get_items() ) > 0 ) { foreach( $order->get_items() as $item_id => $item ) { $_product = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_product', $order->get_product_from_item( $item ), $item ); $item_meta = new WC_Order_Item_Meta( $item['item_meta'], $_product ); if ( apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_visible', true, $item ) ) { ?> has_status( array( 'completed', 'processing' ) ) && ( $purchase_note = get_post_meta( $_product->id, '_purchase_note', true ) ) ) { ?> get_total_refunded() ) { $has_refund = true; } if ( $totals = $order->get_order_item_totals() ) { foreach ( $totals as $key => $total ) { $value = $total['value']; // Check for refund if ( $has_refund && $key === 'order_total' ) { $refunded_tax_del = ''; $refunded_tax_ins = ''; // Tax for inclusive prices if ( wc_tax_enabled() && 'incl' == $order->tax_display_cart ) { $tax_del_array = array(); $tax_ins_array = array(); if ( 'itemized' == get_option( 'woocommerce_tax_total_display' ) ) { foreach ( $order->get_tax_totals() as $code => $tax ) { $tax_del_array[] = sprintf( '%s %s', $tax->formatted_amount, $tax->label ); $tax_ins_array[] = sprintf( '%s %s', wc_price( $tax->amount - $order->get_total_tax_refunded_by_rate_id( $tax->rate_id ), array( 'currency' => $order->get_order_currency() ) ), $tax->label ); } } else { $tax_del_array[] = sprintf( '%s %s', wc_price( $order->get_total_tax(), array( 'currency' => $order->get_order_currency() ) ), WC()->countries->tax_or_vat() ); $tax_ins_array[] = sprintf( '%s %s', wc_price( $order->get_total_tax() - $order->get_total_tax_refunded(), array( 'currency' => $order->get_order_currency() ) ), WC()->countries->tax_or_vat() ); } if ( ! empty( $tax_del_array ) ) { $refunded_tax_del .= ' ' . sprintf( __( '(Includes %s)', 'woocommerce' ), implode( ', ', $tax_del_array ) ); } if ( ! empty( $tax_ins_array ) ) { $refunded_tax_ins .= ' ' . sprintf( __( '(Includes %s)', 'woocommerce' ), implode( ', ', $tax_ins_array ) ); } } $value = '' . strip_tags( $order->get_formatted_order_total() ) . $refunded_tax_del . '' . wc_price( $order->get_total() - $total_refunded, array( 'currency' => $order->get_order_currency() ) ) . $refunded_tax_ins . ''; } ?> customer_note ) { ?>
is_visible() ) { echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_name', $item['name'], $item ); } else { echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_name', sprintf( '%s', get_permalink( $item['product_id'] ), $item['name'] ), $item ); } echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_quantity_html', ' ' . sprintf( '× %s', $item['qty'] ) . '', $item ); // Allow other plugins to add additional product information here do_action( 'woocommerce_order_item_meta_start', $item_id, $item, $order ); $item_meta->display(); if ( $_product && $_product->exists() && $_product->is_downloadable() && $order->is_download_permitted() ) { $download_files = $order->get_item_downloads( $item ); $i = 0; $links = array(); foreach ( $download_files as $download_id => $file ) { $i++; $links[] = '' . sprintf( __( 'Download file%s', 'woocommerce' ), ( count( $download_files ) > 1 ? ' ' . $i . ': ' : ': ' ) ) . esc_html( $file['name'] ) . ''; } echo '
' . implode( '
', $links ); } // Allow other plugins to add additional product information here do_action( 'woocommerce_order_item_meta_end', $item_id, $item, $order ); ?>
get_formatted_line_subtotal( $item ); ?>
- $order->get_order_currency() ) ); ?>
customer_note ); ?>

billing_email ) { echo ''; } if ( $order->billing_phone ) { echo ''; } // Additional customer details hook do_action( 'woocommerce_order_details_after_customer_details', $order ); ?>
' . __( 'Email:', 'woocommerce' ) . '' . $order->billing_email . '
' . __( 'Telephone:', 'woocommerce' ) . '' . $order->billing_phone . '
needs_shipping_address() && get_option( 'woocommerce_calc_shipping' ) !== 'no' ) : ?>

get_formatted_billing_address() ) { _e( 'N/A', 'woocommerce' ); } else { echo $order->get_formatted_billing_address(); } ?>
needs_shipping_address() && get_option( 'woocommerce_calc_shipping' ) !== 'no' ) : ?>

get_formatted_shipping_address() ) { _e( 'N/A', 'woocommerce' ); } else { echo $order->get_formatted_shipping_address(); } ?>