/** * External dependencies */ import { TourKit, TourKitTypes } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { useLayoutEffect, useEffect, useState, useRef, createPortal, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { OPTIONS_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data'; const REVIEWED_DEFAULTS_OPTION = 'woocommerce_admin_reviewed_default_shipping_zones'; const CREATED_DEFAULTS_OPTION = 'woocommerce_admin_created_default_shipping_zones'; const FLOATER_WRAPPER_CLASS = 'woocommerce-settings-shipping-tour-floater-wrapper'; const FLOATER_CLASS = 'woocommerce-settings-smart-defaults-shipping-tour-floater'; const SHIPPING_ZONES_SETTINGS_TABLE_CLASS = 'table.wc-shipping-zones'; const WCS_LINK_SELECTOR = 'a[href*="woocommerce-services-settings"]'; const SHIPPING_RECOMMENDATIONS_SELECTOR = 'div.woocommerce-recommended-shipping-extensions'; const useShowShippingTour = () => { const { hasCreatedDefaultShippingZones, hasReviewedDefaultShippingOptions, isLoading, } = useSelect( ( select ) => { const { hasFinishedResolution, getOption } = select( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ); return { isLoading: ! hasFinishedResolution( 'getOption', [ CREATED_DEFAULTS_OPTION, ] ) && ! hasFinishedResolution( 'getOption', [ REVIEWED_DEFAULTS_OPTION, ] ), hasCreatedDefaultShippingZones: getOption( CREATED_DEFAULTS_OPTION ) === 'yes', hasReviewedDefaultShippingOptions: getOption( REVIEWED_DEFAULTS_OPTION ) === 'yes', }; } ); return { isLoading, show: ! isLoading && hasCreatedDefaultShippingZones && ! hasReviewedDefaultShippingOptions, }; }; type NonEmptySelectorArray = readonly [ string, ...string[] ]; const computeDims = ( elementsSelectors: NonEmptySelectorArray ) => { const rects = elementsSelectors.map( ( elementSelector ) => { const rect = document ?.querySelector( elementSelector ) ?.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( ! rect ) { throw new Error( "Shipping tour: Couldn't find element with selector: " + elementSelector ); } return rect; } ); const originCoords = document .querySelector( `.${ FLOATER_WRAPPER_CLASS }` ) ?.getBoundingClientRect() || { top: 0, left: 0 }; const top = Math.min( ...rects.map( ( rect ) => rect.top ) ); const left = Math.min( ...rects.map( ( rect ) => rect.left ) ); const right = Math.max( ...rects.map( ( rect ) => rect.right ) ); const bottom = Math.max( ...rects.map( ( rect ) => rect.bottom ) ); const width = right - left; const height = bottom - top; // offset top and left from origin const topOffset = top - originCoords.top; const leftOffset = left - originCoords.left; return { left: leftOffset, top: topOffset, width, height }; }; const TourFloater = ( { dims }: { dims: Partial< DOMRect > } ) => { return (
); }; // this is defines the elements to be spotlit for each step const spotlitElementsSelectors: Array< NonEmptySelectorArray > = [ [ // just use bottom right element and top left element instead of all rects // top left = table header cell for sort handles 'th.wc-shipping-zone-sort', // bottom right = worldwide region cell 'tr.wc-shipping-zone-worldwide > td.wc-shipping-zone-region', ], [ // selectors for rightmost column (shipping methods) 'th.wc-shipping-zone-methods', 'tr.wc-shipping-zone-worldwide > td.wc-shipping-zone-methods', ], ]; const TourFloaterWrapper = ( { step }: { step: number } ) => { const thisRef = useRef< HTMLDivElement >( null ); useLayoutEffect( () => { // this moves the element to the correct place which is right before the table element if ( thisRef.current?.parentElement ) { thisRef.current.parentElement.insertBefore( thisRef.current, document.querySelector( 'table.wc-shipping-zones' ) ); } }, [] ); const currentStepSelectors = spotlitElementsSelectors[ step ] ?? spotlitElementsSelectors[ spotlitElementsSelectors.length - 1 ]; const [ dims, setDims ] = useState( computeDims( currentStepSelectors ) ); useEffect( () => { setDims( computeDims( currentStepSelectors ) ); const observer = new ResizeObserver( () => { setDims( computeDims( currentStepSelectors ) ); } ); const shippingSettingsTableElement = document.querySelector( SHIPPING_ZONES_SETTINGS_TABLE_CLASS ); if ( ! shippingSettingsTableElement ) { throw new Error( "Shipping tour: Couldn't find shipping settings table element with selector: " + SHIPPING_ZONES_SETTINGS_TABLE_CLASS ); } observer.observe( shippingSettingsTableElement ); return () => { observer.disconnect(); }; }, [ currentStepSelectors ] ); const shippingSettingsTableParentElement = document.querySelector( SHIPPING_ZONES_SETTINGS_TABLE_CLASS )?.parentElement; if ( ! shippingSettingsTableParentElement ) { throw new Error( "Shipping tour: Couldn't find shipping settings table parent element with selector: " + SHIPPING_ZONES_SETTINGS_TABLE_CLASS ); } /** * use ReactDOM.createPortal to inject our element into non-React controlled DOM * unfortunately createPortal uses .appendChild which puts it in the wrong place, * we want it to be before the table */ return createPortal(
{ }
, shippingSettingsTableParentElement ); }; export const ShippingTour = () => { const { updateOptions } = useDispatch( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ); const { show: showTour } = useShowShippingTour(); const [ step, setStepNumber ] = useState( 0 ); const tourConfig: TourKitTypes.WooConfig = { placement: 'auto', options: { effects: { spotlight: { interactivity: { enabled: false, }, }, liveResize: { mutation: true, resize: true, }, }, callbacks: { onNextStep: ( currentStepIndex ) => setStepNumber( currentStepIndex + 1 ), onPreviousStep: ( currentStepIndex ) => setStepNumber( currentStepIndex - 1 ), }, }, steps: [ { referenceElements: { desktop: `.${ FLOATER_CLASS }`, }, meta: { name: 'shipping-zones', heading: __( 'Shipping zones', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: ( <> { __( 'We added a few shipping zones for you based on your location, but you can manage them at any time.', 'woocommerce' ) }
{ __( 'A shipping zone is a geographic area where a certain set of shipping methods are offered.', 'woocommerce' ) } ), }, }, }, { referenceElements: { desktop: `.${ FLOATER_CLASS }`, }, meta: { name: 'shipping-methods', heading: __( 'Shipping methods', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'We defaulted to some recommended shipping methods based on your store location, but you can manage them at any time within each shipping zone settings.', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, }, ], closeHandler: () => { updateOptions( { [ REVIEWED_DEFAULTS_OPTION ]: 'yes', } ); }, }; const isWcsSectionPresent = document.querySelector( WCS_LINK_SELECTOR ); const isShippingRecommendationsPresent = document.querySelector( SHIPPING_RECOMMENDATIONS_SELECTOR ); if ( isWcsSectionPresent ) { tourConfig.steps.push( { referenceElements: { desktop: WCS_LINK_SELECTOR, }, meta: { name: 'woocommerce-shipping', heading: __( 'WooCommerce Shipping', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'Print USPS and DHL labels straight from your WooCommerce dashboard and save on shipping thanks to discounted rates. You can manage WooCommerce Shipping in this section.', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, } ); } if ( isShippingRecommendationsPresent ) { tourConfig.steps.push( { referenceElements: { desktop: SHIPPING_RECOMMENDATIONS_SELECTOR, }, meta: { name: 'shipping-recommendations', heading: __( 'WooCommerce Shipping', 'woocommerce' ), descriptions: { desktop: __( 'If you’d like to speed up your process and print your shipping label straight from your WooCommerce dashboard, WooCommerce Shipping may be for you! ', 'woocommerce' ), }, }, } ); } if ( showTour ) { return (
); } return null; };