add_hooks(); } /** * Hook into WordPress. */ public function add_hooks() { add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_to_menu' ), 55 ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_' . static::AJAX_HOOK, array( $this, 'export_settings' ) ); } /** * Add options page to menu */ public function add_to_menu() { add_submenu_page( 'plugins.php', __( 'WC Beta Tester Import/Export', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' ), __( 'WC Import/Export', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' ), static::IMPORT_CAP, 'wc-beta-tester-settings', array( $this, 'settings_page_html' ) ); } /** * Output settings HTML */ public function settings_page_html() { if ( ! current_user_can( static::IMPORT_CAP ) ) { return; } $export_url = wp_nonce_url( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php?action=wc_beta_tester_export_settings' ), static::NONCE_ACTION ); $this->maybe_import_settings(); // show error/update messages. if ( ! empty( $this->message ) ) { ?>
message['message'] ); ?>

get_settings() ); exit; } /** * Import settings in json format if submitted. */ public function maybe_import_settings() { if ( empty( $_POST ) || empty( $_POST['action'] ) || $_POST['action'] !== static::IMPORT_ACTION ) { return; } if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_wpnonce'], static::NONCE_ACTION ) ) { $this->add_message( __( 'Invalid submission', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' ) ); return; } if ( empty( $_FILES[ static::IMPORT_FILENAME ] ) ) { $this->add_message( __( 'No file uploaded.', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' ) ); return; } $tmp_file = $_FILES[ static::IMPORT_FILENAME ]['tmp_name']; if ( empty( $tmp_file ) ) { $this->add_message( __( 'No file uploaded.', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' ) ); return; } if ( ! is_readable( $tmp_file ) ) { $this->add_message( __( 'File could not be read.', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' ) ); return; } $maybe_json = file_get_contents( $tmp_file ); $settings = json_decode( $maybe_json, true ); if ( $settings !== null ) { foreach ( $this->get_setting_list() as $option_name ) { if ( ! isset( $settings[ $option_name ] ) ) { continue; } $setting = maybe_unserialize( $settings[ $option_name ] ); if ( is_null( $setting ) ) { delete_option( $option_name ); } else { update_option( $option_name, $setting ); } } $this->add_message( __( 'Settings Imported', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' ), 'updated' ); } else { $this->add_message( __( 'File did not contain well formed JSON.', 'woocommerce-beta-tester' ) ); } } /** * Get an array of the WooCommerce related settings. */ protected function get_settings() { $settings = array(); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_woocommerce' ) ) { foreach ( $this->get_setting_list() as $option_name ) { $setting = get_option( $option_name ); if ( false === $setting ) { $setting = null; } $settings[ $option_name ] = is_string( $setting ) ? $setting : serialize( $setting ); } } return $settings; } /** * Add a settings import status message. * * @param string $message Message string. * @param string $type Message type. Optional. Default 'error'. */ protected function add_message( $message, $type = 'error' ) { $this->message = array( 'message' => $message, 'type' => $type ); } /** * Get the WooCommerce settings list keys. */ private function get_setting_list() { require_once( dirname(__FILE__ ) . '/wc-beta-tester-settings-list.php'); return wc_beta_tester_setting_list(); } }