autoload->files ) ) { $contents = 'require:' . PHP_EOL; foreach( $composer->autoload->files as $file ) { $contents .= ' - ' . dirname( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) . '/' . $file; } @mkdir( sys_get_temp_dir() . '/wp-cli-package-test/' ); $project_config = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/wp-cli-package-test/config.yml'; file_put_contents( $project_config, $contents ); putenv( 'WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH=' . $project_config ); } } // Inside WP-CLI } else { require_once __DIR__ . '/../../php/utils.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../php/WP_CLI/Process.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php'; } /** * Features context. */ class FeatureContext extends BehatContext implements ClosuredContextInterface { private static $cache_dir, $suite_cache_dir; private static $db_settings = array( 'dbname' => 'wp_cli_test', 'dbuser' => 'wp_cli_test', 'dbpass' => 'password1', 'dbhost' => '', ); private $running_procs = array(); public $variables = array(); /** * Get the environment variables required for launched `wp` processes * @beforeSuite */ private static function get_process_env_variables() { // Ensure we're using the expected `wp` binary $bin_dir = getenv( 'WP_CLI_BIN_DIR' ) ?: realpath( __DIR__ . "/../../bin" ); $env = array( 'PATH' => $bin_dir . ':' . getenv( 'PATH' ), 'BEHAT_RUN' => 1, 'HOME' => '/tmp/wp-cli-home', ); if ( $config_path = getenv( 'WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH' ) ) { $env['WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH'] = $config_path; } return $env; } // We cache the results of `wp core download` to improve test performance // Ideally, we'd cache at the HTTP layer for more reliable tests private static function cache_wp_files() { self::$cache_dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/wp-cli-test core-download-cache'; if ( is_readable( self::$cache_dir . '/wp-config-sample.php' ) ) return; $cmd = Utils\esc_cmd( 'wp core download --force --path=%s', self::$cache_dir ); Process::create( $cmd, null, self::get_process_env_variables() )->run_check(); } /** * @BeforeSuite */ public static function prepare( SuiteEvent $event ) { $result = Process::create( 'wp cli info', null, self::get_process_env_variables() )->run_check(); echo PHP_EOL; echo $result->stdout; echo PHP_EOL; self::cache_wp_files(); } /** * @AfterSuite */ public static function afterSuite( SuiteEvent $event ) { if ( self::$suite_cache_dir ) { Process::create( Utils\esc_cmd( 'rm -r %s', self::$suite_cache_dir ), null, self::get_process_env_variables() )->run(); } } /** * @BeforeScenario */ public function beforeScenario( $event ) { $this->variables['SRC_DIR'] = realpath( __DIR__ . '/../..' ); } /** * @AfterScenario */ public function afterScenario( $event ) { if ( isset( $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] ) ) { // remove altered WP install, unless there's an error if ( $event->getResult() < 4 ) { $this->proc( Utils\esc_cmd( 'rm -r %s', $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] ) )->run(); } } foreach ( $this->running_procs as $proc ) { self::terminate_proc( $proc ); } } /** * Terminate a process and any of its children. */ private static function terminate_proc( $proc ) { $status = proc_get_status( $proc ); $pid = $status['pid']; $output = `ps -o ppid,pid,command | grep $pid`; foreach ( explode( PHP_EOL, $output ) as $line ) { if ( preg_match( '/^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)/', $line, $matches ) ) { $parent = $matches[1]; $child = $matches[2]; if ( $parent == $pid ) { if ( ! posix_kill( (int) $child, 9 ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( posix_strerror( posix_get_last_error() ) ); } } } } if ( ! posix_kill( (int) $pid, 9 ) ) { throw new RuntimeException( posix_strerror( posix_get_last_error() ) ); } } public static function create_cache_dir() { self::$suite_cache_dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . uniqid( "wp-cli-test-suite-cache-", TRUE ); mkdir( self::$suite_cache_dir ); return self::$suite_cache_dir; } /** * Initializes context. * Every scenario gets it's own context object. * * @param array $parameters context parameters (set them up through behat.yml) */ public function __construct( array $parameters ) { $this->drop_db(); $this->set_cache_dir(); $this->variables['CORE_CONFIG_SETTINGS'] = Utils\assoc_args_to_str( self::$db_settings ); } public function getStepDefinitionResources() { return glob( __DIR__ . '/../steps/*.php' ); } public function getHookDefinitionResources() { return array(); } public function replace_variables( $str ) { return preg_replace_callback( '/\{([A-Z_]+)\}/', array( $this, '_replace_var' ), $str ); } private function _replace_var( $matches ) { $cmd = $matches[0]; foreach ( array_slice( $matches, 1 ) as $key ) { $cmd = str_replace( '{' . $key . '}', $this->variables[ $key ], $cmd ); } return $cmd; } public function create_run_dir() { if ( !isset( $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] ) ) { $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . uniqid( "wp-cli-test-run-", TRUE ); mkdir( $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] ); } } public function build_phar( $version = 'same' ) { $this->variables['PHAR_PATH'] = $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] . '/' . uniqid( "wp-cli-build-", TRUE ) . '.phar'; $this->proc( Utils\esc_cmd( 'php -dphar.readonly=0 %1$s %2$s --version=%3$s && chmod +x %2$s', __DIR__ . '/../../utils/make-phar.php', $this->variables['PHAR_PATH'], $version ) )->run_check(); } private function set_cache_dir() { $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/wp-cli-test-cache'; $this->proc( Utils\esc_cmd( 'mkdir -p %s', $path ) )->run_check(); $this->variables['CACHE_DIR'] = $path; } private static function run_sql( $sql ) { Utils\run_mysql_command( 'mysql --no-defaults', array( 'execute' => $sql, 'host' => self::$db_settings['dbhost'], 'user' => self::$db_settings['dbuser'], 'pass' => self::$db_settings['dbpass'], ) ); } public function create_db() { $dbname = self::$db_settings['dbname']; self::run_sql( "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS $dbname" ); } public function drop_db() { $dbname = self::$db_settings['dbname']; self::run_sql( "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $dbname" ); } public function proc( $command, $assoc_args = array(), $path = '' ) { if ( !empty( $assoc_args ) ) $command .= Utils\assoc_args_to_str( $assoc_args ); $env = self::get_process_env_variables(); if ( isset( $this->variables['SUITE_CACHE_DIR'] ) ) { $env['WP_CLI_CACHE_DIR'] = $this->variables['SUITE_CACHE_DIR']; } if ( isset( $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] ) ) { $cwd = "{$this->variables['RUN_DIR']}/{$path}"; } else { $cwd = null; } return Process::create( $command, $cwd, $env ); } /** * Start a background process. Will automatically be closed when the tests finish. */ public function background_proc( $cmd ) { $descriptors = array( 0 => STDIN, 1 => array( 'pipe', 'w' ), 2 => array( 'pipe', 'w' ), ); $proc = proc_open( $cmd, $descriptors, $pipes, $this->variables['RUN_DIR'], self::get_process_env_variables() ); sleep(1); $status = proc_get_status( $proc ); if ( !$status['running'] ) { throw new RuntimeException( stream_get_contents( $pipes[2] ) ); } else { $this->running_procs[] = $proc; } } public function move_files( $src, $dest ) { rename( $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] . "/$src", $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] . "/$dest" ); } public function add_line_to_wp_config( &$wp_config_code, $line ) { $token = "/* That's all, stop editing!"; $wp_config_code = str_replace( $token, "$line\n\n$token", $wp_config_code ); } public function download_wp( $subdir = '' ) { $dest_dir = $this->variables['RUN_DIR'] . "/$subdir"; if ( $subdir ) { mkdir( $dest_dir ); } $this->proc( Utils\esc_cmd( "cp -r %s/* %s", self::$cache_dir, $dest_dir ) )->run_check(); // disable emailing mkdir( $dest_dir . '/wp-content/mu-plugins' ); copy( __DIR__ . '/../extra/no-mail.php', $dest_dir . '/wp-content/mu-plugins/no-mail.php' ); symlink( dirname( dirname( dirname( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) ) ), $dest_dir . '/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce' ); } public function create_config( $subdir = '' ) { $params = self::$db_settings; $params['dbprefix'] = $subdir ?: 'wp_'; $params['skip-salts'] = true; $this->proc( 'wp core config', $params, $subdir )->run_check(); } public function install_wp( $subdir = '' ) { $this->create_db(); $this->create_run_dir(); $this->download_wp( $subdir ); $this->create_config( $subdir ); $install_args = array( 'url' => '', 'title' => 'WP CLI Site', 'admin_user' => 'admin', 'admin_email' => '', 'admin_password' => 'password1' ); $this->proc( 'wp core install', $install_args, $subdir )->run_check(); $this->proc( 'wp plugin activate woocommerce', array(), $subdir )->run_check(); } }