'use strict'; const chalk = require( 'chalk' ); const promptly = require( 'promptly' ); const { REPO, pkg } = require( '../config' ); const { make } = require( '../common' ); const { fetchAllPullRequests } = require( './requests' ); /* eslint no-console: 0 */ let ready = false; const makeChangeLog = async () => { if ( ! pkg.changelog.ghApiToken ) { console.log( chalk.yellow( 'This program requires an api token. You can create one here: ' ) + 'https://github.com/settings/tokens' ); console.log( '' ); console.log( chalk.yellow( 'Token scope will require read permissions on public_repo, admin:org, and user.' ) ); console.log( '' ); console.log( chalk.yellow( 'Export the token as variable called GH_API_TOKEN from your bash profile.' ) ); console.log( '' ); ready = await promptly.confirm( 'Are you ready to continue? ' ); } else { console.log( chalk.green( 'Detected GH_API_TOKEN is set.' ) ); ready = true; } if ( ready ) { console.log( '' ); console.log( chalk.yellow( 'In order to generate the changelog, you will have to provide a version number to retrieve the PRs from.' ) ); console.log( '' ); console.log( chalk.yellow( 'Write it as it appears in the milestones page: ' ) + `https://github.com/${ REPO }/milestones` ); console.log( '' ); const version = await promptly.prompt( 'Version number: ' ); console.log( '' ); console.log( chalk.green( 'Here is the generated changelog. Be sure to remove entries ' + `not intended for a ${ pkg.title } release.` ) ); console.log( '' ); make( fetchAllPullRequests, version ); } else { console.log( '' ); console.log( chalk.yellow( 'Ok, see you soon.' ) ); console.log( '' ); } }; module.exports = { makeChangeLog, };