/** * External dependencies */ import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { ReportSummary } from '../'; describe( 'ReportSummary', () => { function renderChart( type, primaryValue, secondaryValue, isError = false, isRequesting = false, props ) { const selectedChart = { key: 'total_sales', label: 'Total Sales', type, }; const charts = [ selectedChart ]; const endpoint = 'revenue'; const query = {}; const summaryData = { totals: { primary: { total_sales: primaryValue, }, secondary: { total_sales: secondaryValue, }, }, isError, isRequesting, }; return render( ); } test( 'should set the correct prop values for the SummaryNumber components', async () => { renderChart( 'number', 1000.5, 500.25 ); expect( screen.getByText( '1,000.5' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); const delta = screen.getByText( '100%' ); expect( delta ).toBeInTheDocument(); userEvent.hover( delta ); const tooltip = await screen.findByText( 'Previous Year: 500.25' ); expect( tooltip ).toBeInTheDocument(); userEvent.unhover( delta ); expect( screen.queryByText( 'Previous Year: 500.25' ) ).toBeNull(); } ); test( 'should format currency numbers properly', async () => { renderChart( 'currency', 1000.5, 500.25 ); expect( screen.getByText( '$1,000.50' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); const delta = screen.getByText( '100%' ); expect( delta ).toBeInTheDocument(); userEvent.hover( delta ); const tooltip = await screen.findByText( 'Previous Year: $500.25' ); expect( tooltip ).toBeInTheDocument(); userEvent.unhover( delta ); expect( screen.queryByText( 'Previous Year: $500.25' ) ).toBeNull(); } ); test( 'should format average numbers properly', async () => { renderChart( 'average', 1000.5, 500.25 ); expect( screen.getByText( '1001' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); const delta = screen.getByText( '100%' ); expect( delta ).toBeInTheDocument(); userEvent.hover( delta ); const tooltip = await screen.findByText( 'Previous Year: 500' ); expect( tooltip ).toBeInTheDocument(); userEvent.unhover( delta ); expect( screen.queryByText( 'Previous Year: 500' ) ).toBeNull(); } ); test( 'should not break if secondary value is 0', async () => { renderChart( 'number', 1000.5, 0 ); expect( screen.getByText( '1,000.5' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); const delta = screen.getByText( '0%' ); expect( delta ).toBeInTheDocument(); userEvent.hover( delta ); const tooltip = await screen.findByText( 'Previous Year: 0' ); expect( tooltip ).toBeInTheDocument(); userEvent.unhover( delta ); expect( screen.queryByText( 'Previous Year: 0' ) ).toBeNull(); } ); test( 'should show 0s when displaying an empty search', async () => { renderChart( 'number', null, undefined ); expect( screen.getAllByText( 'N/A' ) ).not.toBeNull(); const delta = screen.getByLabelText( 'No change from Previous Year:' ); expect( delta ).toBeInTheDocument(); } ); test( 'should display ReportError when isError is true', () => { renderChart( 'number', null, null, true ); expect( screen.getByText( 'There was an error getting your stats. Please try again.' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); } ); test( 'should display SummaryListPlaceholder when isRequesting is true', () => { const { container } = renderChart( 'number', null, null, false, true ); expect( container.querySelector( '.woocommerce-summary.is-placeholder' ) ).toBeInTheDocument(); } ); } );