/** * External dependencies */ import prepareAddressFields from '@woocommerce/base-components/cart-checkout/address-form/prepare-address-fields'; import { isEmail } from '@wordpress/url'; import type { CartResponseBillingAddress, CartResponseShippingAddress, } from '@woocommerce/types'; import { defaultAddressFields, EnteredAddress } from '@woocommerce/settings'; /** * Compare two addresses and see if they are the same. */ export const isSameAddress = ( address1: EnteredAddress, address2: EnteredAddress ): boolean => { return Object.keys( defaultAddressFields ).every( ( field: string ) => address1[ field as keyof EnteredAddress ] === address2[ field as keyof EnteredAddress ] ); }; /** * pluckAddress takes a full address object and returns relevant fields for calculating * shipping, so we can track when one of them change to update rates. * * @param {Object} address An object containing all address information * @param {string} address.country The country. * @param {string} address.state The state. * @param {string} address.city The city. * @param {string} address.postcode The postal code. * * @return {Object} pluckedAddress An object containing shipping address that are needed to fetch an address. */ export const pluckAddress = ( { country = '', state = '', city = '', postcode = '', }: CartResponseBillingAddress | CartResponseShippingAddress ): { country: string; state: string; city: string; postcode: string; } => ( { country: country.trim(), state: state.trim(), city: city.trim(), postcode: postcode ? postcode.replace( ' ', '' ).toUpperCase() : '', } ); /** * pluckEmail takes a full address object and returns only the email address, if set and valid. Otherwise returns an empty string. * * @param {Object} address An object containing all address information * @param {string} address.email The email address. * @return {string} The email address. */ export const pluckEmail = ( { email = '', }: CartResponseBillingAddress ): string => isEmail( email ) ? email.trim() : ''; /** * Type-guard. */ const isValidAddressKey = ( key: string, address: CartResponseBillingAddress | CartResponseShippingAddress ): key is keyof typeof address => { return key in address; }; /** * Sets fields to an empty string in an address if they are hidden by the settings in countryLocale. * * @param {Object} address The address to empty fields from. * @return {Object} The address with hidden fields values removed. */ export const emptyHiddenAddressFields = < T extends CartResponseBillingAddress | CartResponseShippingAddress >( address: T ): T => { const fields = Object.keys( defaultAddressFields ); const addressFields = prepareAddressFields( fields, {}, address.country ); const newAddress = Object.assign( {}, address ) as T; addressFields.forEach( ( { key = '', hidden = false } ) => { if ( hidden && isValidAddressKey( key, address ) ) { newAddress[ key ] = ''; } } ); return newAddress; };