user = $this->factory->user->create( array( 'role' => 'administrator', ) ); // Mock the Jetpack endpoints and permissions. $wp_user = get_userdata( $this->user ); $wp_user->add_cap( 'view_stats' ); $this->mock_jetpack_modules(); add_filter( 'rest_post_dispatch', array( $this, 'mock_rest_responses' ), 10, 3 ); } /** * Test route registration. */ public function test_register_routes() { $routes = $this->server->get_routes(); $this->assertArrayHasKey( $this->endpoint, $routes ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( $this->endpoint . '/allowed', $routes ); } /** * Test getting indicators. */ public function test_get_indicators() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); WC_Helper_Reports::reset_stats_dbs(); // Populate all of the data. We'll create an order and a download. $prod_download = new WC_Product_Download(); $prod_download->set_file( plugin_dir_url( $this->wc_core_dir ) . 'woocommerce/assets/images/help.png' ); $prod_download->set_id( '1' ); $product = new WC_Product_Simple(); $product->set_name( 'Test Product' ); $product->set_downloadable( 'yes' ); $product->set_downloads( array( $prod_download ) ); $product->set_regular_price( 25 ); $product->save(); $order = WC_Helper_Order::create_order( 1, $product ); $order->set_status( 'completed' ); $order->set_total( 25 ); $order->save(); $download = new WC_Customer_Download(); $download->set_user_id( $this->user ); $download->set_order_id( $order->get_id() ); $download->set_product_id( $product->get_id() ); $download->set_download_id( $prod_download->get_id() ); $download->save(); $object = new WC_Customer_Download_Log(); $object->set_permission_id( $download->get_id() ); $object->set_user_id( $this->user ); $object->set_user_ip_address( '' ); $object->save(); $object = new WC_Customer_Download_Log(); $object->set_permission_id( $download->get_id() ); $object->set_user_id( $this->user ); $object->set_user_ip_address( '' ); $object->save(); WC_Helper_Queue::run_all_pending(); $time = time(); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', $this->endpoint ); $request->set_query_params( array( 'before' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d 23:59:59', $time ), 'after' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:00:00', $time - ( 7 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ) ), 'stats' => 'orders/orders_count,downloads/download_count,test/bogus_stat,jetpack/stats/views', ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $reports = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->get_status() ); $this->assertEquals( 3, count( $reports ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'orders/orders_count', $reports[0]['stat'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'Orders', $reports[0]['label'] ); $this->assertEquals( 1, $reports[0]['value'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'orders_count', $reports[0]['chart'] ); $this->assertEquals( '/analytics/orders', $response->data[0]['_links']['report'][0]['href'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'downloads/download_count', $reports[1]['stat'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'Downloads', $reports[1]['label'] ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $reports[1]['value'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'download_count', $reports[1]['chart'] ); $this->assertEquals( '/analytics/downloads', $response->data[1]['_links']['report'][0]['href'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'jetpack/stats/views', $reports[2]['stat'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'Views', $reports[2]['label'] ); $this->assertEquals( 10, $reports[2]['value'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'views', $reports[2]['chart'] ); $this->assertEquals( get_rest_url( null, '/jetpack/v4/module/stats/data' ), $response->data[2]['_links']['api'][0]['href'] ); } /** * Test getting indicators with an empty request. */ public function test_get_indicators_empty_request() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); WC_Helper_Reports::reset_stats_dbs(); $time = time(); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', $this->endpoint ); $request->set_query_params( array( 'before' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d 23:59:59', $time ), 'after' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:00:00', $time - ( 7 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ) ), ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $reports = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( 500, $response->get_status() ); } /** * Test getting without valid permissions. */ public function test_get_indicators_without_permission() { wp_set_current_user( 0 ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', $this->endpoint ) ); $this->assertEquals( 401, $response->get_status() ); } /** * Test schema. */ public function test_indicators_schema() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'OPTIONS', $this->endpoint ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $properties = $data['schema']['properties']; $this->assertEquals( 5, count( $properties ) ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'stat', $properties ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'chart', $properties ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'label', $properties ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'format', $properties ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'value', $properties ); } /** * Test schema for /allowed indicators endpoint. */ public function test_indicators_schema_allowed() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'OPTIONS', $this->endpoint . '/allowed' ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $properties = $data['schema']['properties']; $this->assertEquals( 3, count( $properties ) ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'stat', $properties ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'chart', $properties ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'label', $properties ); } /** * Test the ability to aggregate Jetpack stats based on before and after dates. */ public function test_jetpack_stats_query_args() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', $this->endpoint ); $request->set_query_params( array( 'before' => '2020-01-05 23:59:59', 'after' => '2020-01-01 00:00:00', 'stats' => 'jetpack/stats/views', ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $reports = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->get_status() ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $reports ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'jetpack/stats/views', $reports[0]['stat'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'Views', $reports[0]['label'] ); $this->assertEquals( 18, $reports[0]['value'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'views', $reports[0]['chart'] ); $this->assertEquals( get_rest_url( null, '/jetpack/v4/module/stats/data' ), $response->data[0]['_links']['api'][0]['href'] ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', $this->endpoint ); $request->set_query_params( array( 'before' => '2020-01-02 23:59:59', 'after' => '2020-01-01 00:00:00', 'stats' => 'jetpack/stats/views', ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $reports = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->get_status() ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $reports ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'jetpack/stats/views', $reports[0]['stat'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'Views', $reports[0]['label'] ); $this->assertEquals( 4, $reports[0]['value'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'views', $reports[0]['chart'] ); $this->assertEquals( get_rest_url( null, '/jetpack/v4/module/stats/data' ), $response->data[0]['_links']['api'][0]['href'] ); } /** * Test the ability to aggregate Jetpack stats based on default arguments. */ public function test_jetpack_stats_default_query_args() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', $this->endpoint ); $request->set_query_params( array( 'stats' => 'jetpack/stats/views', ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $reports = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->get_status() ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $reports ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'jetpack/stats/views', $reports[0]['stat'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'Views', $reports[0]['label'] ); $this->assertEquals( 10, $reports[0]['value'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'views', $reports[0]['chart'] ); $this->assertEquals( get_rest_url( null, '/jetpack/v4/module/stats/data' ), $response->data[0]['_links']['api'][0]['href'] ); } /** * Mock the Jetpack REST API responses since we're not really connected. * * @param WP_Rest_Response $response Response from the server. * @param WP_Rest_Server $rest_server WP Rest Server. * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request made to the server. * * @return WP_Rest_Response */ public function mock_rest_responses( $response, $rest_server, $request ) { if ( 'GET' === $request->get_method() && '/jetpack/v4/module/stats/data' === $request->get_route() ) { $general = new \stdClass(); $general->visits = new \stdClass(); $general->visits->fields = array( 'date', 'views', 'visits', ); $general->visits->data = array( array( '2020-01-01', 1, 0, ), array( '2020-01-02', 3, 0, ), array( '2020-01-03', 1, 0, ), array( '2020-01-04', 8, 0, ), array( '2020-01-05', 5, 0, ), array( gmdate( 'Y-m-d' ), 10, 0, ), ); $response->set_status( 200 ); $response->set_data( array( 'general' => $general ) ); } return $response; } /** * Mock the Jetpack stats module as active. */ public function mock_jetpack_modules() { $api_init = \Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Init::instance(); $controller_name = 'Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\PerformanceIndicators\Controller'; $api_init->$controller_name->set_active_jetpack_modules( array( 'stats' ) ); } }