/** * External dependencies */ import { getAdminLink } from '@woocommerce/wc-admin-settings'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { getDefaultMatchExpression, getFullUrl, getMappedItemsCategories, getMatchingItem, getMatchScore, sortMenuItems, } from '../utils'; const originalLocation = window.location; global.window = Object.create( window ); global.window.wcNavigation = {}; const sampleMenuItems = [ { id: 'main', title: 'Main page', url: 'admin.php?page=wc-admin', }, { id: 'path', title: 'Page with Path', url: 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/test-path', }, { id: 'hash', title: 'Page with Hash', url: 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/test-path#anchor', }, { id: 'multiple-args', title: 'Page with multiple arguments', url: 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/test-path§ion=section-name', }, { id: 'multiple-args-plus-one', title: 'Page with same multiple arguments plus an additional one', url: 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/test-path§ion=section-name&version=22', }, { id: 'hash-and-multiple-args', title: 'Page with multiple arguments and a hash', url: 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/test-path§ion=section-name#anchor', }, ]; const runGetMatchingItemTests = ( items ) => { it( 'should get the closest matched item', () => { window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin' ) ); const matchingItem = getMatchingItem( items ); expect( matchingItem.id ).toBe( 'main' ); } ); it( 'should match the item without hash if a better match does not exist', () => { window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin#hash' ) ); const matchingItem = getMatchingItem( items ); expect( matchingItem.id ).toBe( 'main' ); } ); it( 'should exactly match the item with a hash if it exists', () => { window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/test-path#anchor' ) ); const matchingItem = getMatchingItem( items ); expect( matchingItem.id ).toBe( 'hash' ); } ); it( 'should roughly match the item if all menu item arguments exist', () => { window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/test-path§ion=section-name' ) ); const matchingItem = getMatchingItem( items ); expect( matchingItem.id ).toBe( 'multiple-args' ); } ); it( 'should match an item with irrelevant query parameters', () => { window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/test-path§ion=section-name&foo=bar' ) ); const matchingItem = getMatchingItem( items ); expect( matchingItem.id ).toBe( 'multiple-args' ); } ); it( 'should match an item with similar query args plus one additional arg', () => { window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/test-path§ion=section-name&version=22' ) ); const matchingItem = getMatchingItem( items ); expect( matchingItem.id ).toBe( 'multiple-args-plus-one' ); } ); it( 'should match an item with query parameters in mixed order', () => { window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?foo=bar&page=wc-admin&path=/test-path§ion=section-name' ) ); const matchingItem = getMatchingItem( items ); expect( matchingItem.id ).toBe( 'multiple-args' ); } ); it( 'should match an item with query parameters and a hash', () => { window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?foo=bar&page=wc-admin&path=/test-path§ion=section-name#anchor' ) ); const matchingItem = getMatchingItem( items ); expect( matchingItem.id ).toBe( 'hash-and-multiple-args' ); } ); }; describe( 'getMatchingItem', () => { beforeAll( () => { delete window.location; } ); afterAll( () => { window.location = originalLocation; } ); runGetMatchingItemTests( sampleMenuItems ); // re-run the tests with sampleMenuItems in reverse order. runGetMatchingItemTests( sampleMenuItems.reverse() ); } ); describe( 'getDefaultMatchExpression', () => { it( 'should return the regex for the path without query args', () => { expect( getDefaultMatchExpression( 'http://wordpress.org' ) ).toBe( '^http:\\/\\/wordpress\\.org' ); } ); it( 'should return the regex for the path and query args', () => { expect( getDefaultMatchExpression( 'http://wordpress.org?param1=a¶m2=b' ) ).toBe( '^http:\\/\\/wordpress\\.org(?=.*[?|&]param1=a(&|$|#))(?=.*[?|&]param2=b(&|$|#))' ); } ); it( 'should return the regex with hash if present', () => { expect( getDefaultMatchExpression( 'http://wordpress.org?param1=a¶m2=b#hash' ) ).toBe( '^http:\\/\\/wordpress\\.org(?=.*[?|&]param1=a(&|$|#))(?=.*[?|&]param2=b(&|$|#))(.*#hash$)' ); } ); } ); describe( 'getMatchScore', () => { beforeAll( () => { delete window.location; window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( '/' ) ); } ); afterAll( () => { window.location = originalLocation; } ); it( 'should return max safe integer if the url is an exact match', () => { expect( getMatchScore( new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ) ), getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ) ) ).toBe( Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ); } ); it( 'should return matching path and parameter count', () => { expect( getMatchScore( new URL( getFullUrl( '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=testpage&extra_param=a' ) ), '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=testpage' ) ).toBe( 2 ); } ); it( 'should return 0 if the URL does not meet match criteria', () => { expect( getMatchScore( new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=different-page' ) ), getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ) ) ).toBe( 0 ); } ); it( 'should return match count for a custom match expression', () => { expect( getMatchScore( new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=different-page¶m1=a' ) ), getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ), 'param1=a' ) ).toBe( 1 ); } ); it( 'should return 0 for custom match expression that does not match', () => { expect( getMatchScore( new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=different-page¶m1=b' ) ), getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ), 'param1=a' ) ).toBe( 0 ); } ); it( 'should return match count if params match but are out of order', () => { expect( getMatchScore( new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?param1=a&page=testpage' ) ), getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ) ) ).toBe( 2 ); } ); it( 'should return match count if multiple params match but are out of order', () => { expect( getMatchScore( new URL( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?param1=a&page=testpage¶m2=b' ) ), getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage¶m1=a' ) ) ).toBe( 3 ); } ); } ); describe( 'getFullUrl', () => { beforeAll( () => { delete window.location; window.location = new URL( getAdminLink( '/' ) ); } ); afterAll( () => { window.location = originalLocation; } ); it( 'should get the full admin URL from a path', () => { expect( getFullUrl( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ) ).toBe( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ) ); } ); it( 'should return the same URL from an already complete URL', () => { expect( getFullUrl( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ) ) ).toBe( getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=testpage' ) ); } ); } ); describe( 'sortMenuItems', () => { it( 'should return an array of items sorted by the order property', () => { const menuItems = [ { id: 'second', title: 'second', order: 2 }, { id: 'first', title: 'three', order: 1 }, { id: 'third', title: 'four', order: 3 }, ]; const sortedItems = sortMenuItems( menuItems ); expect( sortedItems[ 0 ].id ).toBe( 'first' ); expect( sortedItems[ 1 ].id ).toBe( 'second' ); expect( sortedItems[ 2 ].id ).toBe( 'third' ); } ); it( 'should sort items alphabetically if order is the same', () => { const menuItems = [ { id: 'third', title: 'z', order: 2 }, { id: 'first', title: 'first', order: 1 }, { id: 'second', title: 'a', order: 2 }, ]; const sortedItems = sortMenuItems( menuItems ); expect( sortedItems[ 0 ].id ).toBe( 'first' ); expect( sortedItems[ 1 ].id ).toBe( 'second' ); expect( sortedItems[ 2 ].id ).toBe( 'third' ); } ); } ); describe( 'getMappedItemsCategories', () => { it( 'should get the default category when none are provided', () => { const menuItems = [ { id: 'child-one', title: 'child-one', isCategory: false, parent: 'woocommerce', menuId: 'plugins', }, ]; const { categories, items } = getMappedItemsCategories( menuItems ); expect( items.woocommerce ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.woocommerce.plugins ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.woocommerce.plugins.length ).toBe( 1 ); expect( Object.keys( categories ).length ).toBe( 1 ); expect( categories.woocommerce ).toBeDefined(); } ); it( 'should get a map of all items and categories', () => { const menuItems = [ { id: 'child-one', title: 'child-one', isCategory: false, parent: 'parent', menuId: 'plugins', }, { id: 'child-two', title: 'child-two', isCategory: false, parent: 'parent', menuId: 'plugins', }, { id: 'parent', title: 'parent', isCategory: true, parent: 'woocommerce', menuId: 'plugins', }, ]; const { categories, items } = getMappedItemsCategories( menuItems ); expect( items.woocommerce ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.woocommerce.plugins ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.woocommerce.plugins.length ).toBe( 1 ); expect( items.parent ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.parent.plugins ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.parent.plugins.length ).toBe( 2 ); expect( Object.keys( categories ).length ).toBe( 2 ); expect( categories.parent ).toBeDefined(); expect( categories.woocommerce ).toBeDefined(); } ); it( 'should handle multiple depths', () => { const menuItems = [ { id: 'grand-child', title: 'grand-child', isCategory: false, parent: 'child', menuId: 'plugins', }, { id: 'child', title: 'child', isCategory: true, parent: 'grand-parent', menuId: 'plugins', }, { id: 'grand-parent', title: 'grand-parent', isCategory: true, parent: 'woocommerce', menuId: 'plugins', }, ]; const { categories, items } = getMappedItemsCategories( menuItems ); expect( items[ 'grand-parent' ] ).toBeDefined(); expect( items[ 'grand-parent' ] ).toBeDefined(); expect( items[ 'grand-parent' ].plugins.length ).toBe( 1 ); expect( items.child ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.child.plugins.length ).toBe( 1 ); expect( items[ 'grand-child' ] ).not.toBeDefined(); expect( Object.keys( categories ).length ).toBe( 3 ); } ); it( 'should group by menuId', () => { const menuItems = [ { id: 'parent', title: 'parent', isCategory: true, parent: 'woocommerce', menuId: 'primary', }, { id: 'primary-one', title: 'primary-one', isCategory: false, parent: 'parent', menuId: 'primary', }, { id: 'primary-two', title: 'primary-two', isCategory: false, parent: 'parent', menuId: 'primary', }, ]; const { items } = getMappedItemsCategories( menuItems ); expect( items.parent ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.parent.primary ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.parent.primary.length ).toBe( 2 ); } ); it( 'should group children only if their menuId matches parent', () => { const menuItems = [ { id: 'plugin-one', title: 'plugin-one', isCategory: false, parent: 'parent', menuId: 'plugins', }, { id: 'plugin-two', title: 'plugin-two', isCategory: false, parent: 'parent', menuId: 'plugins', }, { id: 'parent', title: 'parent', isCategory: true, parent: 'woocommerce', menuId: 'plugins', }, { id: 'primary-one', title: 'primary-one', isCategory: false, parent: 'parent', menuId: 'primary', }, { id: 'primary-two', title: 'primary-two', isCategory: false, parent: 'parent', menuId: 'primary', }, ]; const { items } = getMappedItemsCategories( menuItems ); expect( items.parent ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.parent.plugins ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.parent.plugins.length ).toBe( 2 ); expect( items.primary ).not.toBeDefined(); } ); it( 'should ignore bad menu IDs', () => { const menuItems = [ { id: 'parent', title: 'parent', isCategory: false, parent: 'woocommerce', menuId: 'badId', }, { id: 'primary-one', title: 'primary-one', isCategory: false, parent: 'woocommerce', menuId: 'primary', }, { id: 'primary-two', title: 'primary-two', isCategory: false, parent: 'woocommerce', menuId: 'primary', }, ]; const { categories, items } = getMappedItemsCategories( menuItems ); expect( items.woocommerce ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.woocommerce.primary ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.woocommerce.primary.length ).toBe( 2 ); expect( items.woocommerce ).toBeDefined(); expect( items.woocommerce.badId ).not.toBeDefined(); expect( Object.keys( categories ).length ).toBe( 1 ); } ); } );