// The Dependency Extraction Webpack Plugin does not add split chunks as dependencies // to the .asset.php files that list dependencies. In the past we manually enqueued // those dependencies in PHP. // For every generated .asset.php file in the whole bundle, this plugin prefixes the // list of dependencies with the handles of split chunks that were generated in the build. // e.g. if your bundle has a vendors script called foo-vendors then for every entry-point // that has a .asset.php file generated by Dependency Extraction Webpack Plugin // the plugin will edit that file to include foo-vendors as a listed dependency. // This means for any split chunk you build you'll only need to register it in PHP, but all // files that depend on it will automatically include it as a dependency. class AddSplitChunkDependencies { apply( compiler ) { compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap( 'AddStableChunksToAssets', // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars -- not used. ( compilation, callback ) => { compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap( { name: 'AddStableChunksToAssets', stage: compiler.webpack.Compilation .PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ANALYSE, }, () => { const { chunks } = compilation; const splitChunks = chunks.filter( ( chunk ) => { return chunk?.chunkReason?.includes( 'split' ); } ); // find files that have an asset.php file const chunksToAddSplitsTo = chunks.filter( ( chunk ) => { return ( ! chunk?.chunkReason?.includes( 'split' ) && chunk.files.find( ( file ) => file.endsWith( 'asset.php' ) ) ); } ); for ( const chunk of chunksToAddSplitsTo ) { const assetFile = chunk.files.find( ( file ) => file.endsWith( 'asset.php' ) ); const assetFileContent = compilation.assets[ assetFile ] .source() .toString(); const extraDependencies = splitChunks .map( ( c ) => `'${ c.name }'` ) .join( ', ' ); const updatedFileContent = assetFileContent.replace( /('dependencies'\s*=>\s*array\s*\(\s*)([^)]*)\)/, `$1${ extraDependencies }, $2)` ); compilation.assets[ assetFile ] = { source: () => updatedFileContent, size: () => updatedFileContent.length, }; } } ); } ); } } module.exports = AddSplitChunkDependencies;