`Chart` (component) =================== A chart container using d3, to display timeseries data with an interactive legend. Props ----- ### `data` - Type: Array - Default: `[]` An array of data. ### `dateParser` - Type: String - Default: `'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'` Format to parse dates into d3 time format ### `pointLabelFormat` - Type: String - Default: null Date format of the point labels (might be used in tooltips and ARIA properties). ### `tooltipFormat` - Type: String - Default: `'%B %d, %Y'` A datetime formatting string to format the date displayed as the title of the toolip if `tooltipTitle` is missing, passed to d3TimeFormat. ### `tooltipTitle` - Type: String - Default: null A string to use as a title for the tooltip. Takes preference over `tooltipFormat`. ### `xFormat` - Type: String - Default: `'%d'` A datetime formatting string, passed to d3TimeFormat. ### `x2Format` - Type: String - Default: `'%b %Y'` A datetime formatting string, passed to d3TimeFormat. ### `yFormat` - Type: String - Default: `'$.3s'` A number formatting string, passed to d3Format. ### `layout` - Type: One of: 'standard', 'comparison', 'compact' - Default: `'standard'` `standard` (default) legend layout in the header or `comparison` moves legend layout to the left or 'compact' has the legend below ### `mode` - Type: One of: 'item-comparison', 'time-comparison' - Default: `'item-comparison'` `item-comparison` (default) or `time-comparison`, this is used to generate correct ARIA properties. ### `title` - Type: String - Default: null A title describing this chart. ### `type` - Type: One of: 'bar', 'line' - Default: `'line'` Chart type of either `line` or `bar`. ### `intervalData` - Type: Object - Default: null Information about the currently selected interval, and set of allowed intervals for the chart. See `getIntervalsForQuery`. ### `interval` - Type: One of: 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year' - Default: `'day'` Interval specification (hourly, daily, weekly etc). ### `allowedIntervals` - Type: Array - Default: null Allowed intervals to show in a dropdown. `D3Chart` (component) ===================== A simple D3 line and bar chart component for timeseries data in React. Props ----- ### `className` - Type: String - Default: null Additional CSS classes. ### `colorScheme` - Type: Function - Default: null A chromatic color function to be passed down to d3. ### `data` - Type: Array - Default: `[]` An array of data. ### `dateParser` - Type: String - Default: `'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'` Format to parse dates into d3 time format ### `height` - Type: Number - Default: `200` Relative viewpoirt height of the `svg`. ### `interval` - Type: One of: 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year' - Default: null Interval specification (hourly, daily, weekly etc.) ### `layout` - Type: One of: 'standard', 'comparison', 'compact' - Default: `'standard'` `standard` (default) legend layout in the header or `comparison` moves legend layout to the left or 'compact' has the legend below ### `pointLabelFormat` - Type: String - Default: null Date format of the point labels (might be used in tooltips and ARIA properties). ### `margin` - Type: Object - bottom: Number - left: Number - right: Number - top: Number - Default: `{ bottom: 30, left: 40, right: 0, top: 20, }` Margins for axis and chart padding. ### `mode` - Type: One of: 'item-comparison', 'time-comparison' - Default: `'item-comparison'` `items-comparison` (default) or `time-comparison`, this is used to generate correct ARIA properties. ### `orderedKeys` - Type: Array - Default: null The list of labels for this chart. ### `tooltipFormat` - Type: String - Default: `'%B %d, %Y'` A datetime formatting string to format the date displayed as the title of the toolip if `tooltipTitle` is missing, passed to d3TimeFormat. ### `tooltipTitle` - Type: String - Default: null A string to use as a title for the tooltip. Takes preference over `tooltipFormat`. ### `type` - Type: One of: 'bar', 'line' - Default: `'line'` Chart type of either `line` or `bar`. ### `width` - Type: Number - Default: `600` Relative viewport width of the `svg`. ### `xFormat` - Type: String - Default: `'%Y-%m-%d'` A datetime formatting string, passed to d3TimeFormat. ### `x2Format` - Type: String - Default: `''` A datetime formatting string, passed to d3TimeFormat. ### `yFormat` - Type: String - Default: `'.3s'` A number formatting string, passed to d3Format. `Legend` (component) ==================== A legend specifically designed for the WooCommerce admin charts. Props ----- ### `className` - Type: String - Default: null Additional CSS classes. ### `colorScheme` - Type: Function - Default: null A chromatic color function to be passed down to d3. ### `data` - **Required** - Type: Array - Default: null An array of `orderedKeys`. ### `handleLegendToggle` - Type: Function - Default: null Handles `onClick` event. ### `handleLegendHover` - Type: Function - Default: null Handles `onMouseEnter`/`onMouseLeave` events. ### `legendDirection` - Type: One of: 'row', 'column' - Default: `'row'` Display legend items as a `row` or `column` inside a flex-box. `ChartPlaceholder` (component) ============================== `ChartPlaceholder` displays a large loading indiciator for use in place of a `Chart` while data is loading.