/** * External dependencies */ import { findSidebarPanelToggleButtonWithTitle } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { visitBlockPage } from './visit-block-page'; import { ensureSidebarOpened } from './ensure-sidebar-opened'; const blockPagePermalinks = {}; /** * Gets the permalink of a page where the block editor is in use. * * @param {string} blockPage The name of the page whose permalink you want to get. * @return {Promise} Returns the permalink of the page. */ export async function getBlockPagePermalink( blockPage ) { if ( blockPagePermalinks[ blockPage ] ) { return blockPagePermalinks[ blockPage ]; } await visitBlockPage( blockPage ); await ensureSidebarOpened(); const panelButton = await findSidebarPanelToggleButtonWithTitle( 'Permalink' ); const ensureLinkClickable = async ( page ) => { let linkVisible = ( await page.$( '.edit-post-post-link__link' ) ) !== null; while ( ! linkVisible ) { await panelButton.click( 'button' ); page.waitForTimeout( 300 ); linkVisible = ( await page.$( '.edit-post-post-link__link' ) ) !== null; } }; await ensureLinkClickable( page ); const link = await page.$eval( '.edit-post-post-link__link', ( el ) => { return el.getAttribute( 'href' ); } ); blockPagePermalinks[ blockPage ] = link; return link; } export default getBlockPagePermalink;