import { URL } from 'url'; import { activateTheme, canvas, getCurrentSiteEditorContent, insertBlock, trashAllPosts, } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; import { addQueryArgs } from '@wordpress/url'; import { getNormalPagePermalink, visitPostOfType, } from '@woocommerce/blocks-test-utils'; import { BASE_URL, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, filterCurrentBlocks, getAllTemplates, goToSiteEditor, saveTemplate, waitForCanvas, } from '../../utils'; async function visitTemplateAndAddCustomParagraph( templateSlug, customText = CUSTOMIZED_STRING ) { const templateQuery = addQueryArgs( '', { postId: `woocommerce/woocommerce//${ templateSlug }`, postType: 'wp_template', } ); await goToSiteEditor( templateQuery ); await waitForCanvas(); await insertBlock( 'Paragraph' ); await page.keyboard.type( customText ); await saveTemplate(); } function blockSelector( id ) { return `[data-type="${ id }"]`; } function defaultTemplateProps( templateTitle ) { return { templateTitle, addedBy: WOOCOMMERCE_ID, hasActions: false, }; } function legacyBlockSelector( title ) { return `${ blockSelector( 'woocommerce/legacy-template' ) }[data-title="${ title }"]`; } const BLOCK_DATA = { 'archive-product': { attributes: { placeholder: 'archive-product', template: 'archive-product', title: 'WooCommerce Product Grid Block', }, name: 'woocommerce/legacy-template', }, 'single-product': { attributes: { placeholder: 'single-product', template: 'single-product', title: 'WooCommerce Single Product Block', }, name: 'woocommerce/legacy-template', }, 'taxonomy-product_cat': { attributes: { placeholder: 'archive-product', template: 'taxonomy-product_cat', title: 'WooCommerce Product Taxonomy Block', }, name: 'woocommerce/legacy-template', }, }; const SELECTORS = { blocks: { paragraph: blockSelector( 'core/paragraph' ), productArchive: legacyBlockSelector( 'WooCommerce Product Grid Block' ), singleProduct: legacyBlockSelector( 'WooCommerce Single Product Block' ), }, }; const CUSTOMIZED_STRING = 'My awesome customization'; const WOOCOMMERCE_ID = 'woocommerce/woocommerce'; const WOOCOMMERCE_PARSED_ID = 'WooCommerce'; describe( 'Store Editing Templates', () => { beforeAll( async () => { await activateTheme( 'emptytheme' ); await trashAllPosts( 'wp_template' ); await trashAllPosts( 'wp_template_part' ); } ); afterAll( async () => { await activateTheme( 'twentytwentyone' ); } ); describe( 'Single Product block template', () => { it( 'default template from WooCommerce Blocks is available on an FSE theme', async () => { const EXPECTED_TEMPLATE = defaultTemplateProps( 'Single Product' ); await goToSiteEditor( '?postType=wp_template' ); const templates = await getAllTemplates(); try { expect( templates ).toContainEqual( EXPECTED_TEMPLATE ); } catch ( ok ) { // Depending on the speed of the execution and whether Chrome is headless or not // the id might be parsed or not expect( templates ).toContainEqual( { ...EXPECTED_TEMPLATE, addedBy: WOOCOMMERCE_PARSED_ID, } ); } } ); it( 'should contain the "WooCommerce Single Product Block" legacy template', async () => { const templateQuery = addQueryArgs( '', { postId: 'woocommerce/woocommerce//single-product', postType: 'wp_template', } ); await goToSiteEditor( templateQuery ); await waitForCanvas(); const [ legacyBlock ] = await filterCurrentBlocks( ( block ) => === BLOCK_DATA[ 'single-product' ].name ); // Comparing only the `template` property currently // because the other properties seem to be slightly unreliable. // Investigation pending. expect( legacyBlock.attributes.template ).toBe( BLOCK_DATA[ 'single-product' ].attributes.template ); expect( await getCurrentSiteEditorContent() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); it( 'should show the action menu if the template has been customized by the user', async () => { const EXPECTED_TEMPLATE = { ...defaultTemplateProps( 'Single Product' ), hasActions: true, }; await visitTemplateAndAddCustomParagraph( 'single-product' ); await goToSiteEditor( '?postType=wp_template' ); const templates = await getAllTemplates(); try { expect( templates ).toContainEqual( EXPECTED_TEMPLATE ); } catch ( ok ) { // Depending on the speed of the execution and whether Chrome is headless or not // the id might be parsed or not expect( templates ).toContainEqual( { ...EXPECTED_TEMPLATE, addedBy: WOOCOMMERCE_PARSED_ID, } ); } } ); it( 'should preserve and correctly show the user customization on the back-end', async () => { const templateQuery = addQueryArgs( '', { postId: 'woocommerce/woocommerce//single-product', postType: 'wp_template', } ); await goToSiteEditor( templateQuery ); await waitForCanvas(); await expect( canvas() ).toMatchElement( SELECTORS.blocks.paragraph, { text: CUSTOMIZED_STRING, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } ); } ); it( 'should show the user customization on the front-end', async () => { const exampleProductName = 'Woo Single #1'; await visitPostOfType( exampleProductName, 'product' ); const permalink = await getNormalPagePermalink(); await page.goto( permalink ); await expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'p', { text: CUSTOMIZED_STRING, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Product Archive block template', () => { it( 'default template from WooCommerce Blocks is available on an FSE theme', async () => { const EXPECTED_TEMPLATE = defaultTemplateProps( 'Product Archive' ); await goToSiteEditor( '?postType=wp_template' ); const templates = await getAllTemplates(); try { expect( templates ).toContainEqual( EXPECTED_TEMPLATE ); } catch ( ok ) { // Depending on the speed of the execution and whether Chrome is headless or not // the id might be parsed or not expect( templates ).toContainEqual( { ...EXPECTED_TEMPLATE, addedBy: WOOCOMMERCE_PARSED_ID, } ); } } ); it( 'should contain the "WooCommerce Product Archive Block" legacy template', async () => { const templateQuery = addQueryArgs( '', { postId: 'woocommerce/woocommerce//archive-product', postType: 'wp_template', } ); await goToSiteEditor( templateQuery ); await waitForCanvas(); const [ legacyBlock ] = await filterCurrentBlocks( ( block ) => === BLOCK_DATA[ 'archive-product' ].name ); expect( legacyBlock.attributes.template ).toBe( BLOCK_DATA[ 'archive-product' ].attributes.template ); expect( await getCurrentSiteEditorContent() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); it( 'should show the action menu if the template has been customized by the user', async () => { const EXPECTED_TEMPLATE = { ...defaultTemplateProps( 'Product Archive' ), hasActions: true, }; await visitTemplateAndAddCustomParagraph( 'archive-product' ); await goToSiteEditor( '?postType=wp_template' ); const templates = await getAllTemplates(); try { expect( templates ).toContainEqual( EXPECTED_TEMPLATE ); } catch ( ok ) { // Depending on the speed of the execution and whether Chrome is headless or not // the id might be parsed or not expect( templates ).toContainEqual( { ...EXPECTED_TEMPLATE, addedBy: WOOCOMMERCE_PARSED_ID, } ); } } ); it( 'should preserve and correctly show the user customization on the back-end', async () => { const templateQuery = addQueryArgs( '', { postId: 'woocommerce/woocommerce//archive-product', postType: 'wp_template', } ); await goToSiteEditor( templateQuery ); await waitForCanvas(); await expect( canvas() ).toMatchElement( SELECTORS.blocks.paragraph, { text: CUSTOMIZED_STRING, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } ); } ); it( 'should show the user customization on the front-end', async () => { await page.goto( new URL( '/?post_type=product', BASE_URL ) ); const exampleProductName = 'Woo Single #1'; await visitPostOfType( exampleProductName, 'product' ); const permalink = await getNormalPagePermalink(); await page.goto( permalink ); await expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'p', { text: CUSTOMIZED_STRING, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, } ); } ); } ); describe( 'Product Category block template', () => { it( 'default template from WooCommerce Blocks is available on an FSE theme', async () => { const EXPECTED_TEMPLATE = defaultTemplateProps( 'Product Category' ); await goToSiteEditor( '?postType=wp_template' ); const templates = await getAllTemplates(); try { expect( templates ).toContainEqual( EXPECTED_TEMPLATE ); } catch ( ok ) { // Depending on the speed of the execution and whether Chrome is headless or not // the id might be parsed or not expect( templates ).toContainEqual( { ...EXPECTED_TEMPLATE, addedBy: WOOCOMMERCE_PARSED_ID, } ); } } ); it( 'should contain the "WooCommerce Product Taxonomy Block" legacy template', async () => { const templateQuery = addQueryArgs( '', { postId: 'woocommerce/woocommerce//taxonomy-product_cat', postType: 'wp_template', } ); await goToSiteEditor( templateQuery ); await waitForCanvas(); const [ legacyBlock ] = await filterCurrentBlocks( ( block ) => === BLOCK_DATA[ 'taxonomy-product_cat' ].name ); expect( legacyBlock.attributes.template ).toBe( BLOCK_DATA[ 'taxonomy-product_cat' ].attributes.template ); expect( await getCurrentSiteEditorContent() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); it( 'should show the action menu if the template has been customized by the user', async () => { const EXPECTED_TEMPLATE = { ...defaultTemplateProps( 'Product Category' ), hasActions: true, }; await visitTemplateAndAddCustomParagraph( 'taxonomy-product_cat' ); await goToSiteEditor( '?postType=wp_template' ); const templates = await getAllTemplates(); try { expect( templates ).toContainEqual( EXPECTED_TEMPLATE ); } catch ( ok ) { // Depending on the speed of the execution and whether Chrome is headless or not // the id might be parsed or not expect( templates ).toContainEqual( { ...EXPECTED_TEMPLATE, addedBy: WOOCOMMERCE_PARSED_ID, } ); } } ); it( 'should preserve and correctly show the user customization on the back-end', async () => { const templateQuery = addQueryArgs( '', { postId: 'woocommerce/woocommerce//taxonomy-product_cat', postType: 'wp_template', } ); await goToSiteEditor( templateQuery ); await waitForCanvas(); await expect( canvas() ).toMatchElement( SELECTORS.blocks.paragraph, { text: CUSTOMIZED_STRING, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } ); } ); it( 'should show the user customization on the front-end', async () => { await page.goto( new URL( '/product-category/uncategorized', BASE_URL ) ); await expect( page ).toMatchElement( 'p', { text: CUSTOMIZED_STRING, timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, } ); } ); } ); } );