/** * External dependencies */ import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { PayPal, PAYPAL_PLUGIN } from '../tasks/payments/paypal'; import { getPaymentMethods } from '../tasks/payments/methods'; import { setMethodEnabledOption } from '../../task-list/tasks/payments'; import { GenericPaymentStep } from '../tasks/payments/generic-payment-step'; jest.mock( '@wordpress/api-fetch' ); describe( 'TaskList > Payments', () => { describe( 'Payments', () => { const optionName = 'woocommerce_mollie_payments_settings'; it( 'does not update an option if the value is the same as the current one', async () => { const mockProps = { clearTaskStatusCache: jest.fn(), updateOptions: jest.fn(), options: { woocommerce_klarna_payments_settings: false, woocommerce_mollie_payments_settings: { enabled: 'yes' }, }, }; await setMethodEnabledOption( optionName, 'yes', mockProps ); expect( mockProps.updateOptions ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); it( 'does update an option if the value is different to the current one', async () => { const mockProps = { clearTaskStatusCache: jest.fn(), updateOptions: jest.fn(), options: { woocommerce_klarna_payments_settings: false, woocommerce_mollie_payments_settings: { enabled: 'no' }, }, }; await setMethodEnabledOption( optionName, 'yes', mockProps ); expect( mockProps.updateOptions ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { woocommerce_mollie_payments_settings: { enabled: 'yes' }, } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Methods', () => { const params = { activePlugins: [], countryCode: 'SE', onboardingStatus: {}, options: [], profileItems: { industry: [] }, }; it( 'includes Klarna Checkout for SE, NO, and FI', () => { [ 'SE', 'NO', 'FI' ].forEach( ( countryCode ) => { params.countryCode = countryCode; const methods = getPaymentMethods( params ); expect( methods.some( ( method ) => method.key === 'klarna_checkout' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); it( 'includes Klarna Payment for EU countries', () => { const supportedCountryCodes = [ 'DK', 'DE', 'AT', 'NL', 'CH', 'BE', 'SP', 'PL', 'FR', 'IT', 'GB', ]; supportedCountryCodes.forEach( ( countryCode ) => { params.countryCode = countryCode; const methods = getPaymentMethods( params ); expect( methods.some( ( e ) => e.key === 'klarna_payments' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'Mollie', () => { it( 'Detects the plugin is enabled based on the options passed', () => { const mollieParams = { ...params, options: { woocommerce_mollie_payments_settings: { enabled: 'yes', }, }, }; const mollieMethod = getPaymentMethods( mollieParams ).find( ( method ) => method.key === 'mollie' ); expect( mollieMethod.isEnabled ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'is enabled for supported countries', () => { [ 'FR', 'DE', 'GB', 'AT', 'CH', 'ES', 'IT', 'PL', 'FI', 'NL', 'BE', ].forEach( ( countryCode ) => { const methods = getPaymentMethods( { ...params, countryCode, } ); expect( methods.filter( ( method ) => method.key === 'mollie' ) .length ).toBe( 1 ); } ); } ); } ); it( 'is marked as `isConfigured` if the plugin is active', () => { expect( getPaymentMethods( { ...params, activePlugins: [ 'mollie-payments-for-woocommerce' ], } ).find( ( method ) => method.key === 'mollie' ).isConfigured ).toBe( true ); } ); describe( 'MercadoPago', () => { it( 'Is enabled for supported countries', () => { [ 'AR', 'BR', 'CL', 'CO', 'MX', 'PE', 'UY' ].forEach( ( countryCode ) => { params.countryCode = countryCode; const methods = getPaymentMethods( params ); expect( methods.some( ( method ) => method.key === 'mercadopago' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); it( 'Detects whether the plugin is enabled based on the received options', () => { const mercadoPagoParams = { ...params, onboardingStatus: { enabledPaymentGateways: [ 'mercadopago' ], }, }; const mercadoPagoMethod = getPaymentMethods( mercadoPagoParams ).find( ( method ) => method.key === 'mercadopago' ); expect( mercadoPagoMethod.isEnabled ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); it( 'If the plugin is active `mercadopago` is marked as `isConfigured`', () => { expect( getPaymentMethods( { ...params, activePlugins: [ 'woocommerce-mercadopago' ], } ).find( ( method ) => method.key === 'mercadopago' ) .isConfigured ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'PayPal', () => { afterEach( () => jest.clearAllMocks() ); const mockInstallStep = { isComplete: true, key: 'install', label: 'Install', }; it( 'shows API credential inputs when "create account" opted out and OAuth fetch fails', async () => { apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( false ); render( ); // Since the oauth response failed, we should have the API credentials form. expect( await screen.findByText( 'Proceed', { selector: 'button' } ) ).toBeDefined(); expect( screen.queryByLabelText( 'Email address', { selector: 'input', } ) ).toBeDefined(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Merchant Id', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Client Id', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Secret Key', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined(); } ); it( 'shows OAuth connect button', async () => { global.ppcp_onboarding = { reload: () => {}, }; const mockConnectUrl = 'https://connect.woocommerce.test/paypal'; apiFetch.mockResolvedValue( { signupLink: mockConnectUrl, } ); render( ); // Since the oauth response was mocked, we should have a "connect" button. const oauthButton = await screen.findByText( 'Connect', { selector: 'a', } ); expect( oauthButton ).toBeDefined(); expect( oauthButton.href ).toEqual( mockConnectUrl ); expect( oauthButton.dataset.paypalButton ).toEqual( 'true' ); expect( oauthButton.dataset.paypalOnboardButton ).toEqual( 'true' ); } ); } ); describe( 'Payfast', () => { const params = { activePlugins: [], countryCode: 'ZA', onboardingStatus: {}, options: [], profileItems: { industry: [] }, }; const mockInstallStep = { isComplete: true, key: 'install', label: 'Install', }; it( 'Detects the plugin is enabled based on the options passed', () => { const payfastParams = { ...params, options: { woocommerce_payfast_settings: { enabled: 'yes', }, }, }; const payfastMethod = getPaymentMethods( payfastParams ).find( ( method ) => method.key === 'payfast' ); expect( payfastMethod.isEnabled ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'is enabled for supported countries', () => { [ 'ZA' ].forEach( ( countryCode ) => { const methods = getPaymentMethods( { ...params, countryCode, } ); expect( methods.filter( ( method ) => method.key === 'payfast' ) .length ).toBe( 1 ); } ); } ); it( 'shows API credential inputs', async () => { const payfastMethod = getPaymentMethods( params ).find( ( method ) => method.key === 'payfast' ); render( ); // Since the oauth response failed, we should have the API credentials form. expect( await screen.findByText( 'Proceed', { selector: 'button' } ) ).toBeDefined(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Merchant ID', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Merchant Key', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Passphrase', { selector: 'input' } ) ).toBeDefined(); } ); } ); describe( 'Paystack', () => { const params = { activePlugins: [], countryCode: 'ZA', onboardingStatus: {}, options: [], profileItems: { industry: [] }, }; const mockInstallStep = { isComplete: true, key: 'install', label: 'Install', }; it( 'Detects the plugin is enabled based on the enabled gateways', () => { const paystackParams = { ...params, onboardingStatus: { enabledPaymentGateways: [ 'paystack' ], }, }; const paystackMethod = getPaymentMethods( paystackParams ).find( ( method ) => method.key === 'paystack' ); expect( paystackMethod.isEnabled ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'is enabled for supported countries', () => { [ 'ZA', 'GH', 'NG' ].forEach( ( countryCode ) => { const methods = getPaymentMethods( { ...params, countryCode, } ); expect( methods.filter( ( method ) => method.key === 'paystack' ) .length ).toBe( 1 ); } ); } ); it( 'shows API credential inputs', async () => { const payfastMethod = getPaymentMethods( params ).find( ( method ) => method.key === 'paystack' ); render( ); // Since the oauth response failed, we should have the API credentials form. expect( await screen.findByText( 'Proceed', { selector: 'button' } ) ).toBeDefined(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Live Public Key', { selector: 'input', } ) ).toBeDefined(); expect( screen.getByLabelText( 'Live Secret Key', { selector: 'input', } ) ).toBeDefined(); } ); } ); } );