|--path=] Checks that a monorepo commit contains a Changelogger change entry for each project touched. --debug, -v Display verbose output. --list Just list projects, no explanatory output. --path=, Project path to check for changed files. -p Base git ref to compare for changed files. Head git ref to compare for changed files. EOH; exit( 1 ); } // Options followed by a single colon have a required value. $short_options = 'vhp:'; $long_options = array( 'debug', 'list', 'help', 'path:', ); $options = getopt( $short_options, $long_options, $remain_index ); $arg_count = count( $argv ) - $remain_index; if ( isset( $options['h'] ) || isset( $options['help'] ) ) { usage(); } $list = isset( $options['l'] ) || isset( $options['list'] ); $verbose = isset( $options['v'] ) || isset( $options['debug'] ); $path = false; if ( isset( $options['p'] ) || isset( $options['path'] ) ) { $path = isset( $options['path'] ) ? $options['path'] : $options['p']; } if ( $arg_count > 2 ) { fprintf( STDERR, "\e[1;31mToo many arguments.\e[0m\n" ); usage(); } if ( $arg_count < 2 ) { fprintf( STDERR, "\e[1;31mBase and head refs are required.\e[0m\n" ); usage(); } $base = $argv[ count( $argv ) - 2 ]; $head = $argv[ count( $argv ) - 1 ]; if ( $verbose ) { /** * Output debug info. * * @param array ...$args Arguments to printf. A newline is automatically appended. */ function debug( ...$args ) { if ( getenv( 'CI' ) ) { $args[0] = "\e[34m{$args[0]}\e[0m\n"; } else { $args[0] = "\e[1;30m{$args[0]}\e[0m\n"; } fprintf( STDERR, ...$args ); } } else { /** * Do not output debug info. */ function debug() { } } $base_path = dirname( dirname( __DIR__ ) ); $workspace_paths = array(); $workspace_yaml = file_get_contents( $base_path . '/pnpm-workspace.yaml' ); if ( preg_match( '/^packages:((\n\s+.+)+)/', $workspace_yaml, $matches ) ) { $packages_config = $matches[1]; if ( preg_match_all( "/^\s+-\s?'([^']+)'/m", $packages_config, $matches ) ) { $workspace_paths = $matches[1]; } } $composer_files = array_map( function( $path ) { return glob( $path . '/composer.json' ); }, $workspace_paths ); $composer_files = array_merge( ...$composer_files ); $composer_projects = array_map( 'dirname', $composer_files ); if ( $path && ! count( $composer_projects ) ) { debug( sprintf( 'The provided project path, %s, did not contain a composer file.', $path ) ); exit( 1 ); } // Find projects that use changelogger, and read the relevant config. $changelogger_projects = array(); foreach ( $composer_projects as $project_path ) { try { $data = json_decode( file_get_contents( $base_path . '/' . $project_path . '/composer.json' ), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR ); if ( ! isset( $data['require']['automattic/jetpack-changelogger'] ) && ! isset( $data['require-dev']['automattic/jetpack-changelogger'] ) ) { continue; } } catch ( Exception $e ) { continue; } $data = isset( $data['extra']['changelogger'] ) ? $data['extra']['changelogger'] : array(); $data += array( 'changelog' => $project_path . '/CHANGELOG.md', 'changes-dir' => $project_path . '/changelog', ); $changelogger_projects[ $project_path ] = $data; } // Support centralizing the changelogs for multiple components and validating them together. $project_component_map = array( 'plugins/woocommerce-admin' => 'plugins/woocommerce', ); // Process the diff. debug( 'Checking diff from %s...%s.', $base, $head ); $pipes = null; $p = proc_open( sprintf( 'git -c core.quotepath=off diff --no-renames --name-only %s...%s', escapeshellarg( $base ), escapeshellarg( $head ) ), array( array( 'pipe', 'r' ), array( 'pipe', 'w' ), STDERR ), $pipes ); if ( ! $p ) { exit( 1 ); } fclose( $pipes[0] ); $ok_projects = array(); $touched_projects = array(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.FoundInWhileCondition while ( ( $line = fgets( $pipes[1] ) ) ) { $line = trim( $line ); $project_match = false; foreach( $composer_projects as $path ) { if ( substr( $line, 0, strlen( $path ) + 1 ) === $path . '/' ) { $project_match = $path; break; } } // Also try to match to project components. if ( false === $project_match ) { foreach ( $project_component_map as $path => $project ) { if ( substr( $line, 0, strlen( $path ) + 1 ) === $path . '/' ) { debug( 'Mapping %s to project %s.', $line, $project ); $project_match = $project; break; } } } if ( false === $project_match ) { debug( 'Ignoring non-project file %s.', $line ); continue; } if ( ! isset( $changelogger_projects[ $project_match ] ) ) { debug( 'Ignoring file %s, project %s does not use changelogger.', $line, $project_match ); continue; } if ( basename( $line ) === $changelogger_projects[ $project_match ]['changelog'] ) { debug( 'Ignoring changelog file %s.', $line ); continue; } if ( dirname( $line ) === $changelogger_projects[ $project_match ]['changes-dir'] ) { if ( '.' === basename( $line )[0] ) { debug( 'Ignoring changes dir dotfile %s.', $line ); } else { debug( 'PR touches file %s, marking %s as having a change file.', $line, $project_match ); $ok_projects[ $project_match ] = true; } continue; } debug( 'PR touches file %s, marking %s as touched.', $line, $project_match ); if ( ! isset( $touched_projects[ $project_match ] ) ) { $touched_projects[ $project_match ][] = $line; } } fclose( $pipes[1] ); $status = proc_close( $p ); if ( $status ) { exit( $status ); } // Output. ksort( $touched_projects ); $exit = 0; foreach ( $touched_projects as $slug => $files ) { if ( empty( $ok_projects[ $slug ] ) ) { if ( $list ) { echo "$slug\n"; } elseif ( getenv( 'CI' ) ) { printf( "---\n" ); // Bracket message containing newlines for better visibility in GH's logs. printf( "::error::Project %s is being changed, but no change file in %s is touched!%%0A%%0AUse `pnpm --filter=%s run changelog add` to add a change file.\n", $slug, "$slug/{$changelogger_projects[ $slug ]['changes-dir']}/", $slug ); printf( "---\n" ); $exit = 1; } else { printf( "\e[1;31mProject %s is being changed, but no change file in %s is touched!\e[0m\n", $slug, "$slug/{$changelogger_projects[ $slug ]['changes-dir']}/" ); $exit = 1; } } } if ( $exit && ! getenv( 'CI' ) && ! $list ) { printf( "\e[32mUse `pnpm --filter={project} run changelog add` to add a change file for each project.\e[0m\n" ); } exit( $exit );