/** * Internal dependencies */ import { normalizeLineItems } from './normalize'; import { errorTypes, errorCodes } from './constants'; /** * External dependencies */ import { getSetting } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * @typedef {import('./type-defs').StripeServerData} StripeServerData * @typedef {import('./type-defs').StripePaymentItem} StripePaymentItem * @typedef {import('./type-defs').StripePaymentRequest} StripePaymentRequest * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/registered-payment-method-props').PreparedCartTotalItem} CartTotalItem */ /** * Stripe data comes form the server passed on a global object. * * @return {StripeServerData} */ const getStripeServerData = () => { const stripeServerData = getSetting( 'stripe_data', null ); if ( ! stripeServerData ) { throw new Error( 'Stripe initialization data is not available' ); } return stripeServerData; }; /** * Returns the public api key for the stripe payment method * * @throws Error * @return {string} The public api key for the stripe payment method. */ const getApiKey = () => { const apiKey = getStripeServerData().publicKey; if ( ! apiKey ) { throw new Error( 'There is no api key available for stripe. Make sure it is available on the wc.stripe_data.stripe.key property.' ); } return apiKey; }; /** * The total PaymentItem object used for the stripe PaymentRequest object. * * @param {CartTotalItem} total The total amount. * * @return {StripePaymentItem} The PaymentItem object used for stripe. */ const getTotalPaymentItem = ( total ) => { return { label: getStripeServerData().stripeTotalLabel || __( 'Total', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), amount: total.value, }; }; /** * Returns a stripe payment request object * * @param {Object} config A configuration object for * getting the payment request. * @param {Object} config.stripe The stripe api. * @param {CartTotalItem} config.total The amount for the total * (in subunits) provided by * checkout/cart. * @param {string} config.currencyCode The currency code provided * by checkout/cart. * @param {string} config.countryCode The country code provided by * checkout/cart. * @param {boolean} config.shippingRequired Whether or not shipping is * required. * @param {CartTotalItem[]} config.cartTotalItems Array of line items provided * by checkout/cart. * * @return {StripePaymentRequest} A stripe payment request object */ const getPaymentRequest = ( { stripe, total, currencyCode, countryCode, shippingRequired, cartTotalItems, } ) => { const options = { total: getTotalPaymentItem( total ), currency: currencyCode, country: countryCode || 'US', requestPayerName: true, requestPayerEmail: true, requestPayerPhone: true, requestShipping: shippingRequired, displayItems: normalizeLineItems( cartTotalItems ), }; return stripe.paymentRequest( options ); }; /** * Utility function for updating the Stripe PaymentRequest object * * @param {Object} update An object containing the * things needed for the * update * @param {StripePaymentRequest} update.paymentRequest A Stripe payment request * object * @param {CartTotalItem} update.total A total line item. * @param {string} update.currencyCode The currency code for the * amount provided. * @param {CartTotalItem[]} update.cartTotalItems An array of line items * provided by the * cart/checkout. */ const updatePaymentRequest = ( { paymentRequest, total, currencyCode, cartTotalItems, } ) => { paymentRequest.update( { total: getTotalPaymentItem( total ), currency: currencyCode, displayItems: normalizeLineItems( cartTotalItems ), } ); }; /** * Returns whether or not the current session can do apple pay. * * @param {StripePaymentRequest} paymentRequest A Stripe PaymentRequest instance. * * @return {Promise} True means apple pay can be done. */ const canDoPaymentRequest = ( paymentRequest ) => { return new Promise( ( resolve ) => { paymentRequest.canMakePayment().then( ( result ) => { if ( result ) { const paymentRequestType = result.applePay ? 'apple_pay' : 'payment_request_api'; resolve( { canPay: true, requestType: paymentRequestType } ); return; } resolve( { canPay: false } ); } ); } ); }; const isNonFriendlyError = ( type ) => [ errorTypes.INVALID_REQUEST, errorTypes.API_CONNECTION, errorTypes.API_ERROR, errorTypes.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, errorTypes.RATE_LIMIT_ERROR, ].includes( type ); const getErrorMessageForCode = ( code ) => { const messages = { [ errorCodes.INVALID_NUMBER ]: __( 'The card number is not a valid credit card number.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INVALID_EXPIRY_MONTH ]: __( 'The card expiration month is invalid.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INVALID_EXPIRY_YEAR ]: __( 'The card expiration year is invalid.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INVALID_CVC ]: __( 'The card security code is invalid.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INCORRECT_NUMBER ]: __( 'The card number is incorrect.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INCOMPLETE_NUMBER ]: __( 'The card number is incomplete.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INCOMPLETE_CVC ]: __( 'The card security code is incomplete.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INCOMPLETE_EXPIRY ]: __( 'The card expiration date is incomplete.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.EXPIRED_CARD ]: __( 'The card has expired.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INCORRECT_CVC ]: __( 'The card security code is incorrect.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INCORRECT_ZIP ]: __( 'The card zip code failed validation.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.INVALID_EXPIRY_YEAR_PAST ]: __( 'The card expiration year is in the past', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.CARD_DECLINED ]: __( 'The card was declined.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.MISSING ]: __( 'There is no card on a customer that is being charged.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), [ errorCodes.PROCESSING_ERROR ]: __( 'An error occurred while processing the card.', 'woocommerce-gateway-stripe' ), }; return messages[ code ] || null; }; const getErrorMessageForTypeAndCode = ( type, code = '' ) => { switch ( type ) { case errorTypes.INVALID_EMAIL: return __( 'Invalid email address, please correct and try again.', 'woo-gutenberg-product-blocks' ); case isNonFriendlyError( type ): return __( 'Unable to process this payment, please try again or use alternative method.', 'woo-gutenberg-product-blocks' ); case errorTypes.CARD_ERROR: return getErrorMessageForCode( code ); case errorTypes.VALIDATION_ERROR: return ''; // These are shown inline. } return null; }; /** * pluckAddress takes a full address object and returns relevant fields for calculating * shipping, so we can track when one of them change to update rates. * * @param {Object} address An object containing all address information * * @return {Object} pluckedAddress An object containing shipping address that are needed to fetch an address. */ const pluckAddress = ( { country, state, city, postcode } ) => ( { country, state, city, postcode: postcode.replace( ' ', '' ).toUpperCase(), } ); export { getStripeServerData, getApiKey, getTotalPaymentItem, getPaymentRequest, updatePaymentRequest, canDoPaymentRequest, getErrorMessageForTypeAndCode, pluckAddress, };