# Components These are shared components used by the blocks. If there's a component that is more universally useful, it should go into [`@woocommerce/components`](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/tree/master/packages/components)– these components are specific to the Gutenberg context. The `*-control` components here are designed to exist in the `InspectorControls` sidebar, or in a Placeholder component for the "edit state" of a block. ## `GridContentControl` A combination of toggle controls for content visibility in product grids. ## `GridLayoutControl` A combination of range controls for product grid layout settings. ## `ProductOrderbyControl` A pre-configured SelectControl for product orderby settings. ## `ProductPreview` Display a preview for a given product. ## `ProductAttributeControl` A component using [`SearchListControl`](https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-admin/#/components/packages/search-list-control) to show product attributes as selectable options. Only allows for selecting attribute terms from one attribute at a time (multiple terms can be selected). ## `ProductCategoryControl` A component using [`SearchListControl`](https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-admin/#/components/packages/search-list-control) to show product categories as selectable options. Options are displayed in hierarchy. Can select multiple categories. ## `ProductControl` A component using [`SearchListControl`](https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-admin/#/components/packages/search-list-control) to show products as selectable options. Only one product can be selected at a time. ## `ProductsControl` A component using [`SearchListControl`](https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-admin/#/components/packages/search-list-control) to show products as selectable options. Multiple products can be selected at once. ## Icons These are a collection of custom icons used by the blocks or components, usually from Material. ## Utilities There are some functions that work across components, these have been extracted into this utilities folder.