/** * External dependencies */ import { CART_STORE_KEY as storeKey } from '@woocommerce/block-data'; import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { isObject } from '@woocommerce/types'; import { useEffect, useRef, useCallback } from '@wordpress/element'; import { deriveSelectedShippingRates } from '@woocommerce/base-utils'; import isShallowEqual from '@wordpress/is-shallow-equal'; import { previewCart } from '@woocommerce/resource-previews'; import { useThrowError } from '@woocommerce/base-hooks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { useStoreEvents } from '../use-store-events'; import type { ShippingData } from './types'; export const useShippingData = (): ShippingData => { const { shippingRates, needsShipping, hasCalculatedShipping, isLoadingRates, isCollectable, isSelectingRate, } = useSelect( ( select ) => { const isEditor = !! select( 'core/editor' ); const store = select( storeKey ); const rates = isEditor ? previewCart.shipping_rates : store.getShippingRates(); return { shippingRates: rates, needsShipping: isEditor ? previewCart.needs_shipping : store.getNeedsShipping(), hasCalculatedShipping: isEditor ? previewCart.has_calculated_shipping : store.getHasCalculatedShipping(), isLoadingRates: isEditor ? false : store.isCustomerDataUpdating(), isCollectable: rates.every( ( { shipping_rates: packageShippingRates } ) => packageShippingRates.find( ( { method_id: methodId } ) => methodId === 'pickup_location' ) ), isSelectingRate: isEditor ? false : store.isShippingRateBeingSelected(), }; } ); // set selected rates on ref so it's always current. const selectedRates = useRef< Record< string, string > >( {} ); useEffect( () => { const derivedSelectedRates = deriveSelectedShippingRates( shippingRates ); if ( isObject( derivedSelectedRates ) && ! isShallowEqual( selectedRates.current, derivedSelectedRates ) ) { selectedRates.current = derivedSelectedRates; } }, [ shippingRates ] ); const { selectShippingRate: dispatchSelectShippingRate } = useDispatch( storeKey ) as { selectShippingRate: unknown; } as { selectShippingRate: ( newShippingRateId: string, packageId?: string | number ) => Promise< unknown >; }; // Selects a shipping rate, fires an event, and catch any errors. const throwError = useThrowError(); const { dispatchCheckoutEvent } = useStoreEvents(); const selectShippingRate = useCallback( ( newShippingRateId: string, packageId?: string | number | undefined ): void => { let selectPromise; /** * Picking location handling * * Forces pickup location to be selected for all packages since we don't allow a mix of shipping and pickup. */ const hasSelectedLocalPickup = !! Object.values( selectedRates.current ).find( ( rate ) => rate.includes( 'pickup_location:' ) ); if ( newShippingRateId.includes( 'pickup_location:' ) || hasSelectedLocalPickup ) { selectPromise = dispatchSelectShippingRate( newShippingRateId ); } else { selectPromise = dispatchSelectShippingRate( newShippingRateId, packageId ); } selectPromise .then( () => { dispatchCheckoutEvent( 'set-selected-shipping-rate', { shippingRateId: newShippingRateId, } ); } ) .catch( ( error ) => { // Throw an error because an error when selecting a rate is problematic. throwError( error ); } ); }, [ dispatchSelectShippingRate, dispatchCheckoutEvent, throwError, selectedRates, ] ); return { isSelectingRate, selectedRates: selectedRates.current, selectShippingRate, shippingRates, needsShipping, hasCalculatedShipping, isLoadingRates, isCollectable, hasSelectedLocalPickup: !! Object.values( selectedRates.current ).find( ( rate ) => rate.includes( 'pickup_location:' ) ), }; };