerce msgid "Found in your order confirmation email." msgstr "nájdete v e-maile s potvrdením objednávky." #: templates/order/form-tracking.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid "Billing Email" msgstr "fakturačný e-mail" #: templates/order/form-tracking.php:14 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email you used during checkout." msgstr "e-mail, ktorý ste použili pri platbe" #: templates/order/form-tracking.php:17 #@ woocommerce msgid "Track\"" msgstr "sledovať\"" #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:48 #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:101 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your order has already been paid for. Please contact us if you need assistance." msgstr "Vaša objednávka už bola zaplatená. Prosím, kontaktujte nás v prípade potreby." #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:73 #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:36 #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:9 #: templates/emails/customer-completed-order.php:9 #: templates/emails/customer-invoice.php:13 #: templates/emails/customer-note.php:13 #: templates/emails/customer-processing-order.php:9 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order:" msgstr "objednávka:" #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:77 #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:40 #@ woocommerce msgid "Date:" msgstr "dátum:" #: shortcodes/shortcode-pay.php:86 #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment method:" msgstr "spôsob platby:" #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:13 #@ woocommerce msgid "Unfortunately your order cannot be processed as the originating bank/merchant has declined your transaction." msgstr "Bohužiaľ vaša objednávka nemôže byť spracovaná kvôli odmietnutiu transakcie bankou/obchodníkom." #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:17 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please attempt your purchase again or go to your account page." msgstr "Prosím, opakujte svoj nákup alebo prejdite na stránku svojho účtu." #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:19 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please attempt your purchase again." msgstr "Prosím, opakujte svoj nákup." #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:32 #: templates/checkout/thankyou.php:65 #@ woocommerce msgid "Thank you. Your order has been received." msgstr "Ďakujeme. Vaša objednávka bola prijatá." #: templates/archive-product.php:70 #: templates/loop-shop.php:36 #: woocommerce-template.php:76 #@ woocommerce msgid "No products found which match your selection." msgstr "žiadny tovar, ktorý by vyhovoval vášmu výberu, sa nanašiel" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:31 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%s review for %s" msgid_plural "%s reviews for %s" msgstr[0] "%s recenzia na %s" msgstr[1] "%s recenzií na %s" msgstr[2] "" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add Review" msgstr "pridať recenziu" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:60 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add a review" msgstr "pridať recenziu" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:64 #@ woocommerce msgid "Be the first to review" msgstr "Buďte prvý, kto napíše recenziu." #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:66 #@ woocommerce msgid "There are no reviews yet, would you like to submit yours?" msgstr "Zatiaľ žiadne recenzie. Podeľte sa o Vašu skúsenosť?" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:135 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:145 #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:199 #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:222 #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:48 #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:81 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email" msgstr "e-mail" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:84 #@ woocommerce msgid "Submit Review" msgstr "odoslať recenziu" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:91 #@ woocommerce msgid "Rating" msgstr "hodnotenie" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:93 #@ woocommerce msgid "Perfect" msgstr "skvelý" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:94 #@ woocommerce msgid "Good" msgstr "dobrý" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:95 #@ woocommerce msgid "Average" msgstr "priemerný" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:96 #@ woocommerce msgid "Not that bad" msgstr "nie tak zlý" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:97 #@ woocommerce msgid "Very Poor" msgstr "veľmi slabý" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:102 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your Review" msgstr "vaša recenzia" #: templates/checkout/form-checkout.php:9 #@ woocommerce msgid "You must be logged in to checkout." msgstr "Aby ste mohli zaplatiť, musíte sa prihlásiť." #: templates/checkout/form-checkout.php:33 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your order" msgstr "vaša objednávka" #: templates/cart/mini-cart.php:54 #: templates/cart/totals.php:142 #@ woocommerce msgid "Subtotal" msgstr "medzisúčet" #: templates/checkout/form-pay.php:70 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your location. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements." msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale zdá sa, že nie sú k dispozícií žiadne platobné metódy pre vašu lokalitu. Prosím, kontaktujte nás, pokiaľ budete potrebovať pomoc, alebo k dohodnutiu sa na náhradnom riešení." #: templates/checkout/form-pay.php:79 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pay for order" msgstr "zaplatiť objednávku" #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:105 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please fill in your details above to see available shipping methods." msgstr "Vyplňte, prosím, svoje kontaktné údaje pre zobrazenie dostupných spôsobov doručenia." #: templates/cart/totals.php:102 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:107 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements." msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale zdá sa, že nie sú k dispozícií žiadne doručovacie spôsoby pre vašu lokalitu. Prosím, kontaktujte nás, pokiaľ budete potrebovať pomoc, alebo k dohodnutiu sa na náhradnom riešení." #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:264 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods." msgstr "Vyplňte, prosím, svoje kontaktné údaje pre zobrazenie dostupných platobných metód." #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:266 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements." msgstr "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale zdá sa, že nie sú k dispozícií žiadne platobné metódy pre vašu lokalitu. Prosím, kontaktujte nás, pokiaľ budete potrebovať pomoc, alebo k dohodnutiu sa na náhradnom riešení." #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:276 #@ woocommerce msgid "Since your browser does not support JavaScript, or it is disabled, please ensure you click the Update Totals button before placing your order. You may be charged more than the amount stated above if you fail to do so." msgstr "Pretože váš prehliadač nepodporuje JavaScript, alebo je zakázaný, prosím, uistite sa kliknutím na tlačítko prepočítať ešte pred odoslaním objednávky. Pokiaľ tak neurobíte, poplatky se môžu líšiť od tých uvedených vyššie." #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:276 #@ woocommerce msgid "Update totals" msgstr "prepočítať" #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:282 #@ woocommerce msgid "Place order" msgstr "objednať" #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:286 #@ woocommerce msgid "I accept the" msgstr "súhlasím s" #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:286 #@ woocommerce msgid "terms & conditions" msgstr "obchodnými podmienkami" #: templates/emails/customer-completed-order.php:5 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your order is complete. Your order's details are below:" msgstr "Vaša objednávka je kompletná. Podrobnosti objednávky sú uvedené nižšie:" #: templates/emails/email-addresses.php:7 #@ woocommerce msgid "Billing address" msgstr "fakturačná adresa" #: templates/emails/email-addresses.php:17 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping address" msgstr "adresa doručenia" #: templates/emails/customer-note.php:5 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hello, a note has just been added to your order:" msgstr "Dobrý deň, do vašej objednávky bola pridaná poznámka:" #: templates/emails/customer-note.php:9 #@ woocommerce msgid "For your reference, your order details are shown below." msgstr "Pre vašu informáciu - tu je zhrnutie vašej objednávky:" #: templates/emails/customer-processing-order.php:5 #@ woocommerce msgid "Thank you, we are now processing your order. Your order's details are below." msgstr "Ďakujeme Vám. Vaša objednávka je teraz v štádiu spracovania. Nižšie nájdete údaje o objednávke:" #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:5 #@ woocommerce msgid "You have received an order from" msgstr "Dostali ste objednávku od" #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:5 #@ woocommerce msgid ". Their order is as follows:" msgstr ". Objednávka je nasledujúca:" #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:40 #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:70 #@ woocommerce msgid "Register" msgstr "registrovať sa" #: templates/myaccount/form-login.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgid "Re-enter password" msgstr "znova zadajte heslo" #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:22 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display a list of your best selling products on your site." msgstr "Zobraziť zoznam najpredávanejších produktov na vašich stránkach." #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:24 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Best Sellers" msgstr "e-shop: najpredávanejšie" #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:53 #@ woocommerce msgid "Best Sellers" msgstr "najpredávanejšie" #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:141 #: widgets/widget-cart.php:76 #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:128 #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:441 #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:164 #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:214 #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:149 #: widgets/widget-product_search.php:60 #: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:70 #: widgets/widget-random_products.php:101 #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:132 #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:125 #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:125 #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:145 #@ woocommerce msgid "Title:" msgstr "názov:" #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:144 #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:131 #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:167 #: widgets/widget-random_products.php:106 #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:135 #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:128 #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:128 #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:148 #@ woocommerce msgid "Number of products to show:" msgstr "počet produktov na zobrazenie:" #: templates/cart/mini-cart.php:46 #@ woocommerce msgid "No products in the cart." msgstr "žiadne produkty v košíku" #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:690 #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:704 #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:712 #: templates/cart/mini-cart.php:59 #: woocommerce-functions.php:359 #@ woocommerce msgid "View Cart →" msgstr "zobraziť nákupný košík →" #: templates/cart/mini-cart.php:60 #@ woocommerce msgid "Checkout →" msgstr "pokladňa →" #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:24 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display a list of featured products on your site." msgstr "zobraziť zoznam špeciálnych ponúk na vašich stránkach" #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:26 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Featured Products" msgstr "e-shop: špeciálna ponuka" #: widgets/widget-featured_products.php:55 #@ woocommerce msgid "Featured Products" msgstr "špeciálna ponuka" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:159 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shows a custom attribute in a widget which lets you narrow down the list of products when viewing product categories." msgstr "Zobrazuje uživateľsky nastavenú vlastnosť vo widgete, ktorý vám umožní zúžit zoznam produktov pri prezeraní produktových kategorií." #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:161 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Layered Nav" msgstr "e-shop: vrstvená navigácia" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:444 #@ woocommerce msgid "Attribute:" msgstr "vlastnosť:" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:470 #@ woocommerce msgid "Query Type:" msgstr "typ požiadavky:" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:472 #@ woocommerce msgid "AND" msgstr "AND" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:473 #@ woocommerce msgid "OR" msgstr "OR" #: widgets/widget-login.php:22 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display a login area and \"My Account\" links in the sidebar." msgstr "zobraziť pole pre prihlásenie a odkaz \"môj účet\" v bočnom paneli" #: widgets/widget-login.php:24 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Login" msgstr "e-shop: prihlásenie" #: widgets/widget-login.php:42 #: widgets/widget-login.php:185 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer Login" msgstr "prihlásenie zákazníka" #: widgets/widget-login.php:43 #: widgets/widget-login.php:188 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Welcome %s" msgstr "Vítajte %s" #: widgets/widget-login.php:56 #@ woocommerce msgid "My account" msgstr "môj účet" #: widgets/widget-login.php:57 #@ woocommerce msgid "Change my password" msgstr "zmena hesla" #: widgets/widget-login.php:97 #@ woocommerce msgid "Lost password?" msgstr "zabudli ste heslo?" #: widgets/widget-login.php:184 #@ woocommerce msgid "Logged out title:" msgstr "nadpis pri odhlásení se:" #: widgets/widget-login.php:187 #@ woocommerce msgid "Logged in title:" msgstr "nadpis pri prihlásení sa:" #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display a list of your on-sale products on your site." msgstr "zobraziť zoznam výpredajových produktov na vašich stránkach" #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce On-sale" msgstr "e-shop: výpredaj" #: widgets/widget-onsale.php:54 #@ woocommerce msgid "On Sale" msgstr "výpredaj" #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:96 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shows a price filter slider in a widget which lets you narrow down the list of shown products when viewing product categories." msgstr "zobraziť widget cenového filtru s posuvníkom, ktorý vám umožní špecifikovať cenové rozpätie pri prezeraní produktov danej kategórie produktov" #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:98 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Price Filter" msgstr "e-shop: cenový filter" #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:188 #@ woocommerce msgid "Min price" msgstr "minimálna cena" #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:189 #@ woocommerce msgid "Max price" msgstr "maximálna cena" #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:190 #@ woocommerce msgid "Filter" msgstr "filter" #: widgets/widget-price_filter.php:205 #@ woocommerce msgid "Filter by price" msgstr "filtrovať podľa ceny" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "A list or dropdown of product categories." msgstr "zoznam alebo rozbaľovacia ponuka kategórií produktov" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:27 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Product Categories" msgstr "e-shop: kategórie produktov" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:159 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show as dropdown" msgstr "zobraziť ako rozbaľovaciu ponuku" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:162 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show post counts" msgstr "zobraziť počet príspevkov" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:165 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show hierarchy" msgstr "zobraziť hierarchiu" #: widgets/widget-product_search.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "A Search box for products only." msgstr "vyhľadávacie pole iba pre produkty" #: widgets/widget-product_search.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Product Search" msgstr "e-shop: vyhľadávanie produktov" #: woocommerce-template.php:841 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search for:" msgstr "hľadať:" #: woocommerce-template.php:842 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search for products" msgstr "hľadať produkty" #: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your most used product tags in cloud format." msgstr "vaše najpoužívanejšie štítky produktov usporiadané do formátu oblaku" #: widgets/widget-product_tag_cloud.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Product Tags" msgstr "e-shop: štítky produktov" #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display a list of recently viewed products." msgstr "zobraziť zoznam naposledy prezeraných produktov" #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Recently Viewed Products" msgstr "e-shop: naposledy prezerané produkty" #: widgets/widget-recently_viewed.php:56 #@ woocommerce msgid "Recently viewed" msgstr "naposledy zobrazené" #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display a list of your most recent products on your site." msgstr "zobraziť zoznam posledných produktov na vašich stránkach" #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Recent Products" msgstr "e-shop: posledné produkty" #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:54 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Products" msgstr "nové produkty" #: widgets/widget-random_products.php:112 #: widgets/widget-recent_products.php:139 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show hidden product variations" msgstr "zobraziť skryté varianty produktu" #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display a list of your most recent reviews on your site." msgstr "zobraziť zoznam vašich posledných recenzií na vašich stránkach" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:194 #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Recent Reviews" msgstr "e-shop: posledné recenzie" #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:55 #@ woocommerce msgid "Recent Reviews" msgstr "nedávne recenzie" #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:24 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display a list of top rated products on your site." msgstr "zobraziť zoznam najlepšie hodnotených produktov na vašich stránkach" #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:26 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Top Rated Products" msgstr "e-shop: najlepšie hodnotené produkty" #: widgets/widget-top_rated_products.php:55 #@ woocommerce msgid "Top Rated Products" msgstr "najlepšie hodnotené produkty" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:80 #@ woocommerce msgid "made by" msgstr "made by" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:99 #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:112 #@ woocommerce msgid "Via" msgstr "pomocou" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:273 #@ woocommerce msgid "Item" msgstr "položka" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:323 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:721 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delete item" msgstr "zmazať položku" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:324 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:722 #@ woocommerce msgid "View product" msgstr "zobraziť produkt" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:456 #@ woocommerce msgid "Discounts" msgstr "zľavy" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:481 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cost ex. tax:" msgstr "náklady bez DPH" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:487 #@ woocommerce msgid "Method:" msgstr "metóda:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:516 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:540 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:302 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart Tax:" msgstr "daň:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:520 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:547 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:303 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping Tax:" msgstr "daň za prepravu:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:498 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax Rows" msgstr "daňové riadky" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:568 #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment Method:" msgstr "spôsob platby:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:116 #@ woocommerce msgid "Schedule" msgstr "plánovať" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:200 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:307 #@ woocommerce msgid "Name for the attribute (shown on the front-end)." msgstr "meno vlastnosti (uvedené na front-end)" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:209 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:313 #@ woocommerce msgid "Unique slug/reference for the attribute; must be shorter than 28 characters." msgstr "unikátny slug pre vlastnosť (musí byť kratší ako 28 znakov)" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:19 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax Rates" msgstr "daňové sadzby" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:21 #@ woocommerce msgid "Export rates" msgstr "exportovať dane" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:22 #@ woocommerce msgid "Import rates" msgstr "načítať dane" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:23 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Define tax rates for countries and states below, or alternatively upload a CSV file containing your rates to wp-content/woocommerce_tax_rates.csv instead. Download sample csv." msgstr "Definovať daňové sadzby pre krajiny a štáty nižšie, prípadne sem nahrať súbor CSV obsahujúci vaše sadzby wp-content/woocommerce_tax_rates.csv Download sample csv." #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:30 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:99 #@ woocommerce msgid "Optionally, enter a label for this rate - this will appear in the totals table" msgstr "voliteľne môžete zadať označenie pre túto sadzbu - to sa objaví v celkovej tabuľke" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:32 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:101 #@ woocommerce msgid "Compound" msgstr "Compound" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:32 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:101 #@ woocommerce msgid "Choose whether or not this is a compound rate. Compound tax rates are applied on top of other tax rates." msgstr "Vyberte si, či je to zložená úroková miera. Zložené daňové sadzby sú aplikované na vrchole iných daňových sadzieb." #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:40 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:109 #@ woocommerce msgid "All matching rates will be applied, and non-compound rates will be summed." msgstr "Všetky zodpovedajúce sadzby budú použité, a non-compound sadzby budú spočítané." #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:91 #@ woocommerce msgid "Local Tax Rates" msgstr "miestne daňové sadzby" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:97 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:124 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:260 #@ woocommerce msgid "Post/zip codes" msgstr "PSČ" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:97 #@ woocommerce msgid "List postcodes/zips this rate applies to separated by semi-colons. You may also enter ranges for numeric zip codes. e.g. 12345-12349;23456;" msgstr "Zoznam PSČ. Táto sadzba platí pre oddelené bodkočiarkami. Môžete tiež zadať číselné rozsahy pre PSČ. napr. 12345-12349;23456;" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:121 #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:257 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select a country/state…" msgstr "vyberte krajinu/štát" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:161 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable coupon form on checkout" msgstr "povoliť v pokladni kupónové pole" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:122 #@ woocommerce msgid "Security" msgstr "zabezpečenie" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:921 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ship to billing address by default" msgstr "doručenie na fakturačnú adresu ako v predvolenom nastavení" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:996 #@ woocommerce msgid "Catalog Prices" msgstr "katalógové ceny" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:997 #@ woocommerce msgid "Catalog prices defined including tax" msgstr "katalógové ceny sú vrátane DPH" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1006 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display cart contents excluding tax" msgstr "zobraziť obsah košíka bez DPH" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1015 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display cart totals excluding tax" msgstr "zobraziť celkovú cenu košíka bez DPH" #: classes/integrations/sharethis/class-wc-sharethis.php:19 #@ woocommerce msgid "ShareThis offers a sharing widget which will allow customers to share links to products with their friends." msgstr "ShareThis ponúka sharing widget, ktorý umožní zákazníkom zdieľať odkazy na produkty so svojimi priateľmi." #: classes/integrations/google-analytics/class-wc-google-analytics.php:17 #@ woocommerce msgid "Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website." msgstr "Google Analytics je bezplatná služba ponúkaná spoločnosťou Google, ktorá vytvára detailné štatistiky o návštevníkov na internetových stránkach." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:46 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:191 #@ woocommerce msgid "Integration" msgstr "integrácia" #: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:22 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping Method" msgstr "spôsob doručenia" #: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:38 #@ woocommerce msgid "Method ID" msgstr "ID spôsobu" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-taxonomies.php:245 #@ woocommerce msgid "Configure shipping class" msgstr "konfigurácia doručovacích tried" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:20 #@ woocommerce msgid "Paying Customer?" msgstr "platiaci zákazník?" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:102 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer Billing Address" msgstr "fakturačná adresa zákazníka" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:105 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:154 #@ woocommerce msgid "First name" msgstr "meno" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:109 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:158 #@ woocommerce msgid "Last name" msgstr "priezvisko" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:141 #@ woocommerce msgid "Telephone" msgstr "telefón" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:151 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer Shipping Address" msgstr "adresa doručenia" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:183 #@ woocommerce msgid "State/County or state code" msgstr "krajina/štát" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-users.php:187 #@ woocommerce msgid "2 letter Country code" msgstr "kód krajiny (2 znaky)" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:144 #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:140 #@ woocommerce msgid "is a required field." msgstr "je nevyhnutné vyplniť." #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:186 #@ woocommerce msgid "is not a valid number." msgstr "nie je platné číslo." #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:193 #@ woocommerce msgid "is not a valid email address." msgstr "nie je platná e-mailová adresa." #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:119 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hong Kong" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:338 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hong Kong Island" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:340 #@ woocommerce msgid "New Territories" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:677 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:678 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:700 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:701 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:816 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:817 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:842 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:843 #@ woocommerce msgid "Province" msgstr "provincia" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:694 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:695 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:823 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:824 #@ woocommerce msgid "Municipality" msgstr "obec" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:743 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:744 #@ woocommerce msgid "Town/District" msgstr "mesto/okres" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:747 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:748 #@ woocommerce msgid "Region" msgstr "región" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:848 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:849 #@ woocommerce msgid "Zip" msgstr "PSČ" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:862 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:863 #@ woocommerce msgid "County" msgstr "kraj" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:894 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:895 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:954 #@ woocommerce msgid "Town/City" msgstr "mesto" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:936 #@ woocommerce msgid "Company Name" msgstr "názov spoločnosti" #: templates/emails/email-order-items.php:31 #@ woocommerce msgid "Download:" msgstr "stiahnúť:" #: classes/class-wc-product.php:716 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "min_price" msgid "From:" msgstr "od:" #: templates/cart/totals.php:218 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Note: Shipping and taxes are estimated%s and will be updated during checkout based on your billing and shipping information." msgstr "Cena za dopravu (pošta, kuriér) bude stanovená dodatočne na základe Vašich údajov z objednávky (miesta doručenia)" #: templates/checkout/form-coupon.php:7 #@ woocommerce msgid "Have a coupon?" msgstr "máte kupón?" #: templates/checkout/form-coupon.php:10 #@ woocommerce msgid "Click here to enter your code" msgstr "kliknite tu pre zadanie kódu" #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:146 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Subtotal" msgstr "medzisúčet" #: templates/emails/customer-invoice.php:7 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "An order has been created for you on “%s”. To pay for this order please use the following link: Pay" msgstr "Objednávka bola pre vás vytvorená \\\"% s\\\". Ak chcete zaplatiť za túto objednávku, prosím použite nasledujúci odkaz: zaplatiť " #: templates/order/order-details.php:54 #@ woocommerce msgid "Download file →" msgstr "stiahnuť súbor →" #: widgets/widget-cart.php:80 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hide if cart is empty" msgstr "skryť v prípade, ak je košík prázdny" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:152 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order by:" msgstr "zoradiť podľa:" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:154 #@ woocommerce msgid "Category Order" msgstr "zoznam kategórií" #: woocommerce.php:992 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select an option…" msgstr "vyberte z možností…" #: admin/post-types/product.php:124 #@ woocommerce msgid "Edit this item inline" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:124 #@ woocommerce msgid "Quick Edit" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:128 #@ woocommerce msgid "Restore this item from the Trash" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:128 #@ woocommerce msgid "Restore" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:130 #@ woocommerce msgid "Move this item to the Trash" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:130 #@ woocommerce msgid "Trash" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:132 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delete this item permanently" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:137 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Preview “%s”" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:137 #@ woocommerce msgid "Preview" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:139 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "View “%s”" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:185 #@ woocommerce msgid "Grouped" msgstr "zoskúpené" #: admin/post-types/product.php:187 #@ woocommerce msgid "External/Affiliate" msgstr "externý/partnerský" #: admin/post-types/product.php:195 #@ woocommerce msgid "Simple" msgstr "jednoduchý" #: admin/post-types/product.php:199 #: admin/post-types/product.php:338 #@ woocommerce msgid "Variable" msgstr "variabilný" #: admin/post-types/product.php:496 #: admin/post-types/product.php:703 #@ woocommerce msgid "Regular price" msgstr "bežná cena" #: admin/post-types/product.php:501 #: admin/post-types/product.php:709 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sale" msgstr "zľava" #: admin/post-types/product.php:503 #: admin/post-types/product.php:725 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sale price" msgstr "cena po zľave" #: admin/post-types/product.php:525 #: admin/post-types/product.php:756 #@ woocommerce msgid "L/W/H" msgstr "d/v/š" #: admin/post-types/product.php:539 #: admin/post-types/product.php:780 #@ woocommerce msgid "Visibility" msgstr "viditeľnosť" #: admin/post-types/product.php:544 #: admin/post-types/product.php:786 #@ woocommerce msgid "Catalog & search" msgstr "katalóg & vyhľadávanie" #: admin/post-types/product.php:562 #: admin/post-types/product.php:817 #@ woocommerce msgid "In stock?" msgstr "na sklade?" #: admin/post-types/product.php:692 #: admin/post-types/product.php:714 #: admin/post-types/product.php:737 #: admin/post-types/product.php:761 #: admin/post-types/product.php:785 #: admin/post-types/product.php:804 #: admin/post-types/product.php:822 #: admin/post-types/product.php:840 #: admin/post-types/product.php:859 #@ woocommerce msgid "— No Change —" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:693 #: admin/post-types/product.php:715 #: admin/post-types/product.php:738 #: admin/post-types/product.php:762 #: admin/post-types/product.php:860 #@ woocommerce msgid "Change to:" msgstr "zmeniť na:" #: admin/post-types/product.php:805 #: admin/post-types/product.php:841 #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:149 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:138 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:283 #@ woocommerce msgid "Yes" msgstr "áno" #: admin/post-types/product.php:806 #: admin/post-types/product.php:842 #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:151 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:138 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:283 #@ woocommerce msgid "No" msgstr "nie" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:40 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer Notes" msgstr "poznámky zákazníka" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:93 #@ woocommerce msgid "Billing Details" msgstr "fakturačné údaje" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:176 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping Details" msgstr "údaje pre doručenie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:278 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax class for the line item" msgstr "daňová trieda pre položku v riadku" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:282 #@ woocommerce msgid "Line Subtotal" msgstr "riadok medzisúčet" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:282 #@ woocommerce msgid "Line cost and line tax before pre-tax discounts" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:284 #@ woocommerce msgid "Line Total" msgstr "riadok celková cena" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:284 #@ woocommerce msgid "Line cost and line tax after pre-tax discounts" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:362 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax class" msgstr "daňová trieda" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:404 #@ woocommerce msgid "Calc line tax ↑" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:405 #@ woocommerce msgid "Calc totals →" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:498 #@ woocommerce msgid "These rows contain taxes for this order. This allows you to display multiple or compound taxes rather than a single total." msgstr "Tieto riadky obsahujú dane pre túto objednávku. To umožňuje zobraziť viac alebo zložené dane skôr než ako jeden celok." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:508 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:300 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax Label:" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:512 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:301 #@ woocommerce msgid "Compound:" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:532 #@ woocommerce msgid "+ Add tax row" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:536 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax Totals" msgstr "daň celkom" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:38 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:154 #@ woocommerce msgid "Revoke Access" msgstr "odvolať prístup" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:39 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:155 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:118 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:336 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:327 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:407 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:282 #@ woocommerce msgid "Click to toggle" msgstr "kliknite pre prepnutie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:40 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Downloaded %s time" msgid_plural "Downloaded %s times" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:46 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:162 #@ woocommerce msgid "Downloads Remaining" msgstr "zostávajúci počet stiahnutí" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:51 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:167 #@ woocommerce msgid "Access Expires" msgstr "prístup vyprší" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:52 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:168 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:183 #@ woocommerce msgid "Never" msgstr "nikdy" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:65 #@ woocommerce msgid "Choose a downloadable product…" msgstr "vyberte produkt na stiahnutie…" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:115 #@ woocommerce msgid "Grant Access" msgstr "prideliť prístup" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:176 #@ woocommerce msgid "Could not grant access - the user may already have permission for this file." msgstr "nemožno udeliť prístup - užívateľ už má povolenie pre tento súbor." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_downloads.php:198 #@ woocommerce msgid "Are you sure you want to revoke access to this download?" msgstr "Ste si istí, že chcete zrušiť prístup toto stiahnutie?" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:68 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:291 #@ woocommerce msgid "Close all" msgstr "zavrieť všetko" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:68 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:291 #@ woocommerce msgid "Expand all" msgstr "rozbaliť všetky" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:82 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delete all" msgstr "zmazať všetko" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:196 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:403 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping class:" msgstr "doručovacia trieda:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:47 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:200 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:407 #@ woocommerce msgid "Same as parent" msgstr "rovnako ako nadradený" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:259 #@ woocommerce msgid "Default selections:" msgstr "prednastavená voľba:" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:468 #@ woocommerce msgid "Are you sure you want to link all variations? This will create a new variation for each and every possible combination of variation attributes (max 50 per run)." msgstr "Ste si istí, že chcete prepojiť všetky varianty? Tým sa vytvoria nové variácie pre každú možnú kombináciu variácií vlastností (max 50)." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:489 #@ woocommerce msgid "variation added" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:491 #@ woocommerce msgid "variations added" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:493 #@ woocommerce msgid "No variations added" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:540 #@ woocommerce msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone." msgstr "Ste si istí, že chcete odstrániť všetky varianty? To nie je možné vrátiť späť." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:543 #@ woocommerce msgid "Last warning, are you sure?" msgstr "Posledné varovanie, ste si istý?" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:91 #@ woocommerce msgid "Stock Keeping Unit" msgstr "SKU" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:106 #@ woocommerce msgid "Button text" msgstr "text tlačítka" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:106 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Buy product" msgstr "kúpiť produkt" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:106 #@ woocommerce msgid "This text will be shown on the button linking to the external product." msgstr "Tento text sa zobrazí na odkaze na externý produkt." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:128 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "From…" msgstr "od…" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:131 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "To…" msgstr "do…" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:513 #@ woocommerce msgid "Purchase Note" msgstr "poznámka ku nákupu" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:513 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter an optional note to send the customer after purchase." msgstr "zadajte voliteľnú poznámku, ktorá buda zaslaná zákazníkovi po nákupe" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:183 #@ woocommerce msgid "Download Expiry" msgstr "doba na stiahnutie" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:183 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter the number of days before a download link expires, or leave blank." msgstr "zadajte počet dní pred vypršaním odkazu na stiahnutie, alebo nechajte prázdne." #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:356 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select all" msgstr "označiť všetko" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:356 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select none" msgstr "neoznačiť nič" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:378 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:426 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:285 #@ woocommerce msgid "Visible on the product page" msgstr "viditeľný na stránke produktov" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:384 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:432 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:286 #@ woocommerce msgid "Used for variations" msgstr "použité pre varianty" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:421 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:284 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter some text, or some attributes by pipe (|) separating values." msgstr "zadajte ľubovoľný text, alebo nejaké vlastnosti oddelené zvislou čiarou (|)" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:929 #@ woocommerce msgid "Use this file" msgstr "použiť tento súbor" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:53 #@ woocommerce msgid "Downloadable Product Permissions – Note: Permissions for order items will automatically be granted when the order status changes to processing/completed." msgstr "Oprávnenia na stiahnutie produktu – Poznámka: Povolenie pre položky objednávky bude automaticky poskytnuté v prípade, že stav objednávky bude spracováva sa/dokončené." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:205 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:253 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:311 #@ woocommerce msgid "Slug" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:38 #@ woocommerce msgid "General settings such as your shop base, currency, and script/styling options which affect features used in your store." msgstr "Základné nastavenia ako je základ obchodu, mena, skript/stylingové možnosti – ovplyvňujú funkcie použité v obchode." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:39 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is where important store page are defined. You can also set up other pages (such as a Terms page) here." msgstr "Toto je dôležité miesto, kde sú definované stránky obchodu. Tu môžete tiež nastaviť iné stránky (ako Obchodné podmienky)." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:40 #@ woocommerce msgid "Options for how things like price, images and weights appear in your product catalog." msgstr "Možnosti ako popis, cena, obrázky, rozmery, hmotnosti sa objavia v katalógu." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:41 #@ woocommerce msgid "Options concerning stock and stock notices." msgstr "Možnosti týkajúce sa skladu a skladových oznámení." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:42 #@ woocommerce msgid "Options concerning tax, including international and local tax rates." msgstr "Voľby týkajúce sa daní, vrátane medzinárodných a miestnych daňových sadzieb." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:43 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is where shipping options are defined, and shipping methods are set up." msgstr "Tu je miesto, kde sú definované možnosti doručenia a nastavenie spôsobov prepravy." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:44 #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment Methods" msgstr "platobné metódy" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:44 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is where payment gateway options are defined, and individual payment gateways are set up." msgstr "Tu je miesto, kde sú definované možnosti platobných metód a ich jednotlivé nastavenia." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:45 #@ woocommerce msgid "Here you can customise the way WooCommerce emails appear." msgstr "Tu si môžete upraviť e-maily." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:46 #@ woocommerce msgid "The integration section contains options for third party services which integrate with WooCommerce." msgstr "Táto časť obsahuje možnosti pre služby tretích strán, ktoré spolupracujú s e-shopom." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:53 #@ woocommerce msgid "The reports section can be accessed from the left-hand navigation menu. Here you can generate reports for sales and customers." msgstr "Sekcia správ. Tu si môžete vytvárať správy pre predajcu a zákazníkov." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:54 #@ woocommerce msgid "Reports for sales based on date, top sellers and top earners." msgstr "Správy z predaja založené na dátumoch, predávaných produktoch a príjmoch." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:55 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customers" msgstr "zákazníci" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:55 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer reports, such as signups per day." msgstr "Zákaznícke správy, napríklad denná registrácia." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:63 #@ woocommerce msgid "The orders section can be accessed from the left-hand navigation menu. Here you can view and manage customer orders." msgstr "Objednávková časť. Tu si môžete zobraziť a spravovať objednávky zákazníkov." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:64 #@ woocommerce msgid "Orders can also be added from this section if you want to set them up for a customer manually." msgstr "Objednávky môžu byť tiež pridané z tejto sekcie, ak chcete, aby ich nastavenia pre zákazníka ručne." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:71 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupons can be managed from this section. Once added, customers will be able to enter coupon codes on the cart/checkout page. If a customer uses a coupon code they will be viewable when viewing orders." msgstr "Kupóny môžu byť riadené z tejto sekcie. Po pridaní budú mať zákazníci možnosť zadať kupónový kód v košíku / v pokladni. Pokiaľ zákazník používa kód ku kupónu na zľavu, bude vidteľný pri sledovaní objednávok." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:75 #@ woocommerce msgid "For more information:" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:76 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:77 #@ woocommerce msgid "Project on" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:78 #@ woocommerce msgid "Project on Github" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:79 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Docs" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:80 #@ woocommerce msgid "Official Extensions" msgstr "" #. gettext fix: identical singular and plural forms found, that may be ambiguous! Please check the code! #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:40 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:946 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1043 #: templates/cart/cart.php:18 #: templates/checkout/form-pay.php:12 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:15 #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:14 #: templates/emails/customer-completed-order.php:14 #: templates/emails/customer-invoice.php:18 #: templates/emails/customer-note.php:18 #: templates/emails/customer-processing-order.php:14 #: templates/order/order-details.php:14 #: woocommerce.php:743 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product" msgid_plural "Products" msgstr[0] "Produkt" msgstr[1] "Produkty" #. gettext fix: identical singular and plural forms found, that may be ambiguous! Please check the code! #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:54 #: woocommerce.php:586 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Category" msgid_plural "Product Categories" msgstr[0] "kategória produktov" msgstr[1] "kategória produktov" msgstr[2] "kategórie produktov" #. gettext fix: identical singular and plural forms found, that may be ambiguous! Please check the code! #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:68 #: woocommerce.php:617 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Tag" msgid_plural "Product Tags" msgstr[0] "tag produktu" msgstr[1] "tag produktu" msgstr[2] "tagy produktov" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:82 #@ woocommerce msgid "Attribute" msgid_plural "Attributes" msgstr[0] "vlastnosť" msgstr[1] "vlastnosť" msgstr[2] "vlastnosti" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:163 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "You are using WooCommerce %s." msgstr "Používate WooCommerce %s." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:192 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Right Now" msgstr "práve teraz" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:193 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Recent Orders" msgstr "posledné objednávky" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:223 #@ woocommerce msgid "l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:230 #@ woocommerce msgid "There are no product orders yet." msgstr "zatiaľ nie sú žiadne objednávky" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:103 #@ woocommerce msgid "Welcome to WooCommerce – You're almost ready to start selling :)" msgstr "Vítajte vo WooCommerce – Ste takmer pripravení začať predávať :)" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:104 #@ woocommerce msgid "Install WooCommerce Pages" msgstr "inštalacia WooCommerce stránok" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:113 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce has been installed – You're ready to start selling :)" msgstr "WooCommerce bol nainštalovaný – Ste pripravený začať predávať :)" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:115 #@ woocommerce msgid "Documentation" msgstr "dokumentácia" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:279 #@ woocommerce msgid "Remove this attribute?" msgstr "zmazať túto vlastnosť?" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:288 #@ woocommerce msgid "Calculate totals based on order items, discount amount, and shipping? Note, you will need to (optionally) calculate tax rows and cart discounts manually." msgstr "Vypočítať celkovú cenu položiek objednávky, zliav a dopravy? Pozor, budete musieť (voliteľne) ručne vypočítať dane z riadkov a zľavy." #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:289 #@ woocommerce msgid "Calculate line taxes? This will calculate taxes based on the customers country. If no billing/shipping is set it will use the store base country." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:519 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Product updated. View Product" msgstr "produkt bol aktualizovaný zobraziť produkt" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:520 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:535 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:550 #@ woocommerce msgid "Custom field updated." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:521 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:536 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:551 #@ woocommerce msgid "Custom field deleted." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:522 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product updated." msgstr "produkt bol aktualizovaný" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:523 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Product restored to revision from %s" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:525 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product saved." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:526 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Product submitted. Preview Product" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:527 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Product scheduled for: %1$s. Preview Product" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:528 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:543 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:558 #@ woocommerce msgid "M j, Y @ G:i" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:529 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Product draft updated. Preview Product" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:534 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:537 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:539 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order updated." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:538 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Order restored to revision from %s" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:540 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order saved." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:541 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order submitted." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:542 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Order scheduled for: %1$s." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:544 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order draft updated." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:549 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:552 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:554 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon updated." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:553 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon restored to revision from %s" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:555 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon saved." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:556 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon submitted." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:557 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon scheduled for: %1$s." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:559 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon draft updated." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:102 #@ woocommerce msgid "Checkout and Accounts" msgstr "pokladňa a účty" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:102 #@ woocommerce msgid "The following options control the behaviour of the checkout process and customer accounts." msgstr "nasledujúce voľby ovplyvňujú platobné procesy a zákaznícke účty" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:171 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allow unregistered users to register from the Checkout" msgstr "povoliť neregistrovaným užívateľom zaregistrovať sa z pokladne" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:179 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allow unregistered users to register from \"My Account\"" msgstr "povoliť neregistrovaným užívateľom zaregistrovať sa z \"môj účet\"" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:213 #@ woocommerce msgid "Styles and Scripts" msgstr "štýly a skripty" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:213 #@ woocommerce msgid "The following options affect the styling of your store, as well as how certain features behave." msgstr "nasledujúce voľby ovplyvňujú štýl vášho obchodu, a ako sa správajú niektoré funkcie" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:279 #@ woocommerce msgid "Digital Downloads" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:279 #@ woocommerce msgid "The following options are specific to downloadable products." msgstr "Nasledujúce voľby sú špecifické pre stiahnuteľné výrobky." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:317 #@ woocommerce msgid "Limit quantity" msgstr "množstvo - limit" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:336 #@ woocommerce msgid "Note: The shop page has children - child pages will not work if you enable this option." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:344 #@ woocommerce msgid "This sets the base page of your shop - this is where your product archive will be." msgstr "Týmto sa nastaví základná stránka vášho obchodu - to je miesto, kde bude archív vašich produktov." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:435 #@ woocommerce msgid "The following pages need selecting so that WooCommerce knows where they are. These pages should have been created upon installation of the plugin, if not you will need to create them." msgstr "Nasledujúce stránky je treba vybrať tak, aby WooCommerce vedel, kde sú. Tieto stránky by mali byť vytvorené po inštalácii pluginu, ak nie, budete ich musieť vytvoriť." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:638 #@ woocommerce msgid "g" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:70 #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:653 #@ woocommerce msgid "m" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:655 #@ woocommerce msgid "mm" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:576 #@ woocommerce msgid "Redirects" msgstr "presmerovanie" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:585 #@ woocommerce msgid "Redirect to the product page on a single matching search result" msgstr "presmerovanie na stránku produktu na základe jediného výsledku vyhľadávania" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:972 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display taxes on cart page" msgstr "zobraziť dane na stránke košíka" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1030 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Reduced Rate%sZero Rate" msgstr "znížená daň%snulová daň" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1071 #@ woocommerce msgid "The following options affect the sender (email address and name) used in WooCommerce emails." msgstr "Nasledujúce možnosti ovplyvnia odosielateľa (e-mailovú adresu a názov) použité v WooCommerce e-mail." #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:1093 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "This section lets you customise the WooCommerce emails. Click here to preview your email template. For more advanced control copy woocommerce/templates/emails/ to yourtheme/woocommerce/emails/." msgstr "Táto časť umožňuje prispôsobiť e-shop e-maily. Kliknite pre zobrazenie náhľadu e-mailovej šablony. Na pokročilejšie úpravy skopírujte woocommerce/templates/emails/ do yourtheme/woocommerce/emails/." #: classes/integrations/sharedaddy/class-wc-sharedaddy.php:16 #@ woocommerce msgid "ShareDaddy" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/sharedaddy/class-wc-sharedaddy.php:17 #@ woocommerce msgid "ShareDaddy is a sharing plugin bundled with JetPack." msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/sharedaddy/class-wc-sharedaddy.php:42 #@ woocommerce msgid "Output ShareDaddy button?" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:164 #@ woocommerce msgid "Congratulations! – WooCommerce has been installed and setup. Enjoy :)" msgstr "Gratulujeme! – WooCommerce bol nainštalovaný a nastavený. Užívajte :)" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:208 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "More functionality and gateway options available via WC official extensions." msgstr "Ďalšie funkcie a možnosti sú dostupné prostredníctvom WC official extensions." #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:690 #@ woocommerce msgid "You already have this item in your cart." msgstr "túto položku už máte v košíku" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:315 #: widgets/widget-login.php:232 #: widgets/widget-login.php:235 #: woocommerce-functions.php:548 #: woocommerce-functions.php:550 #: woocommerce-functions.php:553 #: woocommerce-functions.php:558 #: woocommerce-functions.php:560 #: woocommerce-functions.php:563 #: woocommerce-functions.php:586 #@ woocommerce msgid "ERROR" msgstr "chyba" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:481 #@ woocommerce msgid "(incl. VAT)" msgstr "(s DPH)" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:481 #@ woocommerce msgid "(incl. tax)" msgstr "(s daňou)" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:924 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "First Name" msgstr "meno" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:930 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Last Name" msgstr "priezvisko" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:937 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Company (optional)" msgstr "spoločnosť" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:942 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Address" msgstr "adresa" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:948 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Address 2 (optional)" msgstr "adresa 2 (voliteľná)" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:955 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Town/City" msgstr "mesto" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:961 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Postcode/Zip" msgstr "PSČ" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:969 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Country" msgstr "krajina" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:976 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "State/County" msgstr "kraj" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:1021 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Email Address" msgstr "e-mail" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:1027 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Phone" msgstr "telefón" #: classes/class-wc-product.php:463 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%s in stock" msgstr "skladom" #: classes/class-wc-product.php:470 #@ woocommerce msgid "(backorders allowed)" msgstr "(Backorder povolený)" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:18 #@ woocommerce msgid "Bacs" msgstr "Banka" #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:18 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cheque" msgstr "Šek" #: classes/gateways/cheque/class-wc-cheque.php:60 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please send your cheque to Store Name, Store Street, Store Town, Store State / County, Store Postcode." msgstr "Prosím pošlite váš šek na meno obchodu, ulicu, mesto, štát, PSČ." #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:16 #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:36 #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:56 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cash on Delivery" msgstr "dobierka" #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:37 #@ woocommerce msgid "Have your customers pay with cash (or by other means) upon delivery." msgstr "Zákazníci majú platiť v hotovosti pri dodaní." #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:46 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable COD" msgstr "povoliť dobierku" #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:55 #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment method title that the customer will see on your website." msgstr "titulok spôsoby platby, ktorý zákazník uvidí na webových stránkach" #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:61 #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment method description that the customer will see on your website." msgstr "popis spôsoby platby, ktorý zákazník uvidí na webových stránkach" #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:65 #@ woocommerce msgid "Instructions" msgstr "pokyny" #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:67 #@ woocommerce msgid "Instructions that will be added to the thank you page." msgstr "pokyny, ktoré budú pridané do stránky poďakovania" #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:80 #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment to be made upon delivery." msgstr "platba musí byť vykonaná pri dodaní" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:64 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:41 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable this shipping method" msgstr "povoliť tento spôsob doručenia" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-free-shipping.php:68 #@ woocommerce msgid "Users will need to enter a valid free shipping coupon code to use this method. If a coupon is used, the minimum order amount will be ignored." msgstr "Užívatelia budú musieť zadať platný kupón pre doručenie zdarma na použitie tejto metódy. Ak kupón je používatý, minimálne objednané množstvo bude ignorované." #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:19 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:22 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:48 #@ woocommerce msgid "International Delivery" msgstr "medzinárodné doručenie" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:23 #@ woocommerce msgid "International delivery based on flat rate shipping." msgstr "medzinárodné doručenie na základe paušálneho doručenia" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:51 #@ woocommerce msgid "Availability" msgstr "dostupnosť" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:56 #@ woocommerce msgid "Selected countries" msgstr "vybraté krajiny" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:57 #@ woocommerce msgid "Excluding selected countries" msgstr "s výminkou vybratých krajín" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-international-delivery.php:61 #@ woocommerce msgid "Countries" msgstr "krajiny" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:17 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:82 #@ woocommerce msgid "Local Delivery" msgstr "lokálne doručenie" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:73 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable" msgstr "povoliť" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:75 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable local delivery" msgstr "povoliť lokálne doručenie" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:85 #@ woocommerce msgid "Fee Type" msgstr "poplatok za typ" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:87 #@ woocommerce msgid "How to calculate delivery charges" msgstr "ako vypočítať poplatky za doručenie" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:131 #@ woocommerce msgid "Local delivery is a simple shipping method for delivering orders locally." msgstr "lokálne doručenie je jednoduchá spôsob doručovania objednávok do miesta" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:17 #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgid "Local Pickup" msgstr "miestny Pickup" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:51 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable local pickup" msgstr "povoliť miestny pickup" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-pickup.php:84 #@ woocommerce msgid "Local pickup is a simple method which allows the customer to pick up their order themselves." msgstr "miestny pickup je jednoduchá metóda, ktorá umožňuje zákazníkovi vyzdvihnúť si svoju objednávku" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:261 #@ woocommerce msgid "My Account →" msgstr "môj účet →" #: templates/cart/totals.php:100 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please fill in your details to see available shipping methods." msgstr "Prosím, vyplňte vaše údaje pre zobrazenie dostupných spôsobov prepravy." #: templates/cart/totals.php:216 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "(taxes estimated for %s)" msgstr "(odhadovanej dane na %s)" #: templates/checkout/cart-errors.php:9 #@ woocommerce msgid "There are some issues with the items in your cart (shown above). Please go back to the cart page and resolve these issues before checking out." msgstr "Existujú niektoré problémy s položkami v vašom košíku (pozri vyššie). Prosím, vráťte sa do košíka a vyriešte tieto problémy before checking out." #: templates/checkout/cart-errors.php:13 #@ woocommerce msgid "← Return To Cart" msgstr "← návrat do košíka" #: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:27 #@ woocommerce msgid "My Address" msgstr "moja adresa" #: templates/single-product/review.php:31 #@ woocommerce msgid "M jS Y" msgstr "" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:221 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Any %s" msgstr "každý %s" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:464 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display Type:" msgstr "zobraziť:" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:466 #@ woocommerce msgid "List" msgstr "zoznam" #: widgets/widget-layered_nav.php:467 #@ woocommerce msgid "Dropdown" msgstr "rozbaľovaciu ponuku" #: widgets/widget-login.php:232 #: woocommerce-functions.php:548 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter a username." msgstr "prosím, zadajte užívateľské meno" #: widgets/widget-random_products.php:15 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Random Products" msgstr "e-shop náhodné produkty" #: widgets/widget-random_products.php:18 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display a list of random products on your site." msgstr "zobraziť zoznam náhodných produktov na vašom webe" #: widgets/widget-random_products.php:29 #@ woocommerce msgid "Random Products" msgstr "náhodné produkty" #: woocommerce-core-functions.php:657 #: woocommerce-core-functions.php:721 #@ woocommerce msgid "Download Permissions Granted" msgstr "stiahnuť udelené oprávnenia" #: woocommerce-core-functions.php:892 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select a category" msgstr "vybrať kategóriu" #: woocommerce-functions.php:170 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "You can only have 1 %s in your cart." msgstr "môžete mať len 1 %s vo vašom košíku" #: woocommerce-functions.php:355 #@ woocommerce msgid "Continue Shopping →" msgstr "pokračovať v nákupe →" #: woocommerce-functions.php:355 #: woocommerce-functions.php:359 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product successfully added to your cart." msgstr "produkt bol úspešne pridaný do košíka" #: woocommerce-functions.php:550 #@ woocommerce msgid "This username is invalid because it uses illegal characters. Please enter a valid username." msgstr "Toto užívateľské meno je neplatné, pretože používa nepovolené znaky. Zadajte prosím platné užívateľské meno." #: woocommerce-functions.php:553 #@ woocommerce msgid "This username is already registered, please choose another one." msgstr "Toto užívateľské meno je už registrované, prosím, vyberte iné." #: woocommerce-functions.php:558 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please type your e-mail address." msgstr "prosím, zadajte svoju e-mailovú adresu" #: woocommerce-functions.php:560 #@ woocommerce msgid "The email address isn’t correct." msgstr "e-mailová adresa nie je správna" #: woocommerce-functions.php:563 #@ woocommerce msgid "This email is already registered, please choose another one." msgstr "Tento e-mail je už zaregistrovaný, prosím, vyberte iný." #: woocommerce-functions.php:720 #@ woocommerce msgid "Invalid email address." msgstr "neplatná e-mailová adresa" #: woocommerce-functions.php:720 #: woocommerce-functions.php:732 #: woocommerce-functions.php:758 #: woocommerce-functions.php:765 #: woocommerce-functions.php:772 #: woocommerce-functions.php:944 #@ woocommerce msgid "Go to homepage →" msgstr "prejsť na domovskú stránku →" #: woocommerce-functions.php:732 #@ woocommerce msgid "Invalid download." msgstr "neplatné stiahnutie" #: woocommerce-functions.php:744 #@ woocommerce msgid "You must be logged in to download files." msgstr "musíte byť prihlásený pre stiahnutie súborov" #: widgets/widget-login.php:97 #: woocommerce-functions.php:744 #@ woocommerce msgid "Login →" msgstr "prihlásenie →" #: woocommerce-functions.php:749 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is not your download link." msgstr "toto nie je váš odkaz na stiahnutie" #: woocommerce-functions.php:765 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, you have reached your download limit for this file" msgstr "ospravedlňujeme sa, ale dosiahli ste limit pre sťahovanie tohto súboru" #: woocommerce-functions.php:772 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, this download has expired" msgstr "ospravedlňujeme sa, ale odkaz na stiahnutie už vypršal" #: woocommerce-functions.php:944 #@ woocommerce msgid "File not found" msgstr "súbor sa nenašiel" #: woocommerce-template.php:700 #: woocommerce.php:997 #@ woocommerce msgid "required" msgstr "požadovaný" #. translators: plugin header field 'PluginURI' #: woocommerce.php:0 #@ woocommerce msgid "" msgstr "" #. translators: plugin header field 'Description' #: woocommerce.php:0 #@ woocommerce msgid "An e-commerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully." msgstr "e-commerce nástroje vám pomôžu predať čokoľvek" #. translators: plugin header field 'Author' #: woocommerce.php:0 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooThemes" msgstr "" #. translators: plugin header field 'AuthorURI' #: woocommerce.php:0 #@ woocommerce msgid "" msgstr "" #: admin/includes/duplicate_product.php:68 #@ woocommerce msgid "(Copy)" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/product.php:983 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sort Products" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/shop_order.php:80 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:278 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Order %s" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "Minimum amount" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "No minimum" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:49 #@ woocommerce msgid "This field allows you to set the minimum subtotal needed to use the coupon." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:56 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:399 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:465 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:484 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1180 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search for a product…" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:73 #@ woocommerce msgid "Products which need to be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product Discounts\", which products are discounted." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:78 #@ woocommerce msgid "Exclude Products" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:79 #@ woocommerce msgid "Search for a product…" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:96 #@ woocommerce msgid "Products which must not be in the cart to use this coupon or, for \"Product Discounts\", which products are not discounted." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:104 #@ woocommerce msgid "Any category" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:115 #@ woocommerce msgid "A product must be in this category for the coupon to remain valid or, for \"Product Discounts\", products in these categories will be discounted." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:120 #@ woocommerce msgid "Exclude Categories" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:121 #@ woocommerce msgid "No categories" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:132 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product must not be in this category for the coupon to remain valid or, for \"Product Discounts\", products in these categories will not be discounted." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:138 #@ woocommerce msgid "Customer Emails" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:138 #@ woocommerce msgid "Any customer" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:138 #@ woocommerce msgid "Comma separate email addresses to restrict this coupon to specific billing and user emails." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:143 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Unlimited usage" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:143 #@ woocommerce msgid "How many times this coupon can be used before it is void" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:146 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Never expire" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-coupon_data.php:146 #@ woocommerce msgid "The date this coupon will expire, YYYY-MM-DD" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:69 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Date:" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:70 #@ woocommerce msgid "h" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:401 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add item(s)" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:490 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping method…" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-order_data.php:571 #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment method…" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:59 #@ woocommerce msgid "Before adding variations, add and save some attributes on the Attributes tab." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:61 #@ woocommerce msgid "Learn more" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:78 #@ woocommerce msgid "File Path" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:79 #@ woocommerce msgid "Download limit" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:167 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:376 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a quantity to enable stock management for this variation, or leave blank to use the variable product stock options." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:207 #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:414 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tax class:" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:579 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a value" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product-type-variable.php:773 #: classes/class-wc-email.php:324 #: classes/class-wc-email.php:352 #: classes/class-wc-email.php:393 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Variation #%s of %s" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:46 #@ woocommerce msgid "Virtual products are intangible and aren't shipped." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:52 #@ woocommerce msgid "Downloadable products give access to a file upon purchase." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:70 #@ woocommerce msgid "Taxes" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:80 #@ woocommerce msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:91 #@ woocommerce msgid "SKU refers to a Stock-keeping unit, a unique identifier for each distinct product and service that can be purchased." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:143 #@ woocommerce msgid "Weight in decimal form" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:157 #@ woocommerce msgid "LxWxH in decimal form" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:231 #@ woocommerce msgid "Stock quantity. If this is a variable product this value will be used to control stock for all variations, unless you define stock at variation level." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:243 #@ woocommerce msgid "Controls whether or not the product is listed as \"in stock\" or \"out of stock\" on the frontend." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:254 #@ woocommerce msgid "If managing stock, this controls whether or not backorders are allowed for this product and variations. If enabled, stock quantity can go below 0." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:275 #@ woocommerce msgid "No shipping class" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:281 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping class" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:281 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping classes are used by certain shipping methods to group similar products." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:358 #@ woocommerce msgid "Add new" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:520 #@ woocommerce msgid "Menu order" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:520 #@ woocommerce msgid "Custom ordering position." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:560 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable reviews" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:946 #@ woocommerce msgid "Catalog/search" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:959 #@ woocommerce msgid "Catalog visibility:" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:976 #@ woocommerce msgid "Define the loops this product should be visible in. The product will still be accessible directly." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:982 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable this option to feature this product." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:984 #@ woocommerce msgid "Featured Product" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php:988 #@ default msgid "OK" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Short Description" msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:129 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allow reviews." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:130 #, php-format #@ default msgid "Allow trackbacks and pingbacks on this page." msgstr "" #: admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanels-init.php:130 #@ default msgid "" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:15 #@ woocommerce msgid "Styles" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:35 #@ woocommerce msgid "Primary" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:35 #@ woocommerce msgid "Call to action buttons/price slider/layered nav UI" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "Secondary" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "Buttons and tabs" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:37 #@ woocommerce msgid "Highlight" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:37 #@ woocommerce msgid "Price labels and Sale Flashes" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:38 #@ woocommerce msgid "Content" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:38 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your themes page background - used for tab active states" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:39 #@ woocommerce msgid "Subtext" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:39 #@ woocommerce msgid "Used for certain text and asides - breadcrumbs, small text etc." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-frontend-styles.php:43 #@ woocommerce msgid "To edit colours woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-base.less and woocommerce.css need to be writable. See the Codex for more information." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:55 #@ woocommerce msgid "Chinese Yuan (¥)" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:57 #@ woocommerce msgid "Malaysian Ringgits (RM)" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:106 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable guest checkout (no account required)" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:123 #@ woocommerce msgid "Force secure checkout" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:129 #@ woocommerce msgid "Force SSL (HTTPS) on the checkout pages (an SSL Certificate is required)" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:133 #@ woocommerce msgid "Un-force HTTPS when leaving the checkout" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:143 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable coupons" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:152 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable coupon form on cart" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:170 #@ woocommerce msgid "Registration" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:204 #@ woocommerce msgid "Allow customers to repurchase past orders" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:254 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable enhanced country select boxes" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:262 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable jQuery UI (used by the price filter widget)" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:298 #@ woocommerce msgid "Access Restrictions" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:299 #@ woocommerce msgid "Must be logged in to download files" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:303 #@ woocommerce msgid "This setting does not apply to guest downloads." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:308 #@ woocommerce msgid "Grant access to downloadable products after payment" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:312 #@ woocommerce msgid "Turn this option off to only grant access when an order is \"complete\", rather than \"processing\"" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:318 #@ woocommerce msgid "Limit the purchasable quantity of downloadable-virtual items to 1" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:535 #@ woocommerce msgid "Default product sorting" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:536 #@ woocommerce msgid "This controls the default sort order of the catalog." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:542 #: templates/loop/sorting.php:10 #@ woocommerce msgid "Default sorting" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:543 #: templates/loop/sorting.php:11 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sort alphabetically" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:544 #: templates/loop/sorting.php:12 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sort by most recent" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:545 #: templates/loop/sorting.php:13 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sort by price" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:551 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show subcategories" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:594 #@ woocommerce msgid "The following options affect the fields available on the edit product page." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:640 #@ woocommerce msgid "oz" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:657 #@ woocommerce msgid "yd" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:663 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Ratings" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:664 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable the star rating field on the review form" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:673 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ratings are required to leave a review" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:682 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show \"verified owner\" label for customer reviews" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:692 #@ woocommerce msgid "The following options affect how prices are displayed on the frontend." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:745 #@ woocommerce msgid "Trailing zeros" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:746 #@ woocommerce msgid "Remove zeros after the decimal point. e.g. $10.00 becomes $10" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:849 #@ woocommerce msgid "Stock display format" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:850 #@ woocommerce msgid "This controls how stock is displayed on the frontend." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:856 #@ woocommerce msgid "Always show stock e.g. \"12 in stock\"" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:857 #@ woocommerce msgid "Only show stock when low e.g. \"Only 2 left in stock\" vs. \"In Stock\"" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:858 #@ woocommerce msgid "Never show stock amount" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:890 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hide shipping costs until an address is entered" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:898 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping method display" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:899 #@ woocommerce msgid "This controls how multiple shipping methods are displayed on the frontend." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:905 #@ woocommerce msgid "Radio buttons" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:906 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select box" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:912 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping Destination" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:929 #@ woocommerce msgid "Collect shipping address even when not required" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:947 #@ woocommerce msgid "Installed payment gateways are displayed below. Drag and drop payment gateways to control their display order on the checkout." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-init.php:980 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display taxes even when the amount is zero" msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-shipping-methods.php:17 #@ woocommerce msgid "Drag and drop methods to control their display order." msgstr "" #: admin/settings/settings-tax-rates.php:195 #@ woocommerce msgid "countries/states selected" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-attributes.php:69 #@ woocommerce msgid "Taxonomy exists - please change the slug" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:23 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Thank you for using WooCommerce :) Should you need help using or extending WooCommerce please read the documentation. For further assistance you can use the community forum or if you have access, the members forum." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "If you are having problems, or to assist us with support, please check the status page to identify any problems with your configuration:" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:27 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:43 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:29 #@ woocommerce msgid "System Status" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:29 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "If you come across a bug, or wish to contribute to the project you can also get involved on GitHub." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:37 #@ woocommerce msgid "Here you can set up your store and customise it to fit your needs. The sections available from the settings page include:" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:56 #@ woocommerce msgid "Stock reports for low stock and out of stock items." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-content.php:81 #@ woocommerce msgid "Official Themes" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:394 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:193 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:482 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:673 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:850 #@ woocommerce msgid "Number of sales" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-dashboard.php:395 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:188 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:482 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:673 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:850 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sales amount" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:283 #@ woocommerce msgid "Could not compile woocommerce.less:" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:299 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:300 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mark processing" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:302 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:303 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mark completed" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:334 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order status changed by bulk edit:" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-functions.php:353 #, php-format #@ default msgid "Order status changed." msgid_plural "%s order statuses changed." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:43 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Status" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:78 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:80 #: woocommerce.php:824 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Orders" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:287 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a name for the new attribute term:" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:524 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Product published. View Product" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-init.php:571 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order notes" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:36 #@ woocommerce msgid "Taxes by month" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:353 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:620 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:800 #@ woocommerce msgid "items" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:369 #@ woocommerce msgid "Discounts used" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:375 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total shipping costs" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1149 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Sales for %s:" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1534 #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1569 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%d in stock" msgid_plural "%d in stock" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1733 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total taxes for year" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1744 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total product taxes for year" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1755 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total shipping tax for year" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1771 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total Sales" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1771 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is the sum of the 'Order Total' field within your orders." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1772 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total Shipping" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1772 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is the sum of the 'Shipping Total' field within your orders." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1773 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total Product Taxes" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1773 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is the sum of the 'Cart Tax' field within your orders." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1774 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total Shipping Taxes" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1774 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is the sum of the 'Shipping Tax' field within your orders." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1775 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total Taxes" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1775 #@ woocommerce msgid "This is the sum of the 'Cart Tax' and 'Shipping Tax' fields within your orders." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1776 #@ woocommerce msgid "Net profit" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1776 #@ woocommerce msgid "Total sales minus shipping and tax." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-reports.php:1819 #@ woocommerce msgid "Toggle tax rows" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-settings.php:595 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select a page…" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:15 #@ woocommerce msgid "Transients" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:16 #@ woocommerce msgid "Clear Transients" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:17 #@ woocommerce msgid "This tool will clear the product/shop transients cache." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:20 #@ woocommerce msgid "Capabilities" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:21 #@ woocommerce msgid "Reset Capabilities" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:22 #@ woocommerce msgid "This tool will reset the admin, customer and shop_manager roles to default. Use this if your users cannot access all of the WooCommerce admin pages." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:29 #@ woocommerce msgid "Generate report" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:38 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product Transients Cleared" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:52 #@ woocommerce msgid "Roles successfully reset" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:61 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "There was an error calling %s::%s" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:64 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "There was an error calling %s" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:77 #@ woocommerce msgid "Versions" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:83 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce version" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:87 #@ woocommerce msgid "WordPress version" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:91 #@ woocommerce msgid "Installed plugins" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:109 #@ woocommerce msgid "by" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:109 #@ woocommerce msgid "version" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:129 #@ woocommerce msgid "Home URL" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:133 #@ woocommerce msgid "Site URL" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:137 #@ woocommerce msgid "Force SSL" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:151 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shop base page" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:203 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page not set" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:213 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Page does not contain the shortcode: %s" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:232 #@ woocommerce msgid "Server Environment" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:238 #@ woocommerce msgid "PHP Version" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:244 #@ woocommerce msgid "Server Software" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:250 #@ woocommerce msgid "WP Max Upload Size" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:256 #@ woocommerce msgid "Server upload_max_filesize" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:263 #@ woocommerce msgid "Server post_max_size" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:270 #@ woocommerce msgid "WP Memory Limit" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:275 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%s - We recommend setting memory to at least 64MB. See: Increasing memory allocated to PHP" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:282 #@ woocommerce msgid "WP Debug Mode" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:286 #@ woocommerce msgid "WC Logging" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:289 #@ woocommerce msgid "Log directory is writable." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:291 #@ woocommerce msgid "Log directory (woocommerce/logs/) is not writable. Logging will not be possible." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:298 #@ woocommerce msgid "PHP Sessions" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:304 #@ woocommerce msgid "Session save path" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:309 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%s does not exist - contact your host to resolve the problem." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:311 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%s is not writable - contact your host to resolve the problem." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:313 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%s is writable." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:318 #@ woocommerce msgid "Session name" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:325 #@ woocommerce msgid "Remote Posting/IPN" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:333 #@ woocommerce msgid "fsockopen/cURL" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:336 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your server has fsockopen and cURL enabled." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:338 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your server has fsockopen enabled, cURL is disabled." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:340 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your server has cURL enabled, fsockopen is disabled." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:344 #@ woocommerce msgid "Your server does not have fsockopen or cURL enabled - PayPal IPN and other scripts which communicate with other servers will not work. Contact your hosting provider." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:349 #@ woocommerce msgid "WP Remote Post Check" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:360 #@ woocommerce msgid "wp_remote_post() was successful - PayPal IPN is working." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:363 #@ woocommerce msgid "wp_remote_post() failed. PayPal IPN won't work with your server. Contact your hosting provider. Error:" msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:366 #@ woocommerce msgid "wp_remote_post() failed. PayPal IPN may not work with your server." msgstr "" #: admin/woocommerce-admin-status.php:388 #@ woocommerce msgid "Tools" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:247 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, it seems the coupon \"%s\" is invalid - it has now been removed from your order." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:321 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, it seems the coupon \"%s\" is not yours - it has now been removed from your order." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:704 #: classes/class-wc-cart.php:712 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%s You cannot add that amount to the cart — we have %s in stock and you already have %s in your cart." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:37 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Username" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:42 #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:48 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Password" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "placeholder" msgid "Notes about your order, e.g. special notes for delivery." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:157 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "(%s) is not a valid postcode/ZIP." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:178 #@ woocommerce msgid "is not valid. Please enter one of the following:" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:315 #: woocommerce-functions.php:586 #@ woocommerce msgid "Couldn’t register you… please contact us if you continue to have problems." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:345 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Order – %s" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:345 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgctxt "Order date parsed by strftime" msgid "%b %d, %Y @ %I:%M %p" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:374 #@ woocommerce msgid "Backordered" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-checkout.php:543 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon Code Used: %s" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:26 #@ woocommerce msgid "Åland Islands" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:205 #@ woocommerce msgid "Saint Barthélemy" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:214 #@ woocommerce msgid "São Tomé and Príncipe" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:294 #@ woocommerce msgid "Espírito Santo" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:315 #@ woocommerce msgid "Paraíba" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:339 #@ woocommerce msgid "Kowloon" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:684 #: classes/class-wc-countries.php:685 #@ woocommerce msgid "Canton" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-coupon.php:149 #@ woocommerce msgid "Coupon usage limit has been reached." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-coupon.php:157 #@ woocommerce msgid "This coupon has expired." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-coupon.php:165 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "The minimum spend for this coupon is %s." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:124 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "[%s] New Customer Order (%s)" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:236 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Your order on %s" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:237 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "[%s] Your order" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:239 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Invoice for Order %s" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:326 #: classes/class-wc-email.php:354 #: classes/class-wc-email.php:395 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Product #%s - %s" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:397 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "%s units of %s have been backordered in order #%s." msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:418 #@ woocommerce msgid "Note" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-email.php:452 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Welcome to %s" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-order.php:157 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "hash before order number" msgid "#" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-order.php:486 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid " %svia %s" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-order.php:596 #: templates/cart/totals.php:181 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:182 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "Relating to tax" msgid "N/A" msgstr "" #: classes/class-wc-product.php:460 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Only %s left in stock" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:68 #@ woocommerce msgid "Account Details" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/bacs/class-wc-bacs.php:70 #@ woocommerce msgid "Optionally enter your bank details below for customers to pay into." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/cod/class-wc-cod.php:47 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable Cash on Delivery" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:26 #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:182 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mijireh Checkout" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:140 #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:280 #@ woocommerce msgid "Mijireh error:" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:156 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable Mijireh Checkout" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:160 #@ woocommerce msgid "Access Key" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:162 #@ woocommerce msgid "The Mijireh access key for your store." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:169 #@ woocommerce msgid "Credit Card" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:174 #@ woocommerce msgid "Pay securely with you credit card." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:186 #@ woocommerce msgid "Get started with Mijireh Checkout" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:187 #@ woocommerce msgid "provides a fully PCI Compliant, secure way to collect and transmit credit card data to your payment gateway while keeping you in control of the design of your site. Mijireh supports a wide variety of payment gateways: Stripe,, PayPal, eWay, SagePay, Braintree, PayLeap, and more." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:189 #@ woocommerce msgid "Join for free" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:189 #@ woocommerce msgid "Learn more about WooCommerce and Mijireh" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/mijireh/class-wc-mijireh-checkout.php:193 #@ woocommerce msgid "provides a fully PCI Compliant, secure way to collect and transmit credit card data to your payment gateway while keeping you in control of the design of your site." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:124 #@ woocommerce msgid "Submission method" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:126 #@ woocommerce msgid "Use form submission method." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:127 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable this to post order data to PayPal via a form instead of using a redirect/querystring." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:131 #@ woocommerce msgid "Page Style" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:133 #@ woocommerce msgid "Optionally enter the name of the page style you wish to use. These are defined within your PayPal account." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:137 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping options" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:144 #@ woocommerce msgid "Send shipping details to PayPal instead of billing." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:146 #@ woocommerce msgid "PayPal allows us to send 1 address. If you are using PayPal for shipping labels you may prefer to send the shipping address rather than billing." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:150 #@ woocommerce msgid "Address override" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:152 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable \"address_override\" to prevent address information from being changed." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:153 #@ woocommerce msgid "PayPal verifies addresses therefore this setting can cause errors (we recommend keeping it disabled)." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:157 #@ woocommerce msgid "Gateway Testing" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:166 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "PayPal sandbox can be used to test payments. Sign up for a developer account here." msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:169 #@ woocommerce msgid "Debug Log" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:171 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable logging" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:173 #@ default msgid "Log PayPal events, such as IPN requests, inside woocommerce/logs/paypal.txt" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:289 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:326 #@ woocommerce msgid "Shipping via" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:590 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:608 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Order %s has been marked as refunded - PayPal reason code: %s" msgstr "" #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:593 #: classes/gateways/paypal/class-wc-paypal.php:611 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Payment for order %s refunded/reversed" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/sharedaddy/class-wc-sharedaddy.php:43 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable this option to show the ShareDaddy button on the product page." msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/sharethis/class-wc-sharethis.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgid "ShareThis Code" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/sharethis/class-wc-sharethis.php:59 #@ woocommerce msgid "You can tweak the ShareThis code by editing this option." msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:19 #@ woocommerce msgid "ShareYourCart" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:20 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Increase your social media exposure by 10 percent! ShareYourCart helps you get more customers by motivating satisfied customers to talk with their friends about your products. For help with ShareYourCart view the documentation." msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:113 #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:152 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please complete all fields." msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:192 #@ woocommerce msgid "Create a ShareYourCart account" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:195 #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:218 #@ woocommerce msgid "Domain" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:204 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "I agree to the ShareYourCart terms and conditions" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:207 #@ woocommerce msgid "Create Account" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:215 #@ woocommerce msgid "Recover your ShareYourCart account" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:226 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email me my details" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:234 #@ woocommerce msgid "Setup your ShareYourCart account" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:236 #@ woocommerce msgid "Create an account" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:236 #@ woocommerce msgid "Can't access your account?" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:251 #@ woocommerce msgid "Configure ShareYourCart" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:253 #@ woocommerce msgid "You can choose how much of a discount to give (in fixed amount, percentage, or free shipping) and to which social media channels it should it be applied. You can also define what the advertisement should say, so that it fully benefits your sales." msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:254 #@ woocommerce msgid "Configure" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:300 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enable ShareYourCart integration" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:305 #@ woocommerce msgid "Client ID" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:306 #@ woocommerce msgid "Get your client ID by creating a ShareYourCart account." msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:312 #@ woocommerce msgid "App Key" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:313 #@ woocommerce msgid "Get your app key by creating a ShareYourCart account." msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:319 #@ woocommerce msgid "Email address" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:320 #@ woocommerce msgid "The email address you used to sign up for ShareYourCart." msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:326 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show button by default on:" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:327 #@ woocommerce msgid "Product page" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:332 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cart page" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:337 #@ woocommerce msgid "Button style" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:338 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select a style for your share buttons" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:342 #@ woocommerce msgid "Standard Button" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:343 #@ woocommerce msgid "Custom HTML" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:347 #@ woocommerce msgid "Button skin" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:348 #@ woocommerce msgid "Select a skin for your share buttons" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:352 #@ woocommerce msgid "Orange" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:353 #@ woocommerce msgid "Blue" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:354 #@ woocommerce msgid "Light" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:355 #@ woocommerce msgid "Dark" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:360 #@ woocommerce msgid "Button position" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:361 #@ woocommerce msgid "Where should the button be positioned?" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:365 #@ woocommerce msgid "Normal" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:366 #@ woocommerce msgid "Floating" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:371 #@ woocommerce msgid "HTML for the button" msgstr "" #: classes/integrations/shareyourcart/class-wc-shareyourcart.php:372 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter the HTML code for your custom button." msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:74 #@ woocommerce msgid "Cost per order" msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:76 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a cost per order, e.g. 5.00. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:131 #@ woocommerce msgid "Minimum Fee" msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:133 #@ woocommerce msgid "Enter a minimum fee amount. Fee's less than this will be increased. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-flat-rate.php:139 #@ woocommerce msgid "Optional extra shipping options with additional costs (one per line). Example: Option Name|Cost|Per-order (yes or no). Example: Priority Mail|6.95|yes. If per-order is set to no, it will use the \"Calculation Type\" setting." msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:90 #@ woocommerce msgid "Fixed amount" msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:91 #@ woocommerce msgid "Percentage of cart total" msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:92 #@ woocommerce msgid "Fixed amount per product" msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:96 #@ woocommerce msgid "Delivery Fee" msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:98 #@ woocommerce msgid "What fee do you want to charge for local delivery, disregarded if you choose free. Leave blank to disable." msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:102 #@ woocommerce msgid "Zip/Post Codes" msgstr "" #: classes/shipping/class-wc-local-delivery.php:104 #@ woocommerce msgid "What zip/post codes would you like to offer delivery to? Separate codes with a comma." msgstr "" #: shortcodes/shortcode-cart.php:30 #: woocommerce-ajax.php:92 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter a coupon code." msgstr "" #: shortcodes/shortcode-my_account.php:268 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Order %s made on %s" msgstr "" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:35 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter a valid order ID" msgstr "" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:39 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter a valid order email" msgstr "" #: shortcodes/shortcode-order_tracking.php:58 #@ woocommerce msgid "Sorry, we could not find that order id in our database." msgstr "" #: templates/archive-product.php:27 #: woocommerce-template.php:32 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Search Results: “%s”" msgstr "" #: templates/archive-product.php:29 #: woocommerce-template.php:44 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid " – Page %s" msgstr "" #: templates/cart/totals.php:128 #: templates/cart/totals.php:155 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:134 #: templates/checkout/review-order.php:158 #@ woocommerce msgid "incl. " msgstr "" #: templates/checkout/form-billing.php:10 #@ woocommerce msgid "Billing & Shipping" msgstr "" #: templates/checkout/form-shipping.php:25 #@ woocommerce msgid "Ship to billing address?" msgstr "" #: templates/emails/admin-new-order.php:9 #: templates/emails/customer-invoice.php:13 #@ woocommerce msgid "jS F Y" msgstr "" #: templates/emails/customer-new-account.php:5 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Thanks for creating an account on %s. Your username is %s." msgstr "" #: templates/emails/customer-new-account.php:7 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "You can access your account area here: %s." msgstr "" #: templates/myaccount/my-account.php:19 #@ woocommerce msgid " download remaining" msgid_plural " downloads remaining" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" msgstr[2] "" #: templates/myaccount/my-orders.php:51 #@ woocommerce msgid "Click to cancel this order" msgstr "" #: templates/order/order-details.php:77 #@ woocommerce msgid "Order Again" msgstr "" #: templates/order/tracking.php:12 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgid "Order %s which was made %s has the status “%s”" msgstr "" #: templates/order/tracking.php:12 #@ woocommerce msgid "ago" msgstr "" #: templates/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php:47 #@ woocommerce msgid "Clear selection" msgstr "" #: templates/single-product/review.php:29 #@ woocommerce msgid "verified owner" msgstr "" #: templates/single-product-reviews.php:92 #@ woocommerce msgid "Rate…" msgstr "" #: widgets/widget-best_sellers.php:148 #@ woocommerce msgid "Hide free products" msgstr "" #: widgets/widget-cart.php:24 #@ woocommerce msgid "Display the user's Cart in the sidebar." msgstr "" #: widgets/widget-cart.php:26 #@ woocommerce msgid "WooCommerce Cart" msgstr "" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:110 #@ woocommerce msgid "No product categories exist." msgstr "" #: widgets/widget-product_categories.php:168 #@ woocommerce msgid "Show children of current category only" msgstr "" #: widgets/widget-recent_reviews.php:85 #, php-format #@ woocommerce msgctxt "by comment author" msgid "by %1$s" msgstr "" #: woocommerce-ajax.php:67 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please enter your username and password to login." msgstr "" #: woocommerce-core-functions.php:755 #: woocommerce.php:554 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "slug" msgid "product" msgstr "" #: woocommerce-core-functions.php:896 #@ woocommerce msgid "Uncategorized" msgstr "" #: woocommerce-functions.php:663 #@ woocommerce msgid "The cart has been filled with the items from your previous order." msgstr "" #: woocommerce-template.php:716 #@ woocommerce msgid "Update country" msgstr "" #. translators: plugin header field 'Version' #: woocommerce.php:0 #@ woocommerce msgid "1.6.1" msgstr "" #: woocommerce.php:587 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Categories" msgstr "" #: woocommerce.php:618 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Tags" msgstr "" #: woocommerce.php:649 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Shipping Classes" msgstr "" #: woocommerce.php:681 #@ woocommerce msgid "All Order statuses" msgstr "" #: woocommerce.php:744 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Products" msgstr "" #: woocommerce.php:879 #@ woocommerce msgctxt "Admin menu name" msgid "Coupons" msgstr "" #: woocommerce.php:995 #@ woocommerce msgid "Please select a rating" msgstr ""