window.jQuery( document ).ready( function () { // hide the notice when the customer clicks the dismiss button up until 1 month, then it will be shown again. const wooConnectNoticeSelector = '.woo-connect-notice'; const localStorageKey = 'woo-connect-notice-settings-dismissed'; window .jQuery( wooConnectNoticeSelector ) .on( 'click', 'button.notice-dismiss', function () { window.localStorage.setItem( localStorageKey, new Date().toString() ); } ); let shouldHideNotice = false; const savedDismissedDate = window.localStorage.getItem( localStorageKey ); const parsedDismissedDate = new Date( savedDismissedDate || '' ); const aMonthAgo = new Date(); aMonthAgo.setMonth( aMonthAgo.getMonth() - 1 ); if ( savedDismissedDate && aMonthAgo.valueOf() < parsedDismissedDate.valueOf() ) { shouldHideNotice = true; } if ( shouldHideNotice ) { window.jQuery( wooConnectNoticeSelector ).remove(); } } );