user = $this->factory->user->create( array( 'role' => 'administrator', ) ); // Empty the db of any products. $query = new \WC_Product_Query(); $products = $query->get_products(); foreach ( $products as $product ) { $product->delete( true ); } // Resetting task list options and lists. update_option( Task::DISMISSED_OPTION, array() ); update_option( Task::SNOOZED_OPTION, array() ); TaskLists::clear_lists(); } /** * Tear down. */ public function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); $this->remove_color_or_logo_attribute_taxonomy(); } /** * Remove product attributes that where created in previous tests. */ public function remove_color_or_logo_attribute_taxonomy() { $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(); foreach ( (array) $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { // pa - product attribute. if ( 'pa_color' === $taxonomy || 'pa_logo' === $taxonomy ) { unregister_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); } } } /** * Test that sample product data is imported. */ public function test_import_sample_products() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $this->remove_color_or_logo_attribute_taxonomy(); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/import_sample_products' ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->get_status() ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'failed', $data ); $this->assertEquals( 0, count( $data['failed'] ) ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'imported', $data ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'skipped', $data ); // There might be previous products present. if ( 0 === count( $data['skipped'] ) ) { $this->assertGreaterThan( 1, count( $data['imported'] ) ); } $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'updated', $data ); $this->assertEquals( 0, count( $data['updated'] ) ); } /** * Test creating a product from a template name. */ public function test_create_product_from_template() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/create_product_from_template' ); $request->set_param( 'template_name', 'physical' ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->get_status() ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'id', $data ); $product = wc_get_product( $data['id'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'auto-draft', $product->get_status() ); $this->assertEquals( 'simple', $product->get_type() ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/create_product_from_template' ); $request->set_param( 'template_name', 'digital' ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->get_status() ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'id', $data ); $product = wc_get_product( $data['id'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'auto-draft', $product->get_status() ); $this->assertEquals( 'simple', $product->get_type() ); } /** * Test that we get an error when template_name does not exist. */ public function test_create_product_from_wrong_template_name() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/create_product_from_template' ); $request->set_param( 'template_name', 'random' ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $this->assertEquals( 500, $response->get_status() ); } /** * Test that Tasks data is returned by the endpoint. */ public function test_create_homepage() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/create_homepage' ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->get_status() ); $this->assertEquals( 'success', $data['status'] ); $this->assertEquals( get_option( 'woocommerce_onboarding_homepage_post_id' ), $data['post_id'] ); $this->assertEquals( htmlspecialchars_decode( get_edit_post_link( get_option( 'woocommerce_onboarding_homepage_post_id' ) ) ), $data['edit_post_link'] ); } /** * Test that the default homepage template can be filtered. */ public function test_homepage_template_can_be_filtered() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_admin_onboarding_homepage_template', function ( $template ) { return 'Custom post content'; } ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/create_homepage' ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $this->assertSame( 'Custom post content', get_the_content( null, null, $data['post_id'] ) ); } /** * Test that a task can be snoozed. * @group tasklist */ public function test_task_can_be_snoozed() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); TaskLists::add_list( array( 'id' => 'test-list', ) ); TaskLists::add_task( 'test-list', new TestTask( array( 'id' => 'test-task', 'title' => 'Test Task', 'is_snoozeable' => true, ) ) ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-task/snooze' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $task = TaskLists::get_task( 'test-task' ); $this->assertEquals( $data['isSnoozed'], true ); $this->assertEquals( isset( $data['snoozedUntil'] ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $task->is_snoozed(), true ); $this->assertNotNull( $task->get_snoozed_until() ); } /** * Test that a task can be snoozed with determined list ID. * @group tasklist */ public function test_task_can_be_snoozed_with_list_id() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); TaskLists::add_list( array( 'id' => 'test-list', ) ); TaskLists::add_task( 'test-list', new TestTask( array( 'id' => 'test-task', 'title' => 'Test Task', 'is_snoozeable' => true, ) ) ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-task/snooze' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $request->set_body( wp_json_encode( array( 'task_list_id' => 'test-list' ) ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $task = TaskLists::get_task( 'test-task' ); $this->assertEquals( $data['isSnoozed'], true ); $this->assertEquals( isset( $data['snoozedUntil'] ), true ); $this->assertEquals( $task->is_snoozed(), true ); $this->assertNotNull( $task->get_snoozed_until() ); } /** * Test that a task can be snoozed with determined duration. * @group tasklist */ public function test_task_can_be_snoozed_with_duration() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); TaskLists::add_list( array( 'id' => 'test-list', ) ); TaskLists::add_task( 'test-list', new TestTask( array( 'id' => 'test-task', 'title' => 'Test Task', 'is_snoozeable' => true, ) ) ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-task/snooze' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $request->set_body( wp_json_encode( array( 'duration' => 'week' ) ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $task = TaskLists::get_task( 'test-task' ); $week_in_ms = WEEK_IN_SECONDS * 1000; $this->assertEquals( $data['snoozedUntil'] >= ( ( time() * 1000 ) + $week_in_ms ), true ); } /** * Test that a snoozed task can be undone. * @group tasklist */ public function test_snoozed_task_can_be_undone() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); TaskLists::add_list( array( 'id' => 'test-list', ) ); TaskLists::add_task( 'test-list', new TestTask( array( 'id' => 'test-task', 'title' => 'Test Task', 'is_snoozeable' => true, ) ) ); $task = TaskLists::get_task( 'test-task' ); $task->snooze(); $this->assertEquals( $task->is_snoozed(), true ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-task/undo_snooze' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $task_after_request = TaskLists::get_task( 'test-task' ); $this->assertEquals( $task_after_request->is_snoozed(), false ); } /** * Test that snooze endpoint returns error for invalid task. * @group tasklist */ public function test_snoozed_task_invalid() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Skipped temporarily due to change in endpoint behavior.' ); wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-task/snooze' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $response_data = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( $response_data['data']['status'], 404 ); $this->assertEquals( $response_data['code'], 'woocommerce_rest_invalid_task' ); } /** * Test that a task can be dismissed. * @group tasklist */ public function test_task_can_be_dismissed() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); TaskLists::add_list( array( 'id' => 'test-list', ) ); TaskLists::add_task( 'test-list', new TestTask( array( 'id' => 'test-task', 'title' => 'Test Task', 'is_dismissable' => true, ) ) ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-task/dismiss' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $task = TaskLists::get_task( 'test-task' ); $this->assertEquals( $data['isDismissed'], true ); $this->assertEquals( $task->is_dismissed(), true ); } /** * Test that a dismissed task can be undone. * @group tasklist */ public function test_dismissed_task_can_be_undone() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); TaskLists::add_list( array( 'id' => 'test-list', ) ); TaskLists::add_task( 'test-list', new TestTask( array( 'id' => 'test-task', 'title' => 'Test Task', 'is_dismissable' => true, ) ) ); $task = TaskLists::get_task( 'test-task' ); $task->dismiss(); $this->assertEquals( $task->is_dismissed(), true ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-task/undo_dismiss' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $data = $response->get_data(); $task_after_request = TaskLists::get_task( 'test-task' ); $this->assertEquals( $task_after_request->is_dismissed(), false ); } /** * Test that dismiss endpoint returns error for invalid task. * @group tasklist */ public function test_dismissed_task_invalid() { $this->markTestSkipped( 'Skipped temporarily due to change in endpoint behavior.' ); wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-task/dismiss' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $response_data = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( $response_data['data']['status'], 404 ); $this->assertEquals( $response_data['code'], 'woocommerce_rest_invalid_task' ); } /** * Test that a task list can be hidden. * @group tasklist */ public function test_task_list_can_be_hidden() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); TaskLists::add_list( array( 'id' => 'test-list', ) ); TaskLists::add_task( 'test-list', new TestTask( array( 'id' => 'test-task', 'title' => 'Test Task', 'is_dismissable' => true, ) ) ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-list/hide' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $response_data = $response->get_data(); $list = TaskLists::get_list( 'test-list' ); $this->assertEquals( $list->is_hidden(), true ); $this->assertEquals( $response_data['isHidden'], true ); } /** * Test that hide endpoint returns error for invalid task. * @group tasklist */ public function test_task_list_hidden_invalid_list() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $this->endpoint . '/test-list/hide' ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $response_data = $response->get_data(); $this->assertEquals( $response_data['data']['status'], 404 ); $this->assertEquals( $response_data['code'], 'woocommerce_rest_invalid_task_list' ); } /** * Test that task lists can be fetched. * @group tasklist */ public function test_task_list_can_be_fetched() { wp_set_current_user( $this->user ); TaskLists::add_list( array( 'id' => 'test-list', ) ); TaskLists::add_task( 'test-list', new TestTask( array( 'id' => 'test-task', 'title' => 'Test Task', 'is_dismissable' => true, ) ) ); $request = new WP_REST_Request( 'GET', $this->endpoint ); $request->set_headers( array( 'content-type' => 'application/json' ) ); $response = $this->server->dispatch( $request ); $response_data = $response->get_data(); $test_list = null; foreach ( $response_data as $task_list ) { if ( 'test-list' === $task_list['id'] ) { $test_list = $task_list; } } $test_task = $test_list['tasks'][0]; $this->assertEquals( $test_task['id'], 'test-task' ); $this->assertEquals( $test_task['isDismissable'], true ); } }