/** * External dependencies */ import type { CheckoutResponse } from '@woocommerce/types'; import { store as noticesStore } from '@wordpress/notices'; import { dispatch as wpDispatch, select as wpSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { STORE_KEY as PAYMENT_STORE_KEY } from '../payment/constants'; import { removeNoticesByStatus } from '../../utils/notices'; import { getPaymentResultFromCheckoutResponse, runCheckoutAfterProcessingWithErrorObservers, runCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccessObservers, } from './utils'; import { EVENTS, emitEvent, emitEventWithAbort, } from '../../base/context/providers/cart-checkout/checkout-events/event-emit'; import type { emitValidateEventType, emitAfterProcessingEventsType, } from './types'; import type { DispatchFromMap } from '../mapped-types'; import * as actions from './actions'; /** * Based on the result of the payment, update the redirect url, * set the payment processing response in the checkout data store * and change the status to AFTER_PROCESSING */ export const __internalProcessCheckoutResponse = ( response: CheckoutResponse ) => { return ( { dispatch, }: { dispatch: DispatchFromMap< typeof actions >; } ) => { const paymentResult = getPaymentResultFromCheckoutResponse( response ); dispatch.__internalSetRedirectUrl( paymentResult?.redirectUrl || '' ); // The local `dispatch` here is bound to the actions of the data store. We need to use the global dispatch here // to dispatch an action on a different store. wpDispatch( PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ).__internalSetPaymentResult( paymentResult ); dispatch.__internalSetAfterProcessing(); }; }; /** * Emit the CHECKOUT_VALIDATION_BEFORE_PROCESSING event and process all * registered observers */ export const __internalEmitValidateEvent: emitValidateEventType = ( { observers, setValidationErrors, // TODO: Fix this type after we move to validation store } ) => { return ( { dispatch, registry } ) => { const { createErrorNotice } = registry.dispatch( noticesStore ); removeNoticesByStatus( 'error' ); emitEvent( observers, EVENTS.CHECKOUT_VALIDATION_BEFORE_PROCESSING, {} ).then( ( response ) => { if ( response !== true ) { if ( Array.isArray( response ) ) { response.forEach( ( { errorMessage, validationErrors } ) => { createErrorNotice( errorMessage, { context: 'wc/checkout', } ); setValidationErrors( validationErrors ); } ); } dispatch.__internalSetIdle(); dispatch.__internalSetHasError(); } else { dispatch.__internalSetProcessing(); } } ); }; }; /** * Emit the CHECKOUT_AFTER_PROCESSING_WITH_ERROR if the checkout contains an error, * or the CHECKOUT_AFTER_PROCESSING_WITH_SUCCESS if not. Set checkout errors according * to the observer responses */ export const __internalEmitAfterProcessingEvents: emitAfterProcessingEventsType = ( { observers, notices } ) => { return ( { select, dispatch, registry } ) => { const { createErrorNotice } = registry.dispatch( noticesStore ); const data = { redirectUrl: select.getRedirectUrl(), orderId: select.getOrderId(), customerId: select.getCustomerId(), orderNotes: select.getOrderNotes(), processingResponse: wpSelect( PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ).getPaymentResult(), }; if ( select.hasError() ) { // allow payment methods or other things to customize the error // with a fallback if nothing customizes it. emitEventWithAbort( observers, EVENTS.CHECKOUT_AFTER_PROCESSING_WITH_ERROR, data ).then( ( observerResponses ) => { runCheckoutAfterProcessingWithErrorObservers( { observerResponses, notices, dispatch, createErrorNotice, data, } ); } ); } else { emitEventWithAbort( observers, EVENTS.CHECKOUT_AFTER_PROCESSING_WITH_SUCCESS, data ).then( ( observerResponses: unknown[] ) => { runCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccessObservers( { observerResponses, dispatch, createErrorNotice, } ); } ); } }; };