jQuery( function( $ ) { // wc_address_i18n_params is required to continue, ensure the object exists if (typeof wc_address_i18n_params === "undefined") { return false; } var locale_json = wc_address_i18n_params.locale.replace( /"/g, '"' ), locale = $.parseJSON( locale_json ), required = ' *'; $( 'body' ) // Handle locale .bind( 'country_to_state_changing', function( event, country, wrapper ) { var thisform = wrapper, thislocale; if ( typeof locale[ country ] !== 'undefined' ) { thislocale = locale[ country ]; } else { thislocale = locale['default']; } // Handle locale fields var locale_fields = $.parseJSON( wc_address_i18n_params.locale_fields ); $.each( locale_fields, function( key, value ) { var field = thisform.find( value ); if ( thislocale[ key ] ) { if ( thislocale[ key ].label ) { field.find( 'label' ).html( thislocale[ key ].label ); } if ( thislocale[ key ].placeholder ) { field.find( 'input' ).attr( 'placeholder', thislocale[ key ].placeholder ); } field.find( 'label abbr' ).remove(); if ( typeof thislocale[ key ].required === 'undefined' && locale['default'][ key ].required === true ) { field.find( 'label' ).append( required ); } else if ( thislocale[ key ].required === true ) { field.find( 'label' ).append( required ); } if ( key !== 'state' ) { if ( thislocale[ key ].hidden === true ) { field.hide().find( 'input' ).val( '' ); } else { field.show(); } } } else if ( locale['default'][ key ] ) { if ( locale['default'][ key ].required === true ) { if ( field.find( 'label abbr' ).size() === 0 ) field.find( 'label' ).append( required ); } if ( key !== 'state' ) { if ( typeof locale['default'][ key ].hidden === 'undefined' || locale['default'][ key ].hidden === false ) { field.show(); } else if ( locale['default'][ key ].hidden === true ) { field.hide().find( 'input' ).val( '' ); } } } }); var $postcodefield = thisform.find( '#billing_postcode_field, #shipping_postcode_field' ), $cityfield = thisform.find( '#billing_city_field, #shipping_city_field' ), $statefield = thisform.find( '#billing_state_field, #shipping_state_field' ); if ( ! $postcodefield.attr( 'data-o_class' ) ) { $postcodefield.attr( 'data-o_class', $postcodefield.attr( 'class' ) ); $cityfield.attr( 'data-o_class', $cityfield.attr( 'class' ) ); $statefield.attr( 'data-o_class', $statefield.attr( 'class' ) ); } // Re-order postcode/city if ( thislocale.postcode_before_city ) { $postcodefield.add( $cityfield ).add( $statefield ).removeClass( 'form-row-first form-row-last' ).addClass( 'form-row-wide' ); $postcodefield.insertBefore( $cityfield ); } else { // Default $postcodefield.attr( 'class', $postcodefield.attr( 'data-o_class' ) ); $cityfield.attr( 'class', $cityfield.attr( 'data-o_class' ) ); $statefield.attr( 'class', $statefield.attr( 'data-o_class' ) ); $postcodefield.insertAfter( $statefield ); } }); });