/** * External dependencies */ import { assign, spawn } from 'xstate'; import { getQuery, updateQueryString, getNewPath, } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import { dispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { OPTIONS_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { ColorPaletteResponse, designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents, LookAndToneCompletionResponse, Header, Footer, HomepageTemplate, } from './types'; import { aiWizardClosedBeforeCompletionEvent } from './events'; import { businessInfoDescriptionCompleteEvent, lookAndFeelCompleteEvent, toneOfVoiceCompleteEvent, } from './pages'; import { attachIframeListeners, onIframeLoad } from '../utils'; const assignStartLoadingTime = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { startLoadingTime: () => performance.now(), } ); const assignBusinessInfoDescription = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { businessInfoDescription: ( _context, event: unknown ) => { return { descriptionText: ( event as businessInfoDescriptionCompleteEvent ) .payload, }; }, } ); const assignLookAndFeel = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { lookAndFeel: ( context, event: unknown ) => { return { ...context.lookAndFeel, choice: ( event as lookAndFeelCompleteEvent ).payload, }; }, } ); const assignToneOfVoice = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { toneOfVoice: ( context, event: unknown ) => { return { ...context.toneOfVoice, choice: ( event as toneOfVoiceCompleteEvent ).payload, }; }, } ); const assignLookAndTone = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { lookAndFeel: ( _context, event: unknown ) => { return { choice: ( event as { data: LookAndToneCompletionResponse } ).data .look, aiRecommended: ( event as { data: LookAndToneCompletionResponse } ) .data.look, }; }, toneOfVoice: ( _context, event: unknown ) => { return { choice: ( event as { data: LookAndToneCompletionResponse } ).data .tone, aiRecommended: ( event as { data: LookAndToneCompletionResponse } ) .data.tone, }; }, } ); const assignDefaultColorPalette = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { aiSuggestions: ( context, event: unknown ) => { return { ...context.aiSuggestions, defaultColorPalette: ( event as { data: { response: ColorPaletteResponse; }; } ).data.response, }; }, } ); const assignFontPairing = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { aiSuggestions: ( context ) => { let fontPairing = context.aiSuggestions.fontPairing; const choice = context.lookAndFeel.choice; switch ( true ) { case choice === 'Contemporary': fontPairing = 'Inter + Inter'; break; case choice === 'Classic': fontPairing = 'Bodoni Moda + Overpass'; break; case choice === 'Bold': fontPairing = 'Plus Jakarta Sans + Plus Jakarta Sans'; break; } return { ...context.aiSuggestions, fontPairing, }; }, } ); const assignHeader = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { aiSuggestions: ( context, event: unknown ) => { return { ...context.aiSuggestions, header: ( event as { data: { response: Header; }; } ).data.response.slug, }; }, } ); const assignFooter = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { aiSuggestions: ( context, event: unknown ) => { return { ...context.aiSuggestions, footer: ( event as { data: { response: Footer; }; } ).data.response.slug, }; }, } ); const assignHomepageTemplate = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { aiSuggestions: ( context, event: unknown ) => { return { ...context.aiSuggestions, homepageTemplate: ( event as { data: { response: HomepageTemplate; }; } ).data.response.homepage_template, }; }, } ); const updateWooAiStoreDescriptionOption = ( descriptionText: string ) => { return dispatch( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ).updateOptions( { woo_ai_describe_store_description: descriptionText, } ); }; const spawnSaveDescriptionToOption = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { spawnSaveDescriptionToOptionRef: ( context: designWithAiStateMachineContext ) => spawn( () => updateWooAiStoreDescriptionOption( context.businessInfoDescription.descriptionText ), 'update-woo-ai-business-description-option' ), } ); const assignAPICallLoaderError = assign< designWithAiStateMachineContext, designWithAiStateMachineEvents >( { apiCallLoader: () => { recordEvent( 'customize_your_store_ai_wizard_error' ); return { hasErrors: true, }; }, } ); const logAIAPIRequestError = () => { // log AI API request error // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( 'API Request error' ); }; const updateQueryStep = ( _context: unknown, _evt: unknown, { action }: { action: unknown } ) => { const { path } = getQuery() as { path: string }; const step = ( action as { step: string } ).step; const pathFragments = path.split( '/' ); // [0] '', [1] 'customize-store', [2] cys step slug [3] design-with-ai step slug if ( pathFragments[ 1 ] === 'customize-store' && pathFragments[ 2 ] === 'design-with-ai' ) { if ( pathFragments[ 3 ] !== step ) { // this state machine is only concerned with [2], so we ignore changes to [3] // [1] is handled by router at root of wc-admin updateQueryString( {}, `/customize-store/design-with-ai/${ step }` ); } } }; const recordTracksStepViewed = ( _context: unknown, _event: unknown, { action }: { action: unknown } ) => { const { step } = action as { step: string }; recordEvent( 'customize_your_store_ai_wizard_step_view', { step, } ); }; const recordTracksStepClosed = ( _context: unknown, event: aiWizardClosedBeforeCompletionEvent ) => { const { step } = event.payload; recordEvent( `customize_your_store_ai_wizard_step_close`, { step: step.replaceAll( '-', '_' ), } ); }; const recordTracksStepCompleted = ( _context: unknown, _event: unknown, { action }: { action: unknown } ) => { const { step } = action as { step: string }; recordEvent( 'customize_your_store_ai_wizard_step_complete', { step, } ); }; const redirectToAssemblerHub = async ( context: designWithAiStateMachineContext ) => { const assemblerUrl = getNewPath( {}, '/customize-store/assembler-hub', {} ); const iframe = document.createElement( 'iframe' ); iframe.classList.add( 'cys-fullscreen-iframe' ); iframe.src = assemblerUrl; const showIframe = () => { if ( iframe.style.opacity === '1' ) { // iframe is already visible return; } const loader = document.getElementsByClassName( 'woocommerce-onboarding-loader' ); if ( loader[ 0 ] ) { ( loader[ 0 ] as HTMLElement ).style.display = 'none'; } iframe.style.opacity = '1'; if ( context.startLoadingTime ) { const endLoadingTime = performance.now(); const timeToLoad = endLoadingTime - context.startLoadingTime; recordEvent( 'customize_your_store_ai_wizard_loading_time', { time_in_s: ( timeToLoad / 1000 ).toFixed( 2 ), } ); } }; iframe.onload = () => { // Hide loading UI attachIframeListeners( iframe ); onIframeLoad( showIframe ); // Ceiling wait time set to 60 seconds setTimeout( showIframe, 60 * 1000 ); window.history?.pushState( {}, '', assemblerUrl ); }; document.body.appendChild( iframe ); }; export const actions = { assignStartLoadingTime, assignBusinessInfoDescription, assignLookAndFeel, assignToneOfVoice, assignLookAndTone, assignDefaultColorPalette, assignFontPairing, assignHeader, assignFooter, assignHomepageTemplate, assignAPICallLoaderError, logAIAPIRequestError, updateQueryStep, recordTracksStepViewed, recordTracksStepClosed, recordTracksStepCompleted, spawnSaveDescriptionToOption, redirectToAssemblerHub, };